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Date with a Vampire

Page 16

by Raine English

  Melody dropped the tube. It rolled up against the limestone table. Gelda snapped her fingers, and a vampire took hold of each of Melody’s arms. The others lit incense from the torches which lined the room. The strong smell of frankincense and sandalwood made her want to sneeze.

  “Proceed,” Gelda snapped.

  They marched Melody toward a tunnel. She squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to see or know what they had in store for her next.


  Melody? Guystof swore he heard her cry for help. Although exhausted, he ran toward the torchlight. The tunnel opened up to a heavily perfumed cavern filled with a smoky haze. His excitement turned to dismay. Melody wasn’t there. Could he have imagined hearing her voice? He scanned the room, his gaze landing on a limestone table with shackles attached to each end. He’d seen that table before. In Theo’s magic goblet. His pulse raced. Melody had been there. He had heard her cry for help. It wasn’t his imagination.

  From the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of metal. On the floor lay a silver tube. He picked it up and opened the top. Lipstick. Blood-red lipstick. As a boy, he’d attended Tessa’s turning ceremony. Blood-red lipstick was the final step in the preparation process. That could mean only one thing for Melody. It was just a matter of minutes before she would lose her mortal life.

  Five tunnels led out of the cave and he had to choose the correct one. There was no time for a mistake. He rubbed his temples in an attempt to ease a pounding headache. It had to have been caused by that awful smell. What was it? The odor was vaguely familiar. Incense! That too had been used in the turning ceremony. He raced over to a tunnel and inhaled deeply. The air was clear. He ran to another, and there was no mistaking the strong odor. Melody had to have been taken down that passage.

  He dashed into the tunnel and was plunged into darkness. It took a little while for his eyes to adjust to the lack of light, so he felt his way by holding his arms out at his sides and feeling the tunnel walls. They were wet and slimy, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was finding Melody. The incense smell was growing stronger with each step he took. Soon a pinpoint of light broke the darkness and he strode forward gingerly. He heard chanting. That could mean only one thing. The turning ceremony had begun, and afterward, Theo would make Melody his bride.

  Guystof’s blood boiled. It took all his willpower to keep from charging forward into the ceremony, but that would be the worst thing he could do. They would take him captive, and then he would be of no use to Melody. He had to sneak up on them. Take them by surprise. If he could get to Theo, he could stop the proceedings.

  He crept into the cavern and hid behind a huge sparkling crystal column. This chamber was like a king’s palace. Incredible shimmering stones lined the floor, ceiling, and walls. In the middle of the castle-like formations was an altar, and on it stood Melody.

  The black cape she wore dwarfed her, as did the giant headpiece. Her painted white skin made her eyes so blue they looked like sapphires. A vampire untied Melody’s cape, and it fell in a puddle around her feet. Next, the vampire removed the giant headdress, and Melody’s glorious golden curls tumbled over her shoulders. With her lily-white skin, vivid blue eyes, and bright red lips, she looked like a porcelain doll.

  He wanted desperately to wrap her in his arms and ease her fear, but he couldn’t do that. He needed a plan—a way to free her from Theo and his vampire clan. And he didn’t have one yet.

  Theo stood beside Melody, wearing a military-style overcoat decorated with patches of ancient Romanian characters. Theo slipped off the coat, exposing his bare chest. His torso was bandaged with a sash tied in an X. Tight black pants accentuated his muscular thighs. A blond curl fell over his forehead, giving his face a deceptively boyish quality.

  Theo took hold of Melody’s arm and pulled her toward him. “Now you are mine.” He opened his mouth to expose his fangs and dipped his head, biting the side of her neck.

  Blood spurted onto her chest and into her gold hair. Her screams echoed through the cave. A vein in Guystof’s temple throbbed, and common sense vanished. He lunged forward, grabbing Theo around the waist. He was able to pull him away from Melody before Theo’s vampires tackled him to the ground. He struggled against them, but it was useless. They had his arms and legs pinned.

  Theo stood over him. “You’re a bloody fool, brother. I didn’t want to have to hurt you, but you refuse to give up even when it’s obvious the game is over and I’ve won.”

  “Not as long as I’m still alive you haven’t.”

  Theo laughed. “Don’t be so melodramatic. I won’t kill you, but I will keep you from ruining my plans.” He snapped his fingers, and the vampires pulled Guystof up off the floor, keeping a strong hold on him, however. Theo walked over to Melody and touched her neck where the blood had started to dry.

  “Don’t touch me. I despise you.”

  “Ah, such a shame, my dear, since you’ll be spending the next thousand years with me. Perhaps over time your feelings will change.”

  “Never,” she cried out and slapped him hard across the face. Theo didn’t flinch, but his eyes burned with fury, and Guystof knew that Melody had made a horrible mistake.

  Theo grabbed her shoulders. “I was going to make this easy on you, but since you insist on fighting me, you will suffer the consequences.” He leaned over and plunged his fangs into her neck like a pitchfork, sending blood spraying.

  “Stop,” Guystof screamed. “That’s torture.”

  Theo pulled back from Melody’s neck, blood dripping down his chin. “How does it feel to be under my control, brother? To know that soon your Melody will be my bride? You’ll never again feel her lips on yours or hear her lovingly call your name.”

  Guystof struggled against the guards. “You’ll never get away with this.”

  Theo chuckled. “But I already have. Soon Melody will be one of us, and then I will make her my wife, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  “When Father learns of this—”

  “Father,” Theo spat. “I’m not afraid of him. Besides, what can he do? Disown me? I think not, for I shall be the one with the rich wife, while you will have nothing. You’ll be the one disinherited. Face it. Game’s over.”

  “Not by a long shot.”

  “I beg to differ. I’m a free man, and you, well, you’re my prisoner.” His laugh echoed throughout the chamber. “And I’ve had enough of you for one day. Ladies, indulge yourselves.”

  The female vampires were all over Guystof like vultures. There wasn’t a part of him that didn’t hurt from their feeding, but despite his torture, all he could think about was Melody. Her life was slipping away, and he was helpless to save her.

  — : : —

  “Please…don’t hurt Guy.” Melody’s words were barely audible.

  “I’d be more concerned with yourself.” Theo stroked her head. “I would have made this easier on you if you hadn’t fought me. I do care about you, you know.”

  “Then let…me go.”

  “Now, you know I can’t do that. You are going to die, my dear, but have no fear. It’s only temporary. When you awaken, you’ll be one of us.”

  “I don’t want to…be like you.”

  Theo tapped his finger against her lips. “I’m surprised to hear you say that. You were more than willing to become a vampire when you agreed to marry my brother.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he clamped his hand over it. “Don’t sap your strength. I know what you were going to say. You love Guystof. Well, I don’t care, and I certainly don’t want or need your love. And you shall never have mine. All you can expect or hope for is my companionship, and you will need it, my dear, if you hope to survive. There will be assassins who will want to hunt you down. Without me, you won’t stand a chance.”

  Melody felt lightheaded and was having difficulty concentrating. She started to sink to the ground, but Theo held her up by the elbows.

  “Just go with it. Don’t fight it,” he advised

  Although she would love to succumb to the grogginess—it would be easy to close her eyes and slip into darkness—she refused to give in.

  “It’s almost over, my dear,” he whispered.

  She cringed at the feeling of his hot breath on her ear and then felt the pressure to her neck as he once again helped himself to her blood. Her eyelids felt like lead. She fought to keep them open, but sleep was winning. Despite her efforts, her eyes closed, and the faces of her loved ones flashed before her—Mom and Dad, Ann, Mags, Billy, Gizmo, and her beloved Guy—then unable to hold on any longer, she surrendered to death.

  — : : —

  Melody’s head lolled onto Theo’s shoulder. Her lifeless body collapsed in his arms. The female vampires stepped back from Guystof, but Gelda kept her fangs in his neck.

  “That’s enough! Haven’t you had your fill?” Theo yelled.

  She looked up at him with blood dripping from her mouth. “Yes, of course. I’m sorry.”

  “Then come with me, and help get Melody settled. I want her to be comfortable when she wakes. The rest of you, take my brother to his room. When he comes to, Melody and I will be married, and he’ll no longer be heir to Dragesa.”

  Theo scooped Melody up into his arms and carried her to a private chamber, where he laid her down gently on the bed, then covered her with a blanket. Although she would come to love the cold, it would take a while. He ran his hand across her cheek. Her skin was as soft as a rose petal. He was going to enjoy having her as a mate. He closed his eyes and imagined her beneath him, her smooth legs wrapped around his hips as he entered her. Oh yes, he was going to enjoy having her as his wife.


  Gelda’s voice roused him from his daydream. He turned to her. “What is it?”

  “Shall I tend to her wounds?” Gelda knelt by the side of the bed and held a cloth soaked in herbs that would help with the healing.

  “Thank you. When you’re finished, join me in my chambers. Unless, of course, you’re too full from dinner to have dessert.”

  She smiled at him. “I’m never too full for you.”

  “Good answer.” He brushed his lips over the side of her neck. “Don’t keep me waiting. You know how impatient I am.”

  Theo left the room exhausted. Melody and Guystof had certainly made the turning ceremony more exciting than most. What he needed now was to nap so he’d be well rested for his wedding. When he entered his chamber, he removed his coat and the sash from his waist, then collapsed on the bed. He closed his eyes and within seconds fell asleep.

  After what seemed like only minutes, he was awakened by a crushing weight on his chest. Gelda was sprawled out on top of him. Naked. What a vision! Not soft and delicate like Melody. Lean and muscular. “Ah, you are anxious for me.”

  “Of course, as I always am.” She smiled, and the glint of pearly fangs peeked through her gum-line.

  He kissed her hard. Her fang broke the skin on his lip, and he tasted blood. He pushed her back from him and smiled as he ran his hands over her breasts, across her flat stomach, then down along her hips.

  She squealed and wriggled on top of him. His desire for her grew hot and hard, and he unzipped his pants, sinking his manhood deep into her. She cried out, then bit the side of his neck as he thrust into her again and again.

  When he could stand it no longer, he curled his lip back and bit her just above the shoulder blade. Blood filled his mouth and trickled down his throat. Soon his hunger began to subside, and he took pleasure in their rhythm.

  Later, when he lay spent, he found himself thinking about Melody. He turned his wrist and looked at his watch. 3:00 A.M. Melody would be waking soon.

  He rolled Gelda off him, then turned on his side, his head propped by his hand. “You were fabulous.” He touched the tip of her nose with his finger.

  “So were you.” She planted a soft kiss on his chest. “That mortal woman will never service you as I do.” Her voice dripped venom, and her emerald eyes flashed.

  He leaned over her and cupped his hand around her long, slender throat. “Do I detect jealousy?” She struggled as his fingers pressed against her windpipe.

  “Stop!” She choked, grabbing at his hand. “I’m sorry.”

  He pressed a bit harder.

  “Yes. I’m jealous,” she rasped.

  He kissed her cheek and released his hold. “No need to be. You’ll always be my favorite.”

  “But you’re going to marry her.” Gelda’s voice came out as a croak.

  Theo took hold of her hand and rubbed his thumb over it. “It’s a marriage of convenience, that’s all. You know that. And speaking of my marriage, I need to get dressed, and you need to go ready my bride.”

  Gelda left his bed, clearly not happy. Her full lips were turned down and a frown line marred the usually smooth skin between her brows. She scooped her cape up off the floor and flung it over her shoulders, nearly knocking a candle from his bedside table.

  Theo stood. He took hold of her arm and swung her to him, kissing her passionately. “Make Melody beautiful for me,” he murmured against her lips.

  She smiled slyly. “Ah, you can be sure of that, but not as beautiful as me.” She strode from the room, tall and proud, her hips swinging seductively.

  Theo knew she was aware that he watched her. She was full of fire and the only vampire that he’d let get away with having that sharp tongue.

  He took a long, leisurely shower, then put on black pants and a white dress shirt. He studied his appearance in the gilt-framed wall mirror as he combed his hair. He was handsome. There was no doubt of that. Women adored him. There was no denying that either. Except Melody. She despised him. A slight smile curved his full mouth. He loved a challenge. He would enjoy changing her mind. She might never love him as Gelda did, but she would grow to care for him. He was sure of that. When he wanted to, he could charm a woman so that she found him irresistible.

  A knock sounded on his door. He set his comb down and strode across the room. When he swung the door open, he was surprised to find Gelda back so soon. Her pale skin looked whiter than usual, and her emerald eyes were dark with worry.

  “Come quick. Something’s wrong with your brother.”


  Guystof lay motionless on the bed. Theo touched his brother’s forehead. It was ice cold. He turned Guystof’s wrist over and felt for a pulse. There wasn’t one. “How could this have happened?”

  Gelda twisted her hands in the folds of her cape. “I don’t know. I came to check on him…to make sure he’d been put in the correct bedchamber—you know how your guards can be careless at times—and found him like this. I’ve never know any vampire to be so cold.”

  “That’s because he’s dead.” Theo’s words cut through the air like a sword.

  “No, no. Don’t say that.” She stepped forward and rubbed Guystof’s hands between her own. “He’ll wake. You’ll see.”

  Theo pushed Gelda away, and his brother’s arm hung limply over the side of the bed. “This is your fault. You did this.” Fury boiled his blood.

  She stared at him, her eyes wide with shock. “I-I don’t know what you mean. I did everything you asked of me.”

  “I let you drink from him. And what did you do? You drained him dry. Took too much of his blood with your greed.”

  Gelda’s back visibly stiffened. Her green eyes turned black with fear. “No, that’s not true. I drank no more than the others. How can you blame me? This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t instructed us to feed on him.”

  “Are you blaming me?” His voice echoed through the chamber.

  Gelda backed up and cowered against the wall. “No, no. Of c-course not. I’m just s-saying it was no one’s fault. An accident.”

  “An accident?” He looked down at his brother’s handsome features. A part of him truly cared for Guystof. A memory of when they were boys sprang to mind. They had hunted together back then, and his brother had been his protector. Looking out fo
r him had been Guystof’s passion. His mother’s death had affected him deeply. He blamed himself for not being able to save her and made sure his younger brother would not meet the same fate. Theo’s eyelids grew hot. He took a deep breath and quickly pushed the memories of his youth from his mind. No use getting sentimental. Nothing would change what had happened.

  “I suppose it will serve no purpose to cast blame now. That won’t bring him back.” He sat on the bed and rested his head in his hands. “But we have to deal with the consequences of his death. Father will be furious, and all my dreams of ruling Dragesa will be lost.”

  Gelda came forward and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry. You’ll come up with something. You always do.”

  “Ah, but this time is different. I’ve gone too far. I’m responsible for the death of my own flesh and blood.”

  “No one need know.”

  “And how do you suggest I pull that off? It’s not as if my brother won’t be missed.”

  “Guystof’s death doesn’t have to be blamed on you. Your father doesn’t know about any of this. Not about the caves. Not about your plot to steal Melody. Not about what happened last night. And he doesn’t have to know…ever. This can be our secret.”

  “But Father will investigate Guystof’s death. It’s not common to find a vampire dead in his bed…”

  “Not if there’s no mystery as to how he died.”

  Theo narrowed his eyes as he tried to follow her train of thought.

  “What if we staged it to look like your brother turned Melody into a vampire, and in her naïveté, she fed too long on him?”

  “My dear brother killed by his beloved in a wild night of passion.” Theo thought hard about that, then sat up with a sly smile curving the corners of his mouth. “And poor Melody, a young vampire, vulnerable and alone. She’ll need a protector. And who better than the new heir to Dragesa.” He took hold of Gelda’s hand and kissed it. “You’re a very clever woman. I can have my wedding out in the open now, not in the cave’s shadows. And I will have Father’s best wishes.”


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