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Always A Will And A Way_Western Romance

Page 14

by Barbara Gee

  “I enjoy hanging out with you,” Kelly said, meaning it. “We’ll definitely be here tomorrow evening.”

  “We look forward to it. Now you go on, don’t worry about us. Enjoy your evening.” Maggie gave Kelly a hug, then shooed her out to the kitchen to watch for Will.

  She’d no sooner entered the room when he tapped on the outside door. Kelly hurried to let him in, feeling suddenly shy when his eyes swept over her, his brows arched in appreciation.

  “Wow, Kelly,” he drawled, shaking his head slowly. “You look gorgeous.”

  She seconded that. He looked incredible in black jeans with a white button down shirt tucked into them, a wide belt emphasizing his lean waist and flat stomach. Swallowing hard she looked up at him. Gosh he was tall, her head barely reached his shoulder. It took her aback every time. And he smelled absolutely divine.

  “Um, James is getting his backpack. I’ll go check on him.”

  She rounded up her excited son and they got in Will’s truck for the very short drive to Chad and Amy’s. James had no qualms about staying with the uncle he had come to adore, and minutes later Will and Kelly were back in the truck.

  He started it up, then looked over at her and grinned. “I don’t know how you do things in Virginia, but we’re in Texas and I’ve got a bench seat, baby. So slide your little east coast butt on over here.”

  And she did, readily, inhaling his scent and realizing that he was doing the same thing to her.

  “Did you just sniff me?” she teased.

  “I did, and so did you, don’t even try to deny it.” He dropped a quick kiss on her soft lips. “Your scent is going to haunt me when you’re gone. Just one of many things that will.”

  He put the truck in gear and Kelly leaned up against him, wrapping both of her arms around his right bicep, her head dropping onto his shoulder. “Let’s not think about that until Saturday.”

  “It’s a deal. No worries tonight. Just you, me, a warm Texas night, and good music.”

  “Sounds perfect. If you add in food, that is. I’m starving.”

  “You got it.”

  Will soaked in the feel of her against him. For the past few days he’d been trying to memorize everything about her, how she looked, sounded, smelled, and felt. He knew he had many lonely days and nights ahead of him, and no guarantee that she would be back anytime soon. It was all he could do to not beg her for a commitment of some kind, but he didn’t because pressuring her wouldn’t change things. Kelly believed that spending time apart was the best way to figure out her feelings for him, and he knew he really didn’t have a choice but to let her go.

  He tried to put the dread of separation out of his mind so he could enjoy the time they did have, starting with tonight. When she had opened the door at Senior’s, he couldn’t breathe. Kelly was achingly beautiful and he responded so strongly to her, body and soul. He knew in his heart that she was everything he had hoped to find in a woman, and James was truly a bonus. Will was beginning to believe that they could be his future, and he suspected Kelly was starting to have the same thoughts about him. The question was whether her feelings would live on even after they were separated.

  It was frustrating. Will knew he needed more time with her. He didn’t want to come on too strong, and yet with only tonight and tomorrow left, he somehow had to convince her that they could be great together, if only she would give them a chance and not talk herself out of it once she got back home to Virginia.

  Chiding himself for letting the dread creep in again, Will gave himself a mental shake and asked her what she was hungry for. Kelly told him her first choice would be good ole Texas barbeque because she didn’t think she could ever get enough of it. Will grinned at her choice, so typical of Kelly and so different from Lindsay the diva. Since they would be passing one of the best barbeque places right on their way, it would be easy to grant her wish.

  The restaurant was crowded, likely with fellow concert goers, but they were seated after only a short wait. The food was good and the conversation was easy and fun, a good start to their first real date. Will learned more about her school, her students, and most importantly, the friends who meant so much to her. He could only hope he would one day get to meet them.

  Back in the truck after their meal, Kelly scooted over against him without him having to ask. He put his arm around her and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Gonna miss this,” he said softly.

  “Me too,” she whispered, reaching up to take his hand in hers and pull his arm tighter around her.

  They got to the fairgrounds and Will paid their admission fee, handing Kelly a flyer that listed all the acts playing that night. She hadn’t heard of any of the bands except for the headliner, who was of course playing last. The fair atmosphere was more casual than any concert she’d ever been to, and she loved it. Although there was some seating near the stage, most of the crowd sat out on the surrounding hill, which gave the venue an amphitheater feel. Rain would have ruined the evening for everyone, but the weather was perfect and the crowd was in a jovial mood. Some relaxed on blankets or low lawn chairs, others were up dancing, and many just roamed around, mingling with other people and eating an assortment of delicious looking fair foods. The fried twinkies and oreos smelled delicious, but Kelly walked on past those options because she knew she was going to want a funnel cake later.

  Having been to concerts at the fair before, Will had known to bring a thick blanket to sit on. They wandered through the crowd until they found an empty spot in the grass, then spread the blanket and settled down to enjoy the music and atmosphere.

  Kelly soon discovered that Will knew many, many people, and they were all eager to talk to him. No sooner had they gotten comfortable on their blanket than someone came by to chat, and they had to stand up again. As soon as one person left, another stopped by. Will always introduced her as his friend, Kelly Matherson. She could tell that a number of the people she met figured out that she was James and Maggie’s previously estranged daughter-in-law, but everyone was too polite to say anything, not knowing the present circumstances.

  At one point Will got drawn into a conversation about horses with a man he’d introduced as a rancher from an adjoining county. As the men got more immersed in their conversation, Kelly sank contentedly back down onto the blanket, enjoying Will’s enthusiasm for his favorite subject. She noticed that the other, much older man was hanging on Will’s every word, and it made her even more proud of him.

  Minutes later Kelly heard a feminine voice practically shriek Will’s name, and she looked over to see a very beautiful girl making her way through the crowd toward Will, with three other equally attractive girls trailing behind. All four were dressed in expensive looking but skimpy clothing, their short shorts and cowboy boots showing off slim, tanned, toned bodies.

  Kelly thought she heard Will let out an irritated growl just before the woman reached him. Totally ignoring the fact that Will was already talking to someone, the beauty launched herself at him, twining her long, bare arms tightly around his neck.

  “Will, babe, your mom said you weren’t coming tonight! What are you doing way over here? The gang is all down there closer to the stage, where we always sit.”

  “Hey, Lindsay.” Will reached up and gently removed her arms. No sooner had he removed himself from her clutches than the other three women took their turns hugging him, obviously excited to see him.

  “It’s been too long, Will,” the last one said. “You haven’t hung out with us in ages and now that I’ve seen your gorgeous face again we’ve gotta change that. Grab your stuff and come join us.”

  Lindsay latched onto his arm and tugged, but Will turned and reached a hand down to Kelly, who had been partially hidden behind him and the man he had been talking to. She put her hand in his and he pulled her up, his gaze apologetic.

  “Sorry about this,” he murmured. He held her against his side, his hand warm on her waist.

  “Lindsay, this is Kelly Mat
herson. Kelly, this is Lindsay, Jeanette, Addison, and McKenna. We all pretty much grew up together.”

  Kelly watched four pairs of eyes turn frosty, particularly Lindsay’s.

  “Nice to meet you all,” Kelly said politely, hoping her smile didn’t look too forced.

  “Kelly Matherson.” Lindsay said slowly, giving her a rude once over. “You’re Jamie’s widow, right? I’d heard you were in town but I didn’t expect to see you here. So.....yeah, I mean I’m sorry about Jamie and all, but he was, like, way older than us and I hardly knew him. You guys met in college, right? So you two were about the same age?”

  Kelly felt Will stiffen as it became obvious where the girl was going with her catty comments, but Kelly put a calming hand on his back and smiled at Lindsay.

  “Yes, Jamie and I met when we were both freshmen at TCU. You would have probably still been in middle school,” she said unflinchingly.

  Lindsay frowned, obviously disappointed that Kelly didn’t seem to be self-conscious about her age. She wasn’t finished, however.

  “So, what, you just decided to come out here for a visit out of the blue?”

  “Actually I brought my son to meet his grandparents.”

  “Oh yeah, I heard you had a kid, too. Wow, you really are way ahead of the rest of us. It was nice of Will to let you tag along with him tonight. I suppose Maggie asked him to keep you entertained. Our Willy has always been such a pushover.”

  Will moved Kelly to stand in front of him, his hands coming down on her shoulders in an obviously possessive gesture.

  “Actually, Maggie had nothing to do with it,” he said, his voice soft but with a hint of warning.

  Lindsay’s eyes widened. She knew Will well enough to realize he was done with her bitchiness. She tossed her long blonde hair, her smile dismissive.

  “Whatever, Will. The girls and I will leave you to it then. We’ll catch up later, after Kelly and her kid have gone back east. You know how to reach me.”

  With a final glare at Kelly, Lindsay and her pack pivoted in their fancy boots and headed back to where they came from.

  “Dang,” Will said, turning her around to face him, his hands still on her shoulders. “Sorry you had to see Lindsay’s catty side. You never know what you’re going to get with her. She can be sweet as sugar, or like that.”

  “I can’t blame her,” Kelly responded honestly. “It’s pretty clear she’s interested in you. I’d be a bit upset myself if I had to see you with another woman.”

  “Lindsay is the girl I went out with the other night,” Will confessed. “I thought I made it really clear to her that I wasn’t interested in being more than friends. She got angry and called me a jerk and an ass, so I thought she got the message. The problem is, our moms are best friends and they keep trying to push us together. Her mom probably convinced her to give me another chance, assuming that by now I’d be sorry for the ‘let’s just be friends’ talk.”

  Kelly wondered if maybe that explained his mother’s reaction to her the other day, but she kept silent about it.

  “Did you two ever seriously date?”

  “We were kinda on and off our senior year of high school. And we played around with the idea a little bit a few summers ago, before I decided I needed to make a change in my life. But it wasn’t anything lasting for either one of us. She’s been away at college and just got back a few weeks ago.”

  “She’s a beautiful girl,” Kelly stated. “I’m sure she isn’t used to not getting what she wants.”

  “She should take that out on me, not you,” Will said flatly. He slid his hand up under her hair to rest on her nape, tugging her closer.

  “I can handle a little mean-girl, as long as I get the guy,” Kelly teased, her green eyes sparkling.

  “Every pretty girl I’ve known seems to have that inner mean-girl. Except you. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on and I haven’t seen an ounce of bitch in you.”

  Kelly laughed. The band that was playing launched into a loud, rowdy song, so she stood on her tip toes, her lips close to his ear.

  “Cuz I’m older and wiser. I’m way past bitch.” She ran her hands up his sides, then wrapped them around his biceps. Which were huge and felt oh so good to touch.

  “Maybe that’s what draws me to you,” Will responded. “The crowd I used to run with mostly just annoys me now and I’ve found myself avoiding them for the last couple years. I’d rather hang out with my brothers and their kids. I think I’ve become a 40 year old man in a twenty-five year old body.”

  “Better that than the other way around,” Kelly teased. She wanted to tell him she liked him, and his body, just the way he was. “I could use one of those icy lemonade thingies,” she said instead. “How ‘bout you?”

  “Mmm hmm. And a funnel cake. We can share.”

  Will took her hand and they made their way through the crowd to the food stands on the edge of the concert grounds. By the time they got back to their blanket, food and drink in hand, dusk was starting to settle in. Kelly could still see Lindsay down by the stage, dancing with her friends, probably more than a little drunk. Kelly honestly couldn’t blame her for that, either. Seeing Will with another woman would have thrown her for a loop, too.

  Will leaned back on his hands, his long, long legs stretched out in front of him. Kelly sat close, her knees drawn up with her arms wrapped around them. The bands had all been surprisingly good, and the headliner was coming up next. Kelly was in no rush for them to take the stage, as she wanted the evening to go on forever. Knowing it was the one and only date she’d have with Will, at least for a very long time, made each minute she spent with him incredibly precious.

  Wanting to preserve the memory, she took out her phone and tapped it to bring up the camera. She held it out in front of them and Will obligingly tilted his head against hers and smiled as she snapped a selfie photo.

  Examining the result, she saw it was perfect. “Your eyes should be illegal,” she said, showing it to him.

  He raised a brow. “No one will notice my eyes with you in the picture.”

  “Wanna bet?” Kelly grinned and opened a group text window, sending the photo to her three crazy friends.

  It took only a few seconds for Jordan to respond. “OMG, Kelly! Where are you guys? Killer blue eyes, seriously. Bring me back a cowboy like that and I’ll kick Ty to the curb. Well, maybe not, but I’d think about it!”

  Natalie’s and Heather’s responses soon followed, both of them commenting on Will’s incredible eyes, as Kelly had known they would. They had all been obsessed with his eyes since the first picture she had sent.

  Kelly grinned and held the phone so he could read the screen.

  “Told you.”

  He looked a little embarrassed. “I much prefer green eyes. Your green eyes. Send that picture to me.”

  When Kelly obliged, he immediately made it the background on his phone. “My new favorite photo,” he pronounced.

  They sat close together and enjoyed the music as darkness fell. Eventually almost everyone was standing, and Will and Kelly followed suit. When the band launched into one of their most popular songs, a stirring and lovely ballad, Will turned Kelly into his arms and they slow danced along with most of the other couples on the hill.

  Kelly knew two things for sure. One, dancing with Will was one of the best things ever. And two, she was going to download that song as soon as she got back to the house, and she would play it over and over and over in the weeks to come.

  After the concert ended, it was slow going to get out of the fairgrounds. The crowd was big and raucous, and long lines at the food booths and restrooms impeded the progress of everyone else. Kelly and Will were in no hurry, though, content to move slowly in the direction of the parking lot, hands linked, enjoying being together a little while longer.

  When they finally made it to Will’s truck, Kelly didn’t even bother going around to the passenger door. She climbed in before him, and he settled in against her, dr
opping a kiss on the top of her head before he started the engine. They drove back toward Crighton, happy in the moment but all too aware that their time was fast coming to an end. Kelly felt her eyes getting heavy, but she refused to doze off because she didn’t want to waste even a minute.

  Will reached out to turn the volume down on the radio, then wrapped his arm securely around Kelly.

  “Tell me what your days are like when you’re at home.”

  “Hmm.” Kelly snuggled closer to him, breathing in his scent and giggling softly when he nuzzled her hair and reciprocated. “A day in the life of Kelly and James, is that what you want to hear?”

  “Mmm hmm. From beginning to end.”

  “Okay, well, my alarm goes off at 5:30 on school days. I always take a shower first thing, because it’s impossible for me to wake up otherwise. After I’m dressed and ready I try to spend ten or fifteen minutes in devotional time, then I get James up at 6:45. We eat breakfast at 7:00 and are on our way to school by 7:20 or so. I drop him off at the elementary school, then head to the high school. Classes start at 8:00, so I usually have 15 minutes to settle in and get ready for the day. Right now, I’m teaching two sections of AP Biology, two of Chemistry, and a special STEM seminar class that freshmen students rotate through to help them decide whether to pursue the STEM curriculum. School ends at 3:00 for me. James’ day ends at 2:30, so he stays in the after school program until I can get there to pick him up, which is usually around 3:45. Sometimes my mom or dad will go get him and then he goes to their place for a few hours. When that happens, I usually go over there for dinner, which is great because I can stay later at school to get ready for the next day, and I also don’t have to cook. When we go home instead of to Mom and Dad’s, James plays while I catch up on things around the house. I start dinner around 5:00 or 5:30, we eat around 6:00, then I help James with any homework he might have, or we play games or watch a movie. James is usually in bed by 8:30. Once he’s tucked in, I grade papers and work on the next day’s lesson plans, and try to get to bed by 11:00.”


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