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Rockstar's Angel

Page 14

by K. T Fisher

  Leo breaks my crazy thoughts. "Tanya, you do realize you're saying all this out loud, right?" I stop, staring blankly at him. My face burning with embarrassment and my tears turn into laughter as Leo joins in. He wraps me in his big strong arms, and I cuddle into his chest.

  "So, all that rambling means it’s a yes?"

  I look up from his chest, into his blue eyes and nod. "Yes."

  He picks me up, spinning me around. "Come on, let me show you inside."

  He opens the large, double black doors. My already gawping mouth feels like it's about to hit the floor. We're standing in a large hallway. It's light and bright from the many windows and white walls. Leo leads me everywhere, I follow silently. I'm in awe of this house! The living room is freaking huge, a bright conservatory attached at the back leading out onto a massive green garden. The kitchen is absolutely beautiful, in a white and light baby blue design. I can't wait to cook my first meal in here. Just these rooms have taken us at least half an hour, all I can do is stop and stare. It's beautiful. I can't picture myself living in such a house. Shit like this just isn't real!

  After letting me stare out at the garden from the kitchen patio doors, Leo takes me into a room way in the back of the house. On the way he shows me a room he intends to make into a games room, which makes me laugh. We finally get to the room he was leading me to. From the smell I can tell it's a pool room. He turns to me, grinning. "I designed this room. It wasn't part of the house when I bought it. I had to have a pool." I laugh, he's right. A house like this has to have a pool. I see the pool and laugh even louder. In the middle of the huge, bright room is a pool in the shape of a guitar. LED lights shine around the edges at the bottom of the pool, bringing it to life. It does look fantastic. "The roof opens up and those glass walls open all the way, so when it's hot we have an outside pool." He grins widely. I stare at the room around me, picture it transforming from inside to outside.

  "Wow Leo, this is amazing!"

  "Good. Thank Fuck, I was worried you might not like it."

  I shake my head. How could I not like this?

  When Leo shows us the room that will eventually be ‘ours’, we christen it. Just like the rest of the house, I love it. It's absolutely huge, bigger than the living room back at my apartment. It has a bathroom attached. He shows me the other bedrooms, one just has to be a walk in wardrobe. I just have to have that! If Leo gets his games room, I think I deserve that. We walk past some other rooms and he smiles sweetly at me, in years to come these will be filled with our children. One day.

  Before Leo takes me home, we also 'christen' the kitchen. I love my new house!

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Today is the day the girls and I go see Kendal in the hospital before she has her babies! I'm so freaking excited, I'm having to stop myself from jumping up and down and clapping.

  The last month and a half have been crazy. Everyone knows Leo and I are engaged. The day after Leo showed me the house he'd bought, we moved in. Leo was a little surprised that I didn't put up a fight about it, but truthfully I was so eager to move forward. I look back on the last few years, and they were wasted. I spent all that time being unnecessarily angry at Leo, ignoring my feelings. I never fell out of love with him, but seeing him hurting had brought back painful memories that I'd tried my best to ignore.

  Now we're both clear about everything, we can make up for those years. When he asked me to move in and then asked if I was ready to, I jumped at the chance. I want to spend the rest of my life with my sexy drummer. I've got a lot of time to make up for, I intend to spend most of it either under or on top of Leo, maybe even on my knees too because I love giving my man a blow job.

  I'm dressed and ready, eating breakfast, when Leo comes up behind me, placing a soft kiss on the back of my neck. "Morning." Another few kisses. "Why didn't you wake me?"

  I swallow down my toast, turning to face him. Oh my, he's only wearing cotton gym trousers that hang loosely on his very gorgeous V line. His chest is begging for me to lick and bite it, his wide shoulders covered in tattoos need some new nail marks on them. "I'm going to see Kendal at the hospital, I'm just waiting for Maisy to come pick me up."

  My voice comes out husky, and Leo grins. "Wanna have some fun before you go?"

  He leans down, kissing up my neck. My head falls back, just as he grips my breast there's a buzzing through the house. I sigh, looking back up to Leo. He's frowning. I move to get up but he holds me in place. "Let’s just go upstairs, she'll never know."

  I laugh. "Yes, she will, and I can't. Kendal is having her babies in a couple of hours."

  Leo pulls away, pouting. "Fine, but tonight you're all mine."

  "Oh, I'm counting on it."

  He flashes me a panty dropping smile before going to let Maisy in. I can hear him talking to her, he laughs before hitting the button that will open the gate for her to drive up. When he walks past me he smiles. "She knew." He carries on walking upstairs. Thank God, I don't want Maisy to see my man half naked, that sight is reserved just for me.


  We arrive at the hospital, it's a classy place, not like any of the NHS hospitals I've been in.

  "I guess Jax wanted the best for Kendal."

  "Yeah," I agree. Rhys had paid for private care too, in the same place actually, but it's weird when it's Kendal. We've known her for years. When we met Sophie, we knew straight away she was wealthy. Either way, our friends men love to pay for the best for their women.

  We meet up with Sophie and Jessica in the waiting room. They have matching beaming smiles like mine and Maisy's. Sophie claps as we approach them. "God, isn't this exciting! Triplets!"

  We all squeal in excitement and that's how Jax finds us. He laughs when he sees us. "You girls excited?" We nod our heads, making him laugh again. "Come on, Kendal keeps asking for ya."

  We follow him to the room Kendal is. When we see her lying on the bed and looking scared we all rush over to her. Jax gives us some privacy, going out to ring Kendal’s parents to check on Finley.

  "How are you feeling?" Sophie asks.

  Kendal bites down on her lip, I see a little tear in the corner of her eye. "Oh, Kendal." I give her a cuddle. "What's wrong?"

  She gives a little sniffle. "God, I sound stupid, but....I'm scared guys. I didn't want to have a C section, but for the safety of the babies I have to. It scares me to death."

  Maisy strokes her hair. "Honey, so many women have to have C sections now. You'll be fine."

  Kendal manages a weak smile. "I know, it's just scary, knowing what they're gonna do."

  I must admit, if I knew someone was going to cut open my stomach, I'd be feeling the same as Kendal right now.

  Jessica jumps into action, taking Kendal’s mind off of it. We manage to make her laugh, and she asks about mine and Leo's wedding. We haven't set a date yet, but the way Leo talks about trying for some kids soon, I think it will be sooner rather than later.

  Jax returns with a big smile, joining us in our plan to cheer up Kendal. She’s a mixed bag of emotions right now. Excited to finally meet her babies, but scared of having the caesarean. A nurse comes in, smiling kindly at us all and informing us it's time to get Kendal prepared so we have to leave. We give her our best wishes and kisses. A nurse leads us to the same family waiting room we waited in while Sophie was giving birth to April.

  I send Leo a text to tell him what's happening while we wait. He cares a lot about Kendal too, they've got a brother and sister like relationship. He quickly texts back, asking me to tell him when the babies are here, and when Kendal’s feeling up to visitors. The guys are dying to see Kendal and meet the new babies, but the idea of blood and girly shit as Max put it, freaks them out a bit.

  It's not long until the door opens, revealing a happy looking Jax walking in. He's in green scrubs, so we giggle a little at him. The rock star in hospital scrubs is a funny look. He opens his arms, giving us a twirl. "Yeah, I look good right?"

  "How's Kenda
l?" Jessica asks eagerly.

  Jax's smile widens. "Oh God guys, she was amazing! She was so brave! They're just patching her up right now."

  "And the babies?" Sophie asks. They hadn't found out the sex of the babies so we're all eager to know if they have more boys, or girls, or both! It's a possibility.

  Jax shakes his head in amazement. "We have two handsome boys, and a beautiful baby girl."

  "That's great, Jax." I squeeze him tightly. Overcome with emotion, I start to cry, the girls following suit. We're all a blubbering mess. Three beautiful babies, it really is a miracle.

  "When can we see her and the babies?" Maisy asks the question we all want to know the answer to.

  "It shouldn't be long. They're gonna bring her out soon, and she'll have the babies with her."

  "Are you going to reveal names any time soon?" I ask. Seriously, they kept quiet about the names. I'm so impatient.

  Jax laughs. "We've still gotta pick. We chose three girls names and three boys names, so we gotta choose from the list. You'll know soon."

  He leaves to go check on Kendal, as soon as he's gone we all excitedly talk about the babies. We can't wait to see them.


  About an hour later Jax returns, smile still in place, telling us Kendal is ready. We run after Jax as he quickly strolls to Kendal’s room. I'm guessing he doesn't want to spend any time apart from his wife and new babies.

  We step back into the bright hospital room we were in before and see Kendal, looking a little pale, laying on her bed. There's a bag of blood above her head, and she has a drip in her hand.

  "Hey." Maisy says quietly.

  Kendal returns the smile. "Hi girls."

  We step closer, I see that she's breast feeding. "How are you?"

  "I'm fine. I lost some blood so I'm having a blood transfusion, but I'm fine." She smiles down at the baby in her arms. I'm guessing it's one of the boys as he's wearing a blue, knitted hat.

  There's a little cry from the corner where I see three little cots, two with blue sheets and one in the middle with pink. Jax goes over to the babies, picking up his baby girl. "I think our little girl is hungry now." He looks to Sophie. "Will you get the baby from Kendal? She's not allowed to lift."

  Sophie takes the baby from Kendal, fussing over him while Jax hands Kendal her baby girl so she can feed her. I take a peek at the baby in Sophie's arms. "He's adorable guys." I place my finger in his tiny hand and he takes a firm grasp.

  Kendal smiles over at us as we coo over the little baby boy. "He's little Rory."

  I smile down at him. "Hello Rory, that's a cool little name buddy."

  "So what other names do you have, because there's three to pick?" Jessica teases.

  Jax picks up the other little boy. "This here is Noah."

  He passes Noah over to Jessica and she starts to fuss over him. "Hey Noah, you are just gorgeous."

  "And I have Grace." Kendal smiles from the bed.

  "Beautiful guys." I'm so proud of my friends right now with their three gorgeous babies, Noah, Rory and Grace. How cute and adorable!

  We leave them to it so they can get some rest before Finley comes to meet his new siblings, after we've taken loads if pictures of course, and promise to drop by tomorrow with the guys.

  I leave the hospital feeling oddly horny. Seeing those beautiful little babies has me feeling all broody and hormonal. I have a weird primal urge to jump Leo as soon as I see him.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I look around me and smile. This is definitely how the other half live and it's crazy that I'm now one of them. Well, Leo is anyway, and he taking me along with him.

  Leo decided he loved having me all to himself when we were at the hotel back in Birmingham, so he wanted me all to himself again. Naturally, that was at the house he shared with the band in Miami. Freaking Miami!

  The house is a typical bachelor pad, but Kendal and Sophie obviously added their own touches throughout and now, so have I. A few fake bunches of flowers, a couple of framed photos here and there and it already looks a little more feminine. Now that the band members are turning into married men one by one, kids will be more than likely be coming here for a visit in the years to come. Either they will have sell this beauty or make it child friendly.

  Currently, I'm sitting on the beach at the back of the house at a table Leo has set out. No hired help, just him. It's a small table with some of my fake flowers in the middle, which made me giggle when I saw them. I'm sitting on my own at the moment, listening to the gentle sounds of the ocean. Leo is inside cooking our dinner, yes cooking. He's had a few attempts at home and let’s just say that we stick to me cooking our meals. He wants to try to give me a romantic evening on our last night here in Miami. I'm going to sit back and relax, hopefully the food won't be a disaster.

  I walk over to the sun loungers to relax a little more in the sun while I wait.


  "Ok, Mr. Baxter, the food is ready now. We'll be off."

  I turn around and face the chef I hired. I'd been looking out the window, spying on Tanya, making sure she wasn't going to come inside the house. I told her I'm cooking so she's probably expecting a horrible meal and preparing to lie through her teeth about liking it. I didn't want to make her do that, so I hired a chef and told her to wait outside while I “cooked”.

  I make sure the chef leaves through the front door so as not to be seen by Tanya, who's sitting at the back of the house, leading to the private beach. On my way back inside I take another peek at her. She’s sitting on a lounge chair, eyes closed, her hair and dress blowing in the slight breeze. She looks beautiful. I'm one fucking lucky man. She's handled the pressure of the media perfectly and we haven't really argued since living together. We've had little spats, but we wouldn't be us if we didn't, and besides, make up sex us fucking awesome.

  I go into the kitchen, grabbing the plates. I can't remember what he told me it was. Fucking hell, this is starting off great. Oh, who am I kidding? As soon as she looks at this food, never mind eats it, she'll know I didn't cook this.

  I walk across the soft white sand, making my way over to her. Nobody to Love by Sigma plays in the background. She hears me approach, lifting her head. She smiles widely and stands, walking over to the table as I set the plates down. Fuck, why do I feel so nervous?

  Tanya sits down and I quickly follow. She picks up her fork and digs into the chicken. That's one thing I do know for sure, the chef used chicken. She takes a bite, smiling up at me. "Tastes lovely, Leo."

  I swallow down my food. "Thanks babe."

  She takes a sip of her wine and then starts to laugh. "Leo? Either you improved your cooking skills, a lot, or you had help."

  I knew she'd figure me out. I could never have cooked a meal like this. Oh well, at least we're eating great food. I laugh along with her. "I hired a chef."

  Her eyes widen, and she laughs louder. "Oh my God, Leo!" She keeps on laughing. "That's so funny. I can't believe you did that!"

  I eat some more food as I watch Tanya giggling some more, trying to eat. "I wanted you to eat nice food on our last night. My cooking would have ruined it."

  She looks up at me, pouting. "Aw babe, I would have eaten your food."

  Yeah, I know she would, but I didn't want her to.

  "So, is the chef still inside hiding?"

  I shake my head. "No, I snuck him out the front door."

  This makes Tanya laugh again. She covers her mouth as she continues to laugh, tears starting to stream down her cheeks. I smile as I continue eating my dinner, that chef is good.


  I dig into the piece of chocolate heaven Leo just brought out to me and moan in delight. Man, this is good.

  After I controlled my laughter I was able to eat my dinner again. Just hearing Leo talk about him hiding his chef and sneaking him out was too much. I couldn't stop laughing.

  When I've finished eating my chocolate, gooey, fudge cake I put down my spoon and look
up. Leo is giving me an odd look as he stares at me. I feel a little awkward. I wipe at my mouth. "What? Do I have chocolate on my face?" He shakes his head. "Then why are you looking at me like that?"

  He suddenly gets up from his chair, picking me up. He carries me to the house over his shoulder in a fireman's lift, I'm laughing all the way, smacking that firm arse of his.


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