The Reluctant Fool: The Tainted Series

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The Reluctant Fool: The Tainted Series Page 7

by T. L. Tate

  She smiled freely, as if she wasn't playing games with her brother-in-law right in front of her little sister. "Don't be sorry. It was a long time coming. I'm just going to fly home and pack some of my stuff."

  "A-and then what?" Please. If there is a God, please don't let her say what I think she's going to say. "Are you moving in with your parents?"

  Jen was so excited she was practically jumping off of her seat. "No. No, she isn't!" She squealed.

  Jessa looked at Jen and smiled fondly. "No, that was part of what Jen and I did today."

  "Jen?" I looked at her but she was too excited to speak. Shit!

  Jessa continued, "We found a nice condo only a couple of miles away. I sign the papers tomorrow and will be moving my things in on Monday. I'm going to live here." She squeezed my leg so hard I was sure there would be a bruise. Smiling at me in a threatening way, she asked, "Isn't that great?" Her threat was obvious. Go along with it, or else.

  By this point, I understood my role in the game she was playing. "Yeah. That's fantastic." I must've sounded convincing because she released my leg and went back to massaging it.

  At that time, the twins chimed in.

  Avi looked at Jessa, her beautiful brown eyes gleaming. "You're moving here, Aunt Jessa?"

  Aesop was equally excited. "We'll get to see you everyday?"

  Jessa chuckled, "Yes, I'm moving here and you can see me as often as you'd like."

  In unison the twins screamed, "Yay!" and then rushed Jessa who caught them in a giant hug.

  Even Jen looked like she wanted to run into Jessa's arms and be hugged. I looked at my wine and wished it were something stronger.

  On the way to the airport I nearly died. Jen had stayed home with the kids while I drove Jessa to the airport (at Jessa's insistence, of course). The moment we pulled out of the driveway and my house was in my rearview mirror, Jessa unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned her head into my lap, unzipping my zipper and pulling my cock out.

  She looked at me and smiled, "Don't cum until we get to the airport." Then her mouth went to town on my engorged member.

  Despite my reluctance, she was damn good at what she was doing. I almost came twice but was able to hang on. But the moment I pulled into the departures terminal and put the car in park, I came with all the strength I had. To her credit, she swallowed every drop and cleaned me up before sitting up in her seat and dabbing at her lips with a tissue.

  Checking her reflection in the mirror she smiled, "I can't wait to get back and get another taste of that cock."

  I knew that it wouldn't change anything but I had to try. "Jessa, please. We have to stop this. You know that I love my wife."

  She shrugged, "Yeah, I know. That's why this is so perfect."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I don't give a damn about your heart or your marriage. But you do. Because of that it's going to be damn easy to control you." She leaned forward and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you Sunday night. Don't worry, I won't be wearing any panties so we can pull off and you can fuck me as hard as you like." She licked my ear and then sucked my earlobe into her mouth. She climbed out of my car and then grabbed her overnight bag from the trunk. She was only going to be gone for 36 hours.

  She closed the trunk and then walked back up to the passenger's side. Bending down she smiled as if we were great friends and waved. "Bye-bye! See you later, lover!" She chuckled and turned to head into the terminal.

  When it was safe, I stuffed my dick back into my pants and drove away from the airport and back home.

  Jen was coloring with the kids when I came back home. "Hey babe. I'm back."

  She looked up at me and smiled. "Thanks for taking her, honey. I love how close you guys have gotten in the last couple of weeks."

  I didn't say anything. I just plopped down into the chair and watched her and the kids.

  "You know, I didn't think that you much cared for her. I'm glad to know that I was wrong. I love having her in my life. I can't believe how distant we had grown over the years."

  I was still lost in a void but answered as best as I could. "Yeah. Crazy."

  "I'll say. And guess what?"


  She looked at me and whispered, "I think she met a guy?"

  I nearly bit my own tongue off. "What?"

  She smiled and shrugged. "Yeah. I don't know when she had the time but I think that's also the reason why she's moving here. I think she met a guy and is thinking about dating him."

  "H-how do you know?"

  "Oh, you know just the little things. She's been so happy, like she's love-struck or something. Plus yesterday she was complaining about being a little sore...well you know where."

  I did know. I was the one that did that to her. "Did you ask her?"

  She nodded, "I did."

  "What did she say?"

  "Oh she was very cagey. She didn't give me a straight answer, which is pretty much an affirmative. I can't wait to meet him."


  "You know what? Don't tell her that I told you, but he would only be the second man she's ever been with."


  She must've misread the shock on my face. "Yeah. Crazy, right? Someone as hot as her has only been with one man. Richard. Well, I guess she's been with two now...if you count Mr. Mystery-man." She laughed.

  Holy cow! What have I gotten myself into?

  I was feeling sorry for myself when I heard my phone chime. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that it was a text from a number I didn't recognize.

  I opened the message and froze.

  "Who's that from honey?"

  "O-oh, it's just a reminder about an automatic bill payment."

  She went back to coloring. "Oh! I hate those. You should reply STOP."


  I read the text again and again. But no matter how many times I read it, it didn't change.

  Hey, Lover. It's your girl, Jessa! Save my number. I just wanted to let you know that I'm boarding soon and that I'll be thinking about you the entire time. I can't wait to get as lucky as Jen and have you empty your thick sperm in my body and give me your baby. Now we'll be able to do it as much as I want. You WILL get me pregnant. See you soon, Lover. I hope you like the picture.

  A few moments later a picture message came through. It was a picture of Jessa taken from a high angle as she pulled down her shirt and showed her breast. She was in the midst of blowing a kiss at the camera when the shudder clicked.

  Enjoy that little gift. I expect to have one of my own from you within the next minute or I'm telling Jen! Ha!

  I sighed and pushed myself off the chair. Heading into the downstairs bathroom, I took a picture of myself in the mirror. I wasn't smiling. I was just staring at the camera.

  When I sent the picture her message back was nearly instantaneous.

  That's not what I want, Lover. Take a picture of that fat cock so that I have something to do when I get back home.

  I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I stared at my reflection in the mirror making a silent oath to do whatever it took to get out from underneath her claws.

  A moment later, my phone chimed.

  Tick-tock, Lover!

  I unbuckled my belt and pulled down my pants, playing with myself until my cock grew good and hard. I took a picture and sent it to Jessa.

  It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow but by all that is good and right in the world, I vowed to find a way out of this mess.

  My phone chimed.

  That's my big boy! Thanks for the gift, Lover. I can't wait to have another taste. Ta-Ta!

  I knew that if I didn't get things under control that my world would crumble. But right now I was free. I could spend time with my family and not have Jessa looming in the background. With nothing else to do, I headed out into the living room with Jen and the kids and sat on the ground with them and helped color their fantastical landscape. I allowed myself to be deceived, as if I could find a safe harbor in their presence. But that wa
s okay—the Devil was gone and I had time to think of a strategy to combat her evil.


  Jessa has Lance right where she wants him. Will he be able to find a way out of it and still keep his family? Who knows?

  To see how it all ends, check back for Book 3-The Finale!

  Thank you for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to read additional stories written by yours truly! Below are several links to other stories (some free...some not), which I hope you'll also enjoy. As a thank your for reading this story, there's a sneak peek to my very first full-length novel, Hearts that Bleed! I hope you enjoy it.

  There is also a link to my website where you can write to me directly. I love hearing from fans and promise to write back to every one of you. So please don't hesitate to reach out to me.


  Connect With Me!

  About the author

  Welcome! I enjoy writing stories that appeal to me, in hopes that they will appeal to you, too. Beyond writing, I enjoy spending time with my family and I hope to travel around the world one day. I am a self-published author and the process can be grueling at times. I work hard to make sure that I am putting the best product I can in front of you. Despite this, I love doing it. I love my readers and I hope to speak to each and every one of you someday.

  Many blessings to you all.


  Sneak Peek!

  Chapter 1 from Hearts that Bleed

  Coming June of 2017

  Cover Photo Copyright of Karramba Production/Shutterstock

  I was woken by the sounds of bells. Not the pure crystalline sounds of a knocker on glass but the electronic whirling of falsehood. I stumbled, bleary-eyed, out of bed and practically crawled down the stairs.

  Ding! Dong!

  There it was again.

  "Damnit! I'm coming." I grumbled to myself. Once I made my way down to the front door I saw a slim shadow piercing through the small glass partition. I instantly knew who it was and considered just going back to bed.

  Knock! Knock! Knock!

  "Open up!"

  I heard the foul screeching of a truly detestable woman come from the other side of the door.

  "I know you're in there Michael. Open up!"

  Oh, what the hell? How bad could it really be?

  I stumbled to the door and yanked it open. The glare of the falling sun blinded me, and I had to squint my eyes against it's harsh light.

  "Jesus-fucking Christ! Look at you. You look like shit!"

  I truly hated this woman. "It's good to see you too Eva. What do you want?"

  She pushed me aside and confidently strode into my house, her chocolate curls floating in her wake. "Do you even know what time it is? It's 7. 7PM; mind you." She crossed her arms across her chest while cutting her eyes and turning her nose up at me.

  If there were a picture in the dictionary for judgmental bitch--it would be her.

  "You look like you've been drinking again. All night I'm sure. Gods above! Don't you even have an ounce of decency left in you? You're a god-awful piece of shit! I don't know what my sister ever saw in you!" Apparently, Eva was only capable of exclaiming negativity.

  This was about the third time this week she has come over here to give me this very same lecture. Eva and I never got along. She didn't like me from the beginning when I first started dating her sister, my wife, Lana. When I first met Eva she was a senior in high school. A beautiful and sexy 18 year old with a smart mouth and quick wit that could crush anyone. Anyone…except for my Lana.


  Lana and I met while we were undergrads. The first time I saw her was like something out of a children's fairy tale. This graceful and elegant woman walked by just as the clouds opened and strode into the middle of a falling ray of sunshine. It was as if the sky opened up and pure heavenly radiance shinned upon her. She paused in front of me to look into the sky and smiled at the bright sun, as if she were greeting a long lost friend. I watched her in awe, my jaw on the ground. As she continued her stroll, I followed after her--my legs moving before my brain had a chance to catch up.

  Although this was my second year at school, I hadn't made many friends. All of my life I found it difficult to make friends; as if there was something untoward about me. I'm an only child and my parents, my father a surgeon and my mother a lawyer, worked all of the time. Growing up, the only time I remember seeing them was on holidays and my birthday. Otherwise, I was pretty much raised by my grandmother. She was a sweet woman, filled with love and was the first person to accept me completely. She treated me as if I was her own and I began to see her as my mother and father instead of my grandmother.

  It was my grandmother who convinced me to go to this college. One day I came home from hanging out at an arcade...alone...and she was sitting at the table with a pile of college brochures.

  "Mikey, you're 17. It is time you decide what direction you want you life to go." My grandma was sweet but she did not mince words. "If I don't pull you by the ear you'll just sit on your hands and you’ll end up staying in this lonely house forever!" Pulling out the top brochure, "I think you should go here! This is where your father and mother met and I bet you'll meet a nice girl here too!"

  It wasn't as if I had any other plans so at the insistence of my grandma, I applied in the fall of my senior year and was accepted. Since I didn't have any friends or for that matter, a girlfriend, I spent a lot of time studying so my grades were perfect.

  The day I got my acceptance my grandma was so excited. I remember her grabbing onto my waist and spinning me. It was as if I was a little boy again.

  But college wasn't so different from any other time in school. I was still getting straight A's but I wasn't making any friends. I tried to connect with my roommate and the other guys on my floor, but they were all the stereotypical frat boy types, and me being a bit of a bookworm, didn't fit in easily.

  Eventually, I was able to make one friend though. It was a girl in the library, Lisa Elliott. She was awesome. She was beautiful, easy going and had a smile that could illuminate the darkest of rooms. She was my very first friend and my first love. We spent a lot of time hanging out in my first year. She was a third year and brought me along wherever she went: parties, trips—you name it. When I wrote home to tell my grandma about the great friend I made she was ecstatic but warned me to be careful. Her exact words were, "Girls can be misleading." I didn't know why she said that so I ignored the warning. I was just grateful to have my first friend.

  Lisa introduced me to a lot of people and forcefully dragged me out of my shell. I had such a huge crush on her and then one day, after I had worked up my courage to finally ask her out. I went to the library, I knew she would be working and thought that if we were on common ground that our age difference wouldn't stand out so much. But she wasn't there. All the courage I had accumulated just to ask her on a proper date drained out of me like I was a container without a bottom.

  We continued to spend time together and I never brought up the date. I was a coward and shied away from anything that may ultimately rock the boat. I wanted our relationship to progress naturally and assumed that in time she would see me as more than just a little freshman. Nevertheless, when we would hang out with her friends and they were drinking and smoking, I always felt like a kid. Well, I was always the designated driver so I couldn't blame them for treating like a kid, but the only person that treated me like an adult was Lisa. When she would drink or smoke too much I would always be there to take care of her. I found that I just couldn’t leave her alone. I liked her.

  She would always slur, "I love you Michael. You're the bestest ever!"

  I would always smile, "I love you too, Lisa. Now lie down." I would always be there to take care of Lisa—my best friend.

  A few weeks after my failed attempt in the library, I got a call from Lisa, and she was crying. "M-Michael. I'm just so lonely. Can you come over?"

  "Of course!" And like any self-respecting gentleman, I rushed o
ut of the dorm and ran to her off-campus apartment.

  Her roommate wasn't there so she let me in herself. When I saw her, my chest tightened. I could tell she had been crying...hard.

  "What's wrong, Lisa? Did someone hurt you?" I was ready and willing to annihilate whoever or whatever it was that made her sad.

  "Oh Michael!" She pulled me into her arms and held me. But this wasn't like any other time she hugged me. Her body was pressed intimately to mine. I could feel the plushness of her breasts and the warmth of her womanhood. Despite myself, I stirred.

  She pushed me back and wiped tears from her eyes. "Oh Michael! You are such a little devil!" She had a sad smile on her face, and her eyes were cold--distant.

  She took me by the hand and led me into her room.

  In the 7 months that I knew her, I had been in her room countless times and have even slept here on occasion. But none of those times were like this day. As we walked hand-in-hand into her room, my heart was beating a mile a minute.

  There was something in the air--something, different. It caused every male instinct in my body to stand on end.

  Once we were in her room she shut the door and then locked it. When she turned back to face me there was heat in her eyes.

  "Do you have protection?"

  I was confused, "Protection? From what?"

  "Not from. For. And for this!" She pulled at me as my body pinned her against the door and then she kissed me. She kissed me, and my brain imploded.

  I've kissed a girl before, but never like this. It was as if her tongue was manipulating my entire body.

  I gently pushed her back. "L-Lisa, what are you doing?"

  "What am I doing? I’m doing exactly what you’ve been dreaming about for months now." Without another word she peeled her t-shirt off of her body and then quickly stepped out of her shorts and panties. She stood before me, 5'6" of pure, delectable womanly perfection. The sun shone through the window causing her red-tinted hair to resemble fallen rubies. Her skin was flawless and in the sunlight she looked like a dream.


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