Ten Million Aliens
Page 40
goosander 293
Gordian worms 193
gorillas 37, 38, 42
Gould, Stephen Jay
cuteness response 145n
on Darwin 151
ichneumons 430–1
lifecycles 410
on Morris 227
science and art 287
snails 322, 324n
gradualism 151–2
grass snakes 349
grasshoppers 193
great apes 37–8, 176, 285
Great Barrier Reef, Australia 74
The Great Gatsby 398
great tits 319
great white shark 435, 437
greater honeyguide 425
green-back heron 225
Greene, Graham 139, 196–7
greenfly 409
grey herons 224–5
grief 196–9
grouse 239
guillemots 298, 299
guinea pigs 22, 132
Haast’s eagle 307
Hadogenes troglodytes 359n
hagfish 458
haiku 248–9, 389, 390, 408
hairy-backs 227–8
Haldane, JBS 446
Hallucigena 227n
Halobates 409
halteres 415
halycyon 299n
hammerhead shark 436
hammerkop 318n
harbour porpoise 163
Harry Potter films 130
harvestmen 358
hawk moths 438
hawks 236–7
hazel coppices 145n
heads 128, 143, 397
hellbenders 393
Hemiptera 409
hen harriers 239
Hepburn, Audrey 96
clams 304
entoprocts 235
gnathostomulids 248
slugs 20
sponges 60
worms 105, 150, 206
hermit crabs 315
Heron, Mike 31
herons 224–5, 226
herpetologists 349
hibernation 252
hidden life 121, 376
hijoputido 319, 325
hippopotamus 34
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 74
hoatzin 208n
hobbies 236, 389, 390
Holden, William 96
Hollywood frog sounds 367n
Holmes, Sherlock 89
hominids 37
Homininae 38
Hong Kong 340, 352, 364–5
Hooker, Joseph 344
hookworms 128
Hopkins, Gerard Manley 212
horn wrack 161
hornets 51
horoscopes 141
horsehair worms 193
“a bit on the leg” 94
compatibility 26
dance 287
eye contact 33–4
flight-response 406
foals 369
human relationship 177
racehorses 250–1
species 85–6
teats 22
horseshoe crabs 329, 357
house martins 30, 236
house sparrows 319n
houseflies 414
howler monkeys 43
Hughes, Ted 257, 259
breasts 22–3
classification 1, 37
continuity with evolution 18, 24, 29, 56, 177, 421, 459–60
eyelashes 15
gut bacteria 15
myths 15–16
orang orang 33
uniqueness 24
hummingbird hawk moths 439
hummingbirds 231n, 252n, 262–5, 271, 311
humpback whales 162–5, 168–70
humus 149–50
Huxley, Thomas 346
hydraulics 99
hydrogen 201
hydrothermal vents 142–3
Hydrozoa 91
hyenas 68–71
Hymenoptera 423, 431
ichneumons 430–1, 432
Idiurus 123, 124, 125–6
ignorance 395n
Illacme plenipes 365
impalas 93
Inaccessible Island rail 306
The Incredible String Band 31, 203
India 110, 111
beauty 380
conservation 382
danger 380
diversity 46, 85, 329, 379
ecoservices 380–1
entomology 395
flying 29–30, 314n
human consumption 337–8n
name 381
pesticides 381–2
insults 42
birds 214, 243, 285–7
elephants 110, 196
emotions 196
nautiluses 289
octopuses 280–2, 283
rats 139, 141
rays 443
sharks 436
squid 276, 283
invertebrates 19, 39–40, 41, 45–7, 50
Irukandji jellyfish 91
Irwin, Steve 444
is-ness 249
jackdaws 318
jaguars 77
Jainism 113, 141
jaw worms 247–8
jawless fish 457, 458
jays 285, 286, 287
Jefferson Starship 158
jelly 211
jellyfish 73, 89–91
Josephoartigasia monesi 132
Joyce, James see also Ulysses
endlessness 18
epiphanies 202
Nora Barnacle 345n
paralysis 81n
portrait 422
shells 296
Stephen Dedalus 414
takes long time to write 346–7n
jumping 48–9
The Jungle Books 57, 76, 77n, 419
Kafue lechwe 94–5
kakapo 146, 153n, 305
Kalahari Ferrari 358
kangaroos 190, 191–2, 209n
Kenya 86, 95
kestrels 148, 212, 245n
killer bees 424–5
killer whales see orcas
kingdoms 18n, 36
kingfishers 225, 278, 396
Kinorhyncha 187–8
Kipling, Rudyard 195–6 see also The Jungle Books
Kitti’s hog-nosed bat 321
kiwi 305
klipspringer 87
koalas 190, 318n
komodo dragon 354
kori bustard 291
kraken 90, 274
krill 338–9
Kyoto, Japan 141
Lamma Island, Hong Kong 340, 364–5, 377, 380n, 408
lammergeier 236
lampreys 458
lampshells 166–7
large blue butterfly 371–3
Last Chance to See 175
Lawrence, DH 179, 419n
lechwe 93–5
leeches 142
arthropods 329
lechwe 94
lobe-finned fish 458
millipedes 365
regeneration 394
seals 163
spiders 330–2, 365
lemurs 42, 43
leopard seals 79
leopards 77, 219
lepidoptera 438
lesser whitethroat 26
Lewis, CS 174, 271, 428, 450
life, purpose of 15, 247, 249, 427 see also ancestors
lilac-breasted rollers 277, 348
limpets 345
Lineus longissimus 155
Linnaeus, Carl 30
linnets 319
alpha males 70, 80n
eye contact 55–6
metabolism 335
prey 56–7, 92
scavenging 71
sex 56
teeth 63
termite mounds 402
lion’s mane jellyfish 89–90
“Little Brown Jobs” 318–19, 325
liver flukes 106–7, 114
s 126, 342, 354–5, 394
Loa loa worm 72–3n, 104, 128
lobe-finned fish 458
lobopods 136
lobsters 241, 329
locusts 193, 337–8n, 409
long-eared flying mouse 123
long-eared owl 244
loofahs 60
lophophores 266
Loricifera 200–1
Luangwa Valley, Zambia
aardvarks 116
birds 224–6, 277–8
bushbabies 48
butterflies 439–40
elephants 108–9, 195, 197
frogs 377
snakes 348
termites 404
wasps 432–3
luck 159, 187–8
Luffa aegyptiaca 60
lungfish 226, 458
lungs 412
macropods 191
maggots 416–17
magpies 285, 319
malachite kingfisher 225
malaria 406n
mallards 293
Malo kingi 91
Malthus, Robert 356
mammals see also marsupials
biodiversity 85
definition 22, 101
egg-laying 22, 101, 208
evolution 158–9
placentas 189
teeth 116–17
mammary glands 22
man-eaters 56–7
manta rays 451–3
Mantis religiosa 396
maras 132
marine iguanas 355–6
marsh harriers 236, 238
marsh warbler 325–7
marsupials 101, 189–91
martial eagle 236, 404
Martin, Steve 432
Masai Mara 86
mason bees 425
mathematics 410
Mead, Chris 221n
meadow pipets 319
Megachiroptera 180
Megaloprepus caerulatus 388
Meganeura 388–9
Mendel, Gregor 355
mergansers 293
merlins 236
metabolism 103, 264, 334–5
metamorphosis 368–70
metaphors 59n
meteors 158, 159
mice 133, 145, 358
Mickey Mouse 145n
Microchiroptera 180
microlights 229–30
micromoths 441
midwife toad 378
migration 250, 251–3, 258
millipedes 364, 365–6
missing links 207–9
mites 15, 16, 358–9
moas 306, 307
Moby Dick 90, 164
mockingbirds 362n
Modesty Blaise 119, 315, 449
molluscs 19, 36, 45, 166, 280, 296–7, 302
monkeys 43, 309
monotremes 22
monotypes 318n
monsters from the deep 90
Monty Python’s Flying Circus 166
moon jellyfish 91
Moore, Dudley 241
moorhens 306
mopane bees 424
morality 23, 46, 70–1, 107, 138n, 420–1, 432
mosquitoes 354, 380, 416
Moss, Cynthia 198–9
moss piglets 121
moths 271, 438–9, 440–1
mouse lemurs 42, 43
Mowgli 57, 425n
mucus 20, 136, 156
mud dragons 187–8
mudpuppies 393
mudskippers 459
mules 26
murmuration 319
muroids 139
mussels 166
mustangs 85
mute swans 291–2
Mymirca 372–3
myriapods 366
myths 15–16, 274–5, 299n, 340, 394, 419
naked mole rat 101–3
names 365n
Namibia 153, 156–7
Narnia 122, 174, 262, 271
Natural History Museum, London 273–4
natural selection 40, 355, 386n see also evolution
nautiluses 288–90
nedicky 26
nematode worms 127–9
nematomorphs 193–4
Nemertea 155, 156
Nepal 173
Nerval, Gérard de 241–2
ants 372
bees 425
birds 258, 299
frogs 378
naked mole rat 102
spiders 353
turtles 360
wasps 52
New Zealand 146, 180, 305, 307
newts 392–3, 394
nightingales 326
nightjars 153n, 179, 243, 252n
Nile monitor 354–5
no-eyed big-eyed wolf spider 332n
nudibranchs 316
nurse shark 434
nuthatches 319
ocean sunfish 413
ocelli 105, 260
octopuses 280–3, 289
Odonata 388
oil pollution 83
oilbird 318n
olive ridley sea turtles 360–2, 363
Olivier, Sir Laurence 130
olms 393
Onychophora 134
ophidiophobia 350
Opiliones 358n
opossums 22, 189
orang-utans 33, 34–6, 37, 38
orcas 27, 164
orders (taxonomy) 37
oriental rat flea 140
The Origin of Species 15, 207
orioles 333
orthopterans 194
oscines 327
ospreys 239
Ostreidae 309
ostriches 306, 307–8
Otolemur crassicaudatus 49
otters 76
ovipositors 430
Owen, Jennifer 431
Owen, Richard 274
owls 148, 153n, 179, 225, 238, 243–6, 252–3
oxygen 200–1, 388–9
oysters 166, 302, 309–10
pacas 132
Pacific feather duster worm 144
Pacific tree frog 367n
Paedophryne amanauensis 376
pain 102
painted lady butterflies 440
painted reed frogs 377
Pan sapiens 38
pandas 69n, 357
pangolin 318n
paper 52
paradise 419
paradise flycatcher 220
paralysis 81
parasites 106–7, 113–15, 128–9, 193–4, 222, 310, 347n
parthenogenesis 26, 121, 136, 217
passenger pigeons 271–2
passerines 317–20
Patterson, Lt-Col John Henry 57
peacocks 219, 220, 230, 279
peanut worms 210–11
pearls 309–10
Pearson’s cisticola 26
pedicles 167
pelicans 225–6
Pel’s fishing owl 225, 246
penguins 311–13, 405
penis worms 171, 172
flatworms 105
humpback whales 168
hyenas 69
rotifers 218
slugs 20–1
perching 318
peregrine 236, 237, 238
peristalsis 143
pest control 140, 148
pheasants 220, 443–4
phoronids 266–8
photosynthesis 58, 73
phyla 36, 268
physics 37
physiology 23
phytoplankton 338–9
pied kingfisher 225
pied wagtails 320
pigeons 138, 319
pigs 22, 153n
pine marten 61
pinnipeds 77
pinworms 128
placazoans 176–7
plankton 205–6, 217, 338–9
plants 31
poison 91, 208, 282, 341, 383, 386
polar bears 63
pollination 380–1, 423–4, 426
pollution 83, 175
polychaete worms 282n
pongids 37<
br />
poo see faeces
Porifera 59
porpoises 163
Portuguese man-of-war 73
possum 189
pouched frog 378
praying mantis 396–7
prey 56–7, 154
priapulids 171, 172
primates 37, 42–4, 49, 130
Prionosuchus 370
Proboscidea 110
proboscis 156, 171, 222
Procellariiformes 300
proglottids 114
prostomium 143
Protoctista 31
Provence, France 395–6
Przewalski’s horse 85
Pseudoceros dimidiatus 104
Pteriidae 309–10
puffins 298
pygidium 143
pygmy chimpanzees 38
pygmy scaly-tailed flying squirrel 123
pythons 342
Quammen, David 33, 356n
rabbitfish 442
rabbits 92n, 107, 132
rabies 185
radial symmetry 98, 99, 105
ragworms 142
rainforests 27, 58, 72, 135, 330, 384
Raoellidae 163
rat-kangaroos 191
ratfish 442
rats 22, 138–41, 145, 147, 148
ravens 318
ray-finned fish 411–13
Ray, Janie 162, 164
rays 443–4, 451–3
razorbills 298
recognition 35, 279
red-billed teal 54
Red Data Book 394n
red kangaroo 191–2
regeneration 100, 105, 394
reindeer 88
religion 227n, 420n
reproduction see also sex
anglerfish 428
bushbabies 49
compatibility 26
earthworms 150
echinoderms 100
goblet worms 235
hyenas 69–70
naked mole rat 101–2
oysters 310
peanut worms 211
recognition 279
rodents 133
sexual selection 220–1
spiders 353
sponges 59–60
symbions 242
tapeworms 114
turtles 361–2
wasps 51
reproductive availability 23
reptiles 335–6, 369, 370
reticulated python 342
retina 153n
rhinoceros beetle 448
ribbon worms 144, 155–6
Riders for Health 95n
river dolphins 173–5, 318n
robins 221, 319
rock pools 82–3
rodents 102, 130–3, 154
rooks 285–6, 318
root-knot nematode 129
rostrums 409, 455
Rothenberg, David 221n
rotifers 216–18, 222
roundworms 127–8
royal antelope 86
royal antelopes 205
ruby-throated hummingbirds 265
Rutherford, Ernest 37
sabre-toothed blenny 419–20
salamanders 393–4
salmon 61, 411–12
sand dollars 99
sand martins 30
sawbills 293
sawfish 444
scallops 166
scavengers 68, 71, 105, 139
schistosomiasis 106
science and art 287
Scolopendra gigantea 365
scorpions 359
Scottish crossbill 94n
Scyphozoa 91
sea anemones 73, 81–3, 85
sea cucumber scale worms 143–4
sea cucumbers 99, 100
sea devils 428
sea gooseberries 182, 183
sea hares 316
sea lilies 99
sea lions 78