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Roses For Sophie

Page 3

by Alyssa J. Montgomery

  ‘Mutual attraction is a great start,’ he acknowledged. ‘I don’t think we’ll have any problems convincing anyone that we’re in a relationship — particularly if we make the relationship real.’

  She pulled her hands away abruptly. ‘Now, hang on a minute. Let’s get one thing absolutely crystal clear. This is a business arrangement, pure and simple. There’s no chance of a personal relationship developing between us.’

  He raised an eyebrow in deliberate challenge. ‘There’s a strong physical awareness between us. We’re both adults. Is there any reason to deny what we both want?’

  ‘I do not want a relationship with you.’ She rubbed one hand over the other as though she were still aware of his touch. ‘I don’t even know you.’

  ‘A situation we’re about to remedy.’

  ‘No. Don’t think for a moment that this will be anything more than an act.’ She shifted on her seat. ‘Is that perfectly clear?’

  The very tone she adopted, addressing him as though he were a child who’d been called in to the principal’s office, was one calculated to maintain control. That tone might work on other men, but Logan would never be controlled by any woman.

  ‘We’ll get to know each other on a surface level only,’ she underlined.

  Deciding to see if he could ruffle her a little more and get her to drop the mask entirely, he sent her a lazy smile and leant back casually in his chair. ‘I don’t do surface knowledge, Sophie. Any woman I’m involved with I know thoroughly.’ His gaze drifted to trace over the swell of her breasts. ‘Deeply.’ He let his eyes zone in on her lips. ‘Inside and out.’

  Her lips parted and her eyes widened. Her surprise quickly turned to an expression of outrage. ‘You’ve clearly misunderstood. That isn’t part of the deal. I’m going to have to find another solution. I can’t go through with this. Sue was wrong to suggest it.’

  ‘Sue? Who the hell is Sue?’

  ‘My friend.’

  Logan frowned. If Sue had suggested this, how did Melissa fit into the picture?

  ‘The one who booked you,’ she whispered fiercely, as she must have finally registered the lack of comprehension in his expression.

  Booked him? The words demanded clarification. ‘Melissa didn’t arrange for you to be here tonight?’

  Now Sophie frowned at him and looked totally confused. ‘Melissa? No. Who’s she? Does she run the agency you work for?’

  Logan tensed. For a few seconds, he sat utterly still, assessing her words. The whole time they’d been talking at cross-purposes. By some weird twist of fate, the woman who was supposed to have dined with him hadn’t turned up and Sophie had been shown to the wrong table. ‘Sophie —’

  ‘Look,’ she declared, ‘I’m not staying, but you’ll still be paid for tonight and I’ll leave my credit card details with the waiter to cover your dinner.’

  Logan fought to keep a straight face as her mention of payment confirmed what he suspected. ‘You booked an escort tonight.’

  ‘Ssh,’ she hissed through her teeth as her gaze darted around frantically to make sure nobody had overheard. ‘Yes. Well, my friend did. But I should never have gone along with it. This was a very bad idea.’

  She had that right! For starters, such a beautiful woman should never need to hire an escort, and he wanted to know why she’d felt compelled to do it. Secondly, she hadn’t bothered to confirm his identity when she’d first sat down. With no inkling of who Logan was — probably due to his recently altered appearance — she could’ve just divulged her plan to anyone and left herself very vulnerable.

  Logan wanted answers, and he needed to set her straight about who he was. He also wanted Sophie. There was no mistake about that. Fate had definitely sent her his way. Maybe she wasn’t the candidate he required to act as his temporary wife, but he sure wanted her as his temporary lover and he wasn’t going to miss this opportunity. Once she knew the truth of his identity and they cleared up this misunderstanding, they could start again.

  ‘I’m very sorry to have wasted your time, Mr Stevens,’ she told him in a crisp, formal voice as she pushed her chair back a little and began to stand.

  ‘Sophie, you should know that —’

  On the verge of leaving, the blood seemed to drain from her face as she looked beyond him. ‘Oh — my — God!’

  There was a flash of vulnerability in her eyes that reinforced his belief that she wasn’t as tough as she was trying to make out.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Only a blind man would miss the sheer panic in her expression. Dread emanated off her in waves.

  ‘It’s my cousin, Felix,’ she groaned as she sank back into the chair. ‘What’s he doing here? He normally goes to his club on a Monday night.’

  Logan followed the direction of her gaze and recognised Felix Carlisle from photos he’d seen in the financial newspapers. ‘I take it you’re not close?’

  ‘I’d rather be close to a taipan!’

  ‘Then this should be interesting.’

  ‘Great.’ Her agitation was palpable. ‘How am I going to explain you?’

  ‘Just follow my lead.’ There was no time to tell her his true identity now.

  ‘No way. Don’t you dare say a word. I’ll do the talking. You’re…um…Oh, God. You’re interviewing as my new PA.’

  ‘Over dinner at Centrepoint Tower?’

  ‘You’re right, he won’t buy that,’ she said with a frown. ‘You’re an old friend. That’ll do.’

  Logan only just held back a burst of laughter. She may not recognise him with his new look, but that wasn’t to say that Felix wouldn’t, and then Sophie would look completely ridiculous if she tried to pass him off as somebody-or-other Stevens.

  With only a few seconds in which to wipe the panic off her features, she achieved it admirably and looked calm and composed. The mask he was beginning to recognise was firmly back in place.

  ‘Sophie,’ Felix greeted her while his cold eyes flicked over Logan with curiosity and then instant dismissal. ‘When Grandfather told me you’d sworn you’d found the love of your life, I told him the man must be a figment of your imagination, or a fabrication to stop him matchmaking and pressuring you to get married. It seems I misjudged you.’

  Was that the reason she’d hired an escort?

  ‘You frequently misjudge and underestimate me, Felix,’ she replied with a frosty smile.

  ‘As you can see, I’m no figment of Sophie’s imagination,’ Logan cut in and reached to cover Sophie’s hands with his own in a deliberate show of intimacy. He had no problem with being mistaken as her lover, especially when that’s exactly what he planned to be before the night was over.

  ‘We haven’t met.’ In a deliberate snub, the snake didn’t even offer his hand for Logan to shake.

  ‘No, but I’ve heard of you by reputation.’

  Felix’s eyes narrowed at the disdainful inflection in Logan’s tone.

  Sophie withdrew her hand from Logan’s. ‘I —’

  ‘Excuse us, Felix, we were just about to dance before dinner,’ Logan said as he stood and held out a hand to Sophie. ‘Darling?’

  Sophie shot Logan a glowering look from beneath her long lashes, but stood and placed her hand in his. As reluctant as she may be to accept Logan’s invitation, she also seemed relieved to be escaping the situation with Felix.

  ‘Goodbye, Felix,’ she said.

  Refusing to be dismissed so easily, Felix asked Logan, ‘Are we to be treated to your presence this weekend at the Hunter Valley for Grandfather’s birthday bash?’

  ‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world,’ he responded smoothly to the challenge in the other man’s tone.

  Sophie’s cousin placed a restraining hand on her arm. ‘He looks vaguely familiar. Seeing as how he’s too rude to introduce himself, who is he?’

  Sophie went rigid.

  ‘Logan,’ Logan stated before Sophie could provide the name of the escort she’d been expecting to meet.

  Felix frowned. Logan could almos
t hear the cogs spinning in Sophie’s cousin’s brain. The obnoxious man’s eyes narrowed for a split second in assessment. He tilted his head slightly then his eyes widened with recognition. Logan saw the moment realisation dawned. ‘You’re L —?’

  ‘Going to dance now.’ Logan cut him off quickly and ushered Sophie toward the dance floor as fast as possible, aware that if they’d stayed there any longer, Sophie’s cousin would have dropped the bombshell of his true identity.

  Sophie had every right to know and Logan intended to tell her, but not just yet. The situation he’d found himself in was simply extraordinary. There was a lot he wanted to know first. If her grandfather was pressuring her into marriage, Sophie might be the perfect candidate for his plans after all. All that depended upon the woman he discovered under her icy exterior.

  Chapter 3

  Logan. The name crashed through Sophie’s brain. ‘Your name is Logan?’

  They paused at the edge of the small dance floor. Deep blue eyes locked her gaze to his and her breath constricted in her chest. It was impossible to breathe. Impossible to move. The conversation and music in the restaurant dimmed and she could hear only the erratic thumping of her own heart as it went into overdrive.

  ‘That’s right,’ he confirmed as he went to lead her onto the dance floor.

  She resisted, and shook her head in confusion. ‘I was supposed to meet James Stevens.’

  ‘Lucky for me, he couldn’t make it.’ The smile he sent her was dazzling. ‘Last minute change of plans.’

  ‘He couldn’t make it so they sent you,’ she said slowly. But it didn’t feel right. Felix had thought Logan’s face looked vaguely familiar. There was something about the escort that teased her mind. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but then she was still feeling way too edgy to think straight after their unexpected encounter with Felix.

  In all honesty, her nerves had been wound as tight as a corkscrew since Sue had first suggested hiring an escort. Initially she’d dismissed the idea, but Sue had gone along and organised it anyway and when push had come to shove, it had seemed to be the only option.

  ‘I’m here; James isn’t. I suggest we make the most of it, especially as your cousin is still watching.’ His deep voice was pure temptation. So was the rest of him.

  One look and she’d been knocked for six, hit by a tidal wave of sensual longing and in danger of drowning. He was more attractive than any other man she’d met, and she’d been married to a man labelled as one of the most handsome in Australia. For the first time in her life she was swamped by an instant, powerful attraction. It was all she could do to make coherent conversation when just looking at this man made her throb with unfulfilled sexual desire.

  Wanting to make herself less vulnerable to the uncharacteristic feelings he aroused, she’d tried to assume her cool business-like manner. If anything, she’d probably clung to the Ice Princess persona more desperately than normal and had been stiffer, colder and less approachable because she was so out of her depth.

  Still struggling for composure, wayward rebellious thoughts registered his incredibly broad shoulders and she imagined how good it would be to be held closer to him as they danced. To be held securely against his wide chest and wrapped up in the strength of his arms.

  Flames of heat burned low in her body and her heartbeat was way too erratic to be good for her health.

  He closed the distance between them and his lips brushed her temple.

  She drew back. ‘Stop that!’

  ‘Your cousin’s watching,’ he reminded her.

  The quiet sound she made was pure frustration, but she smiled at him for Felix’s benefit as Logan drew her into his arms. Oh, dear Lord! A delicious involuntary shiver of responsiveness passed through her. Being held by him was every bit as heavenly as she’d imagined. More heavenly. His touch turned her brain to mush, overriding rational thought as information from her senses dominated her consciousness.

  As they began to dance, awareness of his strength and the contrast of her femininity brought a sense of unfamiliar, heady delight.

  ‘Relax, Sophie.’

  His tenor-deep voice resonated and vibrated through to the very core of her and she found herself responding to his command. Surely she must be under a spell, for her natural reserve and the need to erect protective barriers deserted her. Excusing her compliance, telling herself she was putting on a show of intimacy for Felix’s sake, she rested her head against Logan’s shoulder. In all honesty, she was giving in to her own needs, and it seemed the most natural thing in the world to be held against him like this.

  Drawing in ragged breaths, her nostrils flared, inhaling and savouring the subtle masculine cologne he wore. Something classically male, it was leather and woody with an overtone of…cinnamon? Whatever it was, worn by this man it was a total turn-on.

  ‘You dance very well,’ he murmured near her ear.

  Are we dancing? Mm. We are.

  An itching sensation pricked at her hands, and she fought to keep the one resting on his shoulder where it was. All it wanted to do was run up the strong column of his neck, over the slightly roughened texture of the tanned skin on his jaw and weave through the thickness of his dark hair.

  Her body pressed closely against his and moved in time with the soft, romantic music. She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. Tasting the subtle flavour of her lipstick, she wondered what he would taste like if she were bold enough to kiss him.

  With a mental jerk she pulled herself up from the fantasies that were totally foreign to her and stiffened in his arms before she raised her head away from his shoulder.

  ‘Are you okay?’ he asked.

  ‘Fine,’ she told him, but knew she was lying. Since when had she been consumed by thoughts that were so sexual? Only since she’d seen this man. What was going on with her, tonight? The man was a paid escort, for goodness sake!

  The only explanation for her reactions was that this man was nothing like the man she’d conjured up in her imagination. What had she expected of her date for the evening? Pretty-boy looks, perhaps? Someone a little less mature or softer? Whatever picture she’d built up in her mind, it was completely shattered by the rugged, dark looks of the man whose broad shoulders and hard muscled chest were an invitation to sin. The black dinner suit he wore gave him an outward veneer of sophistication, but underneath there was something indefinable about him that suggested a primitive wildness to this man.

  She angled her head up to look at him. He exuded a dangerous, compelling sex appeal, and she had to summon all her defences against it before she made a total fool of herself.

  ‘I could’ve pretended you were a business associate up until the point you called me darling. Now you’ve just gone and complicated everything,’ she attacked him. No way would she dwell on the little thrill she’d had when he’d used the endearment. ‘What were you playing at, telling Felix you’d be seeing him this weekend?’

  Ocean-blue eyes held hers with an intensity that made her heartbeat accelerate even more. A flame of self-conscious heat swept through her veins and flared to her chest. To her horror, she felt it rise up her neck and spread across her face.

  ‘I enjoy being with you,’ he said. ‘I’d like to spend the weekend with you.’

  Her lips parted at his bold words. ‘Absolutely not!’

  ‘From what Felix mentioned, I gather you’ve been fabricating a lover to fool your grandfather into stopping his matchmaking attempts?’

  She looked away from him and over to the bar where Felix stood, watching them. ‘It’s not as simple as that,’ she muttered.

  There were several reasons she wanted her grandfather’s matchmaking attempts to stop. Every function her grandfather hosted, he included a couple of eligible bachelors and she was expected to eye them up and down as possible husband material. She understood all too well what it must have felt like for women of the regency period to embark on a London season to make their match on the marriage market!

ot only was she heartily sick of it, but she also wanted her grandfather to stop feeling the need to do this. She knew the efforts he made were only because he loved her and had what he believed were her best interests at heart. Sadly, he genuinely thought she’d be happier if she were married.

  If she could present a lover, she’d make him happy. But there was another deeper reason she’d allowed herself to be swayed into manufacturing a partner. Sophie was desperate to gain her grandfather’s endorsement to run the Carlisle Mining Corporation. Rigby had made it clear that he wanted to see her married before he’d be comfortable handing over that position. He believed if she didn’t find a husband before she became Managing Director, she’d never find a husband.

  If Sophie weren’t married, her grandfather might just do the unthinkable and hand over the reins to Felix. That was a disaster she wanted to avoid.

  ‘Have you got a lover, Sophie?’

  Her body tensed and she missed another step. ‘That’s none of your business.’

  ‘I disagree. I’m not going to be introduced to your grandfather as your lover if you’ve got someone hidden away that he won’t approve of. I also insist on exclusivity for the duration of my relationships.’

  Hell’s bells! This guy has a nerve!

  If sex was seriously part of every contract he signed, Sue had been misinformed about the agency. Was he a regular gigolo, or did he expect sex with her as a fringe benefit?

  ‘This deal is off. I don’t want you to pretend to be my lover at all,’ she asserted as quietly and forcefully as she could, aware that another couple had joined them on the dance floor.

  ‘Wise choice. We’ll make sure there’s no pretence about it.’

  She sucked in an indignant breath. The man was unbelievable! ‘Listen to me —’

  ‘You’re looking very uptight, sweetheart. That isn’t the look you want to project if you want to fool Felix. Relax.’

  How could she relax while every fibre of her feminine being was physically aware of the man who held her? With every nerve cell firing rapidly at the sensation of being in his arms, it was no wonder she looked uptight. Mentally she was stressed to the hilt, trying to deny the strong physical attraction she had for him and reminding herself that he was an escort. The intimate, lover-like way he held her now, the warmth in his eyes as he regarded her, was all just an act because her cousin was watching. It was what he was being paid to do. She wished he wouldn’t do it so well because it was difficult for her to separate fact from fantasy.


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