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The Reluctant Fool: The Tainted Series

Page 4

by T. L. Tate

  Like any proud parent, my chest puffed out a bit at the compliment.

  "Hungry?" Jen asked.

  Jessa replied ferociously, "Starving!"

  Jen laughed. "Do you still like Thai food? There's a pretty good place in town."

  I started to stand. "I'll run and pick it up."

  Jen stopped me with her hand on my shoulder. "No, that's okay. I have someplace I need to stop." She looked at Jessa and they shared a look.

  "Umm okay." I sat back down in the chair.

  Jen left shortly after that and Jessa took the lull created by the sleeping twins to take a nap of her own.

  Left alone, I pulled out my laptop and started working on the novel I had started last week. Just another one of my hobbies.

  Several minutes later I heard something heavy fall upstairs. I immediately imagined one of the kids falling out of their bed onto the floor. I shut my laptop and bounded up the stairs, straight to Aesop and Avi's room. I opened the door but they were both sound asleep in their beds and nothing was out of place in their room. Unsure as to what caused that sound, I shut their door and quietly walked back down the hallway towards the stairs and my bedroom.

  "Uhhh! Oh fuck. Mmmm!" Her voice brought me up short. I was just walking passed Jessa's room. Her door was open just enough to see inside. I probably should've kept moving but curiosity got the best of me.

  Her voice was quiet and muffled, like she was trying to keep the noise to a minimum. But it was too late. I already heard her.

  I peeked inside the door and froze. Jessa was naked from the waist down, her legs spread wide. Her pink panties lay on the ground at the foot of her bed next to the heavy wooden clock that Jen bought at a yard sale last year. Her blonde hair half covered her face as she pressed her head back hard on a pillow. Her hips were off the bed as she humped madly in the air. Her left hand worked a thick black dildo in and out of her pussy with terrifying speed. "Oh, god! I'm cumming on your cock! I'm cumming!"

  I had seen enough. No...I had seen way way too much! I turned to leave when I heard her muffled scream.

  "I'm cumming for you, Lance! I'm cumming! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

  I was shocked. It was one thing to catch and then watch her masturbate. It was another to know that she was fantasizing about me as she did it. But when I thought about the black dildo and how it was almost as thick and long as my fully erect cock, I just about lost it. I suddenly felt like I was the one being spied on. I felt so embarrassed I wanted to die.

  I ran from her room and back downstairs with a speed I rarely used. Sitting downstairs, my novel completely forgotten, I replayed the scene over and over again.

  Maybe she didn't say Lance. No, it was clear as day. She said Lance. She was thinking about me. What does this mean? Does she want me? Is she going to try something?

  I didn't have any answers. Only mountains upon mountains of questions.

  Forty minutes later, Jen arrived and I was still strung out by what had just occurred. She came right over to me and kissed me. I flinched.

  "Hey babe. Jumpy, huh?" She liked teasing me.

  "Yeah, I guess. Sorry." I couldn't let her know what I saw. I would rather die than share that with her.

  "Don't be sorry. I'm just messing with you. Where's Jessa?"

  Just the mention of her sister's name caused cold sweats to run down my back. "Uh...uh I think she's upstairs."

  "Oh okay. Could you run up and go tell her the food's here? I've got to put some stuff away."

  I froze. There was no way I could do that but how was I going to tell that to Jen? Fortunately, I was saved by the very person I was tasked to bring down.

  "Don't bother. Here I am." Jessa walked down the stairs fully clothed with a look of profound relaxation on her face. Jen might've assumed the look came from Jessa taking a really good nap, but I knew the truth. She didn't sleep. She fucked herself until explosion.

  Jessa looked at me and smiled I tried to smile back but I wasn't sure if it came out as a smile or as a skeletal approximation of a smile. Jessa followed Jen into the kitchen where they set out the food. I followed behind them once I was sure that I could stand up without toppling over.

  Sitting at the island, I stared at the Thai smorgasbord without feeling an ounce of hunger. I looked up just as Jessa's eyes turned from mine, her cheeks pink. Had she been watching me or checking me out? The difference was small yet least to me.

  "Mmmm! The food looks great, sis. Thanks!"

  Again, I saw Jen's eyes glow at being called 'sis'. She smiled brightly and giggled. "You're welcome. Sit down. Eat."

  "Absolutely." Jessa rounded the island and was headed towards the chair next to me. Then out of nowhere, something tripped her up and she fell forward. Without thinking I instinctually reached for her, snatching her body up out of thin air.

  "Ah!" she yelped.

  Jen rushed over to her, concern shadowing her perfect face. "Jessa! Are you okay?"

  Jessa pushed herself up, her face red. "Yeah, I'm fine." She looked straight into my eyes and only then did I realize that my arm was still wrapped around her chest and torso. I steadied her and let her go. "That's twice in two days that you've saved me." She leaned forward, pressing her large breasts against my chest and wrapped her arms around me. Her lips touched my cheek as she whispered in my ear, "Thank you."

  When she released me my eyes went to Jen to see how she was taking her sister's overly familiar behavior. Her eyes were still colored with concern. Jessa stood back, her cheeks were flushed and her green eyes were molten. She nervously moved a lock of her flaxen hair behind her ear as she cast her eyes downward. To some, it may have appeared that she was embarrassed. But not to me. The evidence could still be felt on my chest where her large globes pressed against me. As she held me and her face was against mine, I could feel her nipples growing harder and harder. That combined with the look in her eyes, the heaving of her chest and what I had witnessed with my own eyes not an hour before, let me know that it was nothing short than attraction. Sexual attraction.

  To her credit she played it off well. She smiled in a self-deprecating way and slapped my shoulder. "Then again, you were responsible for knocking me over yesterday. Who's to say that you didn't trip me just now?"

  Jen laughed. "Yeah, I wouldn't put it passed him. He's got some a strong hero complex, that guy."

  They both laughed. I smiled. Neither of them knew what I knew. I had seen Jessa on the bed. I had heard her call my name. I knew that somewhere, deep down...or maybe not so deep, Jessa wanted me. But looking at her right now, I didn't think that she would try anything. The last 24 hours has shown me a completely different side of my sister-in-law. I knew that although there might be some lingering attraction, she placed her new relationship with her sister and her nephew and niece above all else. I could trust her. Right?

  The next few days were a blur. The weekend and a couple of working days zipped passed and next thing I knew it was Wednesday. I came home to find Jen moaning on the couch.

  Concerned, I raced over to her. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

  Jen's face was pale and her hands were clammy. Still, she smiled weakly, "Nothing. I think I just caught a little bug that's all."

  "Oh honey. I'm sorry. Do you need me to get you anything?"

  She shook her head slowly. "No. I'll be fine."

  "You don't look fine."

  Just then Jessa appeared. "I'd have to agree with him. You need to go to bed. I'll take care of dinner tonight. Why not let him carry you upstairs?"

  It took a little convincing but even as stubborn as Jen could be, she couldn't fight off our combined attack. Before I scooped her up to take her to the bedroom she looked at Jessa. "Sorry, sis. I didn't mean to get sick on your visit."

  Jessa rubbed her forehead and kissed her cheek. "Don't be silly. There's nothing to apologize for. Now get some rest."

  I carried her upstairs and helped out of her clothes and promised to bring back some soup. But just as I was getting read
y to leave, Jessa came in with a tray of soup and crackers.

  She looked at me, "Go. I'll make sure she eats every bite." I had no doubt that she would.

  I went and found Aesop and Avi and we played soldiers and then Princes and Princesses and of course I was the perpetual villain that needed to be vanquished, which they did with unmatched glee. A little while later, Jessa came in and touched my shoulder.

  "Dinner is ready."

  I looked up at her and smiled. Ever since my fiasco on Saturday, I tried to be careful and watchful around Jessa. Not that it mattered because other than a little tenderness during that hug, she didn't cross any imaginary boundaries. She was the perfect guest, sister and sister-in-law. Plus the twins couldn't get enough of her.

  I stood and stretched. "Thanks. How's Jen?"

  "Sleeping" she said. "She ate all of her food and then it was lights out. I'm pretty sure she won't wake until morning."

  I didn't know what made her so sure of herself but I thought it best not to ask.

  Dinner was delicious. Pot pies and caramelized apples for dessert. The only problem was that I must've ate too much because shortly after dinner I had a hard time keeping my eyes open. It felt like there was someone pulling at my eyelids. I just wanted to sleep.

  "Why don't you go lay on the couch and take a nap. I'll see to it that the twins take a bath and get in bed."

  I was so tired that instead of thanking her I let out a loud and long yawn. She laughed and then playfully hit my behind and pushed me towards the living room. I didn't resist. Lying down on the couch I quickly fell into a deep slumber.

  I awoke the next morning, my back stiff from lying on the couch all night. I was still slightly drowsy. I climbed off the couch and climbed up the stairs. Entering my room, I found Jen right where I expected her—in the bed, deep in sleep. I tip-toed into the bathroom and then into the shower.

  Although there was a lingering drowsiness, my head felt light and clear almost like when you go for a long run or have a really strong orgasm. The shower brought my slumbering mind back to life and by the time I climbed out of the shower, Jen was sitting up in the bed, her brown eyes wide and blinking. She looked confused.

  "Good morning, sleepy head." I dropped my towel and climbed in bed next to her.

  "Morning. Did I sleep all night?"

  "Yeah, I think so. How are you feeling?" I pulled her to me and kissed her head.

  She wrapped her arms around my waist and sighed, "Better. Much better actually. I guess all I needed was a good night's sleep."

  "It would seem." I kissed her again and then got up to get ready to for work.

  Heading into the kitchen, Jessa was already there. She was wearing a pair of white pajama pants and a faded pink camisole. Her tiny waist and large breasts were accentuated. When she looked at me she smiled smugly. Her face was bright and glowing from a good night of sleep. "Its about time you woke up."

  Chagrinned, I responded, "Yeah, sorry about last night. I don't know what happened I just couldn't keep my eyes open. Thanks for taking care of the kids."

  Again she smiled smugly. "Don't worry about it, I've already received compensation for my troubles."

  "What? Did the kids pay you in dinosaur cash? Just so you know, that stuff's not real."

  She chuckled, "Thanks for the heads up. I guess I won't be buying a new set of pearls."

  I smiled and reached for the coffee. "I guess not."

  She stood before me, at the other end of the island. Bending over she placed her elbow on the countertop while propping her face up on her hand. Her breasts smashed against the countertop and were spilling out of her camisole in all directions. She stared at me like she was searching for something. "How did you sleep last night? Do you remember me trying to wake you up?"

  I closed my eyes and tried to remember but after lying down everything was dark. I don't even think I dreamed. "I slept like death. Sorry, I don't remember you waking me."

  She shook her head, "I tried to wake you but you weren't making it easy for me. I eventually left you there."

  I laughed. "Sorry I was so much trouble."

  "No trouble at all. Like I said...I've already received my compensation."

  "Yeah, just don't spend all your fake money in one place."

  "Agreed." This time she smiled and it wasn't exactly smug...but it wasn't guileless either.

  "Jesus! Again? How many events can a single preschool have? Didn't they just have a party or something?"

  Jen was putting the finishing touches on the world's largest fruit salad as I leaned against the counter of the island.

  "That was to celebrate Founder's day. This is for Healthy Snack day. Besides it was two weeks ago."

  "Healthy Snack day? I think they're just ripping us off. Besides..." I pulled her body against mine and kissed her neck. "I want to spend time with my wife."

  She tilted her head to the side and sighed. "Mmmm. That feels nice. I want to spend time with you too, but what am I going to do? Someone's got to go and you know that I'm not about to let that someone be you."

  "What about Jessa? The kids love her. She could go."

  "Jessa is only going to be here for two more days. She's been dragged around at the twins' pace for a week and a half now. I want her to have a little time to just relax and enjoy her time away from home. You know that things aren't going to go well when she finally returns back and has to deal with Richard the Tamed Horse."

  "Is that what we're calling him now?"

  "Yeah. I guess. Why? You don't like it?"

  "Doesn't bother me any."

  She kissed me. "Besides, you can stay here and keep her company or work on your novel."

  "Do you like it?"

  She nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I love it. I read some of the pages and..." she looked side-to-side to make sure no one was around, "and I think I'd like to try out some of the scenes from the chapter where they were in that chocolate factory."

  I squeezed her ass. "Oh you naughty little girl."

  She winked, "You like my naughty ass. Don't you?"

  I smacked her ass hard and she yelped. "Like it? I love it!" I leaned down and gave her right cheek a nice hard bite and she swooned.

  "Ooooohhhhhhhh!" It took a moment for her to come back to her senses. "Don't do that, mister! I've got to take the kids to this thing."

  I backed away reluctantly. "Fine. But just remember I'm going to be here thinking about that naughty little ass of yours all night."

  She reached down and grabbed my cock. "I'll be thinking about this big dick all night."

  "I want you so bad."

  "Same here."

  I could feel the electricity building between us. In moments it would sweep us away.

  Unfortunately, Aesop and Avi picked that moment to run into the kitchen.

  "Mommy! Daddy! Look at our shirts. Aunt Jessa bought them!"

  Jessa appeared at the door, leaning against the frame, a satisfied smile on her face. She had been spoiling the twins left and right. This latest purchase was a matching pair of jungle cat shirts.

  "The shirts are adorable sweethearts. Now did you both remember your manners and thank Aunt Jessa?"

  Avi raised her hand, "I did, Mommy! I did!"

  Aesop raised his hand, "Me too, Mommy!"

  Jen smiled. "Good. Now give Daddy and Auntie a kiss. We have to leave."

  Following her instructions, Aesop and Avi bounded from me to Jessa and then climbed in the waiting minivan.

  "We'll be back in 4 or 5 hours. I love you both."

  I kissed her deeply. "I love you, too."

  "Love ya, sis. Thanks for the night off."

  Jen laughed. "Of course. Rest up. Tomorrow we hit the spa!"

  "Sounds like a plan."

  After Jen left, Jessa headed upstairs and I went into the living room and grabbed a book.

  "What are you reading?"

  I had been immersed in this fantasy story about runes and witches when Jessa appeared out of nowher

  Barely tearing my eyes away from the pages, I responded, "The book is called Beyond the..." One look at Jessa and my mouth hanged open.

  She was leaning against the entranceway separating the living room from the kitchen. Her legs were bare and went on for miles. Her long toned legs were tanned and clearly showed the effort she had been putting in at the gym. She wore an overly large white men's button-front that had the top three buttons undone and was splayed out at her hips, displaying a matching pair of white cotton panties. Her face was partially covered by her curled blonde hair but was otherwise devoid of any make-up. I could almost believe that she was getting ready to crawl into bed for an afternoon nap. Almost. What dispelled that thought was the realization that it was my shirt that she was wearing.

  "J-Jessa? What are you doing?"

  She smiled, longingly and then sauntered into the room. "I was just getting ready to lie in bed and watch a movie but there's something wrong with the TV." She placed her hand on my shoulder, her fingers rubbing tiny circles on my shirt. She pouted, "Would you mind taking a look at it for me?"

  I stammered. "I-uh-I don't think that's a good idea?"

  She tilted her head, still smiling, "Oh? Why not?"

  I didn't know how to say it. She was clearly coming on to me. Right? I thought back to the last week and a half and how different she has been. Hmm, maybe I was overreacting. She has gone out of her way for my family. A week ago, she took care of the twins when Jen was sick. She took care of Jen. Perhaps she really was changing and her getting closer to Jen was the cause. Of course, none of it explained why she had my shirt on but I guess I should trust her.

  "Come on." She leaned down, grabbing my hand. "I won't bite. I just need a teensy weensy bit of help. Please."

  Reluctantly, I closed my book and allowed her to lead me towards the stairs. I followed behind her, making a conscious effort to avoid looking at her backside. She didn't have the delectable ass that Jen had but it wasn't bad by any shape of the imagination.

  Once we were in her room she climbed on her bed and pushed herself up against the headboard. The shirt got stuck beneath her, so as she moved back it pulled against her breasts, threatening to pop a button or two. She pointed over towards the TV, "I don't know what's wrong but it won't play a movie."


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