The Reluctant Fool: The Tainted Series

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The Reluctant Fool: The Tainted Series Page 6

by T. L. Tate

  Jessa's mouth hanged open and drool fell from the side. She stopped being able to form words and instead she grunted sounds.

  "Ooohhhh! Grumph! Oooohhhh! Fumph! Fumph! Ahhh!"

  "You wanted me to fuck you, Jessa. Remember? Never forget this dick. Remember that your sister gets this dick whenever she wants. I love her! Not you! I'm going to fuck you, but I'll never be yours! I'm going to make you explode."

  Now that her body was accustomed to the double penetration, I stopped seesawing and instead jammed the dildo in at the same time as my cock. Jessa damn near spontaneously combusted. Her eyes flew open as her body shook. Her legs and arms were thrown out to the side and shook like she was being electrocuted. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhh!"

  "C-c-cumming! Cumming! Cumming!"

  When she came it was like watching the Exorcist. Her body nearly levitated off the bed. I could only see the whites of her eyes as her eyes rolled back and her eyelids fluttered. Her orgasm forced both my cock and the dildo out of her. She was mixing grunting and talking into an unintelligible dialect. Her face turned from white, to red to purple. There was so much saliva in her mouth that it started to foam. All in all, it was one hell of an orgasm.

  It lasted for several minutes—one after the other. I didn't even need to touch her.

  When she finally came down she fell on the bed, her hands held out in front of her. "No more! No more! Please, I'm done."

  I stood at the end of the bed and grabbed her ankles, pulling her down. "What are you talking about? I haven't even cum yet. Get down here."

  Her eyes fluttered open and she looked unequivocally spent. "I-I can't. Please. Let me take a break. Please."

  I smiled. "No problem. I'll just go shower off and wait for Jen to get home. She's a better lay anyway."

  "F-fuck you." It would've been more believable if she had an ounce of energy to go with those words.

  I turned to leave feeling triumphant despite my marital sin.


  I turned back to the bed. "What?"

  "You're not leaving."

  "What's that?"

  Despite how exhausted she was she wasn't too tired to deliver a threat. "You're not leaving this room without filling me with your sperm. If you do then I'll email the video to Jen right now." She reached for her phone and held it out. "All I have to do is hit this button and bam! Your marriage is over."

  "You son-of-a bitch!"

  Her face was smug. "Call me what you want but you're still going to give me what I want. You're my little bitch after all."

  God I hate her.

  She lied back and spread her legs. "Now give it to me. You've got one minute. That's all I can take. If you don't cum in that minute then I'm sending it to Jen."

  "Fuck!" I growled.

  "Time starts now."

  Out of time and out of options I did what she said. I grabbed my cock and jammed it inside of her pussy. She moaned in half pain and half pleasure.

  I railed inside of her as her face contorted and her tits sloshed. One minute wasn't enough time but it had to be. I moved with a pace that surprised even me. Over her screams of pleasure and pain I thought about Jen and how hurt she would be if she found out. I had to make this happen.

  I pushed myself to the brink. I was out of breath and panting when I felt my balls tighten and a tingling sensation at the base of my cock working its way towards the tip. I was there and I was going to blow.

  Jessa sensed it and shouted, "Yes! Put your baby in me you motherfucker! Mark me! Make me your woman forever!"

  I grunted as I came while she shouted, "Say my name!"

  "Ugh! J-Jessa! Jessa!" I came buckets. I came until I was sure that I wouldn't be able to cum again for a week.

  Once I was finished, Jessa's hands moved, protectively to her womb and she looked like she was cradling something precious.

  I fell down on my knees, exhausted. "There. Happy?"

  She smiled, "You have no idea."

  "The video."

  She rolled her eyes. "Don't worry. I'll keep my promise. I won't email the video to But who knows about next time." She finished by chuckling maniacally.

  Being too tired to fight with her anymore, I grabbed my clothes and left her room. I headed straight for my shower where I spent the next half hour.

  When I came out of the shower, I found Jessa splayed across my bed. She saw me and smiled. I frowned in response.

  "Hmm. What's that face for? I thought what we just did was fun."

  "Jessa this has got to stop. You can't come in here and..."

  She sat up, anger flashing in her eyes. "I can and I will! You belong to me now. Don't ever forget it. I can send that video to Jen at any time so if you want to—try me. See what happens."

  I knew she wasn't bluffing but that didn't mean I had to be her Yes Man. Looking at the ceiling I sighed. "Jessa, I'm going to rest. Please leave."

  She watched me for a moment. I wasn't able to read the expressions on her face but she eventually agreed. "Fine." Climbing off of my bed she headed to the door. Before she left she looked back and smiled. It wasn't a smug smile, nor was it her bright and honest smile. It was something sad but in-between. "Even though you hated it, you thought of me the whole time. Thank you. No one's ever done that for me before."

  Before I could ponder her strange words any further, she opened the door and was gone. Alone in my room, I fell on my bed and cursed myself for ever getting involved with that devilish woman. I soon fell asleep, praying that I would remain un-accosted as I slept.

  The next day, when I arrived home from work there was an odd energy in the house. Jen and Jessa had spent the morning and most of the afternoon at a day spa. The twins had preschool in the morning. When I walked through the door I felt like this heavy gravity was pulling me into the center of the house.

  "Jen?" I called out but no one answered. I walked to the end of the stairs. "Jen?" Still, no answer.

  I walked upstairs and I could hear hushed talking coming from my bedroom.

  Slowly, I opened the door. Jen and Jessa were sitting on my bed. Jen's face was covered in tears. Jessa seemed to be in the middle of speaking to her softly. She was rubbing Jen's shoulder and Jen was nodding in response.

  My heart dropped. "J-Jen?"

  She looked up at me, surprise on her face. Even Jessa looked shocked to see me.

  Jen looked at me and then looked down. "Oh my god. I can't." she said and then ran into the bathroom and slammed the door.

  My heart was thumping into my throat. I could taste metal but my mouth had gone dry. I was wheezing for air and started to hyperventilate. She knew. Jen knew what happened between Jessa and I. She knew and now my marriage was over.

  "Well that was a little anti-climactic." Jessa stood up and stretched and then walked over towards me like she didn't just play a huge part in ruining my marriage.

  I looked at her, too shocked and frightened to do anything.

  She smirked, "Heh! You look like crap."


  She tilted her head, "Why what?"

  "Why did you tell her?"

  Now it was her turn to look confused. "Tell her what?" I didn't know what game she was playing at but now that I had lost Jen I had nothing else to lose.

  I felt my pain burn away as my rage exploded. I started to reach for Jessa, unsure what I would do once I touched her.

  Jen called from the bathroom. "Is he still out there?"

  He? Shit! She's so made that she can't even say my name.

  Jessa called back, "Yeah. But we're just about to leave." She pulled at my arm and whispered. "Come on. Lets get out of here and go downstairs. Jen needs some time to get things ready."

  Jen called back, "Okay. That's better."

  Jessa grabbed my elbow and led me downstairs. "W-where're the kids? I need to see them." If Jen was going to kick me out of the house then I sure as hell wasn't going anywhere until I saw my kids.

  Jessa's voice was nonchalant. "Oh, they're e
xhausted so they've been put down for a nap. They should be up in a little while though."

  She led me into the kitchen where I numbly sat down on a barstool. I was staring at my hands trying to figure out what I was going to do now that I didn't have Jen. Did life even have a meaning if I didn't have my family?

  Jessa poured me a glass of whisky and a glass of wine herself. She was watching me over the rim of her glass. Although, watching me was giving it too little credit, I could feel her eyes undressing me, taking apart all of my hidden depths and deciphering even my closely held secrets.

  I mumbled, "What am I going to do?"

  "Do? About what?" Her green eyes were full of levity. She was enjoying this. She was getting off on my misery. What kind of a twisted, fucked up person does that? I'll tell you what kind. Jessa. That's who.

  I wanted to throw this glass at her face. I wanted to scream and call her names but I didn't. I couldn't. It wasn't just her that did the act. It takes two and all that jazz. So instead of getting angry at her, I got (understandably) angry at myself and downed the drink in one go.

  She chuckled and refilled my glass. "You're acting strange."

  Strange? How could she say that? Didn't she know what had just happened? Didn't she know that my world had just imploded?

  I drank the second drink in two gulps this time. My head was swimming, not from the drink but from the guilt.

  Jessa and I drank in silence. She smugly let me drift in the Sea of The Guilty Conscious, while I watched her stay afloat in her devilish manner.

  When Jen finally walked into the kitchen I was startled. She wasn't going to make this easy on me. Of course, she was in no way obligated to do so. I didn't know the version that Jessa told her but I was going to tell her everything. Despite her earlier tears, Jen looked positively stunning. Her long brown hair was pinned back over her ears as it flowed over her shoulders and down her back in an elegant wave. Her face was made up with a silver-colored blush that highlighted her cheekbones. Her lips were a beckoning and glossy pink. Her brown eyes were clear and focused. She was draped in a formfitting silver-colored Maxi dress that I knew showed off her godly backside in a jaw-dropping, brain imploding kind of way.

  She looked at Jessa and smiled. Jessa nodded at her silent cue and I froze. This was going to be worse than I thought. Jessa must've spun the story in such a way to make her Jen's ally while I had become Jen's mortal enemy. Jessa poured another glass of wine and a tall glass of water and slid the wine before me while the water stayed unattended.

  Jen could barely look at me. Every time she did, her eyes would quickly roam elsewhere. There was a silence in the kitchen that was deafening. I could hardly control myself. I was nothing more than nerves as Jen struggled with what to say.

  I would've rather her launch into her standard tirade. At least then I would know where things were going. This was nerve-racking.

  Finally, I had had enough. I stood up and leaned over towards Jen, reaching for her but careful not to touch her. "Jen I'm s..." There was a sharp pain in my foot and I looked to my right and saw Jessa standing there, looking at me like I was the dumbest person on Earth.

  "Shh!" she said with a slight shake of her head.

  I didn't understand. When I looked at Jen she was watching us while still struggling with what she was going to say.

  Jessa stepped forward, "Jen has something to say, Lance. I think you should just stay quiet and hear her out." She moved behind Jen and just as I had seen earlier, she rubbed her back and then this time gave her a gentle nudge.

  Jen closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes she was smiling. I was befuddled. There was boundless love shining in her eyes. She stepped closer to me until she was standing inches before me.

  Her voice was smoky, yet exuberant. "Lance, I have something to tell you."

  "Jen?" I couldn't stand the look of love that she was giving me, not with all the guilt I was feeling.

  She placed her hand on my chest. Her fingers were soft and warm but there was also something hard in the middle of her hand. I reached up at the same time she drew her hand back. She was watching me, expectantly—her eyes glowing. I looked passed her to see Jessa staring with an odd expression on her face. I wouldn't say it was was something akin to satisfaction but not quite.

  I looked at the item in my hand. It was a slender plastic white stick with a purple cap at the end. I knew what it was immediately.

  Slowly turning the stick over in my hand, my eyes were graced with a bright purple plus sign. I nearly fainted. I could feel the air rush out of me as tears started falling down my cheeks.

  I looked at Jen and then at Jessa and back to Jen. They were both watching me. One full of love. The other full of calculation.


  Suddenly, Jen's eyes were overflowing with tears as she smiled. Sniffling she nodded, "Yes. Yes, I am. I just found out today."

  "You're pregnant? Oh my god! You're pregnant. I'm going to be a father!"

  I dropped the stick on the countertop and picked her up by her behind and spun her in a circle. Sudden the guilt and shame that I felt melted away as immense joy consumed my body and mind.

  Jen was laughing like a schoolgirl and even Jessa was smiling. I sat her down and she placed her hand on my cheek.

  "I love you, Lance. I'm so happy to be able to give you another child."

  She kissed my lips and I kissed her back.

  "I love you, too." Holding onto her shoulders, I pushed her back. "But you were crying. What was that about?"

  Jen wiped tears from her face, smearing some of her make-up. "Oh, that. Well I was just so happy. But I didn't want to tell you in our bedroom with me crying and looking like Hell. So I ran away to get ready."

  Jessa stepped forward, "See, I told you he would cry."

  I watched the two of them. "You knew?"

  Jessa shrugged while Jen smiled. "Sorry, babe. She came to check on me after I took the test and found me crying. She saw the stick on the nightstand. I wanted to tell you first."

  "Yeah...but you know, sometimes things just happen." Jessa wrapped an arm around Jen's shoulder and kissed her on the cheek. She watched me the whole time.

  "Mommy? Daddy? Auntie?" From the end of the stairs, we heard Avi's voice. Apparently, naptime was over. Jen smiled and turned to go upstairs. That left Jessa and I alone.

  As soon as Jen left, Jessa turned to me and rolled her eyes. "Real nice back there, dude. You almost narc'd on yourself."

  She was right but I didn't want to admit it. "You could've said something. Instead you let me..."

  "I let you what? Think that I would break my promise. Humph! I told you, so long as you do what I say then I won't tell Jen a damn thing. Remember?"

  "Oh, and I guess you just expect me to take you at your word? You're not exactly a reliable person you know."

  "Touché. But regardless, I keep my promises...and my threats. Remember that."

  But what was there to remember. Tomorrow, Jessa would be gone. She would fly back home on her broomstick and never darken my doorstep again.

  "Sure. Whatever you say, Jessa." I turned to leave so that I could see my kids and tell them the good news.

  Jessa's hand stopped me. "I guess she got pregnant before I did but this works out even better for me."

  I felt cold sweats throughout my body. "W-what do you mean?"

  She smiled and licked her lips in a slow, melodramatic way. "Well, before you were worried about hurting Jen so it was easy to manipulate you. But now you have so much more to lose." She walked over to the wine bottle and poured herself another glass. "I wonder what would happen now if she found out. I saw the look on your face. She would take Aesop and Avi away from you and she would take the new kid away as well. You'd never even meet your own child."

  "You piece of sh..."

  "Ah! Ah! Ah!" She waved her finger in the air. "You shouldn't talk to me that way. You should show me a bit more respect. Don
't you think? I mean, with the push of a button I can take away everything that you love." She laughed. "It's delicious!"

  One day. I just have to make it through one day. "What do you want from me, Jessa?"

  Stalking towards me, she ran her long fingernails down my chest, passed my stomach and into my pants. She massaged my cock and pulled at my balls and then stepped back, licking each finger in turn.

  "What I want is what I always wanted. Your body belongs to me. You'll give it to me when I want it or else." To make her point, she waved her hand in the air, signifying that she'd take it all away from me.

  I had no room. I had no place to escape. I had to give in. It was only one day.

  Defeated, I looked down at my feet. "Fine."

  She clapped and giggled. She stood on her toes and planted a firm kiss on my lips. Her eyes were open and watched me the entire time, daring me to push her away. I didn't. I gave in, knowing that I had no other choice. I kissed her back and she moaned. When she finally pulled back, there was heat in her eyes and her cheeks were flushed.

  A few moments later, Jen came downstairs, trailed by Aesop and Avi.

  She came over to me and interwove her fingers with mine. "Guys, Daddy and Mommy have something to tell you."

  Aesop and Avi were overjoyed...especially Avi, knowing that she would no longer be the youngest. That night, Jen made a fabulous roast with buttered red potatoes and asparagus. There was a festive color to the air and even I found a way to be enthusiastic, despite sitting next to Jessa the entire time.

  Just as the excitement was reaching a crescendo, Jen looked at me and smiled. "Guess what, honey?"

  Jessa's hand was on my thigh, underneath the table. Her fingers were slowly massaging my inner thigh. I pretended not to notice. "What's up, sweetie?"

  She looked at Jessa and Jessa gave her a solemn nod. "Because of their issues, Jessa and Richard are separating for a while."

  Here comes the cold sweats. "Separating?" I looked at both women in turn. When I looked at Jessa her fingers stopped massaging and instead she squeezed my thigh softly. "I-I'm sorry."


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