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Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC

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by Black, Selena

  Club Property

  Selena Black

  Copyright © 2016 by Selena Black

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 1

  The thumping bass of the huge speakers started to give Carrie a headache, and it wasn’t helped by the fact that she didn’t even like the music being played in the club. The deafening din and flashing lights grated on her nerves and the irritation was made all the worse because the boy walking beside her as she returned to her college friends from the restroom wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  “Come on,” he almost whined as he matched her step for step. “Just one dance is all I’m asking.”

  “I said no,” Carrie replied and quickened her pace to get away from him.

  The touch on her shoulder brought her to a stop, but certainly wasn’t appreciated, and the urge welled up to punch the annoying prick to make him understand that she wasn’t interested. Her jaw tightened as she knocked his hand away and rounded on him.

  “Look, I fucking said no,” she spat out harshly. “What part of that does your weak-ass, dickhead brain not understand? I’ve tried being polite and you ignored me, so now I’ll tell you straight. I’m not interested in dancing with you, so… FUCK OFF!”

  The shocked look on the guy’s face almost made her want to laugh, and it was obvious that he wasn’t used to being rejected so severely. His expression changed quickly to one of faux couldn’t-care-less as he tried to extricate himself from the encounter on top by putting her down.

  “For fuck’s sake, get a life,” he let out in a loud voice to make sure the people around them heard it. “What is it with the lesbians in this place?”

  Carrie shook her head as she ignored his pathetic comment and turned away from him once more.

  “Loser,” she muttered as she made her way to the table her friends were at and sat down. It was further away from the speakers and not quite as loud, so she easily heard the comment aimed at her.

  “Having fun?” Darlene asked and let out a cheeky laugh.

  “I should never have come out,” Carrie complained and rolled her eyes. “I knew it was a terrible idea the minute I was asked.”

  “You could try loosening up and enjoying yourself,” Darlene pointed out. “You’re not exactly giving things much of a chance. I mean, what was wrong with that boy to make you chew him up and spit him out?”

  Carrie considered the comment and cottoned on to the one word that was the main reason she had just rejected the unwanted suitor. However, she wasn’t about to admit to her friend that it wasn’t a boy her own age she wanted.

  “He was an asshole,” she commented instead.

  “How do you know that?” Darlene went on. “You didn’t even take the chance to find out if it was true.”

  “I…” Carrie started then wasn’t sure quite how to go on and said the first thing that came in her head. “He just wanted to get in my pants anyway.”

  She picked up her glass from the table to take a long drink then put it down and looked around. Most of the people she could see were reveling in the heady atmosphere of the club, but all she could think about was getting out of the place. She’d only come because it was the birthday of one of her classmates and it would have been churlish to say no when she was asked. Now she just wanted to leave before she was forced to endure any more encounters with the young, horny, immature boys that inhabited the college nightclub scene.

  “So… what’s wrong with that?” Darlene said in reply to the last comment and let out a drunken giggle. “You’re a cute girl. I mean… I wanted to get in your fucking pants when I first set eyes on you.”

  “Fuck off,” Carrie replied with a grin. “I don’t swing that way.”

  “So… you don’t like boys and you don’t like girls,” Darlene went on in a teasing tone and giggled again. “I really don’t want to know what kind of kinky shit you prefer instead.”

  “Who said I didn’t like men?” Carrie replied then picked up her glass to take another drink.

  “You’ve been at college for eight months now,” Darlene said. “I’ve never seen you going out on a date with anyone.”

  “Maybe I want to concentrate on my studies,” Carrie responded.

  “Boring…” Darlene let out in a sing-song voice. “I grant you that coming to college is about getting an education, but that doesn’t just mean studying and getting qualifications. You want to make sure you learn all about boys…or girls if that’s your preference.

  Carrie was aware of Darlene reaching out to her long braid of strawberry blonde hair and grabbing hold to stroke touches along it. She knew her friend was just playing and laughed.

  “Pervert,” she accused. “You’ll be asking me if I want to dance next and trying to ply me with drink.”

  “I can’t help it,” Darlene went on teasing. “My crush on your sweet face has been bad ever since we first met. Don’t you know that I’m madly in love with you?”

  “You’re so full of shit,” Carrie let out and shook her head, but it didn’t stop her friend’s teasing.

  “And those pretty curves on a petite girl like you are something else,” Darlene said and smirked. “The military surplus gear you wear all the time would make anyone else look tough, but it just has the effect of making you look sweeter and sexier.”

  “I’ve worn them ever since I was a young girl,” Carrie replied. “The consequences of being brought up on one army base after another. It helped me to fit in.”

  “Well, you don’t live on an army base any more and I have some really pretty dresses in my wardrobe that would look great on you,” Darlene went on. “If you want a change of style, you should come to my dorm room and try them on.”

  “I would do that,” Carrie said and laughed. “But you know the truth already.”

  “Huh?” Darlene said as she frowned. “What truth?”

  “You know that guy I just told to fuck off?”

  “Yeah,” Darlene replied. “What about him?”

  “He’s got more chance of getting in my pants than you do,” Carrie said and let out a burst of laughter.

  “Bitch,” Darlene cursed, but couldn’t stop herself joining in the hilarity. “There goes my chance of ogling your sweet curves.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find someone that loves the dirty little pervert you really are,” Carrie commented.

  “I will,” Darlene said. “What about you though? There must be somebody you want to be with… because everybody does.”

  Carrie shook her head, but thoughts of Carl McCallister flashed through her head straight away. She could lie to other people that there was no one she was interested in, but couldn’t fool herself. It irked her that she still couldn’t get him out of her mind after so many years of not even seeing him, and she let out a sigh.

  “There’s definitel
y someone,” Darlene jumped in. “That long sigh just gave it away.”

  “Can we drop the subject?” Carrie asked.

  “Not a chance,” Darlene replied. “Who is he?”

  Carrie closed her eyes and slumped down to rest her head on the seat back. The revelry of the people around her faded away as she was transported to eight years before. It seemed like yesterday as more thoughts of Carl came to her and she couldn’t stop the images of him filling her mind.

  “Come on,” her friend insisted. “Tell your Aunty Darlene the story.”

  The words interrupted her thoughts and Carrie let out another sigh, but she couldn’t clear the images away. She found herself unable to stop thinking about the last army base she lived on and the man she became obsessed with as a teenager.

  “It was just someone I knew when I was younger,” she confessed.

  “How many years ago?” Darlene asked.

  “I first got to know him eight years ago,” Carrie admitted.

  “What?” Darlene let out in a slightly incredulous voice and paused as if she was working out the age before going on. “You’re seriously hung up on someone you knew when you were… twelve years old? I was still playing with my dolls at that age.”

  “I was past that stage,” Carrie went on. “Unfortunately, the guy I liked was thirteen years older than me.”

  “Fuck,” Darlene let out. “And he didn’t know you existed.”

  “Oh, he knew,” Carrie said and let out a quiet laugh. “But a pretty girl blossoming into a young woman and coming to understand the power her body has over men is a dangerous thing.”

  Darlene was completely intrigued by the story already and couldn’t stop herself asking the question that popped in her head.

  “Did anything happen?”

  Carrie shook her head.

  “No,” she answered. “I hung around him, practiced my flirting skills by making eyes at him and dressed in cute outfits to try and get his attention. There were too many reasons why nothing happened.”

  “Yeah, like you were twelve years old and he was… twenty-five,” Darlene pointed out.

  “He was under the command of my father as well,” Carrie went on. “My dad would have killed him if he as much as looked at me in the wrong way.”

  “Your dad would have killed you too,” Darlene pointed out. “You were a little jailbait tease.”

  “Weren’t you?” Carrie asked and shrugged her shoulders. “I thought all girls on the cusp of becoming a young woman liked to test their newfound powers.”

  “Yeah, on boys their own age,” Darlene said. “So… what happened?”

  “Nothing happened,” Carrie admitted. “I grew up around him for the next few years with a massive crush and he treated me like the little kid of his superior officer. He eventually got married then left the service.”

  “That’s such a sweet tale,” Darlene teased. “How is it going to end?”

  “What do you mean?” Carrie asked. “It already has.”

  “No it hasn’t,” Darlene contended. “When I said there must be someone you want to be with… was he the guy that came in your mind?”

  “Yes,” Carrie admitted and screwed up her face.

  “Then it isn’t over,” Darlene said. “You’ll just spend your life wondering what if and comparing every guy you meet with this mythical crush from your youth. They’ll never match up to it, and that’s a recipe for disaster.”

  “No, it’s not,” Carrie protested.

  “Oh, it is,” Darlene insisted. “You need to get him out of your system one way or the other.”

  “Didn’t you hear what I told you?” Carrie replied. “He got married and left the army. I haven’t seen him for years.”

  “So?” Darlene went on. “You know his name and probably a lot more about him if you were infatuated. How difficult would it be to use that information to find him?”

  Carrie closed her eyes and said nothing. The honest truth was that she’d considered tracking down Carl on a few occasions in the last couple of years, although she always chickened out of actually doing it. Her hope was that he would fade from her mind, but if anything the opposite was happening. He was looming larger in her thoughts and part of the reason she started the college course she was now doing was to give her something to focus on other than him.

  It wasn’t really working though, and listening to Darlene talking about finding Carl just put the idea of actually doing it in her mind once more. The chances were that he was still married and living happily with another woman, but she couldn’t rid herself of the notion that he might not be. She’d never been totally convinced that Sally Connolly was the woman for him and remembered the courtship and wedding being a rushed affair.

  “You’ll regret it if you don’t,” Darlene said to cut into her thoughts.

  “Can we change the subject?” Carrie said.

  “You know I’m right,” Darlene said and it brought the conversation to an end.

  Carrie finished her drink in a hurry afterwards then made her excuses to leave the club and go home to her dorm room. The sight of her bed made her want to lie down, but she resisted the temptation and walked through to the adjoining bathroom to have a shower instead. She let out a sigh as the massaging cascade of warm water pounded down on her, and she closed her eyes when she turned her face up to it.

  The conversation with Darlene came in her mind and she let out a quiet curse as an image of Carl McCallister flashed through her mind once more. She remembered as a teenager watching him working bare chested, and it brought a smile to her face as she thought about it. The immediate tingle of heat between her thighs was something she was familiar with, but she didn’t really want it.

  “Get your fucking mind off him,” she urged herself.

  The unsuccessful appeal only served to concentrate her attention onto him, and she suddenly found it impossible to tear her thoughts away from his massive, heavily-muscled torso. The prickle of arousal grew stronger and she put a hand out to the cubicle wall as the water continued to hammer down on her naked body.

  “Shit,” she cursed through clenched teeth as the impulse to scratch the hot itch between her thighs grew.

  She pressed her hand more firmly on the wall as she tried to resist the basic instinct to masturbate, but in the end she was unable to and gave in to the fantasy of Carl being there in the shower with her. The idea of his burly, powerful body pressed tightly to hers made her legs tremble and she closed her eyes as the burst of adrenaline took hold.

  Bringing her free hand to her breasts, she dug her fingers in soft flesh and it made her breath come out in a rush. She played out the dream that it was Carl’s touch she was feeling on her naked body and, for what seemed like the millionth time in her life, wondered just how hard he would get for her pretty curves. The thought of wrapping her fingers around his pulsing, throbbing erection as hot blood pumped through it was one she’d fantasized about for so many years, and doing it yet again accelerated the flush of arousal that was weakening her body.

  She turned to slam herself on the cubicle wall, but it wasn’t enough to hold her up. Her knees buckled to make her slide down until she was sitting on the soaked floor. She moved position to have the cascade of warm water rain down on her sensitive skin and spread her legs open as she slid a hand between them. There was no stopping now and she groaned as she worked her fingertips in a circular motion on her pussy lips.

  She slowly increased the pressure to open herself up and sought out her clit to get the hot pleasure she wanted. Her head cracked on the wall when she rocked it back, but her exhilaration climbed as she rubbed fingers roughly on her hot bud. The rush of breath turned to a groan as she brought her other hand to her breasts and gripped tightly. Her palm crushed her erect nipple to send shivers racing down her spine, and it made her stroke her clit all the more eagerly to get to where she wanted to be.

  Her breath was now coming out in ragged gasps as her excitement mounted, and it only encourag
ed her on to more. The groping touch on her breasts made her shudder and she dug her fingers in roughly as she continued to torment her clit. She finally slid the hand between her thighs lower and her muscles tensed when she got her fingers poised at her wet opening. The deluge of water pounding down on her naked skin was making the experience all the more of a thrill, and the tension broke when she drove her stiff fingers in her pussy.

  Suddenly she was squirming around on the cubicle floor with the image of Carl’s erect length slamming in her wet cunt. It was always the same when she brought herself to a climax, but more than ever before, she wanted the real thing rather than the fantasy. She quickened the pace of her hand to drive her fingers deep as she carried on groping her tits and the hot flood of bliss took all her attention. The urge for more drove her on to fuck her pussy with rapid, forceful jabs and she slid her other hand down her body to get it to her clit.


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