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Omega's Doctor

Page 5

by Bella Bennet

  "So hot, love it. Do it." He'd be embarrassed at his lack of articulate speech if he hadn't seen the wide grin on Ned's face. Ned was sure pleased with his handiwork. And he should be, he was a maestro. A maestro of the dick. The cock master .

  Ned straddled Steve's chest which gave him a wonderful view looking up at Ned's balls and cock with miles of bare, sculpted chest above that. Steve had died and gone to heaven. Steve would willingly be Ned's heavenly reward if he could stare at that gorgeous body. He wanted to taste that cock, those balls. Steve moaned with need. If he could have moved, he would play with his new toys right now .

  "Can't move." He sounded whiny, but he didn't care. He sounded like he was being denied a toy and he was, his toy was straddling him and he couldn't move .

  Ned stroked his long cock and then patted Steve's cheeks with it. Steve kept moving his head with his tongue out, trying to catch it. It was the most demented game of Whack A Mole. Ned quit teasing Steve and let him catch his cock and give it a lick .

  He could feel Ned's groan of pleasure through his cock. Ned tasted delicious, like the best chocolate, coffee, cake and everything else he had denied himself. He moaned with Ned's cock in his mouth, desperate to suck that heavenly liquid .

  "Oh, you feel so good. I love watching you suck on my dick ."

  Steve felt warmth flow through him at those words. He was embarrassed it meant so much to him, but with the day he had, any bit of praise he lapped up like a dog .

  Ned pulled his cock back and Steve damn near cried. "You will make me cum if you keep that up. And I want to cum on you ."

  Ned reached down playing with his balls with one hand and stroking his dick with the other. His heavy breathing and moaning was shooting right to Steve's cock. Steve couldn't move his arms, and he wanted to grab Ned's thighs and squeeze them while sucking on Ned's cock. But his legs were pinning Steve's arms to his side. He could only lay back and watch the erotic show of a hot, muscled male body pleasuring himself .

  Ned groaned. "I'm gunna cum !"

  White lines shot out and splattered on Steve's cheeks, forehead, chin and chest. He wondered if there was something wrong with him he loved being unable to move and have Ned cum on him. The hot liquid marked him as the object of Ned's desire, the one he wanted, the one that made him crazy with lust. Steve smiled and tried to reach some cum with his tongue .

  Ned collapsed on Steve, but held himself up long enough to give a quick kiss to Steve, and then roll over and collapse next to him on the bed. Steve rolled over and ran his hand down Ned's bare chest. He was getting to touch that body that had teased him and drove him to an incoherent blob on the bed. This man had skills .

  He laid his chest on Ned's and listened to his heavy breathing, playing with his nipple. Steve was still a puddle of loose and relaxed muscles though one muscle was not loose and lazy anymore. He wanted more action, but he was still boneless and Ned needed time to recover. Again Steve wished he had gotten a room with a hot tub, but how was he to know his blind date would be such a fantastic man ?

  "Do you have any plans for the rest of today?" Ned's voice rumbled, Steve smiled as he felt the rumbles through his cheek laying on Ned's chest. He was glad to hear Ned's mind was going in the same direction his was. He wanted this day, this moment, this cocoon of safety and pleasure to last forever .

  "The only plans I have are to explore your body for the rest of the day ."

  He ran his hand down Ned's chest to play with the curly hair next to his new favorite toy. The hairs were short and trimmed, but he still loved running his finger through them. He loved the woodsy, musk smell was that was Ned's scent. Steve breathed it in with a deep breath .

  It was intoxicating. It hit his every nerve with lust. The more he played with Ned's hair, the stronger the scent became. He knew he was turning Ned on, but he was still resting, so Steve pulled his hand back and laid his arm over Ned's abs. He looked forward to exploring all of Ned the rest of the day .

  Chapter 7

  N ed looked over at Steve, who was driving him to his car back at the park. Who would have thought his blind date would be such a hot and responsive omega? He was in love with this guy. His muscles were sore from the fun they had all day yesterday. They took many breaks to watch movies, talk and get to know each other. He hadn't had such a good time like that in longer than he could remember. Another plus was Steve's scent. It made him feel like he was at home for the holidays .

  They pulled into the park's parking lot. Ned directed Steve to his car. It wasn't the only one in that lot, but it was the only one at the far end, close to the pavilion where the wedding had taken place .

  "I forgot to ask you, did any relatives try to get ahold of you yesterday? It slipped my mind to ask." He smirked at Steve and winked when Steve glanced at him. Seeing Steve's smile made his cozy happiness all that stronger .

  "I turned my phone off so it wouldn't bother us. I turned it back on this morning to find 14 new voicemails. I am not looking forward to listening to them ."

  Who would want to listen to them? "Why don't you delete the ones from the people you don't want to hear from? There's no reason to listen to all of them ."

  Steve looked over. "I agree, but I can't just see who called when I have my phone turned off. I have to listen to the phone number and then skip or delete. So it will be a long process but I imagine the majority are from my mother or sister. There might be some relatives I wanted to see that called. But I expect most are ones I want to delete ."

  "Well I hope most are from relatives that missed you and want to meet up with you ."

  Steve smiled and reached over for a hug. Ned patted his back and breathed in that wonderful smell of home baked holiday cookies. They pulled back and smiled at each other .

  "I will be busy the rest of today, but how about getting together tomorrow ?"

  Steve nodded his head. "I'd like that. I'm not on call this week, so my schedule is steady and easier to plan around. Text me and we can do a dinner date or exercise date ."

  Ned gave him a quick kiss, then decided to hell with it and angled his head to give Steve a goodbye kiss he wouldn't forget soon. He wanted to make sure he wasn't forgotten or pushed aside by any other alpha Steve happened to run across. Ned sucked on Steve's lips, played with his tongue, and damn near humped the center console. He pulled away gratified to find Steve breathing as heavy as he was. Ned knew his eyes were full of desire for Steve, but he had to get going, plus he wanted to leave him begging for more .

  "I wanted to give you a kiss so you wouldn't forget me ."

  Steve chuckled and ran his hand down Ned's cheek. "I'd never forget you. You took an unbearable day and made it unforgettable. And helped me get through the wedding and relatives as well ."

  Steve smirked and Ned smiled in response. He was glad he had helped Steve get through the day. Ned couldn't believe anyone had such horrid relatives .

  "I'll text you." A quick peck on the lip and Ned got out of the car. He knew he had to leave quick before he started in on Steve and didn't want to let him go. That man could kiss .

  He waved bye to Steve and walked around to the driver's side of his car. He unlocked it and sat inside. Ned started the car and then noticed a sheet under his windshield wiper. Probably some ad .

  He opened the door and reached around to rip the paper out from under the wiper. He turned it over as he got back inside. It wasn't an ad. It was a plain white sheet of paper with a handwritten message .

  The writing was a mess. But the message came across loud and clear. Ned chilled. He looked up and around but saw no one paying any attention. People were playing frisbee, riding their bikes or jogging. No one was near, and no one was looking his way. This had probably been left yesterday after the wedding reception .

  You are a pathetic piece of shit. You should be ashamed to pervert y
ourself in front of God. You will go to hell and deserve it! I hope you die you faggot .

  Well. He hadn't heard language like that about his being gay since middle school. Not in high school after he punched the one kid into the row of lockers. He got a suspension for it, but it was worth it. And it kept anyone else from saying what they thought. Idiots .

  Ned wondered if they targeted his car since Steve's wasn't in the lot. Thank God Ned and Steve had left the reception when they did. He was glad Steve didn't have to deal with this on top of his shitty mother .

  Ned narrowed his eyes. How did they know what car was his? Did they watch him pull up? That was almost creepier than the note. Someone had it out for them .

  Ned crumpled up the paper and would have thrown it out of the car. If this was the first nasty message, then he would wish he had kept it for evidence. He hoped that was the end of the bullshit from he assumed Steve's mother, but if not, he had some proof it started this day .

  He was also glad Steve had already taken off. He'd keep this a secret. No need to freak him out or make him worry that Ned would leave due to this harassment. He laughed. It would take a hell of a lot more to even slow him down for a second. No, he was hell bent on sticking around Steve for a long while .

  "You need to do better than that, assholes." He backed up and left the parking lot. Time to go home and get some chores done. His muscles were sore, he was still in a post coital glow and had some great memories to last him till Tuesday. It was a great day .

  * * *

  S teve took Ned's advice and deleted any messages from his mother and sister without even listening to them. And there were a lot. He couldn't believe how they had noticed them slip out of the reception. They must have left voice mails within 10 minutes of them leaving .

  If it was his wedding reception, he wouldn't have been thinking of anything except his spouse. That made him sad that his sister was so bitter she noticed when he left, but wouldn't acknowledge him or have him sit with the family. He shook his head and made plans to contact his aunt and two cousins that left messages. That left eleven messages from his mother and sister. What a family .

  That taken care of, he got his scrubs together, packed his bag and made his way to work. He wasn't on call this week but had pulled the late night Sunday shift as a favor for another doctor. He didn't mind the night shift as he had no one at home that would miss him .

  That used to make him feel bad, but after this weekend, that glorious day with Ned, he realized that the relationship he had just gotten out of wasn't a relationship. Sure they were together for years, but it was ho hum. Mediocre. Nothing special. They had floated on in complacency. At least it was that way for him .

  He was glad that his ex had dumped him. Otherwise he would have married him at some point, not understanding that a real relationship was full of excitement, joy and a longing to be with that other person all the time. At least that's how he felt now about Ned .

  He wondered if this was new relationship syndrome, but he didn't think so. They clicked. They could talk about anything, Ned was intelligent, they had a wide variety of world experiences and Ned didn't shy away from talking about anything. They were compatible in bed. He smiled again just thinking about it. This could very well be 'the one'. He was so happy .

  He pulled into the doctor's reserved parking spaces at the hospital and got out. It wasn't late enough that he could only enter through the emergency entrance. He walked through the parking ramp and took the elevators to his floor. Steve wanted to study medical records and go over his plans for the surgeries he had scheduled the next day. He was a cautious guy and tended not to make any drastic moves without a lot of forethought and preparation .

  Going crazy with Ned over the weekend, and by going crazy he meant holing up in a hotel for a day after just meeting the guy, was out of character for him. He decided though that being kicked out of your doldrums, out of your patterns was a good thing. It got your brain making new connections, it was revitalizing, reinvigorating and all those other words. Or maybe it was just due to the amount of great sex he had had. He smiled wickedly. And boy did Ned like to have fun. He couldn't wait till Tuesday .

  He walked through the hallway smiling and waving hi at the nurses. Not too many doctors here at this hour. Unless you were on the ER or ICU floors. He went into his office and checked his email. A new surgical nurse was moving up from the night shift. They must be happy about that. You had to work for a while at the night shift before you got to move up to day shift .

  Steve deleted the email. He moved on to the next housekeeping email and kept going through all his emails until he was caught up. Time to go over his plans and review medical records. He opened the files on his computer, everything was digital these days, and reviewed his plans and look over cases for later in the week .

  He loved being a surgeon, helping people feel better and most times, saving their lives. Especially when other doctors misdiagnosed the problem. He settled back and prepared to be at it for a few hours. He turned on his favorite mix on Spotify and got lost in the details .

  Chapter 8

  N ed was having a great day. The day shift was tons better than the night shift. He was right in on the action from the get go, no cleanup work or emergency surgeries here. He was shadowing a day shift tech just to get a feel for the way things worked. Then after lunch he'd get his own assignments .

  There were different surgeons on the day shift as well. He would miss the friends he had made working with the night crew, but they'd be on day shift before long. An opening just had to appear before that could happen though. He had paid his time waiting, and he was damn glad to have a normal day shift. Now he could get together with his friends and take on local events a lot easier .

  The nurse he was shadowing didn't just give him a heads up on how things worked on the day shift, but let him know the quirks of certain nurses and surgeons. They liked things a certain way, and most surgeons were known for being arrogant, a lot likes jet pilots and attorneys he had heard. But with surgeons, with the other two he didn't know, he could understand some arrogance as they were saving lives and doing complicated work. They were playing god. And he helped them do it. Which was the draw of the job. He loved being involved in the work of saving lives and helping people. Ned didn't have the stress of being a surgeon, but had the benefits of helping .

  He grabbed his wallet and headed down to the cafeteria for lunch. It was packed. A real lunch hour with daylight and people! Ned chuckled. Sunlight! He had waited a long time for this. An elbow to the side got his attention .

  "Before I forget, make sure you stick by the rule of no dating within the department. We lost a good surgical tech due to that ."

  Ned looked over with interest at the nurse he was shadowing. She was no nonsense but had passed along some helpful tidbits of info and this was one he was interested in .


  "Yeah, there are more people on the day shift, more surgeries so they lay the hammer down on it during the day. It was different on the nights, I was there myself, but don't cross that line now ."

  "I don't plan on it. I don't know anyone on day shift, so it won't be a problem. Plus, I've got someone I'm seeing, anyway ."

  He wondered if Steve knew he was Ned's now. He should probably make that clear on Tuesday, the day they had planned for their next date. If you could consider that disaster of a wedding a date. He wasn't sure to count the hotel room as a date. But they got to know each other during it. So, he guess it would count as a date. A prolonged and pleasurable fuck fest is what he'd call it .

  He picked out a salad, he didn't just talk the talk, but he walked the walk as a health professional, and made his way to a table. What a difference some daylight made. The cafeteria was bright with sunlight, the plants looked more alive and people were talking .

  At night it was full of those waiting for people in emergency surgeries or in the ICU. Not the happiest of
events, so it was solemn filled with some conversation about how they were praying for someone to pull through. He had always felt like he was intruding or being rude just sitting at a table and eating while reading a book .

  "So, do you have questions ?"

  He shook his head. "No, you've been great. Especially with the details about the different surgeons. That will help me out ."

  "No problem ."

  They focused on eating for a while. Hospital cafeterias weren't known for having great food, but the chef salad wasn't too bad. He wished they had more of a selection of salad dressings, but he'd survive .

  He was looking around the room when he spotted a familiar profile and snapped his eyes back. It was Steve, it had to be! He'd know that black hair and profile anywhere with all the time he had spent with him in close contact Saturday. He didn't know Steve worked at this hospital. He hoped he was in a different department than his or they'd run into trouble before they had barely started their relationship .

  "I have a question now, if you don't mind ."

  "No that's ok, go ahead ."

  Ned rolled his lips, thinking of how to phrase it, and hoping the other nurse wasn't one to gossip. "What if you were in a relationship with someone, but didn't know they worked at the same hospital ?"

  At the nurse's look of disbelief Ned clarified. "It's a very new relationship, we knew our jobs but not where. I didn't know he worked here ."

  His mentor took a drink of her coffee and looked pensive. "I don't know what to tell you. I don't think you can get grandfathered in. I would keep it a secret and hope you don't get found out. One of you would have to move to a different department if that was the case or move before you get found out. That would be the best option ."

  Ned nodded and looked down. He liked none of those ideas. He rather liked seeing Steve every day, at work and the possibility of working with him. But he could see management's point, if things went south or if a couple were fighting and not professional. It could be a bad deal for the patients and coworkers. He took a drink of coffee and would see how things went before he got all worked up about it .


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