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Always A Will And A Way_Western Romance

Page 4

by Barbara Gee

  “That’s no problem, Maggie. I’ll probably tag along to the stables and get some photos of James and the horses.”

  They agreeably went their separate ways, and soon Kelly had unpacked their things in the large guest bedroom at the back of the house, where a full sized bed and a pull out sofa had been freshly made up for her and James. Her son waited impatiently while Kelly finished hanging up their clothes, then he grabbed her hand and tugged her outside to where Chad was waiting.

  “Ready to see some impressive Texas horseflesh?” Chad asked, grinning at James’ eagerness.

  “Is that rancher talk?” James asked.

  Chad laughed. “Sure is. It means we’ve got some real nice horses here at Wild Rose.”

  “Do you go on roundups?” James wondered. “I have some books about roundups. The cowboys sit outside by the fire and eat beans and stuff.”

  Chad’s chuckling continued. “We sure do. It’s my favorite time on the ranch.”

  “What else do you do?”

  “Well, I fix a lot of fences, and help take care of the horses, and go to cattle sales and horse sales. Stuff like that.”

  They reached the main stable building and Chad ushered them through big double doors that had been propped open to let the fresh spring air circulate. Most of the stalls were empty, as the horses had been taken outside for the day. Chad took them through the big building and out to the corral in back, where several horses were being led around the large fenced in oval.

  “We’re going to try breaking in that chestnut stallion today,” he said, pointing at a magnificent horse that was tossing his head and chewing on the bit in his mouth as he was led around the ring by a young cowboy.

  “What’s breaking in mean?” James asked, entranced by all the activity. He climbed up on the fence and hung over the top for a better view. Kelly stood behind him in case he slipped, but he assumed the position as if he’d been doing it all his life.

  “It means no one has ridden that horse yet, and horses don’t like having someone ride them at first. They jump around and try to throw them off. Sometimes they jump and buck for a long, long time, but then they realize it’s really not so bad, and then the next time they don’t buck as long. But only the best cowboys can break them, because it’s real hard to stay on for all that bucking.”

  “Do you ever break in horses?” James wondered.

  “Not usually the first real ride, but I help get them ready. Sometimes horses get so used to having a saddle on them, and some weight applied, that they don’t really even mind when a rider gets on for the first time. But other horses are a lot more high strung, and the best way to get them adjusted to a rider is to just mount up and ride them until they’re too tired to protest anymore. Usually after a few rides, the horse learns to cooperate pretty quickly.”

  “And then they get used to it and anyone can ride them?” James asked perceptively.

  “You got it, buddy.” Chad grinned proudly at Kelly. “Smart kid,” he said softly.

  She returned his smile and nodded. “He is, and we’ve read every children’s book about ranches that I could find the last couple of weeks. It’s fun for me to see him experiencing the real thing.”

  “You’re lucky because Will is going to be the one to break this beauty. That way James will see the best at work.”

  “Who is Will?” Kelly asked, a little fearful for anyone who had to be the first to mount the huge horse that was now passing right by them.

  “Will Connor. The guy who has the dog. He splits his time between his own family’s ranch and here. He’s the best at training cuttin’ horses, which basically means horses that learn to round up cattle.”

  James turned to ask another question, but before he could speak, his gaze went to a point somewhere behind Kelly and Chad and his eyes grew round with wonder.

  Chapter 5

  “Dodger!” James whispered, jumping down from the fence before Kelly could even make a move to help him.

  A huge chocolate lab was trotting out the stable door, sniffing the path they had taken, obviously wondering who the new people were. James went down on his knees and waited for the big dog to approach, his face shining with awe.

  “Hey, boy,” he said softly, holding out his hand for the dog to sniff.

  Kelly raised her phone and snapped a picture as the boy and dog came nose to nose. She blinked back sudden tears. I’ve got to get a house with a bigger yard, she said to herself. This boy was obviously meant to have a dog like Dodger.

  “Hey, Will.” Chad’s voice interrupted her emotional reaction to the instant bond between James and Dodger. “You ready to conquer The Stud over there?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  Kelly looked in the direction of the smooth baritone voice, watching as its owner emerged from the shadows of the stable.

  Oh sweet heaven. Kelly had never been one to get all googly-eyed over a good looking man, but it was completely impossible not to notice that the man coming toward them had a body worthy of gracing cowboy posters all over the world. Aware that her heart rate had increased suddenly, Kelly found herself wishing her girlfriends were there to see the vision approaching. She could almost hear the drawn out sighs of appreciation. Hers included.

  The man was tall, made even more so by his well-worn boots and the Stetson hat that shadowed his face. His shoulders were wide, hugged by a thin navy tee shirt that exposed big biceps and strong forearms. He was definitely muscular, but it wasn’t the bulky, body building type of muscle. He was lean and athletic, and his long legs carried him with an exquisite yet purely male grace.

  All of his face, except for a strong jawline, was hidden beneath the shadow of his hat, yet Kelly knew he was watching her, she could somehow feel his gaze, and she forgot to breathe as he neared.

  “Will Connor, this is Kelly Matherson. Kelly, meet Will Connor, horse trainer extraordinaire.” As Chad introduced them, the poster cowboy reached up and removed his hat, causing Kelly’s breath to leave her body in an audible whoosh which she hoped no one else noticed.

  Cerulean. The word popped into her head as she met his gaze. His eyes were an electric, cerulean blue that she had never seen in real life. Surrounded by thick lashes, they were easily the most enchanting eyes she’d ever seen. They could aptly be described as beautiful, but the man was so totally, purely male that “beautiful” didn’t seem quite appropriate. His hair was just long enough to be a little wavy and tousled, and it was the kind of dark blonde that absorbed sun, so there were lighter streaks throughout, with the ends being almost platinum. It was the type of natural highlighting guys like Natalie’s Stephan paid huge sums to emulate, although they never quite managed to match the real thing.

  “Nice to meet you, Kelly.”

  She realized belatedly that he had extended his hand, and she quickly reached out her own. His grip was firm, his hand big, warm and calloused.

  “Nice to meet you too, Will. Um, that’s my son, James, over there with your dog. We’re visiting the Wild Rose for the week.”

  Will looked over at the boy and Dodger, and his quick smile further weakened Kelly’s rubbery knees. Thankfully he turned and walked over to James and squatted down beside him, giving Kelly a chance to recover from the physical effects of his unexpectedly potent presence.

  As James and Will got acquainted, both of them reaching out to give Dodger a scratch, Kelly admonished herself to get a grip. Geez, it was like she’d never met a good looking guy before. Well, okay, she never actually had met anyone in Will Connor’s category, but still, she was acting like an awestruck teen. She almost giggled aloud when she realized that her reaction to him was almost identical to James’ reaction to Dodger’s appearance. Oh dear, surely she’d managed to cover up the worst of the effects he’d had on her? How embarrassing. And to make her giddiness even more inappropriate, the man couldn’t be more than 24 or 25, which meant she was about six years his senior and firmly in cougar territory.

  Kelly gave herself a ste
rn talking to, and by the time Will stood up and replaced his hat, she felt more in control. She noticed, however, that James’ adoration was now directed at the man as well as his dog.

  “Are you really gonna ride that big red horse?” James asked, following Will over to the fence. The tall cowboy easily hooked his arms over the top rail, while James scrambled to climb up beside him. Seeing Will’s wide shoulders beside her son’s narrow, six year old frame did funny things to Kelly’s stomach as she joined them at the fence, standing on the other side of James.

  “I’m gonna give it a shot. Think he’ll be able to buck me off?” Will asked conversationally.

  “He’s awful big,” James said uncertainly, obviously not wanting to believe his new friend would let the horse get the better of him.

  “That he is,” Will said, shrewdly watching as the horse walked around the ring, its big head tossing.

  A small crowd of cowboys had begun to gather at various points around the fence.

  “Hey, Connor,” one of them called from across the ring. “We came to see the stud take on The Stud. I’ve got my money on you, so don’t let me down.”

  James looked up at Will curiously. “Is Stud the horse’s name?”

  “Nah, it’s his nickname. His real name is Wild Red. I just call him Red.”

  Will climbed up and swung a long Levi’s clad leg over the fence, easing down to the dirt on the other side as the horse approached him. He took the lead from the younger cowboy and continued to walk Red around the oval, talking softly to the animal. The horse obviously knew him, but he also knew something was up and he alternately nuzzled Will’s shoulder and blew great distressed puffs of air through his nostrils.

  “Easy there, Red,” Will was saying as they passed. Kelly climbed up on the first rung of the fence and hooked her arms over like everyone else, straining to hear what the gorgeous cowboy was saying to the fretting horse.

  “Easy, Red. We’re gonna get this ride over with and then you can relax.” His voice faded as he moved out of earshot.

  Another couple of rounds and Will brought the horse to a stop across the ring from them. The saddle was already in place, and Kelly figured Wild Red had worn both the saddle and the bridle many times before this in an effort to get him used to their feel.

  As one of the ranch hands at the fence distracted Red with a treat of some kind, Will suddenly jammed his boot into the stirrup and swung effortlessly up onto the horse’s back. For a split second Red went still, and then he protested Will’s weight with everything he had.

  Kelly clapped a hand over her mouth as she watched them, her reaction equal parts awe and terror. For several minutes she forgot all about James and Chad and everyone else as she watched the cowboy utilize all his skill to stay on the frenzied horse. Then she became aware that James had grabbed onto her arm, his grip surprisingly strong. She tore her gaze away from Will and the horse to make sure her little boy was doing okay.

  His face was the picture of wonderment. He was tense, but not afraid. He watched Will’s every move with fascination, his blue eyes bright and unblinking.

  “Go, Will, go, Will,” he was saying under his breath, obviously hoping his new hero came out victorious. After what seemed an eternity to Kelly, the horse finally began to tire, and it became evident that the skillful, graceful, amazing cowboy on his back would indeed finish his ride.

  James’ mantra changed from “Go, Will” to “You did it, Will.”

  When the big horse came to a shuddering, sweaty, panting standstill, James turned and gave Kelly a huge hug, then did the same to Chad. “That was so awesome, Uncle Chad. Will is the best cowboy in Texas, right?”

  “One of them,” Chad agreed cheerfully. “Ole Red gave him a ride, though, I can’t remember the last time Will had to work that hard for a break. He’s gonna be whipped after that one.”

  They watched as Will urged Red into a slow walk. After a few times around the oval, James jumped down and resumed getting acquainted with Dodger, who seemed totally unaffected by the activity in the ring. When Will finally slid off the horse and turned him over to the young cowboy who had been walking him earlier, the hooting and hollering commenced.

  “Atta boy, Connor. Way to hang tough.”

  “The cowboy wins the battle of the studs!”

  “Shoot, Connor, I lost fifty bucks. I thought Red was finally going to be your match.”

  Will grinned and walked over to where the biggest group of men was standing, stretching his arms up and rolling his shoulders. “I’m gonna pay for that one tonight,” Kelly heard him say. “I might not be able to walk tomorrow.”

  “Come on out to the bar with us tonight, Stud,” one man invited. “I guarantee you could find a purty little gal who would be only too glad to work out the kinks for you.”

  Will took off his hat and beat the dust out against his leg. “I’ll have popped four Advil and be tucked into my bed long before you’re ready to hit the town, Miller.”

  “Aw come on, Connor. You didn’t used to be such a lightweight.”

  “Gettin’ old I guess,” Will said, exchanging fist bumps with some of the men as he walked past. He went over to where Wild Red was being relieved of his saddle and bridle. He took the horse’s slumped head between his hands and Kelly could see his lips moving as he talked to the tired animal. Then he took off his hat and leaned in, putting his forehead against Red’s as he continued to talk. Red stayed still, only his ears twitching. When Will raised his head, so did Red, tossing his mane and stamping his feet, his pride and spirit returning as the talented cowboy somehow communicated to him what a good horse he was.

  Chad leaned in toward Kelly. “That guy never ceases to amaze me. I think he was a horse in another life. There’s no other explanation for how he can talk to them.”

  “It’s incredible,” Kelly agreed wholeheartedly. “I’m so glad we got to watch him break in Wild Red. James will never forget it.” Nor would she, Kelly knew.

  “It was perfect timing,” Chad agreed. He smiled as James and Dodger joined them at the fence, watching Will approach. Dodger’s tail wagged madly, and Kelly was convinced if James had a tail it would easily keep up with the dog’s.

  “That was awesome, Will. The best riding ever. Can you take our picture, Mom? Me, Will and Dodger? And one of Wild Red? I want to show Bryan when we get home.”

  Kelly agreeably stepped back and raised her phone. Will leaned up against the fence behind James, one elbow resting on the top rail, his other arm reaching down between the rails to put a hand on James’ shoulder. Dodger obediently sat at James’ feet, for all the world looking like he was smiling at the camera. Just as she was ready to click the button, Will raised his head a fraction of an inch, lifting the shadow of his hat from his eyes. The sun caught his face and his electric blue eyes blazed. Kelly quickly hit the button, preserving the incredible picture in her phone. Her crazy heart was beating double time when she looked away from the screen and met Will’s gaze.

  “You’re making James’ first day on a real ranch an unforgettable experience,” she managed to say in a normal sounding voice. “Thank you for giving us such an incredible ride to watch. I have no idea how you stayed on that horse.”

  “Been at it since I was just a little older than James. I’ve taken plenty of falls getting to this point, I can tell you.” He swung up and over the fence and gave his dog an affectionate scratch behind the ears.

  “Got yourself a new friend, Dodger?” he asked, smiling as Dodger gave James’ cheek a wet lick. “Careful, boy, I might get jealous.”

  “Do you have any balls I can throw for him?” James asked hopefully.

  “Sure, they’re in my truck. The white Dodge right out front. Why don’t you go over to the yard by the house so you have plenty of space to throw?”

  James took off through the stable, calling for Dodger who willingly followed.

  “You going over to the house today, Will?” Chad asked.

  “Yeah, I’m gonna wash up a
little and change my shirt. Don’t want Sarah tutting at me for dragging in dust.”

  Chad motioned for Kelly to walk back through the stable. She couldn’t resist one backward glance, though, and then had to stifle a gasp when she saw the retreating Will reach back to tug his tee shirt up over his head, exposing a wide expanse of golden tanned shoulders and back, tapering down to a slim waist in low hanging jeans.

  “Holy cow,” she breathed, hurrying to catch up to Chad. Will Connor was going to make some lucky girl very happy when he finished being the resident stud and was ready to settle down. Wow.

  Chad started to explain Will’s role at Wild Rose, and Kelly was immediately all ears. It was downright embarrassing how she was reacting to the handsome young cowboy. Emphasis on YOUNG, Kelly reminded herself. Too young.

  “Believe it or not, in addition to breaking horses like a pro, Will Connor is also a whiz at running the numbers and keeping the books. Sometimes I think it’s a little unfair that God blessed him with so many talents,” Chad admitted. “He majored in Animal Science at Texas Tech, and has a minor in accounting. When James Sr. wasn’t able to keep up with the office work anymore, he called in Will to help, and he’s been a lifesaver. Senior doesn’t trust many people, but he trusts Will Connor. Maybe he’ll tell you the story of how Will came to work here sometime.”

  “I’d like to hear it,” Kelly said truthfully as they approached the yard where James and Dodger were playing fetch. “Don’t let us keep you from your work, Chad. You’ve been great, but I’m happy to settle down in that comfy looking hammock and watch James and the dog for a while. You go on and do what you need to do.”

  “Yeah, maybe I’ll head out and get to patching a section of fence that one of the guys said is going down. If you need anything, Amy is inside, and James and Maggie will probably be up and about soon.”

  Kelly thanked him again and waved him off, then caught James’ attention so he knew she was nearby. He was having a blast with the big brown dog, and Kelly smiled at the sound of his laughter.


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