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Finding Ours

Page 3

by Megan Smith

  I lay her back on the blanket and make my way over her ribs then venture down to her hip bone knowing the affect it will have on her. I bite at it teasingly as she squirms under my touch. I pull her shorts and panties off and toss them over my shoulder to join their companion tank top that was discarded first. I need her and only her in this moment. I made a promise with myself to wait until her sixteenth birthday before having sex with her. I’ve held out for this moment, with her, and every day for that last few years I thought I would cave. She hasn’t made this easy for me either. She’s begged, she’s threatened to go get it elsewhere but I made love to her body with my hands and tongue and made her forget all about that. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will stop this from happening tonight, unless of course she stops us.

  I kiss the inside of her thigh, and her legs clamp around my head. I glance up at her; she’s glistening from the heat of the summer and from my touch. She’s so perfect, so mine. Her cheeks are flushed, her lips are swollen, and she’s panting.

  This is a first for the both of us. I want to make this good for her now before the pain strikes. I want her to remember what I can do, how I know her body and what she wants and needs.

  My fingers circle her opening first. Big mistake because I’m so fucking worked up with knowing what’s about to happen that keeping this train moving slowly doesn’t seem like it’s going to be an option for me tonight. Must. Slow. Down. Rhea moans and her body starts shaking as I add a second finger, and swirl my tongue around her clit. Her back shoots up off the ground, her hands fisting in my hair. Nothing is said, no sounds are made except the moans of our combined pleasure. Her thighs are squeezing my head so I can’t hear anything, but the grip on my hair gives me an indication that she is enjoying it.

  She’s close; I know she is. Rhea does this little thing where she starts to gasp like a little fish out of water right before she comes. She squeezes her eyes shut, her body freezes, she takes a final breath and shoots off into the night. It’s so damn hot it has almost made me come my jeans just watching her fall apart in front of me. And, as I expected, the rocket has launched and she’s now racing with the stars as she soars to the heavens with me between her thighs.

  I slide my body up against her and wait for that lazy smile. “Good?”

  She throws an arm over her eyes. “Yes…”

  I hover over her, pressing my weight against her. She can feel how hard I am now but I don’t move yet. I feel a little hesitation at first but it quickly fades away. This is it. There’s no going back.

  “Please.” Rhea begs, her eyes fluttering open when I stop kissing her. “Don’t stop, Tan. Not tonight.” She takes a deep breath. “You made me this promise. Don’t break this one.”

  I’m staring at her, watching that lazy smile fall from her face. “Never, baby.”

  Rhea smiles, her legs move and widen, bringing me flush against her center.

  This is it; there is no turning back. I stand up and reach into my jeans for the condom I grabbed before coming down here. I toss it on the blanket beside her and remove my jeans. I kneel down between her open legs watching her, waiting to see if there is any doubt that surfaces. I see nothing. I tear the condom open with my teeth and roll it on. I slowly lower myself over her. The heat from her core is fire that’s about to melt me just from sheer contact. If there’s a God in heaven, please don’t let her have second thoughts, not tonight, please not tonight.

  “Are you sure?” I ask one last time knowing we can never come back from this.

  She reaches up and cups my face, “More than sure.”

  I push forward as gently as I can; waiting on her reaction but there isn’t one. She’s so fucking tight I can barely move but I have to; I need to. When I pull out and push all the way in, that’s when she tenses, her thighs squeezing my waist. “Ow.” She mutters against my lips, whimpering out in pain. Her hands move to my shoulders, gripping them hard.

  “I’m sorry, baby.” I whisper against her lips. “I’m gonna stop.” I start to pull out.

  She shakes her head, her legs wrapping around my waist as if to keep me there. “No, just---” she takes a deep breath and moves just a fraction of an inch. “Give me a second.”

  Fuck, it feels so fucking tight I can barely breathe, hardly think about anything but wanting the sensation, the feeling of being inside her to never end. It’s probably for the best that she doesn’t want me to move just yet. The tightness that’s surrounding me is about to cause me to blow my load before we can continue; I need a moment as well just to slow this train down, once again.

  I pull back and give her a gentle smile. “You okay?” I’m not sure if I’m saying this to her, or myself.

  “Yeah.” She hikes her legs up higher and I sink in deeper. I’m about to lose it, right here, right now.

  “Feels so good.” I say against her lips, pulling out and pushing back in again. Each time I do this, her grip on me eases up and she begins to relax. I distract her and myself with my kisses. I keep my movements slow but it’s not easy.

  “I love you.” I kiss the corner of her mouth. “So fucking much.”

  Rhea’s breath hitches, “Oh, Tanner.” She sniffles. “I love you too.”

  My lips move from her neck and find her lips. I can’t take much more of this and I think she senses it too.

  “I’m gonna come.” I warn her.

  I can’t take it. With three quick movements, my body lets go and I groan against her lips, my body trembling with unquestionable pleasure. A pleasure that’s so much more intense knowing this is another first, possibly the ultimate first, that this beautiful being has given to me.

  I rest my forehead against hers trying to slow my breathing down. Rhea runs her fingernails up and down my back.

  I slip out and pull Rhea into my arms. “Happy birthday, Rhea.” I kiss the top of her head.

  She rests her chin on my chest, “Happy birthday, Tanner.”

  Exactly two weeks after the best night of my life, the worst day of my life happens. I didn’t want this to happen but I couldn’t keep quiet any longer about my dad and Daisy.

  My dad and I were at it again when my mama came home early from work the day before I was to leave for college and she overheard our fight.

  “How could you fucking do this to her?” I slam my glass of water on the table as some spills over the side. “And with Daisy of all people? Do you feel better, Dad,” I turn my back to him. “Knowing you not only ripped this family apart but you’re about to rip your best friend’s family apart too?”

  “What I do is none of your business, Tanner, so keep your mouth shut.” Dad slams the fridge door.

  “Screwing Daisy in our house is my business, Dad.” I yell.

  There is a gasp behind me and then a thump. I turn to watch as Mama hits the floor in hysterics.

  “See what you’ve done, Tanner.” Dad yells as he rushes to Mama.

  “No.” She screams. “Stay the hell away from me.”

  I pull a kitchen chair out and sit down. I thought she had some kind of an idea that he was cheating, that something was wrong. My God, how can this situation get even more fucked up?

  “Darlin’, I can explain.” Dad tries to assure her.

  Yeah, good luck with that, asshole. Try to come up with a feasible explanation that will make all the sense in the world as to why you have been balls deep in your best friend’s wife. I can’t wait for this explanation. If he pulls this off, I’ve got to find out how to nominate this bastard for an Oscar, I’m thinking.

  “Get out!” Mama yells. “Get out of my fucking house, Josh and don’t ever come back again!”

  “Darlin’” Dad tries again.

  “Don’t you fucking call me darlin’ you son of a bitch. Get out now!” Mama screams.

  Dad’s head falls forward as he stalks off towards the front door. I can’t even remotely feel anything for him. He caused this and he has to deal with the consequences, the fallout from his selfish choices.

I get up from the chair and walk over towards Mama who is still sobbing on the floor. I reach down and pick her up. “Come on, Mama. I’ll help you get upstairs.”

  She cries harder as I cradle her frail body against my chest. “Oh, sweet boy, what am I gonna do?”

  “Shh, we’ll figure it out Mama. Don’t worry about that right now.” I push her bedroom door open with my foot. “Why don’t you get changed and then we can talk.”

  She takes a shaky breath, “Okay.”

  My text message dings as I set Mama on her bed. “Come down when you’re ready.”

  She crawls into the middle of the bed in a fetal position and cries. As I walk out I reach into my pocket for my phone.

  Honey Bee 6:04 pm: What the hell is going on, Tan?

  Me 6:08 pm: WW3 just started. Stay strong, baby. I love you.

  Honey Bee 6:09 pm: I’m scared, Tanner.

  Me 6:10 pm: Don’t be. We’ll figure it out.

  Over the next week everything went to hell. Both sets of parents aren’t talking to each other and they are forbidding Rhea and me to talk to or see each other. I have yet to let that happen and it will be a cold day in hell when I do. They are all so oblivious as to what’s going on as they wallow in their misery that what Rhea and I do are the farthest things from their minds. How did this happen to our families?

  ~ Age 18 ~


  I roll over and kick the covers off. I know I should really get out of bed but I’m slightly hung over from another night of partying with Tanner and our friends. My room is bright, too bright to be morning still.

  “Are you going to wake your ass up anytime soon?” Knox asks shoving me in the back.

  I roll over and shield my eyes with my arm, “Why are you in my room so damn early?”

  Knox chuckles, “It’s not early, Little One.”

  I sit up on my elbows and glance over at Knox.

  “You look hot.” He says with a smirk.

  “Shut up, asshole.”

  “You got a little something on your neck.” Knox points.

  I wipe at my neck but I don’t feel anything.

  “What you got is not going to wipe off. If your daddy sees that he’s going to beat your ass.” Knox chuckles.

  I climb out of bed and walk over to the mirror on my dresser. My hair is sticking up all over the place on the right side and it’s matted on the left. My mascara is running down my face, and my lipstick is smeared all over my lips. I look like a hot mess. I take a look at my neck and I have to do a double take. I’ve got a hickey the size of Texas on my neck for all the world to see. And by all the world, I mean my daddy.

  “Damn it, Tanner!” I say stomping my feet.

  Knox lies back in my bed, “You better wear a turtle neck for the next week.”

  I turn and glare at Knox, “It’s the middle of summer in North Carolina, Knox.”

  Knox rolls his eyes, “Thanks for reminding me where I am and what season it is, I’m just offering a little friendly advice is all.”

  I fling myself back on the bed and cuddle up next to Knox. “Please tell me you are taking me away with you this weekend. I have to give this hickey time to lighten and I need to be far away from inquiring minds.”

  He tucks a hand behind his head, “That’s why I’m here. I need your help with a few things then I’m sending you and Tanner off to a hotel for the night.”

  I sit up, “What? Why? We have our own room at the house.”

  Knox smiles, “Relax, I’m asking Savanna to marry me this weekend and I need some help getting the house ready and shit. I thought since you were going to help me out that I would help you.”

  “You do help me all the time though. You don’t need to send us to a hotel, Knox.”

  Ever since my parents divorced, Daddy refuses to let me see Tanner. I’m to have no parts of him in my life. He thinks that because Tanner’s daddy cheated on his wife with my mama, that Tanner is going to do the same thing to me. Little does he know that Tanner would never do that to me. He’s my soul mate. He’s my everything. His official edict for us to stay apart hasn’t happened yet and it’s not about to happen anytime soon.

  Tanner and I have been sneaking around for two years behind our parents’ backs. Daddy kicked Mama out of the house shortly after he found out what she had done. Daddy forbids me to have any kind of relationship with Tanner, he even tried to stop me from seeing the Mitchell’s, but Audrey refused to let that happen. After some persuasion from Audrey, Daddy finally gave in as long as Tanner wasn’t staying at the house when I was down at the beach house. That wouldn’t work and Daddy knew that but never said anything else about it again. I don’t know what I would without Audrey.

  Tanner’s mama kicked his daddy out of the house the day she found out and never let him back in. The cops were called when he showed up to grab his things because Emma refused to let Josh in. Tanner doesn’t talk much about what happened and that’s okay. I don’t like to talk about it much either. Close friendships were ruined and hearts were irreparably broken.

  “I’m not taking no for an answer. I’ve already booked the room and as soon as your ass gets ready we’ll head down and get things going.” Knox smiles at me.

  An hour later I was showered, packed and ready to go. Knox carried my suitcase downstairs while I was putting the last of my makeup on the ugly hickey that Tanner left. It wasn’t really doing any good because that shit was purple and angry looking, and it seemed to be getting darker by the minute. I went into my walk-in closet and took a scarf out that went with my outfit. I quickly tied it around my neck and laid my hair over my shoulders covering it the best that I could. Yeah, I was a walking billboard for failed hickey undercover ops. I was so fucked.

  I grabbed my purse off the bed and headed downstairs. When I got to the bottom I heard Knox and daddy talking.

  “Congratulations, young man.” Daddy says.

  I stand on the bottom of the stairs and eavesdrop for just a minute.

  “Thank you, Sir.” Knox responds back politely.

  Daddy clears his throat and I heard the chair scratch across the floor. “Son, Tanner isn’t goin’ to be there this weekend is he?”

  Leave it to Daddy to worry about Tanner.

  “I’m not gonna to lie to you, Sir. He’s going to be there but I did book him a hotel room so that he and Rhea are not staying under the same roof.”

  “Good, good. That Savanna is a lucky girl. I sure hope my Rhea finds a catch like you some day.”

  I shake my head in disgust.

  Knox laughs, “Thanks, Sir. And I’m sure she will.”

  I walk into the kitchen with a hand on my hip, “You ready to go, it’s getting late?”

  Knox nods and a smile forms across his face. He looks at the scarf and then back to my eyes. If I could have flipped him off with my eyeballs I would have.

  I walk over to Daddy and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Bye, Daddy.”

  “Rhea, it’s a little hot out today to be wearing a scarf.” Daddy says tugging at it.

  I grip it tight in my hand so he doesn’t pull the knot undone. “Oh Daddy, keep up with the styles will you. All the girls are wearing them.”

  I hear Knox laughing softly. He’s so dead.

  I grab Knox’s arm and pinch underneath it making him growl at me. Good, serves him right.

  When we get outside Knox yanks his elbow back rubbing the spot I just pinched, “That’s going to bruise.”

  “Suck it up, Sally.” I glare. “That’s whatcha get for laughin’ at me. I’ll let you borrow my scarf when I’m done with it.”

  He smirks, “You do look ridiculous wearing that.”

  I untie it and throw it at him.

  He full out laughs, grabbing his stomach, “No, wait,” he throws the scarf at me. “You should put it back on.”

  I drop the stupid thing and stalk off towards his BMW. He unlocks it and I slide into the passenger seat.

  Knox slides in and starts the car up still laug

  “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  I scowl, “I do.”

  Knox shakes his head as he pulls out of the driveway and into Tanner’s right next door. “You love me.”

  Sighing, “I do.”

  Tanner jogs out of the house, opens the back door, tosses his bag in then he climbs in next. He’s groaning so I turn to see what’s wrong.

  “Baby, what’s wrong with you?” Tanner’s got a hat pulled low over his eyes, sunglasses on and dressed in black cargo shorts and a black tank top.

  “Shh,” he puts his hands over his ears. “Stop yelling.”

  I laugh, “Hangover from hell, huh?”

  He moans and lays his head on his bag and that’s when I get a glance at his neck.

  I snort, “What in the hell is that?”

  Tanner has bite marks all over his neck and one on his jaw.

  “That would be considered ‘marking your territory’ from the vampire I’m dating.”

  Knox burst out laughing. I turn in my seat and pull my seat belt on. “Well, at least we know how to have a good time.”

  Tanner huffs, “Yeah, well I’ve got a lollipop stuck in my hair that I can’t get out.”

  I whip my head back around and flip his hat off his head. Sure enough he has a red lollipop stuck to his hair. I try to pull on it and he slaps my hand away.

  “I told you it’s stuck.”

  I giggle, “I can see that.”

  Tanner lies back down and puts his hat over his face. I lean my seat back and get comfortable for our two-hour car ride to Myrtle Beach.

  Knox is so in love with Savanna. It’s the kind of love that you read about in fairytales. Knox met Savanna back home in New Jersey. They met his sophomore year in college. Savanna was tutoring for statistics and Knox was assigned to her. They went out once for dinner and spent almost every day after that together. Savanna is my favorite out of all the girls who Knox has dated over the years. She wasn’t stuck up like a lot of the girls he dated were. She just fit in with our family. If I ever need to vent about the boys, I knew I could always count on her to listen.


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