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The Ice King On My Hate

Page 10

by Reese Madison

  One of those men carried Arrow while another had to carry me. Finding him alive was all I needed to know. They’ll take care of him now. My job is done.


  My head is pounding and my body feels likes it was hit by a truck. My throat is dry and I can’t find my wife. I know I heard her voice, but when?

  “Where’s Jasmine?” I asked my aunt who is standing vigil over me along with a nurse who needs to stop fucking touching me.

  She shook her head. “Not sure. She came in last night and dropped this off for you.” She held up an envelope.

  “Give it here. Last night? How long have I been here?” I ripped the envelope open and shooed the nurse away, “Beat it.”

  “But Sir I-”

  I gave her a look I’ve probably given Jasmine many times, “You need to stop touching me. Get out.”

  She ran away almost in tears. I let my truck keys drop to my lap and read:

  Dear Master,

  I can’t stay, too much press. My face is everywhere on TV. I brought your truck so you don’t have to hitch a ride. I also stole two hundred dollars from your wallet. I’ll pay you back as soon as I can. Take care of yourself. Oddly enough I’m going to miss your big mean ass. XO –J.

  I slammed the paper down and grabbed my keys before ripping the IV from my arm, which hurt like fuck by the way, and grabbed my clothes from the locker.

  “Where do you think you’re going??” My aunt asked sternly.

  “I have to find her. What time is it?”

  “One-fifteen. You can’t leave Fletcher, you’ve been shot. Twice. Lay back down!”

  “Fuck that. She could be gone by now. Fuck!!” If I’ve lost her I’m going to kill somebody. I don’t know who, but goddammit that woman was my last chance, my only chance, at having an even remotely normal life.

  She was my last chance at a lot of things, but more than anything, she’s the only woman I’ve ever loved. Sure I loved my ex-wife, the one who left me a widow, but not like I love Jasmine.

  I bulldozed my way past the nurses and doctors until I got to my truck in the parking lot. Several people are following me but I don’t give a shit. I got dressed in the middle of the parking lot while radioing FPD.

  “Twenty-seven to base I need an APB on a blonde, female, brown eyes, small-ish build. She’ll be wearing a black leather jacket and carrying a large black backpack.” I repeated the order and climbed in my truck to hit the streets.

  My next call was to my aunt whom I’d left in the hospital. “Where’s Arrow? Is he okay?”

  “He’s fine, just took a knick to the shoulder. He’s limping, but he’ll be fine. You need to get back here before you pass out and hurt yourself worse.”

  “I need to find my wife.”

  “Your wife is dead Fletcher.” She argued pointedly.

  “Not that one, Jasmine. I’m going to marry her. Who else is here? I need a team on these streets. If she’s already left town I’ll never find her.”

  “I got Derek and Bobby here. Why?”

  “I want them out looking for her. I’ll pay the gas, just tell them to hit my cell with their locations. Start south of town, check every bus station and train station. Call every taxi cab company in town.”

  “Got it.” She gave up because arguing with me can be a waste of time and she knows it.

  Six hours later we finally get a bite. Dispatch chimed in while I was applying a fresh bandage over the GSW on my shoulder.

  “Twenty-seven we got a hit, over.”

  “This twenty-seven, where?”

  She gave me the name and address of a diner to put into my GPS. “Two officers are having dinner there. Do you want them to approach and detain?”

  “Negative. Stay on her, but don’t spook her. I’ll be there in ten minutes.” It took me five. I know I shouldn’t use my lights and siren for personal reasons, but this is worth the hand slapping I’ll get for it later if someone was to actually report me.

  I parked my truck and saw her in the window right away. Just like the first time we met I can feel her pull. Before she can sense me looking at her, which she does often enough for me to know better than to linger, I grabbed her leash and headed inside.

  She’s poking a piece of apple pie over a half cup of black coffee with her head down.

  I almost feel sorry for her, but the state of fear she put me through the last six hours won’t allow for that just yet. “Get up.”

  She jumped and slid away towards the window. Her eyes are swollen and red from crying. “Fletcher. Wha-”

  “Get. Up.” I grabbed her arm and pulled her from the booth to attach her leash.

  The two officers approached, one of them asked, “Need any help there Trooper Colson?”

  “Yeah, grab that backpack and follow me.” I pulled Jasmine outside and got her tucked into my passenger seat before thanking the officers for their help. I gave the one guy a twenty to make sure her tab was covered.

  When I got back behind the wheel I couldn’t move. I couldn’t think. She’s back. I got her. Breathe.

  “I’m sorry. How are you-”

  “Don’t talk to me right now Jasmine. Just sit there and keep your mouth shut.” I opened my door in time to throw up the coffee and donuts that have kept me going for the last six hours.

  “You should go back to the hospital. Oh God.” She held out a handful of napkins. “Please. You’re not-”

  “Enough!!” I yelled at her. Now that I have her I can put the fear away and let the anger out. “Not another word from you woman or I swear to God…” I don’t know what I’ll do. Probably just yell at her again.

  She curled up in her seat shrinking into her jacket.

  I grabbed a water from the stash under my seat and rinsed my mouth out before taking a drink and finishing it off. I tossed the empty bottle in the back and put the truck in Reverse.

  I checked us into the nearest hotel and practically threw her on the bed to use as a pillow. This bitch isn’t going anywhere. Ever. Again.


  Evidently Fletcher Colson is damn good cop. Either that or I half wanted to get caught. The two hundred dollars I took from his wallet wasn’t enough to get me a flight out of town, not even to Anchorage. Damn taxes.

  The weight of his head on my bladder is going to make me wet the bed if I can’t get out from under him. He’s been snoring for most of the night. Fletcher doesn’t snore, he purrs, so I know he’s exhausted.

  My bladder is starting to hurt pretty bad so I forced myself to try and get out from under him as carefully as I could.

  He woke with a start and looked right at me with angry hazel eyes, “Where are you going?”

  “I just have to pee, you’ve been on my bladder all night.”

  He rolled off. “Leave the door open and come right back. Ow fuck.”

  “I told you to go back to the hospital.” I complained during my sprint to the toilet. Ever have to pee so bad that it hurts when you finally do? “Oh man. I gotta lay off the coffee.”

  He joined me and stopped in front of the mirror to check his bandages. “I heard people on the news saying you saved my life. Is that true?”

  “No. The pilot spotted the hunters campsite and radioed in the location.” I’m still peeing and can literally feel my bladder deflating like a balloon. It hurts so good.

  He looked over and down, “What are you a camel?”

  I laughed, “Feels like it. Are you okay? I don’t think you should be out of the hospital.”

  “If you ever scare me like that again I’m going to literally tie you to my belt, after I tan your ass with it.” He threatened while I cleaned up.

  I stood and flushed keeping my eyes on his, “Use your hand, never a belt.”

  “That would be more satisfying.” He agreed stepping aside so I can wash my hands.
  One look at my face in the mirror and I knew why he hadn’t turned me over his knee already. “Oh wow. This is a new kind of ugly, even for me.” My eyelids are like red balloons and there’s dirt smeared on my cheeks from where I’ve been wiping the tears away.

  “Even ugly you’re beautiful. A beautiful mess. As soon as you don’t look like total shit I’m going to light into you like you’ve never known. Take a shower and let’s go home.”

  “We can’t. It won’t take long for the media to trace me to you. I saw reports on the news in the diner where you found me that facial composites are being done in order to identify me. For all we know they already made the connection.”

  “If they had we’d have Feds on our doorstep. We’re going home.” He insisted.

  “I’m not going to prison. You do realize that you can’t protect me if they come for me, right? I am a fugitive. You’ll probably lose your job for harboring me, or worse go to prison too. I can’t go with you.” I tried to explain.

  He’s not having any of it and turned the shower on. “Take your clothes off.”

  I did while I begged, “Please Master, listen to me. I don’t want this to ruin your life too. It’s already ruined mine.”

  He gripped my jaw and bent down nose to nose, “Losing you ruins my life, nothing else. Do you know the hell you put me through yesterday??”

  I swallowed, “All too well, and then some.” Searching for him yesterday almost broke me for good.

  He recognized and stepped back, “How did you find me?”

  “Derek and Arlene loaned me a lead pack dog. I shoved your scent in her face the first day, then your’s and Arrow’s the next morning. We howled until Arrow barked. Sounds stupid, but it worked.” I tested the water and stepped in under the shower.

  “What happened to the hunters?”

  “They must have gotten lost running from you. Their campsite was on a solid sheet of ice. Their fire went out and they froze to death sometime overnight.”


  “Yeah, normally I wouldn’t say ‘good’, but they shot you. Shot to kill you just to poach some game. If they hadn’t died I might have had to kill them myself.”

  “No more killing for you woman.” He half-teased going back to work on his bandages while I shampooed.

  “We need to talk about going home Fletcher.” Dammit, I did it again.

  “That’s going to take some getting used to. I’d prefer if you went back to Master so my gut doesn’t twist up and when the memory comes back.”

  “Sorry. You should have seen your aunt’s face when I used it the other day. I thought her eyes were gonna pop out of her head. Anyway,” I waved that off, “I can’t go home with you. The media will track me down for a statement and the Feds will descend like ants on a picnic.”

  “Fine, we’ll start our vacation now.” He decided still cleaning his wounds and replacing the bandages.

  “Can we go get the bike first?”

  “No, we’ll drive straight down and get mine out of storage when we reach Phoenix. We’ll have to save the riding for a few days, but I can’t ride like this anyway.”

  “What about Arrow?”

  “He’ll be fine at the kennel with Derek and Arlene. He doesn’t stay in a kennel, so don’t freak out.” He scolded me when I pouted.

  “Okay. I guess that’ll work. I’m going to miss him though. Shit I forgot my razor. Can you get me my bag?”

  He left and came back with just my razor, not my bag, a couple minutes later. That means he went through my bag. Shit.

  I took the razor as our eyes locked, “Yeah I know, I’m a shithead.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far, but you are starting to piss me off.” He grabbed my chin and bit my lower lip before stealing a penetrating kiss and going back to putting fresh bandages on his gunshot wounds.

  “I didn’t think I’d see you again.”

  “So you stole all my Harley shirts?”

  “I left you some of my stuff.” I argued earning a dirty look.

  “Keep it up.”

  “I usually do.” I tried to look bashful.

  “I saw what you packed, you left just about everything else.” He complained before leaving making me laugh.

  So sue me, I got carried away trying to pack through the flood of tears.

  Since the only outfit he has is the one I dropped off with the Dear John letter we had to go shopping for him. Have you ever tried to buy clothes for Sasquatch? It’s not easy.

  Not only does he have the exact wrong disposition for shopping, but if it’s not a Harley shirt or a flannel shirt, it better be denim. Since there’s only one Harley dealer in town, and we don’t need the exposure of shopping there, we ended up shopping at Sears.

  My Sasquatch has been wearing the same jeans, t-shirts, and flannels for a lot longer than I thought because these clean crisp clothes are just too much. They don’t look right at all. Fletcher is a big hairy Frontiersman, he’s not the neat and trimmed bearded model for Sears.

  “Fucking itches.” He complained when we finally hit the road. I guess wearing the same shirt two days in a row was out so he had to put on one of the flannels we just bought.

  “We’ll find a laundromat tonight and wash everything, it’ll be better then.” I assured him before covering a yawn. Images of him using his badge and a loaded shotgun to keep the media at bay long enough for us to leave without me being photographed are lingering in my head.

  “Come lay down. I want to get to Phoenix as soon as possible so you can drive next.” He patted his thigh.

  I lay down on my back looking up from under his beard and dared to tug gently on the ends. “How long have you been growing this?”

  He had to think for a moment as his right hand came to rest on my stomach. It made me wonder why I never slept like this at home, maybe because he never invited me.

  “Six years or so.”

  “I like it, but I wonder what you look like underneath.” I’m just rambling until I can relax enough to fall asleep. Plus I like touching him. He’s always been so… untouchable, other than when he permits or demands me to do so of course.

  “You asking me to shave?” He glanced down then back up to the road.

  “No, just wondering what you look like without all this hair. I like the beard. Well, I’m starting to like it. To be honest I’ve never been much of a beard person. I guess I just got used to the clean-cut cop look.” I should shut up now.

  He dropped his chin and pulled my fingers between his teeth. He nibbled and suckled them before letting go so I can play in his beard again.

  I combed his beard with my fingers for a few minutes before tucking my hand under my cheek and pushing my face into his stomach to sleep sounder than I have in years. Master will keep me safe.

  The next four days were brutal. We averaged eighteen to twenty hours a day driving. We stopped at crappy little hotels long enough to shit, shower, and stretch out on a bed.

  Neither of us had the energy for foreplay. He’s healing well, which is good. Both wounds were clean shots that tore up muscle instead of bone. He was very lucky. The cold probably helped keep him from bleeding out until we found him.

  I’ll never take credit for that rescue. The pilot narrowed down the location, all I did was howl and scream until Arrow barked back. All I did was help, it took the entire team to perform the rescue, it always does.

  By the time we checked into a hotel somewhere around the Phoenix area I was too tired to think straight. I remember taking a shower and thinking I should dry off better before my head hit the pillow.


  “When you’re done there we’re going to the club for dinner. Hopefully Red is cooking today.” He informed me after setting our bags on the floor by the dresser.


  “My brother Joe’s wife. I
belong to a motorcycle club called Exiles. The girls are going to be all over you, keep you mouth shut and stay by my side. Act up and I will spank you right there in front all of them.” He warned.

  “Okay, okay. Sometimes I think you make up reasons to spank me.” I shook my head and looked around to contemplate what to unpack where.

  “Sometimes you’re right.” He came up behind me and kissed my neck. “I’m not a nice person Jasmine. Trying to squat on my land is the worst thing you could have done for yourself, but definitely the best thing you could have done for me. Now hurry up, I’m hungry.”

  I rolled my eyes forgetting about the mirror over the dresser. “You’re always hungry.”

  He grabbed my girl parts through my jeans. “For this, yes.”

  That made me smile. “Yes, that too. Go away so I can finish here.” I turned my head and kissed his cheek, something I’ve never really done. It’s the first real sign of domestic affection I’ve shown him, or that he’s allowed, to date.

  His hesitation and semi-blank look in the mirror were the only signs that he knew it too. He’s still pissed at me for running away, but he can’t hide his relief that we’re back together.

  The club looks more like where we used to keep the dogs and gear for training. I miss my old life, or at least that part of it. I should have never gone into the public eye. Although if my father hadn’t gotten sick I’d probably be married to my ex-asshole right now.

  I shuddered at the thought getting Fletcher’s attention on the way to one of the storage units. “What was that?” He asked pushing the door up.

  “This place reminds me of another place. Another time. I just thought about where I’d be if certain really shitty things hadn’t happened. Kind of freaked me out.”

  “Where would you be? Still working in New York?”

  “Probably, and married to… never mind.” I almost said ‘another asshole’ but caught myself in time.


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