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The Year's Greatest Science Fiction & Fantasy 4 - [Anthology]

Page 17

by Edited By Judith Merril

  “Don’t forget me, Pop,” said Smith. “I’m one of the boys now.” He grinned at Boris’s expression. “What’s the matter, Pop? Touch you on the raw?”

  “I am not used to being addressed as ‘Pop,’” said Boris with simple dignity. “And don’t kid yourself that you are something special. Why, I remember the time when young pups like you were ten a penny. And a lot of trouble they caused too, back in the old days. Made life very hectic for a while.”

  “That’s because you weren’t organized,” said Smith brusquely. “Now, take me. I’m modern with modern ideas of how to go about things. You’ve got to be organized to get anywhere in this world.” He stared disdainfully at Boris’s garment. “Take you now, dressed up like a Continental Count playing a bit part in some crummy production.”

  “I am a Count,” said Boris in a strangled voice.

  “Maybe you were,” said Smith airily, “but who wants Counts? What counts now is the front you put on. Dress like big money, talk like big money and, brother, you’ll get big money.” He beamed in self-satisfaction. “Believe me, I know.”

  “What’s the good of money,” said Sammy from the shadows. “It can’t buy you anything, not now.”

  “It will.” Smith was confident in his own knowledge of the human race. “And the smart ones are those who get in on the ground floor.”

  Boris grunted in disgust; he was a quiet old vampire who believed in keeping himself to himself and not making enemies. It was a system of life which had stood him in good stead in the past and he saw no reason to change just because some young squirt thought he knew it all. He gave a dry laugh at the prospect of deflating the young vampire. Sammy spoilt his fun. “Better tell Smith what he has to know,” he said. “After all, you owe it to him in a way.”

  “I owe him nothing,” snorted the old vampire. “What has he ever done for me?”

  “You want me to answer that?” Smith grew annoyed as he thought about it. It wasn’t that he objected too much to his new status but the principle behind it annoyed him. He was firm in his belief of the paradox of free enterprise and the sanctity of property, especially private property, and Boris had successfully pulled off a very personal theft. And there was nothing he could do about it.

  “Tell him, Boris,” said Sammy again. “You owe it to the lad.”

  “You don’t have to tell me anything,” snapped Smith. He expanded his chest. “I’ve read a bit and I know what the score is. I know what to eat and know that I’ve to return to my grave before dawn.” Suddenly he looked haggard. “My grave! Hell! I’d never be able to find it again in a month of Sundays!”

  Boris snorted with amused contempt. “That’s for the comic books,” he said. “All that guff about returning to our graves before dawn, I mean. All that’s necessary is that you stay out of sunlight; the actinic rays will trigger off skin cancers. Artificial light’s all right but nothing containing ultra violet.”

  “That so?” Smith looked relieved. “Anything else you should tell me while you’re at it?”

  “Only to respect your elders,” snapped Boris. “And don’t get careless or you’ll wind up with a stake through the heart or a bullet through the ribs. And it needn’t be a silver bullet either.” He broke off as an animal howled from the darkness.

  “Here’s Lupe,” said Sammy happily, and threw more twigs on the fire.

  A big, sleek Alsatian-like dog loped into the firelight, sat down and promptly changed into a man. Even in human form he retained a slightly wolf-like air. He nodded to the others.

  “Hi! How’s tricks?”

  “I’m starving,” grumbled Boris.

  “So am I.” Sammy belched wind and rubbed his stomach. “I’ve been living off my fat for so long now that soon I’ll be too weak to take a bite if I had the chance.” He looked hopefully at the werewolf. “Any news?”

  “Wife’s had a new litter,” said Lupe proudly. “Three boys and two girls.” He beamed at their congratulations. “Things aren’t as easy as they might be but I’m making out.” He lifted a foot and scratched himself behind one ear. He noticed Smith’s boggle-eyed stare. “New boy?”

  “Just born,” said Sammy. “Boris was responsible for him.”

  “Congratulations,” said Lupe politely to the old vampire. “How’s he shaking down?”

  “Well, he hasn’t gone crazy on us yet,” said Sammy thoughtfully.

  Boris changed what was, to him, obviously a painful subject. “Any other news?”

  “The rabbits are getting more plentiful,” said Lupe.

  “Rabbits!” Boris screwed up his mouth. Sammy echoed his sentiments.

  “Rabbits might be good eating for you, Lupe, but not for us. Anything else?”

  “I don’t think so.” The werewolf frowned. “There was just one more thing, now I come to think about it, but it’s slipped my mind.” He waved a hand. “Never mind, I guess it’ll come back if it was important.” He returned to the subject closest to his heart. “I wish you could see the youngsters; fine kids, all of them.”

  “You’re breeding fast,” said Sammy enviously. “Sure you aren’t going a little too fast?”

  “I don’t think so.” Lupe scratched the other ear. “I’m keeping the litters down as low as I can but we daren’t get too low. Anyway, all our troubles will be over when they come out.”

  “You can say that again,” said Sammy with real feeling. He smacked his lips. “Hell, I never thought that I’d miss humans so much.”

  “Nor me,” said Boris fervently. “Why, once in the old days when they were pressing close I even wished a plague on them.” He sighed. “Right now I could do with the old days, stakes, garlic, silver bullets and all. Modern times were a gift, sure, but look how things wound up.”

  They nodded, even Smith, all agreeing that the human race had hardly played fair.

  “When they come out,” said Sammy thoughtfully, “we’ll have to take things easy. Treat them gently and give them a chance to breed.”

  “That’s right,” agreed Lupe. “Build up the supply before we can let loose the demand. Personally, though, I’m not worried too much. My guess is that they wouldn’t have taken many dogs down under The Tombstone with them or, if they did, then they’d have to restrict them to the limit. Anyway, they’d welcome a change.” He bared his teeth, concentrated, and changed into a handsome pseudo-Alsatian. He was grinning as he resumed human form. “See what I mean?”

  “Humans were always suckers for dogs,” said Boris enviously. “I’ve often wondered why you just didn’t move right in and take over.”

  “Why should we?” Lupe shook his head at the vampire’s ignorance. “No need to kill the goose, you know. They never suspected us, not after the Middle Ages, and many a human has worked himself silly to support us in luxury.” He scowled. “When I think of how many of us got caught in the Big Bang—!”

  “We all got caught in it.” Sammy kicked at the fire.

  The rest nodded, agreeing with Sammy all the way. Smith didn’t say anything. He was still a little confused and more than inclined to think he was in a dream. But fantastic as everything seemed it all made a peculiar kind of sense. Ghouls, vampires and werewolves were, obviously, very real. Divergent branches of human stock, perhaps, ultra specialists who had become utterly dependent on the human race for their sustenance. Lupe and his kind had adapted best of all but, in the final essence, they were all parasites. He too, now he came to think of it; and suddenly he was very conscious of their concern over the survival of the few humans left beneath The Tombstone.

  Parasites cannot live without a host.

  Lupe stretched himself, yawned, and rose to his feet. “Well,” he said, “I guess that we’d better get on with it.” Changing to animal form he began to run over the cracked, overgrown expanse of the slab of cadmium concrete which was The Tombstone. Nose to the ground, tail waving, he looked every inch a splendid specimen of the canine species. Even Smith, who knew better, had to restrain a desire to call to him so th
at he could pat his head.

  “What’s he doing?” he asked.

  “Checking up,” said Sammy. “Lupe’s got sharper senses than we have and he’s finding out whether or not they are still moving around down there.” He held up his hand for silence. “Watch him!”

  Lupe looked over his shoulder, grinned, then vanished behind a clump of scrub. When he reappeared he was in human shape.

  “I think I’ve got something,” he called. “Scent’s pretty strong by this ventilator.”

  “They coming out?” Sammy sprang to his feet, his strong legs carrying him over to the werewolf. “Are they?”

  “Can’t tell.” Lupe altered his shape again and sniffed around some more, finally cocking his head and resting one furry ear against a barely visible crack in the concrete. He concentrated so hard that even his tail stopped wagging.

  “Dawn’ll be here soon,” whispered Boris. He shivered and drew his ragged cloak around him. “Another day in the mud.”

  “How do you arrange it?” said Smith. Like Boris he kept his voice low. “I guess that you could just cover yourself with that cloak and you’d be safe. Is that why you wear it?”

  “It has its uses,” said Boris ambiguously. He glared at the young vampire with an active dislike. “Listen,” he warned, “just because I was responsible for you being here doesn’t mean that I’ve got to wet-nurse you. Life’s tough enough without that.”

  “Who wants you to wet-nurse anyone?” Smith returned the glare. “From what I can see you’re just an old-fashioned has-been. Walking around with that cloak as if you were some Count or something. Why didn’t you get a plastic cover like they used to cover automobiles with? You could fold that up small and have a regular tent at daytimes.”

  “Smart guy,” sneered Boris. “That’s the trouble with you young pups, always think you know better than your elders. I’d look fine walking about with a tent on my back now, wouldn’t I? Maybe you’d better learn that people like us have to practice camouflage all the time. One slip and—I” He made a suggestive gesture. “It’s happened before, you know.”

  “In comic books,” admitted Smith. “But who believes in vampires now?”

  “And what’s the reason for that?” Boris tightened his thin mouth. “Camouflage, of course, what else? Same as humans don’t believe in Sammy and his kind, but how long would it take them to figure it out? So maybe they’d think you was sick in the head and lock you away in an asylum, but what then? They wouldn’t feed you the right diet and they’d keep you there for a long, long time. And you’d die there, make no mistake about that.” He shuddered. “It happened to a friend of mine.”

  “Old-fashioned, that’s what you are.” Smith appealed to Sammy. “You can see that, can’t you? You’re educated and—”

  “Pipe down!” interrupted Sammy. He felt all on edge as he always did when Lupe came to make one of his periodic check-ups. His hunger had mounted until it was a fire in his stomach and his nerves were like harp strings. Restlessly he got to his feet and wandered over to where the Werewolf was sniffing the ground.

  “They’re still alive,” said Lupe. He’d changed again and stood, breathing deeply, his chest and forehead covered with sweat. “Hell, I’m all in!”

  “Come and sit down.” Sammy led the way back to the fire, knowing of the demands that shape-changing made on Lupe’s energy sources. The werewolf sagged as he slumped beside the blaze.

  “I could smell them,” he said after a while. “Scent’s stronger than it was and it’s my guess that they are moving upward.”

  “On their way out?” Hope flamed in the old vampire’s eyes. “Is that it, Lupe?”

  “Could be.” Lupe relaxed still more. “From the sounds I’d say that they are moving heavy equipment toward the surface. Maybe one of their tunnels got blocked and they have to clear it. That or they aren’t too sure what conditions are like up here and don’t want to take any chances.” He grinned. “Anyway, they’re still safe.”

  The others grinned with. him.

  “You know,” said Smith thoughtfully, “this needs careful planning.” He threw another twig on the fire. “Very careful planning.”

  “Meaning?” Sammy stared dully into the fire. Lupe had gone; he’d rested for a short while and then, resuming animal form for fast travel, had loped off back to his wife and new litter. Sammy felt more depressed than usual after he had gone. It must be nice to be able to return to a family. He wished he had one of his own.

  “Well,” said Smith, “if Lupe knows his business then the humans are on their way out. When they do finally come out, we’ll have to contact them, right?”

  “That’s right.” Sammy fought down the hunger which thought of all those humans living and dying down below always aroused. Once he had tried digging down toward them but had had to give up in despair. That had been during one of his desperate periods.

  “So who is going to be the contact.” Smith glanced at Sammy. “You?”

  “Why not?” Boris was quick to defend his friend.

  “Why not?” Smith shrugged. “Look at him, that’s why not.”

  “Sammy’s held down jobs with humans before.”

  “In the old days, maybe, but there were plenty of freaks walking around then. Those days are over.”

  “Let’s not get personal about this,” snapped Sammy. “What’s on your mind?”

  “I’m a modern man,” said Smith. “At least, I was a modern man and I know how they think. These humans down there know that the surface was blasted with radiation. If Sammy turns up they’ll think that he’s a mutation or something. They’ve bred true down there and they aren’t going to want mutations around at any price. So they’ll shoot him.” He spread his hands. “Well,” he said defensively. “How can you argue about it? Sammy doesn’t look human, does he?”

  “Go on,” gritted Sammy. He clamped his teeth together, hating Smith for the first time. Fresh guy!

  “So that rules out Sammy,” continued Smith. It was obvious that he had given the matter some thought. “That leaves me and Boris.” He shrugged. “I guess that we needn’t even consider Boris.”

  “Why not?” The old vampire was hurt.

  “Because you look a freak too, that’s why.” Smith was brutally frank. “Let’s face it, fellows, neither of you would get to first base.”

  “And you would, I suppose?” Sammy was sarcastic.

  “Sure.” Smith had an iron hide, sarcasm didn’t reach him. “I’m young and I know what the score is. I could talk my way into their confidence and be accepted.”

  “And what about us?”

  “Oh, I’d take care of you somehow.” Smith didn’t meet Sammy’s eyes. “I’d try to sneak Boris here a drink or two and fix it so that you got something to eat now and again. Things will be hard at first, naturally, but I’ll do my best.”

  “Fresh young pup!” Boris ground his teeth in anger. “No respect for your elders at all! Why I—”

  “Hold it!” Sammy sprang to his feet, then relaxed as Lupe bounded into the firelight. “Trouble?”

  “No.” Lupe grunted as he forced his tired body back into human shape. “Wish that I didn’t have to do this every time I wanted to talk.” He looked at Sammy. “It’s just that I remembered what it was I had to tell you. I bumped into someone you’d be interested in a short while ago. She’s living in a cave way south of here, in a place where they used to hang their dead, the humans, I mean. You know it?”

  “I know it.” Sammy felt excitement warm his blood. “I thought that area had been cleaned out long ago.”

  “Maybe it was, but she’s there now and from what I could see she’s making out fine.” Lupe winked. “I told her about you and she’s interested. Young too.” He dropped to all fours. “And lonely.” He began to change shape. “Well, just thought that you’d be interested.” Abruptly he was gone, a sleek shape bounding through the brush.

  Sammy stared after him, too thrilled to shout his thanks. A girl ghoul! Almost he
had given up hope of ever finding a female of his own kind but, if Lupe was telling the truth, and he was, then there was something to be gained in life even yet. He sagged at a sudden thought.

  The caves were a long way away and he hadn’t eaten for too long. Travel took energy and he just didn’t have the energy. Smith looked enviously at the ghoul as he slumped beside the fire.

  “Lucky devil,” he said. “I wish I could get a girl.”

  “You have to make your own,” said Sammy dully.

  Boris frowned. “What’s wrong with you, Sammy? That was good news. You’re going, of course?”

  “How can I?” Sammy sighed from the pit of his stomach. “Radiations sterilize, remember, and I can’t eat sterile food. Around here it wasn’t so bad, that’s how I’ve managed to live this long, but I can’t hope to pick up anything decent to eat on so long a journey.” He slumped still more. “I’m too weak to chance it.” He sighed again. “If I could only get one really decent meal to set me up, I’d be off like a shot. Just one good meal.”


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