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Cancer: Zodiac Killers #8

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by WL Knightly

  “I’m sure you’re right to be suspicious, but it wasn’t me. Maybe you should check into the others. Justin is known to be unstable at times. He acts impulsively, I hear. Like his old man.”

  Bay narrowed his eyes. “You know about his old man?” He didn’t think anyone would have found out that secret. Justin had told everyone that both of his parents were dead.

  Carter nodded. “I found out years ago. I was visiting one of the prisons while on a mission trip and actually met the man. I recognized his name. He filled in the blanks. Said he’d given his heart to the lord.”

  “Well, if it was Justin, then his plan backfired,” said Darek. “He nearly got himself killed.”

  Bay looked over at his bedside table and saw the hospital’s outdated phone, and panic shot through him. Shit. Where is my phone?

  The door opened, and Mia came in with the nurse behind her. Bay gave her a hard stare. “She wouldn’t just let me bring your medicine.”

  They stayed quiet during the time the nurse walked in to hand him his pills, and after she checked his vitals, she walked out like she was never in the room.

  “Where’s my phone, Mia?” He searched her eyes closely, looking for a hint of betrayal.

  Mia’s eyes lit with surprise but not in a suspicious way. “Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot all about that. I’ve had it in my purse since the shooting. It fell out of your hand when you were shot, and it’s got a broken screen now.” She reached into her bag and pulled out his phone.

  He had never been so proud of her as he took it from her hand. “Good girl.” He looked at the damaged phone, and even though the screen was ruined, it still worked. “You should check on the others. Corey especially and see what happened to his phone. I’d like to know if our friend reached out before the attack.”

  “I’m on it,” Darek said and hurried out of the room.

  Bay hoped to God that no one else could have looked at their phone and seen anything. “It might be time for that prayer, man.”

  Chapter 4


  After another long morning at the hospital with very little changes, Darek looked at his phone and realized it was time to gather up the girls and see who wanted lunch. Everyone was dead tired, and no one had eaten a proper meal since Lane had fed them the night of the shooting.

  His earlier visit with Bay and then Brandy, who had not yet gotten Corey’s personal items back, had been unsuccessful in giving him answers about who tried to gun them all down. And while he knew that the chances of the killer being responsible were slim, it wasn’t out of the question. Stranger things had happened, and the killer had managed to get to Las Vegas and kidnap Alan’s wife.

  He walked to Mia’s first and found her walking out the door. “I’m going to stay the night,” she said.

  “Okay. Can I get you anything? Something from downstairs to eat?”

  She wrapped her arms around her middle. “Nah, I don’t have much of an appetite. I’m on my way to get a drink, though.”

  Darek figured her guilt was eating her up. She had been seeing Max for a couple of weeks as far as he knew, and he wondered what would happen if Bay ever found out. He didn’t play well with others, and he didn’t like sharing his toys. “Okay, you have my number, so don’t be afraid to use it.”

  “Thanks.” She walked on down to the elevators.

  Darek wondered if Brandy was going to feel the same way. With Corey in ICU, she had been staying at Justin’s room. He walked down to his room and knocked on the door.

  Brandy walked out to join him. “Hey,” she said, pulling the door shut behind her.

  “I am about to go back to Lane’s. Mia is staying, and I thought you might want a ride.”

  “No. Thanks, though. I’m going to stay with Justin. They are supposed to move Corey to a room as soon as they get one ready. I want to be here.”

  “I get it. Do me a favor, though, and get yourself a hot meal. I can go out for something or go down and find you something here, but you’re going to need your strength, or you’re not going to be any good to him sick.”

  “I will. I might walk down when Justin wakes up. I don’t want him to wake up and find me gone.” She let out a long breath. “I don’t know what I’m going to do when I have them both in different rooms.”

  “I bet. That can’t be an easy decision.” He had heard that Justin was her boss and she had known him for years.

  “Yeah, it’s not. I requested them to be put in the same room, but they said no. I don’t know why.”

  Darek had a feeling he knew. “Have the cops been by again?”

  “No. Do you think that’s why I can’t get them together?”

  Darek nodded. “Yeah, it’s easier to question them separately. So, I guess we can look at that as a good thing. The police are doing their job.”

  “I hope they find out who did this, but I’m afraid no amount of justice is going to make up for this. I’d like five minutes alone with the assholes.”

  “You and me both, kiddo.” He gave her a pat on the shoulder. “I’ll be here in the morning.”

  “You get some rest, Darek. You need to take care of yourself too. And tell Raven I’ll call and check on her tomorrow. You’ve got a good woman there with that one. I’d keep her around.”

  He smiled, not sure what to say to that. He hadn’t planned on things getting heavy with Raven, but he had a feeling this was only going to make things stronger. He hadn’t stopped thinking about her all day and knew that while it might be mostly guilt related, he couldn’t wait to get back to Lane’s house to be with her.

  He wasted no time going to his car, and while he opened the door and got inside, he dialed Raven’s number. He needed to know if she wanted some food, but she didn’t answer. He decided to swing through the nearest fast food place for a couple of burgers and tried to remember what she liked. With all of the medications, she needed to eat.

  Lane’s car wasn’t there when Darek got to his house, and Raven peeked out the window as he pulled into the driveway. Then she met him at the door.

  “I brought you something to eat.”

  “Thanks,” she said, surprising Darek.

  He figured he’d have a fight on his hands to get her to eat, but she took the food to the kitchen and sat at the round table in the breakfast nook. “This all smells so good,” she said.

  “It does. I ate a few of my fries on the way home.” He took his fries out of the bag and then passed her the burger. “I hope I got yours how you like it.”

  She peeked between the sesame seed buns. “It’s perfect. It wouldn’t matter right now, anyway. I’m too hungry to picky. I guess it’s the medicine.”

  “It’s not giving you any ill effects?”

  “No, just making me sleepy. How is everyone at the hospital? I guess the girls stayed?” She squeezed a ketchup packet onto the paper her burger had been wrapped in.

  “Yeah. I’m pretty sure Bay is the one who insisted Mia stay, though she’d never say so, and Brandy wanted to be there when they moved Corey to a room.”

  “Oh? He’s doing that well?” She bit into her burger, taking a huge bite.

  Darek smiled, seeing her savor the flavor with her eyes closed. “He’s hanging in there. I’m more concerned with you at the moment and how you’re doing.”

  “I’ve just been sleeping.” She shrugged it off. “It’s about all I can do. I did do a load of our laundry.”

  “I could have done that.” He had actually planned on doing it before bed.

  “It’s okay. I needed something to do. If I’m not sleeping, I’m thinking, and if I’m thinking, I remember what happened. Detail by detail.”

  He wondered if she had gotten a better look at the shooters than the rest. “Do you remember anything new? Anything important to the case.”

  “No.” She shook her head. She took another big bite of her burger.

  “Slow down, or you’ll make yourself sick. It won’t do you any good.” He reached out and took her hand,
the one with the bandage around her wrist, and pulled it to his lips. “I missed you today.”

  “Is that why you called?” she asked, giving him a dead stare. He hadn’t called all day.

  “You said you wanted to sleep more than anything. I just wanted to give you some peace and quiet.”

  She let out a sigh and looked down at his hand on hers. “I’m sorry.” She closed her eyes. “I’m not trying to take it out on you. I know this isn’t your fault, but I just can’t help but be angry about the whole situation. I’m going to lose my job over this. I called them earlier. My boss said if I didn’t make it back by morning, I could come back to clean out my shit.”

  “Dammit. I can talk to him if you want me to.”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s done. Between all the other shit going on and the time missed, I knew it was close. I took a chance coming here because I had earned back a little time, but with us not on our way home.” She took a deep breath. “I should have hopped the first plane out alone.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I made that choice too. And now, it’s too late.” She took a deep breath. “It’s okay. I’ll find something better.”

  “You can stay with me until you get on your feet, Raven.” He put his burger down without taking the first bite and leaned forward to hug her.

  She pushed him away. “And then what, Darek? I can’t go back to the same old shit. I think I have some things to think about.”

  Darek thought he should have known, but he didn’t really expect the shooting to break them apart as much as he thought it would pull them closer. “I don’t want to stop seeing you, but I’ll respect whatever you decide.”

  She looked up into his eyes. “Do you mind if I sleep alone?”

  Darek nodded. “Sure. I’ll take the couch.” He knew that he was going to have to call home and let them know where he was and what happened.

  He finished his cold burger in silence with her, and when she was done, she got up and walked back to her room. Darek tossed the rest of his food and then went to sit on the couch and make his call. He knew Lizzy was going to be upset that he hadn’t called sooner, but he had a lot on his plate.

  The phone rang so many times that he wondered if she’d gone out, but finally, she answered the phone. “Darek?”

  “Hey, yeah, it’s me.”

  “Are you back in town? Miss me?” She gave a short laugh.

  He inhaled deeply to prepare for all he had to say. It was never easy trying to keep the truth from Lizzy. “No, I’m still in New Orleans. That’s what I wanted to tell you. I got caught up in a random shooting outside my friend’s restaurant.”

  “Damn, are you okay?” she asked with panic in her voice.

  “I’m fine, but I’m waiting for the report to come in. They think it was just a random act of gang-related violence. The PD is being tight lipped and less than welcoming.”

  “Do you want me to call in a favor?” she offered.

  “No, I think it’s best to let me handle it. I don’t want to rock the boat.” He didn’t need her digging into anything.

  “Okay, fine. I’ll stay out of it, but are you sure you’re okay? I could come there if you need me.”

  Darek took a deep breath. “I’m not alone, Lizzy.”

  “Oh, that’s right. Raven is there with you. I should have guessed.”

  “Yeah, and she was hit in the shooting.”

  “Oh,” Lizzy said. “Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s her wrist, but she’s good.”

  “That’s good to hear. I know how awful it can be.” The pain in her voice had him feeling two inches tall.

  “Yeah,” said Darek. “So, I’ll be a day or two. I’ll keep you posted.” He hung up the phone and laid back on the couch, knowing he’d screwed things up beyond repair with both ladies. He had a feeling that Raven had finally had enough, and all he could hope for now was that the events of the shooting didn’t mix with the case.

  Chapter 5


  Being in the hospital allowed him to catch up on some much-needed sleep, even if it was the last thing he wanted to be doing. He rolled over in his bed and was glad he didn’t have a fucking tube hanging out of his dick anymore. The evil nurse had gone off shift, and he’d managed to approach the next one with a much sweeter disposition. She had felt sorry for him and taken the thing out, although he was going to have to keep his IV for another few hours.

  He looked at the chair where Brandy had been sitting until Corey was moved into his room, and he wondered if she was going to come back down to see him again or stay with her fiancé. He turned his eyes to stare out the window instead. It was less damaging to his ego.

  She’d been great to him, taking care of him while there, but now she had bigger worries and priorities.

  He didn’t realize how much he was going to miss her. He thought back to the day he’d met her. She was as bright and as warm as sunshine waiting on the tailgate of her asshole boyfriend’s truck.

  Justin had walked up with a gun safe on a dolly. “Is this yours?” He had been supposed to meet one of his customer’s wives outside with it.

  “No sir, but I’ll take it if you want to give it to me. I won’t tell.” She’d given him a wink and giggled, her entire face lighting up like a star with that pearly white smile.

  He looked around the lot and didn’t see anyone. Not even the customer who had needed help with the big safe. “I don’t think the owner would like losing the profit.”

  “I won’t tell him.”

  “You just did.” He laughed as her eyes widened.

  “You own this store?”

  “Yes, what’s your name?”

  “Brandy. And I suppose you’re Mr. Guns and Goods.”

  “Justin Finch.” He pointed to the sign.

  “Wow, you really are the owner.”

  But that was when the asshole came into the picture. He walked up looking like he had a chip on his shoulder as heavy as that damned safe. “Thought I told you to stay in the truck.”

  “It’s cooler out here.” Her smile had faded.

  “Yeah, I bet.” He had a pissy tone and walked over to open the truck door. Then he looked up at Justin. “Don’t you have to some work to do?”

  Justin thought he’d make nice and see how the man’s attitude changed. “I’m Justin Finch; I own the store.”

  “Like I give a shit.” He walked around and got in his truck and drove away. The next time Justin would see him, he’d have three holes in his chest and one in his head.

  He’d never forget the night he found her in that tent. She had been there for two days after the murder because she’d been too scared to go back to the house with her boyfriend’s dead body and didn’t have enough money to go anywhere else.

  He knew then he was going to take care of her. He took her home, and while she seemed more than grateful, he couldn’t lead her on. He was already in a relationship. One that would forever define the nature of their relationship.

  “You’re dating someone online?” she had asked after wondering why he wouldn’t sleep with her. “Have you ever met her?” She had rolled her eyes like she couldn’t believe he was turning her down, and Justin couldn’t believe it either.

  “Yes and no. I’ve known her for several years, and we’ve got a deep connection. I’m not sure she’d be comfortable with me having you here if she thought we were sleeping together. But no, I’ve never met her other than on the computer.”

  “You’ve seen her?” She had given him such a little dirty look.

  “Parts of her,” he said, not wanting to describe how he’d only seen her naked body and never her face. She’d always wanted to be safe online and didn’t want a video or pictures of herself surfacing.

  “How do you even know she’s really who she says she is?” Brandy had asked.

  “I just know. I’ve seen still photos. I know it’s tough to understand, but she’s going to come out here soon, and we’ll
be together. You can meet her. I think you two will get along well, but I can’t let this get complicated between you and me. Besides, we’re both in over our heads as it is.”

  “You don’t tell her things, do you?” Brandy had given him a cold, dead stare. “You know what I mean.”

  She wondered if he’d told her anything about the murder of her ex, Lynn, and how he’d covered it up. “No, and I never will. That’s our secret, Brandy.” He had kept it since.

  He’d gone on with the online romance until it finally played out, and when it did, when she finally admitted they would never really be together, he had erased her from his life and moved on, but by then, Brandy saw him as a big brother figure and boss. And now that she was engaged to Corey, it was too late to change that dynamic between them.

  If the bastard pulled through his injuries, then she’d be married in a matter of months. As much as he’d wanted to fight them over their relationship and give them a hard time, he had never seen her so happy. Now, this shit had happened, and he felt responsible for her heartbreak as if he’d pulled the trigger on Corey himself. He had to keep the feelings he had for her a secret, one he would take to his grave.

  He took out his phone and held it up so he could see her photo and then decided to stop making himself more miserable. He prepared to dial Lolly and Beth again and wondered if both had given up on him. Two fucking girlfriends, and neither of them could answer a goddamned phone? He’s called each of them twice. He knew something had to be up. Brandy had told them about the shooting and his condition. He had figured they’d be sitting around the phone waiting to hear something, but apparently, he was wrong. It made him suspicious.

  He hated being away from home for too long and always wondered if anyone had tried to rob his place. Sure, he had a lot of security cameras in the house, but nothing had alerted on his phone. Even if Beth and Lolly could get into the house, they’d have a hard time finding anything of value. He had everything he owned that was of value tucked away where no one would ever find it.


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