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Captivating Cowboys [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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by Paige Cameron

  Triple Dare Country, South Dakota 5

  Captivating Cowboys

  Dana Wynters is afraid she’ll be kidnapped. When she sees the ad for a doctor in Triple Creeks Township, she responds and accepts the job. Her friend, Angie, helps her leave town without being followed.

  When Dana meets Steel Randolph, an immediate attraction flares between them. Later when she meets Steel’s best friend, Chayton Kane, she’s surprised when sparks fly between them, too. She has enough problems with Addison Gregor coming after her. She doesn’t want to have feelings for any man, much less two. But when Dana hears about the threesome relationships in town, she is both excited and frightened of her emotions.

  An FBI agent on the trail for Gregor contacts Angie and offers to help. He says the man isn’t only a danger to her and her friend, but to their country. Gregor’s determined he’ll have Dana under his control soon. When Gregor discovers her location, can an FBI agent, Steel, and Chayton keep her safe?

  Genre: Contemporary, Multiple Partners, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 49,491 words


  Triple Dare County, South Dakota 5

  Paige Cameron


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Everlasting Polyromance


  Copyright © 2014 by Paige Cameron

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-171-4

  First E-book Publication: January 2014

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Lynda, thanks for your help in keeping up with my website and for your friendship. May the next year bring you much good health and happiness.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  About the Author


  Triple Dare County, South Dakota 5


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Dana Wynters regretted the day she’d ever accepted a date from Addison Gregor. He’d worn her down and finally she’d said yes. Now because of him, she had to change her whole life. She stared at the online ad from a doctor in Triple Creeks Township, South Dakota. Before she lost her nerve, she sent the email she’d written with the information asked for in the ad.

  She glanced at the clock. If she didn’t hurry, she’d be late getting to the office. Dana caught the elevator down to the ground floor garage. Checking all around her, she unlocked her car, got in, and locked it back. Her heart pounded fast, and she shivered with fear. Once she was on the road, she watched for the silver car she’d seen following her the past two weeks. There it was. She sped up and so did it. Dana called ahead and asked her assistant, Angie, to meet her in the office parking lot.

  “I’ll arrive in five minutes,” she told Angie. Besides being her assistant, Angie was one of Dana’s best friends.

  Dana turned right onto the small street beside the office and pulled into the back parking area. As usual, the silver car stopped at the curb. The dark windows kept her from seeing who was inside.

  Angie opened her door. “They’re not giving up,” she said as she took Dana’s briefcase from her. “You need to go to the police.”

  “You know I did. Addison is a wealthy and important man. They don’t believe he’s involved, and every time they watched for the silver car, it wasn’t around. Someone in the police department has to be warning them when to pull back.”

  When they walked toward the building, the car drove off. Dana took a breath of relief.

  “What are you going to do, Dana?” Angie asked.

  “Disappear. I’ve applied for a job in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps if I’m not here Addison will get over his obsession with me.”

  “You’re sure it’s him?”

  “Yes, I saw the same silver car at his home. The one time I made the mistake to go there with him.”

  “I hate to see you leave, but I understand.”

  “If all goes well, I’ll let you know where I am. It’s better if no one has any idea about my destination. I’m assuming I’ll get the job.”

  “They’d be lucky to have you.”

  “I put Dr. Sanders’s name on the application. I’ll have to tell him why
I’m leaving.”

  Dana checked her list of patients when she got to her office. She had ten spare minutes. I might as well get this over and tell my boss, Dr. Sanders, what I’m planning.

  Her day went by slowly. Dana was anxious to get home and see if she’d have a response to her application. I guess it’s too soon to expect to hear, but I sure would like to. Dr. Sanders had promised he’d hire her again, if she wanted to return when she felt safe. That was a relief.

  In the condominium’s garage, Dana checked all around before getting out of her car. Then she hurried to the elevator. Another resident was holding the door for her. Thank goodness. She worried that one of these days the men would try to grab her.

  * * * *

  Gavin Melwyn, the doctor in Triple Creeks Township, studied the application sent from a Dana Wynters. She’d graduated from a good medical school. He’d checked the office where she worked. It had a good reputation. Why then would she want to come out here to such a small town? He certainly needed the help. It was lunchtime. He was meeting Steel Randolph and Chayton Kane at the Sunshine Diner. He’d ask for their input. Gavin looked up and saw Steel standing at his office door.

  “Chayton and I are ready to eat. Your nurse said you were free.”

  “I am. I just noticed the time.”

  “Chayton is waiting outside,” Steel said.

  It was a short walk to the restaurant. The waitress took them to their favorite table in the back. It was quieter, and they could talk without being overheard.

  “How’s the stallion doing?” Gavin asked. “I’m anxious to ride him.”

  “He’s coming along. But he’s a bit wild and stubborn,” Chayton said. “It may take me longer than usual to have him ready. He’s got spirit. I almost wish I hadn’t sold him to you.”

  Gavin grinned. “You can’t go back on a deal. I’ll be patient. You’re the best horse trainer in this territory.”

  “Stop, you’ll make me blush.”

  Gavin laughed. “I want to see what will ever make you blush.”

  “I heard a rumor you’re looking for another doctor to join your practice,” Steel said.

  “The local grapevine is alive and well, and you hear all the gossip.”

  “What can I say? The ladies like to stop by and tell me what’s going on in town.” Steel shrugged, and the other two shook their heads. “It’s my great personality.”

  “Hah, I doubt that, but I don’t know why you and Chayton haven’t found some lady to marry.”

  “When you and your best friend, Beck, do, we’ll follow your example.” Steel and Chayton grinned at Gavin.

  “Then I guess all four of us will be old bachelors. We seem hard to please.”

  “I prefer to say we’re particular and haven’t met the right woman,” Chayton said and Steel nodded in agreement.

  The waitress brought their coffees and the menus.

  “Do you guys need these or do you know what you want?” she asked.

  “I’ll have my usual BLT,” Gavin told her.

  “With fries?”

  “Of course. It’s my one day to eat unhealthy.”

  “You know you’re setting a bad example for the town,” Chayton warned. “I want the Rueben and fries. If the doctor can eat unhealthy food, so can I.”

  The waitress was grinning by this time. “You guys are funny. What do you want to eat, Steel?”

  “I skipped breakfast. Give me the pancakes, scrambled eggs, and hash browns.”

  “Got it. I’ll put in your order.”

  “I have something I want to discuss with you two,” Gavin said after their waitress walked off. “I did put an ad online looking for a doctor.” He told them about the three prospects he’d heard from. “The most recent application came from a female doctor. She’s an internist and well qualified. I’m certain most of the older ladies would be pleased, and I think the children would be, too. I do all right with them, but a big man can be more intimidating than a woman.”

  “So what’s the problem?” Steel asked.

  “She’s never lived out West. She works in Atlanta, a huge city, and she’d be coming to a completely different environment. I’m afraid she won’t stay long. I can’t understand why she’d want to make such a drastic change.”

  “I’d ask her, and if she has a reasonable explanation, hire her.” Steel drank some of his coffee.

  Gavin thought about his suggestion. “I’ll call her tonight from home.”

  * * * *

  Dana’s heart jumped in her throat when the phone rang. She checked to see who was calling before answering. The number was unfamiliar. Since the area code was long distance, she hoped it was the doctor from South Dakota.


  “Is this Dana Wynters?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “I’m Dr. Melwyn. I got your application. You have very good credentials, and a good reference from Dr. Sanders. I called him late this afternoon.”

  “I told him earlier today about my hopes to relocate.” She held her breath waiting for his answer.

  I hope he’ll give me the opportunity. I need this job, or I don’t know what I can do to make myself safer. She clenched the receiver tight.

  “That’s my main concern. May I ask why you want to make such a complete change in your life?”

  “It’s personal. I’d rather not discuss it on the phone.”

  “Have you ever been out West even on a vacation?”

  “No.” But she quickly added, “I lived in a small town outside Atlanta when I was very young. I liked it. Then my dad took a job in the city.” I have to say something to convince him that I’m serious about this job, but what? “I’ve seen pictures of the western parts of the country. They were beautiful.” Dumb, dumb, dumb. He’ll think I’m an idiot. “I’m a good doctor, and I’m looking forward to a smaller practice where I can know my patients better.” Dr. Melwyn started to speak and she quickly added, “Please don’t mention the name of the town or state where I’d be coming to work.”

  “Ah, you’re scared, and you fear your phone may be tapped.”


  “Can you come for an interview?”

  “If I do, I have to stay.”

  The silence was long on the other end. Dana was sure she’d ruined her chances, and had no idea where else she might hide and not be found. She gulped and tried to hold back the tears.

  Finally, Dr. Melwyn spoke. “I’ll tell you what I can offer. You can have the job for a probationary period of three months, and I’d expect you to stay the whole time. At the end of the trial period if either of us is unhappy, you’ll have to look for another position. Is that fair?”

  Relief rushed over her. She took a breath to keep her voice from quivering. “It’s more than fair. I can’t thank you enough.”

  “Then I’ll immediately apply for the temporary license which will allow you to work here. It’ll take at least a month. In the meantime you can begin applying for your regular license. ”

  “May I start a month from now?”

  “If we get your license by then, you sure can. I’ll keep in contact with you about it.”

  “Are there apartments in town that I can rent?”

  “Would you like for me to find you a place with a short-term lease? Then if you stay after three months, you can find what you want.”

  His kindness overwhelmed her. She sniffed and her voice came out wobbly. “Thank you. Thank you.”

  “Are you crying?”

  “Only from relief and joy.”

  “Take care. I’ll be in touch.”

  “I’ll call you. It’s safer for me.”

  “All right.”

  Dana hung up her phone. If Addison did bug her phone or was able to track her cell phone calls, he’d only know she was headed west. From now on she’d call Dr. Melwyn from the office.

  She quickly deleted any information on her laptop computer. She’d take it with her, but for now she’d leave it completely of
f. She had no doubt the next month would go slowly. She’d have to be extra careful.

  * * * *

  Four Weeks Later

  Dana hurried into the elevator and up to her condo. She hadn’t had a chance to call Dr. Melwyn from work. She’d talked to him last week, and he’d been optimistic her temporary license would arrive soon. He’d found a place for her to rent. She’d started paying for the apartment, so she’d have a South Dakota address and it would be available when she arrived. Dr. Melwyn checked on any mail for her.

  But whether the license had come or not, she had to leave town. She poured herself a glass of wine and turned on the television. Still, her mind wouldn’t stop thinking about her fear that any day the men in the car were going to grab her.

  Her phone rang and she jumped, spilling a little wine. She glanced at the number and her heart raced. It was from Dr. Melwyn.


  “I have good news. I know you didn’t want me to call this number, but I couldn’t wait to talk with you. Your locum tenens license arrived today, or as we’ve been calling it, your temporary license. I checked your mail, and you also have a letter from the board.”

  “I’ll leave tomorrow. Dr. Sanders understood that I didn’t know the date of my last day of work. I’ll call him. Thank you for helping me with my license and a place to live.” She said good-bye and ended the call.

  Once she’d done a happy dance around her living room, she calmed down and called her boss on her cell. She had arranged with him to use the words “late for work,” and he’d know she was leaving. She’d already made plans for her departure with Angie and to use the same password with her. Once Angie heard those words, she’d start putting their scheme into action.


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