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Alphas In Love: The Complete Series Books 1 & 2

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by Tory Baker

  This morning had to be one of the best days I could ever have. I can’t wait to look back on this day and explain to our children how our love came to life.

  “Ready to go?” Declan comes into the bathroom as I’m brushing my hair.

  “What are we doing today?” I volley back.

  “Figured we’d go into town and I could show you the local life,” he answers, holding my hips as he comes behind me. I bring my hand down to his and see the diamond ring he placed on my finger. It’s rose gold. The diamond is emerald in shape with small diamonds surrounding it. It’s perfect in every single way.

  “Sure. Let me do something with my hair and we can go,” I tell him as I flip my head over, bending at the knees. My ass finds his crotch and his hands are back on my hips, “Fuck woman, my dick is going to be broken if you keep doing that.”

  “Doing what?” I question jokingly. I can feel him hardening.

  He backs away and swats my ass. I moan. I can’t help it. Everything he does to me; it turns me on.

  “I’m going downstairs before I take you back to bed,” he murmurs as he turns and walks away. I finish doing my hair and then go down to meet him.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  We spent the rest of our time in Aruba walking around town, touring the beaches, snorkeling, which I’m quickly realizing is one of Kendall’s favorite hobbies, and in bed. I’m definitely not looking forward to Michigan and the cold that will soon be coming this fall. Down here the weather is perfect and Kendall always wearing tanks, shorts, or a bathing suit is fucking spoiling me. I have easy access to touch and caress her body any time I want.

  Good things come to an end, and we’re now back in Michigan. Kendall is working today and I’m at the house. I took up a hobby years ago. One that now takes up the bulk of the garage. I need to finally work on it.

  The two cars I own are always parked outside, and when Kendall takes one and I’m not home, she has to walk outside to get to them when she could easily walk through the garage and not be outside alone in the early hours of the morning or the late evenings if I’m stuck in a meeting.

  It’s rare that I work early or late hours, but they do happen, I want her safe and secure.

  I walk out to the garage and uncover what I’ve been working on in my spare time. Kendall has asked a few times what I’m working on.

  I brought her out here and showed her. The tears shimmering in her eyes when she saw the rocking chair. It’s something I’ve been working on for a while now.

  She cupped her hands around my face with those tears in her eyes. Tears that always tear into my gut and said, “I know where I want to use this and in which room.”

  “It’ll be ready whenever you are, baby.” We talked about starting a family shortly after our wedding. A wedding that is being planned in full swing by both of our parents.

  If it was up to me, we’d be on the jet to Las Vegas and we’d elope. Kendall wasn’t having any of that.

  I told her, “I’m giving you three months to plan our wedding. I want you tied to me, forever.”

  “It’s not me you have to worry about, Declan. It’s the moms you have to get on board. I’d be happy to get married in a backyard as long as I get to walk down the aisle to you.” After she told me that, I called both her mom and my mom. I let them know in no uncertain terms that we’d be setting the date and it would be a month from now.

  Kendall and I both wanted something small, intimate, and absolutely nothing elaborate or over the top. Her mom, Max, my parents, my brother, and Jake are all we really want and need there.

  Once they were on board, it was smooth sailing. I return back to cleaning the garage. I finished the rocking chair and next I’ll be working on the cradle that she mentioned needing. We talked well into the hours of the night in Aruba. She wants four children. I told her I would take as many as she would be willing to give.

  She spoke about our future children and how she was going to nurse them and didn’t want to have to go room to room in the middle of the night. She said our baby should be in our room and we’d probably need a cradle.

  As much as I want to get started on the cradle. I know I have cleaning and clearing out here to do first. I may even have to build a shop in the corner of the yard for everything.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  It’s been a busy few months since Declan and I got engaged. The first order of business was to get a dress right away. Three months isn’t very long to plan a wedding, especially if my dress had to be ordered. Luckily, it didn’t. My mom and Declan’s mom, Jackie, were rock stars and helped get everything handled.

  I initially said I wanted it in our backyard. Declan mentioned that as much as he’d love to have it here, it would ruin our backyard with everyone traipsing in and out. We kept looking for locations around Michigan and couldn’t find what we’re looking for in the fall.

  Declan’s dad, Rhett, said, “Why don’t you tie the knot in Myrtle Beach or in Aruba. That way you can keep it small and intimate. Then you two can leave for your honeymoon or the family can find their own way,”

  I ran to him and hugged him saying, “Thank you. I love that idea.”

  Declan was growling after seeing me in his dad’s arms. I rolled my eyes at him and went back to him. He placed his hand firmly on my hip and kept me by his side as we hammered out the details of our wedding. We decided on Myrtle Beach where it all started.

  I place my hand over my stomach, while waiting on Max to tell me it’s time to walk down the aisle. I’m nervous and excited about seeing Declan.

  “He’s out there waiting on you, Princess,” Max says. He’s my man of honor and my best friend.

  “I can’t wait to see him,” I squeal.

  “I’ll see you on the other side,” he says as he walks in front of me. I was initially going to have my mom walk me down the aisle, but decided to walk to Declan myself.

  Making my way toward him I see what he’s wearing. It’s his classic Armani suit that’s charcoal grey and tailored to perfection with a crisp white dress shirt underneath. He’s lost the tie and has the top two buttons undone. He stands barefoot in the sand with the hem of his pants rolled up. It would look ridiculous on anyone else, but Declan makes it look amazing.

  I don’t make it very far to him when he stalks down the aisle and meets me halfway.

  A laugh bubbles up from me when he does this. My caveman can’t stand to not be at my side, “I love you, Declan,” I tell him when he reaches me.

  “Fuck, but I love you more and more each day,” he rasps. He’s looking at me and only me. No matter that our closest friends and family are standing and waiting on us.

  My dress was simple. I didn’t want anything poufy or over the top. It’s not who I am. This one was bought off the rack at a boutique store and flatters my figure with its sweetheart neckline and mermaid shape with lace overlay all the way to the floor.

  Declan takes my hand and we make it back to the alter and say our vows. We say our “I do’s” and when he’s done kissing me, I whisper into his ear, “I threw out the last of my birth control. I’m ready to start our family.”

  He picks me up and spins me in a circle and says, “You just made me the happiest man on earth and then you tell me this. You’re perfection, Kendall.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Six Weeks Later

  We decided for our honeymoon we’d do something big. Well, really, I demanded it. Kendall was exhausted a lot during the wedding process, even with it being a destination wedding. She kept working until the day we took off for the airport.

  I finally sat her down and told her if she didn’t stop picking up everyone’s extra shifts, we’d never have time for ourselves.

  She didn’t even realize she was doing it; Kendall has been so used to working as much as she can that she sat back stunned, “Shit, I can’t believe I didn’t realize what I was doing. I’m so sorry, Declan

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about, gorgeous. I want to spend more time with you.” I tell her as I pick her up and hold her.

  We went on a month-long vacation on a private boat. It had a staff and for the first time in our lives Kendall and I let everything go and relaxed. There was no cell service, just what we could pick up on the boat and the stops along the way. We travelled through most of Fiji’s Islands and the tan Kendall could never hold, well, it deepened in time and the tiredness that was showing in her face, soon vanished.

  Now we’re back home in Michigan.

  Kendall only works a few days a week now. Drastically cutting down on her hours and I’m thankful as fuck.

  I’m in the living room watching a football game when Kendall rushes into the house. She’s holding her stomach and heading toward the bathroom.

  “Kendall, are you okay?” I yell out as I throw the remote down and go after her.

  I find her with her head hanging over the toilet. I go to the closet and grab a washcloth and dampen it with cool water to drape on the back of her neck.

  “I feel like death. What is it with me getting the damn plague?” She questions as she throws up again. I sit there with her and hold her hair until she’s done.

  “Let’s get you into the shower and then I’ll help you to bed,” I murmur as I pick her up and cradle her in my arms.

  “Thank you, Declan. I just want to curl up and sleep the day away,” she whispers.

  I help her in the shower, then put her in one of my shirts before putting her in our unmade bed. As much as I’d love to get in bed with her, the grocery store and pharmacy are calling my name.

  I’ve watched Kendall since we’ve been home from our honeymoon. She’s changing, and, if I’m correct in my thinking, we could be expecting a baby in the near future.

  Chapter Thirty


  I roll over and my breasts are so sensitive they ache. Ugh, getting a stomach bug and now the symptoms of my period are starting. What a combo.

  Hearing the garage door open and close, I decide to get up and go downstairs and look for something to drink and, hopefully, eat. My stomach is now growling like I haven’t fed it in a year.

  “Kendall,” Declan says as he walks in and I’m in the kitchen.

  “Yeah,” I rasp out. My throat is a little sore from being sick.

  “What are you doing out of bed?” he questions. I roll my eyes. If he could keep me locked up in our house and in bed all day, he would.

  “I became thirsty and hungry all of a sudden.”

  “I have a feeling I know why that is,” Declan declares as he hands me a pregnancy test out of the pharmacy bag.

  “No way. Do you think it’s a possibility?” I ask him.

  “I think anything is a possibility, gorgeous. Go take the test. I’ll be right here when you’re finished,” he says with a smirk.

  “You’re going to let me do this on my own?” I say in a shocked voice while I laugh. He swats my ass and I put a pep in my step and hurry to the downstairs half bath that’s in the hallway.

  I pull out the instructions on the box and literally pee on the stick. I wash my hands and then open the door and stop abruptly. Declan is standing right outside of the door.

  “You didn’t expect me to leave you alone that long did you?” he jokes.

  “We have to wait a few minutes and then it’ll tell us the answer.” I hug him and he pulls me in tightly to his body.

  He sets the time on his watch and we hold each other until the timer goes off.

  “You look. I’m too nervous,” I tell him.

  “How about we look together?”

  “Yes, we can do that. Hold my hand please?” I ask.

  He grabs my hand and we take a step closer and see the answer on the test. I’m crying. Full on ugly crying and Declan is picking me up by the back of my legs. I wrap myself around him like an octopus and hold on tight. When I pull my face out of his neck, I can see he has unshed tears in his eyes. My forehead touches his and I say, “Hi, Daddy to be.”

  “Shit, Kendall. You’re going to be the best mother to our children,” he replies.

  We bask in each other. Never letting each other go until he’s at the couch. I’m on his lap and he pulls my shirt up where there’s not even a bump, yet he talks to our unborn child.

  “I’m so proud to be your father, Little One. I promise your mother and I will love you until the end of time,” he says softly.


  Eight months later


  As soon as Kendall found out she was pregnant, she put her notice in at work. I thought I was going to have to persuade her, but I didn’t.

  She came home from work the very next day and said, “That went entirely too easy.”

  “You did the right thing. All of that stress and traveling isn’t good for you,” I grumble.

  “I know, which is why I did it,” she told me.

  Now, I’m staring down at the mother of my child, a little boy we welcomed into the world kicking and screaming. He was big, weighing in at 8 pounds and 12 ounces and 22 inches long. Logan looks just like me. Something Kendall grumbles about all the time. I just laugh. I’m hopeful our next child will be a little girl and will look just like her mother.

  I run my finger along Kendall’s jaw as she opens her eyes. Logan must have fallen asleep nursing. Her bare breast is out in the open and it has to be the biggest turn on to see her nurse our child. His mouth is now open and he’s softly sleeping.

  “You’re home early,” she whispers out huskily. Fuck, but what this woman does to me. As much as I want her, I know she still has a few more weeks to heal.

  “I missed you and Logan,” I respond. Her eyes go soft and dreamy. I dip my head down to kiss her and she deepens it. Her arm is still holding Logan, but her other hand, it’s tangled in my hair.

  We pull away from each other. My gaze goes back to Logan, and she sees me gazing at him. She moves him around and places him in my arms. Knowing I wanted to hold him, but didn’t want to interrupt their time.

  “I’m going to go start dinner. I got one of those meal deliveries in today and figured that would be quick and easy,” she says as she fixes her shirt hiding her breasts from me.

  “Is it steak this time?” I grumble. I know she’s eating healthy and worried about getting down to her pre-pregnancy weight, but I’m getting tired of chicken and fish.

  “Yes, Mister meat and potatoes,” she replies saucily as she walks into the kitchen.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me, Bud,” I tell Logan as I cradle him in my lap. I unwrap him in his blanket knowing he’ll get hot with my body heat. Kendall has him in a onesie that says, “Daddy’s Little Man” and it couldn’t be more accurate.

  He opens his eyes and he has a look of contentedness, but I really know he’s milk drunk. I sit back and look at his perfection. I already want more children and I want them as soon as possible. Having them all close in age. Yeah, I’m just going to have to get Kendall on board with that.


  Having a child is the best experience in the world. Having one with Declan is the icing on the cake. He’s the best father I could have chosen and to think we’re just getting started. I heard him grumble the other day about needing red meat. I don’t get to the store as often as I’d like to. Logan is still too tiny, and I don’t want him around strangers and germs just yet. I would have asked Declan’s parents to come watch Logan for a few hours, but Jackie and Rhett are out touring San Francisco and, well, my mom, she’s dating now. I’m so happy for her. He seems like a great guy. I know she put her life on hold to raise me, so I’m glad that she’s out there trying to find her mister right.

  I go back to what I was doing when Declan comes in and holds me while I’m working at the stove. His hands at my hips, always.

  “Did you have a good day at work?” I ask him.

  “Yes but, if I have to hear Jake bitch about Larissa
one more time, I may punch him in the face. For someone who says she’s just his best friend, he sure is going to the ends of the earth to find her. At some point, he’s going to have to realize she doesn’t want to be found,” he grouses.

  “Maybe he just doesn’t want to admit his best friend means more to him. Some men, they have a hard time accepting love. You said yourself Jake didn’t come from a very loving home,” I respond.

  “Yeah, I'm not sure. If he doesn’t get his shit together soon, he’s going to find my foot up his ass and kicked out of the office,” he says as he rubs his chin. I know he’s lying. He’d never get rid of Jake, but he will make him see reason. Eventually.

  “How was your day with Logan? Anything new happen that I missed?”

  “You can’t miss anything, Declan, if you text, call, and FaceTime us all hours of the day, leave late and come home early,” I say with a chuckle.

  “I’m as bad as Jake, aren’t I?”

  “Maybe a little bit,” I say with a smile.

  “I think I’m going to start working more from home. I hate being away from you two,” he grunts.

  “We’d like that.” It’s the truth. I miss him and I know he misses us. With him letting other people run the company more, there’s no reason for him to be there every day.

  We go out to the living room where one of the cradles that Declan built is and eat dinner in front of the television. Our eyes are more on Logan than our food or what’s playing in the background. Watching our little man is far more entertaining.

  Once our food is done, I lean back into Declan on the couch where I drift off to sleep as he holds me.


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