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Captivating Cowboys [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 13

by Paige Cameron

  I’m glad we didn’t plan the barbecue with all the families until tomorrow.

  He parked at the back of the house and Mr. Wynters stopped beside him. “Is this where you want me to park the camper?”

  “Yes. We’ll take whatever you need into the house.”

  Mr. Wynters glanced toward the corral. “Who is working with that beautiful horse?”

  “My best friend, Chayton Kane. Shall we walk over? I’ll introduce you.”

  “Won’t he mind us interrupting him?” Dana’s father asked.

  “No.” As they walked, Steel explained about Chayton’s gift with horses.

  The sun shone on Chayton’s damp skin and the sleek, black coat of the new mare he was training. He didn’t stop immediately. He continued to speak softly to the mare and gradually had her calmed. After tying her reins on the opposite side of the corral, he walked toward them.

  “Chayton, this is Dana’s parents, Jeff and Clara Wynters.” Steel made the introduction.

  “It’s nice to meet you. I hope you’ll excuse my informal attire. I do have a shirt around here, but it gets warm while I’m working.”

  “Please don’t apologize,” Mrs. Wynters said. “We interrupted you. I enjoyed seeing how you handled the mare.”

  “I love horses, and they sense it. Then they don’t fear me as much.”

  “Chayton also manages all the rest of the ranch,” Steel said.

  “What do you do?” Mrs. Wynters asked rather bluntly.

  Steel explained about his ironworks business. “I’ll take you by the shop while you’re here. Chayton, they might like to see some of the ranch by horseback, after you’re finished.”

  “Oh, I’d like to ride,” Mrs. Wynters said. “However, I can’t go far. I haven’t been near a horse in almost a year and neither has Jeff.”

  “We have a huge ranch. We’ll go on short rides and gradually increase your time in the saddle,” Chayton said.

  “I’d love to get to ride more. But I’m not sure how long we’ll stay,” Mr. Wynters said. “We don’t want to inconvenience you. You’re both busy men.”

  “We like company,” Steel said. Then he glanced at Mrs. Wynters. “I bet you’re a good cook.”

  She straightened and looked him in the eye. “Just because I could never teach Dana how to cook doesn’t mean I don’t, and yes, I’m very good.”

  “If you’ll occasionally cook us a meal, you can stay as long as you want.” Steel grinned and nodded his head toward Chayton. “His mom drops food off frequently, but this would give her a break.”

  Mrs. Wynters frowned at Steel and Chayton. “Your mothers didn’t teach you two to cook? My boys all know how to feed themselves.”

  “We can cook, when necessary.” Chayton flashed his smile. “But if we don’t have to, it’s a treat.”

  She studied Steel. “Did Dana tell you she doesn’t cook and doesn’t want to learn how?”

  “She did.”

  “Good. I’m tired. May we go inside?”

  “Sure. I’ll show you to your room. We’ll unpack the camper later.” They waved at Chayton and walked to the house. “I’ll take you through the kitchen.”

  Mrs. Wynters looked carefully at each room on their way to the hall on the left. “You have a lovely home.”

  “Our moms helped decorate it, and they put up the curtains.”

  “You talk as though both of you are close to your families.”

  “We are, Mrs. Wynters. Family is important. Chayton and I have lived in Triple Creeks Township all our lives except for college. We’re close to family and our neighbors.

  “There are three bedrooms on this side. The one in the back is larger and has its own bathroom.” He led them inside. “The other door by the fireplace goes out to a patio where you can watch the sunset.”

  “This is like a personal suite,” Mr. Wynters said.

  “When we remodeled the house, we put this addition on. This room is for parents visiting, or if one gets sick we can help take care of them.”

  “How thoughtful.” Mrs. Wynters patted his arm. “You are good men.”

  “I’ll leave you to rest. Let us know if you want to ride later today.”

  Steel had taken a few steps down the hall when he overheard Mrs. Wynters. “Dear me, they are two extraordinary, handsome men. I don’t know how Dana chose between them. But we saw her kiss Steel. He must be the one she likes the best.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dana’s insides had fluttered with uneasiness all afternoon. She glanced at the clock frequently, and she was certain time had slowed down. At four, after her last patient, Gavin told her to take off early. “You’re making me nervous with all your bouncing and fretting. Are you so frightened about telling your parents the truth regarding Steel and Chayton?”

  “No. I’m not sure what’s wrong. I can’t control the fear in the pit of my stomach.”

  “I’m not surprised. You came back to work too soon. Take a long weekend off. I’ll see you Monday.”

  “I hate that you’re doing your work and mine, too.”

  “Life will get back to normal soon. Don’t worry about the job. Rest, enjoy your family visit, and get out in the fresh air.”

  “I will.” She pulled out her cell to phone Chayton.

  He’d promised to pick her up. Steel had brought her to work.

  Steel answered the phone. “Chayton’s on his way.”

  “How did he know I’d be getting off early? Did Gavin call him?”

  “No. He said he’s been antsy all day and wanted to get you home. It’s a reaction to all the excitement we’ve been through.”

  “I’ll go out and wait for him.”

  “He said to tell you to stay inside until he gets there.”

  “That’s strange, but I will.” Dana worked on paperwork in her office, or she tried. She let out a sigh of relief when Chayton came to her door.

  “Ready, honey?

  “More than ready. How are my folks?”

  “From what Steel said they’re fine. He hasn’t seen them since they went in the bedroom to rest.”

  “They drove here faster than I expected. The trip probably overtired them.”

  * * * *

  Chayton waved to Gavin as they walked out the side door of the building. He’d opened the truck door for Dana when a chill ran up his spine. In one movement, he shoved Dana down, pulled his gun out, and spun around. The bullet smashed through the truck window. Chayton saw the rustle in the bushes and shot in that direction.

  Another bullet whizzed by, nicking Chayton’s left arm. The man rose and started running toward the back street. Chayton ran after him. When the man stopped to open his car door, Chayton took aim and shot him in his leg. The man tried to shoot Chayton, but another bullet hit his shoulder before he could pull the trigger all the way back.

  Two police cars converged on the scene. Kel Reardon checked the shooter, and then glanced at Chayton. “At least you left this one alive.” He called for an ambulance. His men circled the area. “Who was he after?”


  “Did you see anyone else? I thought we’d got them all.”

  “No one else.”

  “Who the hell are you?” Kel asked the wounded man.

  “I want a lawyer.”

  “You’ll need one. I’ll see you get tried in my county court. The judges don’t take kindly to our ladies getting shot.”

  “I didn’t hit her.”

  “You were trying. What’s your name?”

  The man refused to talk. Kel put handcuffs on him and sent a deputy with him to the hospital. “Stand guard until I have another deputy relieve you,” Kel instructed him. When he turned to Chayton, he saw blood on his shirt.

  “Why didn’t you say he’d shot you? I’d have sent you to the hospital with him.”

  Chayton nodded at Gavin standing by Dana. “He can fix this little cut. The bullet just grazed my arm.”

  Kel held the man’s wallet his deputy had hand
ed him. He opened it. “I see why he didn’t want to give us his name. He’s a detective from Atlanta. But why would he want to kill Dana?”

  Dana and Gavin had walked to Chayton’s side. “What’s his name?” Dana asked.

  “Fritz Gorman,” Kel said.

  When she heard the name, she gasped. “He’s the detective who brushed me off when I complained about Gregor.”

  “I’d bet he destroyed your report and thought if he got rid of you no one would connect him to Gregor,” Kel said. “What happened to Gregor and his men hit the national news several days ago.”

  “But that’s insane. How did he expect to get away with killing me?”

  “If he’d got you with his first bullet, Chayton would have yelled for help and stayed with you. He’d be long gone before anyone had time to follow.” Kel looked at Chayton with a puzzled expression. “How did you know to push Dana out of the way?”

  “I’d been worried all day and restless. When we got to my truck, a chill ran up my spine. I reacted instinctively.”

  Kel shook his head. “Strange, but I’m glad you saved her.” He grinned at Dana. “You’ve become quite popular in our town in a short time.”

  “Come in the office and let me look at your arm,” Gavin said.

  “I’m heading to the hospital. The other guy that got shot is coming around. I want to question him and then this one today. Also I’ll call Flint. I understand he’s gone home with his parents. But he’ll want to know about what happened today.” Kel got in his police car and waved as he drove off.

  Dana clung to Chayton’s uninjured right arm while Gavin cleaned the wound on the left. “You saved my life the second time.”

  “Everyone helped the first time. I just happened to be the only one with you today.”

  “I was uneasy all morning and Gavin had told me to go home and rest. When I called Steel, he said you were on your way and to stay inside.” Dana shook her head. “If I’d gone outside, he’d have succeeded in shooting me and gotten away with it.” She started to tremble and sat down on the nearest chair.

  “Put your head between your knees,” Gavin directed.

  Chayton jumped off the exam table and rushed to her side.

  “I’m a doctor. I know what to do,” she grumbled and then she fainted, almost sliding off the chair. Chayton held her in his arms. “That’s my girl. Bossy right up to when she passes out.”

  “Lay her on the table.” Gavin adjusted the end of the exam table to lift her legs up. She started to moan and come around. He checked her blood pressure and pulse.

  “I’m all right.” She tried to sit up.

  “Stay where you are for a few minutes,” Gavin instructed. “I’m not surprised you fainted with all that’s happened to you in the last few days.”

  She reached for Chayton. “You might have hurt your arm,” she fussed.

  “He’ll be fine. Sit in the chair she was in and I’ll bandage your cut.” Gavin grabbed a roll of sterile gauze and cleaned the wound again. Then he covered Chayton’s arm with sterile gauze and taped it in place. “You’re good to go. It’s probably useless to tell you to take it easy the next few days, at least with the left arm. But it will heal quickly. You were lucky it barely brushed by your arm.”

  “I’ll do my best,” Chayton said to Gavin and helped Dana sit up.

  “I want to go home and see my mother.”

  Chayton went to lift her in his arms, but she stopped him. “I can manage on my own feet.” Dana stepped carefully down from the table. Gavin walked on one side of her and Chayton on the other. Once they were at the truck Gavin told them to wait and ran inside to get a broom. He swept glass off Dana’s seat and knocked the rest of the pieces in the window to the ground.

  “Thanks for the help, Gavin,” Chayton said.

  Dana kissed Gavin’s cheek and swung up and into her seat. “I’ll be in Monday,” she said.

  Gavin closed her door. “Take as long as you need.”

  “I can’t take too long, or I’ll be on call for the next three months,” she yelled to him as Chayton started the engine and backed up.

  “Put your head back and relax. I’ll have you at the ranch and seeing your parents in no time.”

  “I’m excited about their visit. I’d been so busy in Atlanta. I hadn’t seen them in three or four months.” She leaned back as Chayton said and closed her eyes.

  * * * *

  But I’m also nervous about my parent’s reaction. Still, I plan to tell them how I feel regarding marrying both Chayton and Steel.

  When Dana and Chayton arrived, her mother and father were drinking a cup of coffee in the living room. Steel sat in a chair across from them. Her mom jumped out of her seat and rushed to give Dana a hug.

  “I’m glad you got off early.”

  “My boss gave me tomorrow and the weekend off. We’ll have plenty of time to visit.”

  Her mother, always observant, noticed the bulge under Chayton’s torn shirt sleeve. “What happened to you?” She stepped back and looked at them both closely. “And you look pale,” she said to Dana.

  “We’re going to be fine. Sit. I’ll tell you how Chayton saved the day.”

  “What?” Her mother wobbled and her dad sat her on the sofa beside him.

  Chayton pulled a chair from in front of the fireplace and joined them. Steel looked questioningly at Dana and Chayton.

  Giving an abbreviated version, Chayton told them of his unease and what happened outside the doctor’s office.

  “How many more of these men are going to try to kill my daughter?”

  “This should be the last. This guy took it on himself to try and save his job and his freedom. But word will get around about his failure. The others will lay low and hope Gregor didn’t have their names on some list.”

  “How do you know that?” her mother asked.

  “I can’t know positively, but I do know Dana and I are connected in an unexplained way. If she’s in danger, I’ll be warned.” Chayton stared at Mrs. Wynters, and then Mr. Wynters. “You can take her to your home and try and keep her safe. But if someone is after her, they’ll go wherever she’s living. We can keep her safer here.”

  “I don’t understand how you know.” Dana’s mother frowned at Chayton.

  He told them about his Native American heritage and regarding him, his mother, and his grandfather having second sight.

  “I’ve heard of such abilities but never believed it before,” her father commented. “You’re convincing me.”

  Dana hugged her dad. “I’m so glad you’re here. I needed to see you both.”

  “Steel has certainly made us feel welcome. You are fine young men.” Her mother smiled at them. “If it’s not too late, and you’re able to ride”—she looked at Chayton—”we’d love to see more of the ranch.”

  “Why don’t I take you and your husband in my big truck?” Steel suggested. “You can see a lot of the ranch from riding on the roads we’ve built. Once everyone’s feeling stronger, we’ll explore on horseback. Definitely before you leave.”

  “That’s a good idea.” Her mother glanced at Dana. “You’re still a little pale. Do you want me to stay with you?”

  “No. Enjoy seeing the ranch. I’m going to shower and sleep. Wake me when you return.”

  “And you, Chayton?” her mother asked.

  “I’m going to crash. Although the bullet only grazed the skin, I’m tired.”

  “We can never thank you enough for saving her.”

  Ushering them toward the back door, Steel glanced back and winked.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chayton pulled Dana into his arms and held her tight. “I want to feel you warm and breathing against my body. We came so close to losing you, again.”

  Dana kissed the opening at the neck of his shirt. “You and Steel have been best friends to me and my protectors since I got to town.” She kissed the warm skin of his neck where it curved into his shoulder. “And you and Steel have kindled deeper emotions
in me during our lovemaking than anyone else.” She leaned her head back and gazed into his eyes. The tenderness she saw gave her comfort and assured her of the rightness of her decision. “I’m going to tell my parents about threesome marriages while they’re here. I’ll also let them know I want to marry you and Steel.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. I’m comfortable and happy with what I’ve decided.”

  Chayton kissed her. “I love you, and I’ll spend my life making you happy.”

  “I hope I won’t disappoint you. I’m not very domesticated.”

  He laughed. “We know, and we love you in spite of your lack of talent in the kitchen. We’ve been discussing hiring a lady to clean and cook. There’s a widow in town that needs to earn extra money. I think she’d do fine and solve our problem.”

  “What a wonderful idea.”

  “You’re tired. Go shower and rest. I’m going to take a bath to keep my bandage from getting wet.”

  “Want company?”

  “Don’t you want to sleep?”

  “I will afterward.”

  Chayton put his good arm around her waist and they walked to the master bedroom down the opposite hall from her parent’s room. Dana adjusted the water and then undressed.

  She glanced over her shoulder at Chayton. “Do you need help?”

  “My arm isn’t incapacitated. It’s little more than a scratch.” He had taken his shirt off and reached for his belt.

  “Let me.” Dana unfastened his buckle and unzipped his jeans. Then she slipped her hands under his shorts and caressed his hard cock.

  “If you don’t stop, the tub will be running over.”

  She hurried to turn the water off and test the temperature. When she turned, Chayton was nude. The pleasurable sight of his golden skin and muscular body spiked her desire to ravenous heights.

  When she raised her eyes to his face, all her senses tingled and her pussy pulsed with desire. Chayton strode across the short distance to her.

  “Put your arms around my neck.”

  Dana did and he lifted her legs around his waist. Then he took long strides to the wall, placing her back against the cool tile. His mouth captured hers in a hard kiss.


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