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The Reluctant Fool: The Tainted Series

Page 2

by T. L. Tate

  "Grrrrrrruuuuuuuuppppppphhhhhhhhh!" Soon she was bucking on my fingers and I didn't stop. I was going to make her cum and I was going to enjoy feeling her cum with my cock in her mouth.

  "Grrummph! Frumph! Frumph! Frumph!" Her explosion was outstanding. Her back muscles tensed as her pussy crushed my fingers. There was a deluge of nectar trying to escape her pussy but in a moment, I would use it to press myself into her depths.

  I grabbed her ponytail and pulled back just enough to tilt her head back. Her eyelids were fluttering. I took this opportunity to roughly ride her face.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  The sound of my balls slapping her face as I bottomed out in the inside of her throat was insanely arousing. If I continued this for even a few more seconds I was sure I would cum. So, reluctantly, I pulled myself from her mouth. She fell forward, gasping for air. After a few moments, she turned her head to the side and smiled, "Come and get it, big boy."

  I scooped her up and she giggled. Laying her on the bed, I immediately climbed on top of her. Her strong legs wrapped around my sides with her feet hanging over the base of my back, just above my butt.

  I kissed her hard and then bit her lip until she gasped, "Ah!" Without any help from me, my cock found what it needed. Despite being able to slide two fingers into her minutes earlier, it was still a tight fit. But once I breached her defenses her insides wrapped and hugged me expertly. I buried myself inside of her and we both moaned.

  "Fuck! How can a pussy feel so damn good?" She had my head spinning. The shear pleasure of her was too much for words. I moved in and out of her, touching all the spots that I knew she loved.

  "Your dick is so good! I love your dick, Lance! Fuck me, baby! Mess me up, please!"

  Her wish was my command. Pushing myself up on my arms, I slammed into her over and over again.

  "Fuck! Me! Fuck! Me! Yes!"

  Smack! Smack!

  "Jesus, Jen! So damn good!"

  Smack! Smack!

  "Lance, you're going to make me fucking cum, baby! Lance!"

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  "Yeeeeesssssss!" Her body was tensing. "Lance, fill me up! Give me your baby! Make me a mommy again! I want your spunk, baby! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck!"

  Her pussy clinched down on my cock and wouldn't relent. That was fine. Now it was my turn. "Jen! You want this cum, baby? Here! Take! Every! Fucking! Drop!" A roar/groan erupted from me as I filled Jen with my semen. There was so much that I felt it ooze around the base of my cock, trying to escape.

  Her face was flushed and her eyes were closed, but her hands were on my back as she rotated her hips in a slow circle. After a little while she spoke. "Holy cow! You fuck me so right, baby. I love you!" She kissed me deeply and I could feel how exhausted she was. I rolled off of her and headed into the bathroom where I started the shower. When I came back she had rolled a pillow underneath the small of her back as she tilted her legs in the air.

  I couldn't help but laugh. "What are you doing?"

  She threw a pillow at me. "Don't laugh, jerk! I'm trying to force the semen into my womb."

  Suddenly her ridiculous yoga pose seemed less ridiculous and more endearing. I turned back into the bathroom, shut off the shower, and came back out to lie next to her. I ran my fingers up and down her leg. "I'm sorry I laughed at you."

  Now she giggled, "Don't be. I know how silly I look but I read online that it was a good idea if you want to get pregnant." Her smile was filled with so much love and tenderness that it left me in awe. She used to be so broken but now she can look at me with such a look. It's amazing.

  "You really do want to have my baby. Don't you?"

  She looked at me with such a look of open innocence that I knew the words that she said were completely honest and lacking of even an ounce of guile. "Of course I do. I want to help bring another beautiful piece of you into this world."

  I was moved to tears. "I love you, Jen."

  "I love you, too."

  We got up a few minutes later and took a shower together. She slept in my arm even after it fell asleep. I didn't mind. I knew that this was the last peaceful night I would have with my wife for a couple of weeks because tomorrow the demon would arrive. I squeezed her, pressing her body against mine even tighter. She mumbled something in her sleep but otherwise didn't complain. I watched our ceiling fan turn in the gloom looking for an answer as to what I would do from tomorrow onwards. No Muse came to whisper in my ear with any Divine inspiration. I was on my own.


  Sitting outside the arrivals terminal at the airport, I looked at my phone for the fourth time in the last two minutes. How in the hell did things end up like this? I had managed to avoid being alone with her after the debacle in her bathroom and now I was being forced into being her lone chauffeur.

  I read the chain of texts that Jen and I traded an hour ago.

  Babe! I need your help!

  What's up, J?

  I'm stuck at the kids' school. I won't be able to make it to pick up, Jessa.


  What do you mean? ...

  I mean, she can just take a taxi or Uber or Lyft. There're a lot of choices.

  Pppppplllllllleeeeeeeaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeee! Help me!


  Don't "..." me!


  I'm going to beat you!


  You're not funny!

  I'm hilarious!

  Please pick her up for me. I'll make it up to you.

  This would've been around the time when I realized my carefully laid plan to avoid being alone with her was doomed.

  Fine. When does she arrive?

  Thanks, baby! You're a lifesaver. 430. Love you!

  Love you, too.

  Now I'm outside, in this stinking heat, waiting for my sister-in-law and trying to devise a way to ensure she doesn't take advantage of me.

  I didn't get very far when the automatic doors slid open and a stunning blonde walked through, wearing a super short pair of khaki shorts and a billowing low-cut emerald top that matched her shimmering green eyes. She saw me and stopped. Standing on her toes, she reached an arm high in the air and waved as if I couldn't see her. She smiled brightly, "Lance! Hi!" She rushed forward, trailing an overly large rolling suitcase behind her.

  I stepped away from my car and met her part way. I couldn't force a smile but that didn't stop her from wrapping me in a tight hug like we were the best of friends. Of course, I considered tossing her into the moving traffic but thought against it. Unfortunately, manslaughter is still illegal. Bummer.

  "Oh my god! I didn't expect to see you here!" Her large breasts pressed against me as her arms held onto me for dear life. Her hair tickled my nose and smelled of honeysuckle. I looked passed her and noticed more than a few heads turned in our direction. Okay, I'll admit it. She's a beautiful woman. Sure...she's beautiful on the outside and rotten on the inside.

  I managed to extricate myself from her. "Yeah, Jen got stuck at this thing at the school so she asked me to come."

  She raised her perfect little eyebrow. "Just the two of us then?"

  Maybe it was just me and my general (yet reasonable) distrust of her, but that kind of sounded a little fishy. "Just until we get home. Climb in. I'll put your suitcase in the trunk."

  As I turned, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. "Wha..." I jumped back almost immediately. I didn't want any inappropriate touching and now was as good a time as any to draw that line.

  She stopped me before I could speak. She chirped, "Just saying thanks!" Then she turned and bounced in the car, turning more heads as she did.

  I cast a wary glance after her. My feeling of guilt punched me in the stomach as I watched her happily climb into my car. Placing the suitcase in the trunk, I reluctantly took my place in the driver's seat and piloted the car out of the terminal.

  Jessa was a bubbly mass of energy and excitement. "I can't wait to see Aesop and Avi! Jen sent me pictures of them. They are so freaking c
ute! How're they liking this new preschool?"

  I hesitated, "Uh, fine. I guess."

  She failed to notice, or at least acknowledge my discomfort. "Jen says that they really like it. I can't believe how much traction this year-round schooling has achieved. I mean school...preschool in the summer! Gosh! But I guess they don't know any better."


  "The twins. They're too young to have experienced traditional scheduling so they don't know that summer is supposed to be a time of goofing off and hanging out with friends."

  "Oh...umm, yeah. I guess."

  When she turned in her chair, the seatbelt was clinging to her shirt, pulling it down in the process and offering my sinning eyes too much of her breasts. Her green eyes shimmered in the sunlight. "So! How're things going on the baby-making front?"

  I nearly swerved off the road. "What?" I didn't want to talk about this with her. She had no business even thinking about my sex life. Especially after what she did a couple months back.

  Her hand reached out and she touched my thigh. I wanted to jerk it away but I was driving and would likely lose control if I did.

  "No need to be embarrassed, Lance. Jen and I talk every night, ya know? She told me you guys are still trying. I guess all that sex you had at my house didn't quite make it happen huh? Too bad." She was smiling but there was something smug in that smile. I didn't have to ask to know what brought it about.

  It was time to draw that line I was thinking about earlier. "Listen, Jessa..." But she cut me off.

  "I'm sorry, Lance. I'm sorry about what I did to you. I wasn't myself but I know that doesn't excuse it. I wanted to hurt Jen because I blamed her for how unhappy I'd allowed my life to become. But I know it's not her fault. I'm sorry that I used you and I'm sorry that I came between you and my sister."

  Out of all of the things I was expecting, this definitely wasn't it. Jessa apologizing? No freaking way! Nevertheless, there she was sitting next to me with moisture in her eyes. But dare I believe her? I prefer to believe in people but something told me that Jessa wasn't one of those people that I should place my unlimited amount of optimism in.

  "I'm so sorry, Lance. What I really wanted was a better marriage and a better relationship with my sister and parents. I think my marriage is all but over and my parents are too old to change, but at least Jen has accepted me. I love having my little sister back and I don't want to do anything to lose her or hurt her. I'm sorry that I was so twisted and I promise to make it up to you somehow."

  Hmm, maybe she really has changed. I really wanted to believe it but can a person change so completely? Is it even possible?

  "These last two months I've gotten so close to Jen and it’s been incredible. I really want to be a part of her life...of all of your lives. Please forgive me." I watched out of the corner of my eye as several clear droplets darkened areas of her shirt. I never was any good with crying but I guessed that if she was able to cry about it maybe she was telling the truth.

  Before I knew it, my body relaxed and I loosened my grip on the steering wheel. "Okay." I didn't know what else to say.

  I saw as much as felt her melancholy lift. She smiled and unbuckled her seatbelt. Before I could react she leaned forward until her lips were on my cheek and her breasts were on my arm. With her soft lips pressed against my face I had an automatic physical response that was followed up by the unpleasant memory of those very same lips wrapped around my cock. She lingered for a moment too long and I felt myself stirring even more. Finally, she pushed herself back, her cheeks pink.

  She smiled again, this time it wasn't smug...but it wasn't completely innocent either. "Thanks for understanding." She turned and buckled up and we drove the rest of the way back to my house in silence.

  A half hour later I pulled into our driveway and parked in the garage right next to Jen's lipstick red minivan. The moment I opened the door leading into the garage I was attacked by two 4-year olds. "Daddy!" Aesop and Avi both chose a leg and held on like sock puppets. I chuckled and scooped them into my arms.

  "Hi, you little monsters! How was your party?"

  "Great!" they said in unison.

  "That's fantastic. Guess who I brought?" I turned my body to allow Jessa to step forward. The twins poked their head around my shoulders to see who was standing behind me. Once they saw her they both squealed and scrambled to climb out of my arms. I stepped forward before setting them loose upon their aunt Jessa.

  Again in unison, "Auntie!"

  Jessa fell down to her knees and held her arms out wide. She had a huge grin on her face as two little bodies ran full steam into her chest. "Hello babies! Auntie missed you both so much! Look how big you both are."

  I felt Jen come into the room before I heard her. She was quietly watching the scene before her with a look of unguarded joy. I looked back at Jessa and then back towards Jen. I could see how much Jessa meant to Jen. I suppose if it makes Jen happy then all the better. I guess forgiving Jessa and moving on is a good idea especially if it makes Jen this happy.

  Jen came close and I kissed her. She smiled, "Thanks, dear."

  "Of course, honey."

  "Auntie! Auntie! Look, I'm taller than Avi!"

  "No you're not! I'm taller! Look Auntie! See!"

  The twins were standing on their toes lobbying for Jessa's attention. Jessa looked like she was seriously thriving in the love and attention she was receiving. Her smile seemed permanently etched into her face. Avi and Aesop started pulling at her arm. "Come see our room. Come on! Come on!"

  Jen stepped forward, "That's enough you two. Don't you both have something to give Aunt Jessa?"

  They looked at each other and giggled and then ran, at full speed, through the kitchen and up the stairs.

  I called after them, "Stop running in the house!" But they were long gone. I sighed, "Geez. Those kids."

  As I said that, both Jen and Jessa squealed just as loud as Aesop and Avi. Jen rushed passed me and ran into Jessa's arms where they both hugged, squealed and jumped while turning in a circle.

  It was more than a little obvious how excited they were to see each other. They were acting like schoolgirls all full of vigor and youthful glee.

  "Oh my god! You look fantastic!"

  "So do you! I can't believe how long your hair has gotten."

  Jen touched her head, self-consciously. "I know. I'm thinking about cutting it again."

  "Don't you dare! It's gorgeous."

  "How was your flight?"

  "It was fine. Thanks for springing for first class."

  "Of course!"

  They headed into the kitchen while I went back out to grab the suitcase. By the time I came back inside, Aesop and Avi had returned with a card they had made with an actual poster board. There was glitter, handprints, markers and crayons all over the card. It was cute to see them so excited to see their aunt after so long. Even Jen was practically gushing over Jessa and Jessa seemed to return all of the affection with equal force and depth. Out of everyone, I was the only one that held any sort of reservation. I guess it was time to put those reservations away.

  Sighing, I carried her heavy suitcase up the stairs and into the guest suite. The guest suite shared a wall with our bedroom. When I asked Jen why she couldn't use the other spare bedroom further away from our room she said that she didn't want to make Jessa share a bathroom with the twins. Therefore, I was stuck with having her sleeping right next to us.

  Placing the suitcase at the end of the bed, I turned to leave and ran right into Jessa. I didn't see her so when I turned and ran into her, it was with the full force of my body. She toppled over and only my quick reflexes stopped her from falling to the ground.

  Her arms reached up and held onto my neck for dear life. I blushed as I straightened my back. "Sorry. I didn't see you there."

  She was out of breath from her near accident. "Yeah, I'd say. But no harm done."

  Just then, Jen poked her head around the corner. To anyone it would look like we were moments
away from kissing. I looked at Jen in fear. I was ready for her trademark jealousy to cause her to explode. I was imagining fire and brimstone.

  What I got was even more confusing. She tilted her head to the side in a questioning manner and asked, "What's going on you two?"

  "Oh...well...uh..." I was scrambling.

  Fortunately, Jessa was as calm as a cucumber as she extracted her arms from around my neck and stood up under her own strength. She smiled at me and patted my chest. "Thank you, Lance." Then she turned to Jen and smiled while raising her upturned hands in the air. "Oh you know, I came up here to check out my room and Lance just about bulldozed me to the ground. Thank God that he caught me."

  Just when I was thinking Jen would launch into a verbal assault comprised of doubt and jealousy—what she did was even more shocking.

  She laughed.

  I didn't know what world I was looking at but I felt like my wife had been body snatched. My wife would lose her mind if I so much as looked at another woman but there I was, caught holding her sister (albeit being an innocent rescue) and she just laughed it off.

  "What's wrong, honey? You're not normally this clumsy." She walked over to us and playfully punched my shoulder.

  "Uh, yeah. I don't know I just didn't hear her."

  She turned to Jessa. "You're lucky he caught you. When I heard you yelp I didn't know what had happened."

  Did Jessa make a sound? I was so lost in reacting that I failed to notice. So that's what brought Jen along at that exact moment. Makes sense, I guess.

  "So anyway, lets go check out my room!" Jessa grabbed Jen's hand and they disappeared behind me. Still in shock, I headed downstairs to play with the twins.

  Later that night, after dinner and the twins' bath, which they insisted Jessa bathe them, the adults sat around the table sharing a bottle of wine.

  I went into the kitchen to grab another bottle and some cheese and sliced French bread. When I returned Jen's face was red and she was covering her mouth.


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