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  Truth was, she was falling for Colton, and she was falling hard. If they got back home and he had second thoughts or regrets about what they had done, she would be crushed. She didn’t trust easily, getting close to him this weekend was a major leap for her.

  Colton cupped her face in his hands, raising her gaze to meet his. “Honey, I’ll never regret this weekend. Ever. I’d love the chance to start all

  over with you, get to know you better.”

  The notion sounded absurd since they had known each other for most of their lives, but they had never truly gotten to know each other. She had always put up her defenses when it came to Colton Renthrop. He was always the older boy who picked on her and aggravated her, just to make her yell. But looking back now, she could see that there was probably more to his actions than just irritating her. He always seemed to be wherever she was, always seemed to be the first one to her rescue when the other neighborhood kids picked on her, always the first to help her up if she got hurt. He was always just…there. Why hadn’t she seen this before?

  She looked up at him and smiled softly. “I’d like that Colton…but right now, we have a party to try to discreetly re- enter, and besides, you owe me a dance.”

  Taking his hand in hers, she led him from the room down the dark corridor towards the stairs. With any luck at all, no one had noticed that they had disappeared together. Pushing through the heavy wooden doors, the music blared to life once more and the guests littered the room, the festivities in full swing. All hopes of a unnoticed re-entrance dissolved when Quinn approached them in a flourish of white satin, sporting a knowing grin. Perfect.

  Blushing as Colton kissed her cheek and headed for the bar, she turned to face her sister, who was fourteen shades of giddy as she waited.

  “Good lord, Quinn, calm down already,” Hadley said with an eye roll. Quinn just laughed as she threw her arm around her, leading them across the

  room. “I’d ask you how it was, but judging by the state your dress and hair are in…I can only imagine it was amazing.”

  Hadley couldn’t stop the smile that slashed across her face. “It was, but it’s none of your business. Why are you over here worrying about me when you should be schmoozing your guests and being all newlywed- like with Conner?”

  Quinn ignored her. “Oh Hadley…he’s got it bad for you. He can’t take his eyes off of you.”

  Hadley let her gaze sweep the room to find Colton leaning against the bar with a drink in his hand. He smirked as their eyes met, giving her a heated wink that set her heart hammering against her ribcage. They still had a thirteen-hour bus trip back home together on Monday morning…but, now she definitely had a pretty good idea of how to kill some time during the ride.

  She had no idea where this would lead, but she was totally on board to find out.


  He watched her talking with her sister and wanted to kick his own ass. The look on Hadley’s face spoke of feelings deeper than he had intended her feeling for him. T his was exactly what he didn’t want to happen. He couldn’t deny the feelings he was having for Hadley either. He loved her…but until he found Cara to get the divorce he had sought for so long, they could never be anything more than they were now, and he wanted desperately to be more to her. Way to go asshole, how are you going to get out of this mess ?

  He ran a hand down his face. As soon as he was home, he’d contact a private investigator to find Cara. He’d let it go for so long, lacking the motivati on he needed to get the divorce.

  Hadley was definitely the motivation he needed.

  Follow Colton and Hadley on the rest of their journey, plus more fantastic authors like Indigo Sin at


  Red Hot Part One

  By Taylor L Ray

  Chapter One

  He’d been watching her for the last twenty minutes. Leanne positioned herself at the far end of the bar so she could watch most of the room. This was turning out to be a busy evening for the hotel, so she had plenty of people to observe. And she loved to observe people come through her hotel. She was proud of this place. She and her father had built it from the ground up, and everything from the color of the slate tile in the lobby, to the burnished wood of the elaborately carved bar, down to the tablecloths, and votive candles on the tables had been handpicked by both of them.

  She’d seen him the minute he’d walked in and had felt a tug of sexual awareness. Tall, dark hair, dark eyes, and broad shoulders...exactly the type she preferred. He had to have felt it too, because he deliberately chose a table that gave him a clear line of sight to her seat at the bar. She appreciated the fact that he hadn’t tried to make a move in her direction as of yet, but she felt his eyes on her.

  He carried himself with an authoritative air. She wondered if he was in law enforcement or had military training because even though she wasn’t directly observing him, her peripheral vision saw him carefully scanning the room.

  Leanne hadn’t made eye contact with him before now, but she turned her head and inhaled sharply when she saw him blatantly staring at her. His salute with his beer bottle prompted her to action. She signaled Kevin the bartender.

  “Top off your wine, Ms. Cooper?”

  “No, I’m switching to tequila. Two shots, please.”

  Kevin’s eyes saddened just a bit. “Bad day?” He knew she only drank tequila when she’d had a run in with her soon -to-be ex-husband.

  She nodded, aware that the stranger was watching their conversation with interest.

  “Well, hopefully, Mr. Mysterious over there won’t turn down the chance to drink good tequila with a beautiful woman.” With a smile, Kevin set up her shots and winked at her before she turned to begin her journey towards the dark-haired stranger. She really needed to blow off steam, and he looked like the perfect release valve. She felt it a safe bet that he’d be delicious in bed.

  She walked toward him holding the two shot glasses of tequila, watching as his gaze wandered over her. He made no attempt to hide his frank male appreciation of her short auburn hair and lush curves that practically begged to be touched. The dress she’d chosen to wear today showed off miles of leg and the neckline was low enough to provide a view of fantastic cleavage. It had served its purpose earlier, and she supposed it was serving another right now. She looked down at him, her green eyes sparkling with challenge.

  He spoke to her first. “Hello, Red.” She felt the deep timbre of his voice clear down to her red-painted toes.

  She flashed a grin. “Hello, Tall, Dark and Delicious. Is this seat taken?” “It is now.”

  She sat next to him, placing the glasses on the table.

  “Did you come to share?” he asked.

  “I did. I really hate to drink good tequila alone.”

  “Well, we can’t have that,” he said. “But what made you pick me?” She drummed her fingers lightly on the table while she considered her

  answer. “A few things. One, I’ve had a shitty day. T wo, you didn’t hit on me with a cheesy pick up line. Three, you look like you appreciate good tequila.”

  “And four?”

  “Four,” she lowered her voice and leaned closer, “I was hoping to get you drunk so I can take advantage of you later.” She felt a slow curl in her belly as he laughed aloud.

  “Honey, you wouldn’t have to get me drunk to take advantage of me. Ever.”

  “Good to know.”

  “So, a shitty day, huh?”

  She nodded and settled back in her chair as he continued. “I’m guessing whoever was on the receiving end of that dress of yours had

  it worse.”

  “Oh, yes. The dress went over exactly as I had hoped, but what made you think I wore it deliberately?” She was enjoying this playful exchange immensely. She suddenly felt naked as his gaze ran over her slowly, pausing on her neckline then traveling lower to take in the short length. She wanted to feel his hands run underneath her skirt and along her inne
r thighs.

  “That dress is the type that either says, ‘I won’t take your shit’ or ‘Eat shit and die .’ Which one wa s it today?”

  “Very astute, Ace. It was actually a bit of both. And mission accomplished. The recipient was sorely pissed off. Now, let’s drink this before it gets warm.” She pushed the shot glass toward him, but stilled his hand before he drank it. “Let me show you the best way to drink it.”

  She waited as he sat back in his chair, curious and amused. With a wicked smile, she took the lime wedge and placed it, rind first into his mouth. “Hold that there,” she said, before taking his hand and sprinkli ng salt on the area between his thumb and forefinger. Staring directly at him, she licked the salt off his hand, tossed back the tequila and leaned over to take the lime from his mouth with her lips. She lingered over his mouth, flicking the corner with her tongue before grasping the lime wedge with her teeth and sucking the juice. She felt a drop of juice run down her chin and imagined him leaning over to lick it. The lust took her by surprise. Her thong was dampening by the minute. She placed the lime wedge in the empty shot glass and blew him a kiss.

  “Ballsy,” he said, extremely amused.

  “I’ve been called worse.”

  “My turn, then?”

  “Absolutely.” She held her breath, wanting him to repeat exactly what she had done, but hoping he’d push a few boundaries. She really wanted to end up with her legs wrapped around him before the night grew much later.

  She accepted the lime wedge as he placed it gently between her lips, flesh side out. Her breathing hitched when he picked up her hand and examined her French manicure, brushing a soft kiss across her knuckles. Inhaling sharply as he salted her hand, his tongue rasped across her soft skin. She wanted to feel that tongue all over her. Drinking the tequila, he tugged her closer and leaned in to take the lime from her mouth. Before she realized what he was up to, he ’d removed the lime with his fingers and slanted his mouth over hers.

  She felt the kiss all the way to her toes; felt the heat and the hunger behind it. This was a man who placed himself firmly in charge of all things. Her nipples hardened instantly, and she gasped at the moisture flooding her pussy. Her panties were soaked, but she didn’t even care. All she could think about was getting this man up to a room and into bed. Her tongue tangled with his, and she nipped his bottom lip, causing him to growl in response.

  “Careful, Red . ” His voice was so low only she could hear it. “You don’t know who you’re messing with.”

  “Neither do you,” she replied, nipping his bottom lip again. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

  “Need a hand with that, Ace? Maybe a tongue?”

  He brought a hand up to thread through her hair, and her breath caught when he tightened his grip. She was so turned on she wanted him to throw her over the table and pound in to her needy pussy.

  “What’s your name, Red?” he ground out.

  “Does it really matter?” she replied softly. “You’ll only be calling me Baby when my lips are wrapped around your cock.”

  She was pulled from her chair and vaguely saw him throw bills on the table to cover his beer and the tequila shots, as she was steered toward the elevators. Hurrying behind him, she saw Kevin out of the corner of her eye give her a thumbs up. He stabbed the button and shifted impatiently on his feet. She saw the flush of arousal on his cheeks and knew she had one to match. She really hoped no one else got on the elevator with them. She had plans.

  Chapter Two

  The elevator doors opened and Cameron nearly sighed with relief to see it empty, but as the doors started to close, two businessmen entered the car. Shifting positions, the redhead stood slightly behind him.

  He was about to push a button when he realized he didn’t know which one to push. “ Thirty-five, ” she whispered in his ear. He felt her hand on his shoulder as she stepped closer to him. She slid something in the pocket of his leather jacket. Placing his hand there, his fingers encountered warm, damp silk. She’d taken off her panties. Holy Christ !

  It was all he could do not to slam her against the elevator wall. He’d never had a woman be so blatantly sexual, turning him on so completely. Backing up so she was wedged between him and the corner of the elevator car, hidden from their neighbors, he positioned his right hand on her hip and began to bunch up the material of her short skirt. The businessmen were engrossed in conversation and had no idea what was happening behind them. Her breath stuttered when his hand darted under her skirt to run along her juicy slit. Her cream coated the tips of his fingers, making him groan.

  Pushing between the folds, he circled her clit and felt her nails dig into his shoulder. He glanced at her face to find her staring openly at him. She pushed her pussy against his finger and leaned into him just as the elevator stopped, letting the businessmen off.

  “I can’t wait to be underneath you,” she breathed in his ear, skimming her hand over his cock.

  He felt himself grow larger and thanked fuck it wouldn’t be long before he could get her naked. The elevator now had no other occupants. As soon as the doors closed, Cameron turned and pushed her into the wall, kissing her fiercely while continuing to caress her. She kissed him back with barely leashed passion. He was surprised at her reaction, amazed that she seemed to demand more from him. He felt her pushing his fingers lower.

  “More,” she panted, “I want more.”

  “Happy to oblige, Red,” he said , sliding two fingers into her. She groaned and shuddered. As he pumped two fingers in and out, he felt her pussy tighten, trying to suck them inside her. Her hips moved in rhythm with his fingers, and he sensed she was about to climax. “Jesus…you’re that close already?”

  Green eyes opened and flashed at him. “Is that a problem?” “Hell, no. I just wanted to have my mouth on you when you came the first

  ti me.”

  “Sorry, Ace. Maybe the next one,” she said and then cried out against his mouth as the wave of release hit her.

  He watched her eyes grow hazy while he kissed her, continuing to thrust his fingers as deep as possible under the circumstances, drawing out her climax as long as he could. He felt the elevator begin to slow.

  “No,” she protested as his fingers left her.

  He tugged down her skirt and rearranged her neckline before the elevator stopped completely. “Patience, sweetheart , w e’re almost to your r oom. Which is what number?”

  The doors opened and he watched her with admiration and more than a hint of lust as she walked down the hallway looking as though nothing had happened in the elevator.

  “ Thirty-five, twenty-three ,” she said. Retrieving the key card from her purse, she hesitated before handing it to him. With a grin, he opened the door, careful to enter the room first. Satisfied the room was empty, he shifted to let her pass, closing the door behind him. He snicked the lock into place admiring this woman who seemed to have no fear letting a complete stranger into her room. She was very comfortable with him despite only having a brief exchange. She tossed her purse on the armchair and switched on a lamp, bathing the room in a soft amber glow. She felt him move behind her to press her against the wall, blanketing her body with his. His erection nudged insistently against her ass as he held her hands prisoner on either side of her body. Moving her hair aside with his nose, he kissed along her neck, making her shiver in response. The light from the lamp washed over her face, and he chuckled at the flush he saw starting to blossom over her skin.

  “You are so fucking sexy,” he said, grinding against her. “I’ve never been with a woman who could come that fast. That’s hot, baby. So incredibly hot.”

  He turned her so she could face him. This time he held her hands prisoner in one of his, while the other roamed over her curves. He kissed her, darting his tongue inside her mouth. She slid hers along his teeth before sucking on his tongue, making him groan.

  “Like that?” she breathed.

  “I like everything you do to me,” he said, slipping his
hand under her skirt once again. He felt her juices along her thigh, captured some on his finger, and brought it to his mouth.

  She watched him while he tasted her essence. “Are you planning to share or do I have to fend for myself?” she asked.

  Flashing even, white teeth, he repeated the action under her skirt before bringing his finger up to her mouth.

  Holding his gaze, she mimicked the action she planned to take later; circling the tip she drew his finger into her mouth to suck on it.

  His eyes turned black and he released her hands to make short work of her dress until he had it open. His gaze skimmed down her body, pausing to take in her long legs, nipped-in waist and plentiful breasts heaving in a black lace bra. “Very, very nice, Red.” His finger skimmed along the top of her bra, dipping in to tease her nipple.

  She hummed low in her throat as he moved from one nipple to the other. She made fast work of his shirt buttons, exhaling at the expanse of skin she exposed. “Oh, this is nice, too,” she said, running her hands over his chest and pushing his shirt off his shoulders. She noticed his impatience as he pulled the shirt off the rest of the way, his eyes never leaving hers. With a devilish smile directed at him, she tugged on his belt.

  “In a hurry?” he asked, deftly flicking open the front clasp of her bra. The cool air in the room hit her nipples, causing her to gasp at the sensation.

  “I’ve wanted to get you naked since you walked into the bar,” she said honestly. She worked his belt free and slowly slid the zipper down.

  He chuckled and leaned forward to capture a nipple in his mouth. She groaned and arched toward him. Sliding her hand into the waistband

  of his boxer briefs, she moved lower and cupped his length, making him shudder. “Holy fuck, you are full of surprises, Ace,” she breathed before squeezing his massive cock.

  He bit her nipple in response and felt an answering gush of moisture run down her thigh. Lifting his head, he smiled just before moving to the other breast.


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