Book Read Free

Accidentally Perfect

Page 11

by Torrie Robles

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You should have decided right then and there when you found out that you were pregnant to put what you wanted on hold. You have never put those girls or your family in front of your own selfish needs. You did not have to work, to continue to go to school and get an education. Your father and I made sure of that.”

  “My father made sure of that. There was no you in that factor.”

  “Think what you must Laney, continue to live in a dream world where your father hung the moon while I created all the brimstone in hell.”

  “I don’t live in a dream world, mother. If I did, then it would have been you that I buried all those years ago and not my father.”

  I knew when I found Brad with the girls without Laney there was going to be trouble. Once I found out where she went, I took Natalie with me to find her. The words I heard coming out of the fowl women’s mouth were unbelievable. She was completely delusional. From what little I knew about their relationship and how Laney grew up, I knew she was full of shit. I stood back and listened as my wife was verbally abused by her mother. “Wow Nate, she could give father a run for his money.”

  “I know, isn’t it sad that a mother can have that much hatred for her child. She should be ashamed.”

  “Nate, just like father, she thinks that she’s right. She thinks that her words and thought process are right while everyone else’s are wrong. It’s sad because we had each other to lean on once mom passed. She doesn’t have anyone but you.”

  “Luckily she’s had her friend Stella, but she won’t be without me any longer.”

  I listened until I couldn’t take any more. “I believe that’s enough Vivian.” I walked around the table and placed a kiss on Laney’s head. My sister sits next to Vivian giving her a look that if she knew my sister, would tell her she needs to shut her ignorant mouth. “Why do you think it’s alright to speak to your daughter that way?”

  “Me? Did you not just hear her tell me she wishes it was me she buried?”

  “And that surprises you, Vivian? You’ve had twenty-eight years to figure it out. I met Laney only days ago, and I can already see why she should say those words to you. Now, let me ask you again, why do you think you have the right to speak to your daughter that way?”

  “I don’t know Nathan, why do you feel that you have the right to throw a man out of my daughter’s house when all he has been being supportive and wonderful to her and my grand girls.”

  “Oh my God, mother. For the last time, Michael was fucking his neighbor. I walked in on him while he was eating her out. His face was in between her legs drilling for gold. You think that he was there for me, for my girls? You have no idea when it comes to seeing people’s true characters.”

  “Maybe not, but from what I see, it’s you who can’t keep your men happy. Really Laney, two relationships, and both men cheated on you. I don’t think it’s them, but you who is the problem. You should walk away from Nathan now before he loses interest in you and finds one of his skanks that he’s always photographed with to hop in bed with him. Hell, then you’ll be three for three. Prime example of how a woman should be, your girls should be proud.”

  I looked over at Laney and her eyes begin to well. “Enough! You sorry excuse for a human being. You will never speak to my wife that way again.”

  “Do you really think you have any power over me, Nathan? I don’t scare easily.”

  “I believe I have more power over you than you would like to admit. I know how important reputation is to you Vivian. I’ve grown up with your kind. I know how you work, and I also know how to destroy you. I think you need to remember that, the next time you decide to speak to Laney in the tone in which you are used to speaking to her in.”

  “Do you hear that Laney? He’s threatening me. You see what I was saying? He’s a maniac, and it would be one of the stupidest things you’ve ever done if you move yourself and those girls under the same roof. He can’t be trusted. He thinks just because he has Whitmore behind his name that he has the right to talk down to me; to your mother. What kind of man does that? One that you shouldn’t be around, that’s who.”

  “I beg to differ, ma’am. He thinks he can speak to you that way because you deserve it.”

  “And you are?”

  “Natalie Whitmore, Nathan’s sister and Laney’s sister in law.”

  “Umf.” Vivian was speechless.

  “You see, in this family” Natalie points between herself and me. “We know what it’s like to have a piece of shit as a parent. So my brother and I have learned that the only people we need are each other. Now that Nate has found Laney, she and those girls are our family too. We always take care of and protect our family. It looks like you are no longer needed mommy dearest.”

  “If I ever.”

  “And you will never.” I stand up ready to leave this conversation. “You will never speak to my wife in that manner again. If you can’t show her the respect she deserves, the respect she has earned, then you can start thinking of yourself as Vivian Jacobs, party of one. I will make it so you will be the pariah of New York City. Once I’m done with you, I’ll have you running back to Oklahoma hiding amongst the cattle and manure. And I know how much you just love it there.”

  The look on my mother’s face is priceless, even the Botox can’t hide her shock. Before I know it, Nathan has his hand on mine pulling me away from the table. “I just want you to know, sweet girl; I’m proud of you. You handled that woman like a champ. It shouldn’t be much longer before she realizes her trap needs to stay shut when it comes to you and the girls.” He places a kiss to my temple.

  “You give her too much credit. I don’t think the time will ever come when she knows to keep her comments to herself.”

  “Are you sure father and that one have never met?” Natalie asks. “It seems to me they must have attended the same school for assholes and bitches. My God Laney, she is as awful as they come.”

  “Don’t I know it? Try living with it. But I’m sure from what I’ve heard about your father, he’s just as bad.”

  “Yes, unfortunately so. The only difference between the two is one's a dick and the others a cunt.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the comparison.

  “Alright sis, enough on the subject. There’s no use giving those two any more of our energy because it doesn’t change anything, and that’s time we will never be able to get back.”

  We take the elevator up to the girls’ room and make our way in. Just as I hoped, Brad is with the girls. All three of them are propped up on Addie’s bed. “Hey, girls. How are you doing?” Nathan asks the question before I have the chance to.

  “Good.” Both girls are smiling.

  I notice Brad looking at Natalie with questions in his eyes.

  “Is this the specialist?”

  “No.” Nathan gives a laugh. “This is my sister Natalie. Natalie this is Brad Richards, the girls’ father.”

  “Nice to meet you, Brad. The girls are so precious.”

  “Yes, they are, two beauties.”

  “Auntie Nat, wes gonna move in wif Nafin as soon as Bug gets out. Do you live wif Nafin too?” I notice Brad's eyebrow raise at the mention of an aunt, but he doesn’t object.

  “No baby, I live in my own house. Actually Nathan used to live there when we were little like you. As soon as Adele is feeling better I can take you over there and show you around. There are lots of places to explore and places to run around in. We have a lake to swim in, trees to climb, and we have horses on the property too.”

  “You have horses?” Addie asks while Natalie nods her head.

  “Yes, we do. We have several. They are all different sizes and all different colors. There are even some foals and colts there now.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Oh well, foals are baby girl horses and colts are the baby boy horses.”

  “Oh, wes wanna see those babies, don’t wes Bug?” They both nod their heads.

; “We will babies, as soon as you are both feeling better we will go see Natalie’s horses.”

  “Can daddy come?”

  “Of course he can.” Natalie smiles at Brad. “Your daddy is always welcome to see the horses.”

  That response earns an eyebrow raise from Nathan. I just shrug my shoulders. I’m not about to step on that land mine. There is no way I’m even going to question Natalie’s meaning behind saying Brad is always welcome. Nope, not gonna touch that with a ten-foot pole.

  “So Street, the girls say your mother was here and making a huff. Can I guess what that was about?”

  “I’m sure you don’t have to guess Brad. You’ve been around long enough to know how my mother can be. She thinks the world revolves around her and her ego.”

  “I’m surprised she didn’t follow you back in here harping on everything you’ve done wrong in your life.”

  “Believe me, she did enough of that downstairs.”

  “That woman doesn’t get tired of hearing herself speak.”

  I look as the girls take in what’s going on around us. They have heard so much negativity in their short lives. I don’t want them growing up feeling jaded or unloved by the people in their lives. Nathan looks at me and just as I’m about to say my peace he breaks the silence. “Brad, things are going to change when it comes to Vivian and the way she thinks she has a right to those girls and how they are raised. You and Laney are their parents. The number one authority on all things Amanda and Addie. Hopefully with my help, Vivian won’t have any more room to try to dictate how things should be. The girls don’t need it, and I don’t want Laney to have to go through all that shit that comes with her mother.” The girls gasp at the words Nathan uses. “Sorry.” He looks over at them.

  “Excuse me.” The nurse comes in with a huge bouquet of multicolored Gerber daisies. “These were left for you at our station. The cards attached.” I assume they’re from Stella. I haven’t heard from her yet this morning. I take the card and read what it says out loud. ‘Hope you two flowers feel better soon. D.’

  “Who’s D mommy?”

  “Yeah what kinda names D momma?

  The thoughts that run through my mind go from ridiculous to murderous. If this D is who I think it is, then she has a death sentence if she thinks she’s going to mess with my kids. I will cut a bitch before she lays her money grubbing hands on my girls or my husband. “Laney?” Brad asks. “Who’s D?”

  “She’s no one, Brad.”

  “She’s?” Brad questions Nathan.

  “I knew she wouldn’t pass this opportunity up, Nate.”

  “Who is she Nathan, Laney? What’s going on?” Brad gets up and places Amanda in her bed and walks over to me. He takes the card from my hand.

  “Let’s step outside, shall we?” Natalie put her hand on Brad’s shoulder and ushers him out of the room. I look back at the girls and before I could tell them where we would be, but Addie beats me to it.

  “Yes mommy, you will be right back.” I laugh and follow Nathan out of the room.

  “Okay Brad, don’t freak out.”

  “Why would I freak out? And why is Nathan being so quiet.” He looks at Nathan challenging him to speak up for himself. Which I agree with. Nathan needs to explain to Brad, who she is.

  “D, is Diane. She was a lady who I once dated on and off for several years. She was more serious than I was. There were no feelings on my part, but I guess she felt differently. Technically, I’m not sure if that’s true because she was sleeping with my father at the same time she was sleeping with me.”

  “My brother dumped her, but she wouldn’t allow it to be a quiet dumping, so she became very verbal about the breakup. She accused my brother of some things that are totally out of character. Plus there’s the fact that she was not only working with my father, and sleeping with him, but she thought she could get my brother to marry her and then steal my mother’s money and give everything to my father.”

  “Why the fuck would she do that?”

  “Seriously Brad, do you not know any of the gossips when it comes to the Riley’s or Whitmore?”

  “No Natalie, I’m sorry, but my world doesn’t revolve around the rich and famous.”

  “Oh well, that’s two points for you then. I try not to allow it to float my boat either if you know what I mean. Anyway -”

  “Natalie, stop. I’ll tell him.” Nathan stops her. “Look, my father is a bastard, always has been and always will be. He made my mother’s life a living hell their entire marriage and even throughout the time she was fighting for her life and losing. When she passed, she willed her entire estate, that’s generations of money, to me and only me. I am her sole beneficiary. I have complete control of the family businesses and name. I’ve established a trust for my sister and any children she may have. My father thought I was like him because there was a time when I didn’t give a shit about the female gender. I was fucking everything with a skirt on. Well, my father thought if he discreetly paraded Diane in front of me, I would slip up, marry her and then he would have everything he thinks is rightfully mine. He lives how he does because of me, not because of him. I allow him to have the money he has, and he knows that I can take it all away if I feel like it. And believe me, there have been many times I have felt like nothing would make me happier than to see him in the gutter like the trash he is.”

  “So, this Diane character still thinks she can come into your life even after you called things off?”

  “She’s a little bat shit crazy like that.” I laugh at Natalie’s comment.

  “She saw dollar signs and diamonds, now she sees pennies and tin. She won't stop bugging me. That was something that pulled me to Laney so strongly; she just radiates natural beauty and grace.”

  “You got all of that by spying on me dancing and singing at the top of my lungs? I would have hauled ass the other way.”

  “Never, Bear.” He gives me a wink.

  “So she just sent the flowers and card to toy with you?” Brad’s brows are furrowed.


  “Well, let’s hope she doesn’t come within two feet of my daughters or there will be hell to pay. Nathan, I may not understand your relationship with Laney, but it’s not my place to continue to say my piece. I have already said what I needed to say to Laney about your marriage, but what I will continue to do is to make sure that my girls are safe. I’m trusting Laney’s decision to allow you into our children’s lives. Now I am trusting you in making sure that all three of them stay safe. You may preach to me about how they are your family now. But they were my family first. You may think you and Laney have this great love and connection, but the fact of the matter is, I will always be around. No matter if Laney shares my last name or not, she is half of those girls, and that will always make her my family. I hope you and I both have an understanding where Laney, Amanda, and Addie are concerned. And I hope you and I agree when it comes to any other person who tries to harm them, your father, her mother or any other piece of shit who tries anything.”

  Nathan’s jaw ticks. “Agreed, Brad.” They shake hands.

  An older gentleman makes his way up to the four of us, “Mr. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore. I’m Dr. Basset.”

  “Nice to meet you, doctor.” Brad shakes his hand. The doctor follows suit and shakes my and Nathan’s hands. We introduce Natalie to the doctor as well.

  “Is it alright if we go sit and discuss Adele’s injuries and what we can expect?”

  “We aren’t leaving the girls unattended doctor,” Nathan states.

  “Go ahead. I’ll take care of my nieces.” Natalie waves us off and returns to the room closing the door.

  We follow the doctor into a conference room; the three of us sitting across the table from Dr. Basset. “Alright, Mr. Whitmore, you called me over because your daughter has suffered a complex fraction along the growth plate of her femur.”

  “My daughter, Mr. Whitmore is her stepfather,” Brad; still staking his claim.
br />   “Alright.” Dr. Basset looks at the three of us again.

  “Adele has suffered a type two Slater-Harris fracture.” He places a picture of what the fracture looks like.

  “Is that her bone?” I ask.

  “No,” Laney answered. “This isn’t the film of her leg; he’s just showing us what the fracture looked like before the surgery.”

  “Luckily for us.” The doctor continued, “This is the most common type of fracture. The emergency room physicians did everything right. They performed an open reduction and internal fixation.”

  “Can you please tell us in layman's terms? Other than Laney, the two of us have no idea what you are saying.” Thankfully Brad says what I’m thinking. The fucking doctor is speaking mandarin.

  “They opened up her leg and reset the bones,” Laney answers the question, again. “Then they fixed the bones into place with both wires and screws.”

  “Yes,” He agreed, “there isn’t any reason for Adele to not be fitted with a normal cast this morning; this will allow the hardware to heal. I feel the best avenue to travel down is for us to remove the external screws and allow the internal screws and wires to set the bones. Because the fracture was extremely clean, I don’t see any reason why her leg would not grow properly. There should be no concern of the bone developing a bone bridge, inhibiting the bones to grow at their normal rate. There may be a possibility for the bones to grow faster on the damaged leg, though. If this were to happen then, we would have to try to get the other leg to pick up the rate of growth.”

  “What is the percentage of that happening?” I ask warning flags are starting to spring up.

  “In Adele’s case, not likely. Because of her age, her bones are still pliable enough that this damage shouldn’t hinder anything. The cast will be left in place for several weeks. Once the bones are healed properly, then I would like Adele to do several exercises to strengthen the muscles of the bones.”

  “So that’s it then?” Brad asks.


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