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Page 8

by Frank, S. W.

  The reporter you removed came close to uncovering our true bloodline to the King and to have announced it to the world would bring us a swifter death. Accidents and the like occur too frequently today and are seen from the surface. No one digs beneath. The deaths of Alfonzo’s uncle and his wife to all eyes were no more than a hazard of living in the inner city. Of course, we know the truth. What Alfonzo has become for us in America is an opportunity. His infiltration of Wall Street and Fortune 500 businesses has spread our power. We’ve gained allies. We have men who will protect their interest and therefore ours. Alfonzo’s opened the door and brought us into a modern era which cares only about capitalism. Our seeds are flourishing and forming roots of respectability.

  Alfonzo’s accepted the Giacanti name without knowing its full history. He’s also found enemies because of it. He isn’t constrained by our history and customs, which allows him to forge his own way, but we owe him a duty, and that is to keep him safe. Violence, Nico is an inevitable fraction of that. How else will we survive when dark clouds hover over our heads? It will come to him and he will not seek it, just as it comes to us all.”

  Alberti took a large velvet box from the chest. He opened it and Nico squint under the brilliance of the many diamonds and gems on the crown. “This was given to Semira as were other priceless gifts. These men who sit with us have protected it well, as have their fathers. The term assigned to these men when extreme violence was necessary is referred to as La Costra Nostra, however the public and law enforcement blend us with riff-raff. The II Circolo di Protezioni, our Circle of Protectors have only done what is necessary to protect these items and to ensure Semira’s children and her legacy survive. The massacre would have ended us, had it not been for these men. My brother, Carlo saved my life by sending me to Ernesto, The Circle are responsible for aiding Luzo and Carlo to return to Italy with new identities. If not for their loyal service, the Giacanti’s would have perished.

  We have enemies who hide in front of our eyes. Do you understand this Nico?”

  “Yes,” Nico said.

  “Do you still love Alfonzo, for he is your blood?”


  “Then you must protect Alfonzo’s family and yours. I have done so for many years and grow old. Giuseppe is wayward, but Sophie has the means to rein him in and with Matteo among the many, his walls are fortified. Alfonzo has gaps in his wall on the outer shores. You have ties there, family as well and are best suited to guide and protect him. He’s falling low because of what you’ve done. I implore you to catch him my son and restore him to solid ground. He’s ignorant of our history, but in confidence I share it with you because you’re equipped to oversee his welfare. Had Vincent lived,” the older man’s voice cracked under the emotion he tried to hold in, “he would have ensured Alfonzo’s protection and you would be seated here, with me.”

  Matteo’s father offered Nico a straw to grab, “We see there is no lie in your heart Nico. You are a man of honor, we have all agreed –but now you have a choice to make and it is to restore trust within your family and prove your loyalty or die here with the secrets your father has told you. Know that your sons will face trials in your absence and the love in death you have for so many will not prevent future crimes against them which are certain to come.”

  “How am I supposed to do that?” Nico asked out of curiosity, since there wasn’t an angel on earth who’d broker reconciliation between him and Alfonzo.

  “You said you love Alfonzo, no?”

  He did say that. Yeah, he loved the brat, but didn’t particularly like the fucker. “That’s what I said.”

  “He has legal concerns. Remove the witness Gregorio and give him a reprieve. This is how you begin to make amends for your actions.”

  Alberti and the men waited for his response and he took a deep breath. “Sul sangue della famiglia Giacanti, I rispetarre.” He said. This was his answer, recital of the Giacanti oath. It meant; ‘On the blood of the Giacanti’s, I abide.’

  The men waived his death sentence and Nico’s mission, under the direction of these eight became the enforcers’ hand of The Circle of Protectors for the families. Nico must follow orders and act accordingly, they warned. It was admirable to be an individual, yet for the good of the whole, there could be no further dissent with his cousin.


  Selange put down the cell after receiving an urgent call from her attorney. He’d gone on vacation, returned and stopped by the office and discovered a legal notice from the IRS. He apologized profusely regarding the oversight and she cringed as he read its contents. In plain English, minus the legal jargon it amounted to, the government putting her accounts in limbo pending the conclusion of a criminal investigation. When she asked what criminal investigation, he put her on hold to do an inquiry and informed Selange, “On Monday your ex-husband was indicted on bribery charges of a public official and tax evasion. The federal government is alleging your divorce is a fraud and your ex-husband’s attempt to hide illegally gained assets. Alfonzo’s due to turn himself in tomorrow.” He paused, “I was also told in confidence the U.S. Attorney’s office may bring charges against you as a co-conspirator.”

  “What…a what…are you serious…when?”

  “I’ll check further into it in the morning and see what I can find out then get back to you.”

  “Please do. This is ludicrous!”

  “I suggest in the meantime you get in touch with your ex-husband… you know…matter-of-fact don’t talk to him at all until you secure a good criminal defense attorney. I can give you some recommendations. You don’t want it to appear you’re engaging in a cover-up.”

  “I can’t do that, we have joint custody of the kids.”

  “It’s just my legal advice.”

  She listened but that didn’t mean she heard. There’s no way in hell she wouldn’t confront Alfonzo about something as important as this!

  “Alright, thanks.”

  Dumbfounded, she sat on the edge of the bed wondering when Alfonzo planned to give her the heads-up. Geez, the bastards were hijacking her money. She’d been through this before, and proved her business earnings were legitimate. Thank goodness, she put the lottery winnings in an ironclad trust fund for the kids or they’d snatch it, as well.

  “Oh my God, this is crazy!” She fumed. Even after a divorce Alfonzo’s troubles followed. She certainly couldn’t sit around and do nothing. She almost called Alfonzo then thought better of it. If the feds had him under surveillance then they were certain to have their ears open for cell phone conversations. Wiretapping’s old school; law enforcement employed an arsenal of sophisticated technology. Currently, they used what’s known as Stingray Towers. They’re small suitcase size devices which tricked cell phones into connecting with it as it would a real cell phone tower. Nico told her that and Alfonzo reiterated, “Never…ever talk business with me over the phone...any phone.”

  Damn, there were a lot of rules. She changed out of her nightgown, put on a simple dress, quickly brushed her hair, slipped on a pair of Prada wedges then went to find Anita.

  She felt a nervous tension when she thought about confronting Alfonzo, especially after that damn kiss. She questioned whether deep below the abrasive surface he may still be in love with her. Sometimes she caught him staring in a sexual way. Maybe, it’s only her desire speaking she mused and held the corner of her bottom lip with her upper teeth. The anxiety began to build. Sex or the lack of it was the least of her worries. Hell, sex is what got her into this mess in the first place. She shook it off. Going to prison for something she hadn’t done and being taken away from her children was scarier than losing a man. Ugh!

  Co-conspirator, that’s what the lawyer said. It insinuated she plotted with Alfonzo. Plot what, a divorce to evade taxes? She had money and didn’t need to plot with him, heck, they were desperate! Besides, Alfonzo wasn’t stupid. He wouldn’t leave crumb trails for the feds. No, she knew him better than that. Someone in his camp was talking. She hadn
’t heard anything on the news about an investigation, so this was a hush-hush situation. Then, she prayed Alfonzo hadn’t slipped. With the divorce, mourning Vincent and all the stress, it’s probable he may have stumbled and gotten careless. Damn, she missed Vincent. He would’ve watched Alfonzo’s back if she weren’t around to do it, now look at where they were. She had herself to blame for the distraction. Whatever, she had to do to fix this, she’d do it. She couldn’t let her actions take away both of their freedoms. Someone had to be there for the children. Maybe, this was her ultimate punishment. Incarceration. Maybe, she hadn’t finished paying for her sins and had to endure a living purgatory to gain absolution. For goodness sake, wasn’t Vincent’s death enough?

  The fact remained; she could be in serious legal trouble and the thought of going to jail sparked dread. Alfonzo better come clean on what was really going on. She wouldn’t allow anything or anyone to sever her from her kids. If his actions could potentially put her in jeopardy she had a right to demand answers and if he didn’t give them, goddammit she’d stand there until he did!

  The fright came in bursts. It was imperative she speak with him, tonight. Tomorrow they could both have seats in a jail cell!

  She gripped the side of the door jam and Anita must have read the panic in her eyes and stood.

  “Is everything alright?”

  “Anita, please listen out for the children, I have to run out to talk to Alfonzo. It’s urgent and if the babies wake, there’s breast milk in the fridge…okay?”

  “Okay. You go –go!”

  Selange hurried to her bedroom, grabbed the keys to her car and flew from the house. She ran to the garage and saw Crazy Nicky coming from the opposite direction of the guest home. Guest house was a misnomer since Crazy Nicky officially lived there. It was his permanent residence and a place where other bodyguards regularly crashed. They were in her mind the lifetime Secret Servicemen who guarded former Presidents.

  He came toward her, “Hey, where are you going at this hour?”

  Those doggone security cameras!


  “Let me get one of the guys to take you.”

  “No, Nicky I don’t need any gun toting bodyguards. I’m fine.”

  “That’s not the way of it missy. You should know the rules, being divorced don’t change it.”

  She wasn’t in the mood to argue security measures and tossed the electronic key at the man, “Fine, you drive. I have to get to Alfonzo’s. Let’s go!


  Crazy Nicky drove like a madman. Yes, she was in a hurry to speak to Alfonzo but damn, she didn’t want to die in the process. They reached Alfonzo’s smaller estate in ten minutes, any other time it was double that. Once the guards saw Crazy Nicky and his passenger they were let in except they didn’t get a chance to notify Alfonzo.

  Lou opened the door and Selange rushed past him, “Where’s my husband…I mean Alfonzo…I need to talk to him, it’s important?”

  “Let me tell him you’re here, he’s sleeping.”

  This was the first time she stepped foot inside his home. It was very nice. The decorations were definitely tasteful, expensive and low-key. Yep! But she didn’t have time to take it all in; she was in a hurry and couldn’t wait for Lou. She bounded up the semi-circular staircase to the second floor, leaving Lou downstairs with his mouth agape and shaking his head. In the wide corridor she began peeking in doors. There were five; one was a linen closet, which she found out when a towel dropped from the shelf onto her head. Then a bathroom, ‘oh shit this is nice’, but she had to move on. The other rooms were bedrooms and a playroom. The last door in front of her must be the one. Alfonzo’s leer where all the action took place. She inhaled, took on her Brooklyn spirit then opened the door. The minute she did, she considered closing it. She hadn’t heard any noises before entering and assumed he slept. Well, just put it like this, no wonder the man hadn’t forgiven her. He was busy living out his fantasies.

  The seductive sound of Kelly Rowland’s, ‘Motivation,’ played in the background as Alfonzo ‘entertained’ guests. The soundproof bedroom failed to forewarn her. A bottle of liquor dangled in Alfonzo’s hand as he lounged with one leg up on an oversize settee. He watched a female couple as they made out atop the plush rug in the center of the floor. Empty bottles of sparkly and glasses lay on their side nearby and her eyes widened in shock. He took a swig of liquor as his intoxicated blues remained fixated on the lesbian action with bored amusement.

  ‘…push harder; you’re almost there now,

  So go lover, make mama proud,

  And when we’re done, I don’t wanna feel my legs…’

  The draft from the door caused him to finally turn in her direction and a naughty smirk appeared when he saw her there. In Spanish he propositioned, “Care to join me, babe?”

  He took another drink which emptied the bottle and rolled it across the floor and it clinked against the wall then rocked back and forth before settling there. His eyes dared her to venture into his den and the devilish smirk was because he guessed her next move. Her feet were glue, this was not her scene and he knew that, yet he sought to tempt her by bringing his leg down and sitting forward studying her as he would a chessboard. He challenged her and if he believed she was afraid to enter he was wrong. Cocky bastard!

  She hadn’t come for his sexual games and frankly, she reconsidered letting the children come here, now that she saw firsthand his debauchery. He’d sunk to an all-time low, no wonder his ass was in trouble and to think he called her a drunk. What the fuck was he?

  She slammed the door and marched fearlessly past the unabashed couple. Lascivious blue eyes sparkled, he was getting a kick out of this, Selange noticed. The aqua seas were focused, delighting in her approach. The lovers stopped kissing and rolled on their bellies, their envious eyes on the statuesque beauty passing as if they were invisible.

  Selange kept her eyes on Alfonzo. He wore only boxers. Although, she was angry as heck, she had to admit he did look delicious. That body was a mass of lithe muscle. Alfonzo boasted an eight pack, she counted the indentations. The tan of his skin and the glossy black hair and unusual blue eyes were exotic. He was more than an attractive man, he was masculine beauty personified. His skin glistened like gold if that’s possible and the tattoos prominently displayed on his body were a masterpiece. She felt weak; she’d given this man away, hadn’t she? Yes, if she were honest, the affair crushed him and implied he wasn’t enough when he was more than enough; it was her curiosity which led her down the rabbit hole. Here she was again, going into that rabbit hole, but this time it was to save her ex from himself.

  Selange’s feline eyes absorbed the healed scars on his body, fitting perfectly with the image of the dark soul of the man. She stood in front of him, tall and proud, staring into his drunken face. Her eyes were drawn to her name, etched large and bold on his upper arm. He noticed the direction of her gaze and followed it, twisted arrogantly and gave a subtle flex to his bicep and the muscle jumped. She now understood the depths of his misery. Not only was she tatted on his skin, the ink mingled with his blood and he was flooding it out with booze.

  Selange became warm, there was a heat in the room, climbing into her skin and threatening to burn her alive. Standing before Alfonzo in his domain, with naked women at her back was like walking through the doors of hell and finding a handsome demi-god.

  The powerful legs widened and his head rose questioningly. The purpose of her visit nearly lost in her fogged brain. The words faltered in the den of seduction and sounded weak to her ears. “The IRS froze my assets. Why didn’t you tell me about your legal problems? I might be charged as a co-consirator.”

  He didn’t say anything. He wasn’t listening. He existed in a haze, surrounded with images of a woman with rich black hair, brown silk skin, fierce hazel eyes and the most kissable mouth. The cherry lips were saying something but his attention lie elsewhere. The curves of her sexy body were speaking and that’s all he heard.<
br />
  “Alfonzo, did you hear what I said, I’m in trouble?” She realized he was smashed. The man was spiraling out of control. “What’s wrong with you?”

  He ignored her question, captivated by her and inebriated beyond decency. This image of the woman he loved continued to haunt him. Selange followed him everywhere; he couldn’t get her out of his head. He visually undressed the apparition, the yearning exacerbated by the sultry music and champagne. This is how it was for him at times. Alcohol dulled the pain of loss. None of the others compared to his vision and in the liquor induced haze; he reached out and seized the womanly form. The mind can alter perception and drink can fool the senses, but this felt real. He clutched his love by the waist and brought her roughly atop his torso. He inhaled a familiar sweet scent and reclined.


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