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Universe of the Soul

Page 26

by Jennifer Mandelas

  “Frowned upon?” Blair hissed, showing true outrage. “This is despicable! No wonder the energy of this city is so terrible.”

  Adri nodded. She had never been to a live auction involving people before, and as she watched the kievian auctioneer accept the final bid of seventeen thousand credits for a young Belligerent ensign, she hoped she never saw one again. It was worse than despicable. In her eyes, the eyes of a soldier, it was a serious dishonor to an opponent whose ideals were not so different than hers. They had already lost. Why must they also be subjected to this humiliation? The ensign was prodded off the stage, eyes wide and fearful, as the crowd roared.

  “Rael, you need to calm down.”

  Adri snapped out of her dark thoughts and turned to Blair. “What?”

  “You are beginning to manifest. You need to control yourself,” Blair's voice had fallen back to his usual tranquil tone, despite the fact that the emotions in the room had made his face turn pale and was causing him to sweat. “Look at your hands,”

  She looked, and saw the vague outlines of the violet tattoos that had covered her in the Spirit Realm. Shaken, she shoved her hands in her pockets. “What's going on?”

  “Your anger is causing you to manifest your gifts. You are subconsciously summoning your power. You need to calm down and focus.”

  Easier said than done. “Maybe I should wait outside.”

  Blair's eyes were unfocused, probably seeing with his other vision. “Maybe you should. I will be all right, you go ahead.”

  Adri pushed away from the wall and began to elbow her way back to the door. But before she had taken more than a few steps, the auctioneer's voice cut through the room. “Excellent! My dear patrons, this concludes the sale of the crew. Now I am pleased to announce the beginning of the senior staff! To start you off, we have the second officer, a decorated iqaidi. Saw action on…”

  Something made her turn to look. Fate, or perhaps simply curiosity. Recognition hit worse than a fist on an empty stomach.

  It was Hildana Kobane.

  The auctioneer's voice tuned in again. “Shall we begin at fifteen thousand? Fifteen thousand anyone?”

  Adri's mind whirled. Try dodging that, why don't you – you sleep like an Undarian – they're smarter than before, its like they're aiming for you, Adri – and – Gray – and she loves her sister so how can I hate her when she loves her sister? – It's a pleasure to meet you Lieutenant Commander Rael – and – those ensign's eyes were so frightened how could they do that, take away their humanity and make them animals – and –

  Seething with a fury that she didn't fully understand, Adri thrust her way through the crowded hall towards the podium. She didn't hear Blair urgently calling her name. She didn't notice how a slight tap to those in her way sent them skidding across the thick carpet. Nor could she see how her eyes began to gleam and subtly shift color from her usual shade of brown.

  She wanted to fight.

  “Twenty-five thousand!”

  Adri blinked, and the world suddenly shifted back into focus. She stood two rows away from the podium where Kobane and the auctioneer were standing. One row ahead and slightly to the left, a kievian had shouted out her new bid.

  “You can't fight here,” Blair whispered, appearing at her elbow.

  She looked at the kievian's expensive skin suit and lavishly decorated headdress that completely covered the hundreds of finger-wide tentacles that twisted with her mood. The cruel hunger in her eyes settled whatever unconscious debate Adri's mind had been waging. “Thirty thousand!” she cried.

  A rush of interested babble accompanied Adri's bid. Blair sighed. The auctioneer's smile widened. The kievian gave Adri a competitive scowl. Kobane glanced over with a look of disinterest that quickly changed to one of complete incredulousness. Her eyes widened, shock appeared to quickly give way to an ironic smile. Adri guessed what she was thinking, and shrugged in an ‘well, what do you know?’ fashion. Kobane's smile widened.

  “Thirty-five thousand credits!” the kievian called out.

  “Forty!” Adri countered.

  There was a pause as the kievian glared venom at Adri and considered her bid.

  “Forty thousand going once!” the auctioneer announced, beaming.

  “Forty-five!” the kievian shouted, although it was obviously against her better judgment.

  “Forty-eight,” Adri replied.

  At last the kievian rolled her eyes, conceding defeat. She flounced around, acting as though she hadn't wanted the prisoner anyway.

  “Forty-eight going once! Going twice!” there were no takers. “Sold, to the newcomer! Congratulations, ma'am. Pay the teller at the end of the auction to pick up your purchase, and please feel free to stay. We hope you find other items worthy of purchase!”

  Adri muttered something nasty under her breath. Kobane was being prodded off the podium. She caught Adri's gaze and rolled her eyes towards the opposite end, where the next prisoner was been prodded on. She repeated the motion several times, with increased urgency. Adri turned to follow her gaze and quickly discovered why. It was Little Kobane. What was her name? Giselle. Adri caught the elder Kobane's eye and nodded once.

  “You aren't really going to buy two?” Blair hissed.

  “They're a set,” she murmured back.

  “You can't save them all,” Blair replied, softer.

  “I can save these two.”

  The bidding started at twenty thousand. The auctioneer was clearly optimistic about the sale in relation to the previous one. Also, Giselle Kobane was several years younger, and decidedly prettier than her sister. While they shared the same bronze toned skin and dark hair, Giselle had more delicate features. She had also obviously been less obedient; as Adri looked her over, she noticed that the young woman's eyes had the vacant glaze that spoke of tranquilizers. She didn't notice Adri in the crowd, even when she spoke.

  “Thirty thousand!”

  The same kievian woman glared darkly at her.

  Adri merely raised an eyebrow in challenge.

  Apparently, her intimidation practice while in the military paid off, for the kievian woman hissed, “Agazi umpotil!”

  “My, my, I think I hurt her feelings,” Adri grinned fiercely to herself as the kievian whirled back around in an attempt to ignore her.

  No one else was willing to bid against Adri after her wanton display, thinking that she had far too deep of pockets to contend with. Giselle Kobane was sold to Adri for thirty thousand credits. The auctioneer gave her the same line as before, although he looked a little disappointed. Giselle was prodded off stage in the same direction as her sister.

  A headache of galactic proportions was brewing inside Adri's head. She whirled around and began heading for the door. “Come get me when this flesh market is over.”

  “I'll keep a lookout for our Viara Karkeldel.” Blair touched her shoulder in comfort and faded away somewhere into the crowd.

  Once back out into the relative quiet of the foyer, Adri's headache began to disperse. She leaned against one of the marble pillars and closed her eyes, trying to relax and stay alert at the same time. When the pain had at last faded back into a manageable throbbing, she tried to figure out what had just happened.

  She'd just purchased her two worst enemies. Out of a sense of foul play.

  She'd just magicked up without thinking, and could have completely broken her cover. Not to mention almost breaking some Commonwealth citizens.

  By Danwe, she'd just bought two people! With what money?

  Did she even have any money?

  What was she going to do with two…slaves? She didn't even like the institution!

  As her mind whirled with the new problems she had just handed herself, Blair re-emerged. “The auction is over.”


  Blair frowned. “It's been nearly an hour since you left. The bidding over the first officer was…lengthy.”

  “Oh,” how long had she been standing here? “How are you feeling, Blair

  The young man shrugged. “I feel the agony and the despair of the victims, and the elation of the buyers. It's sickening, but I managed to shield myself from most of it. And you?”

  “Better now. Did you find out anything about Karkeldel?”

  “Yes,” Blair replied. “She bought the first officer.”

  “So she'll be in the back getting her prizes then, huh?”

  “I would assume so,” said Blair in so strained a tone that Adri had to raise an eyebrow in question. Blair sighed, “Rael, the kievian who competed with you for those two officers…that was Karkeldel.”

  “Figures. Let's go,”

  Blair fell in step beside her. “Um…Rael, how are you paying for your…purchases?”

  Adri hunched her shoulders. “I'm thinking about it.”

  “I have enough, but that will leave us with precious little once we get to wherever you're heading.”

  Adri stopped and whirled around. “You have over seventy-eight thousand credits on you? What do they pay you to be a freaking monk on that planet?”

  “Nothing,” Blair replied, with a hint of a reprimand in his stoic voice. “But I did some side betting while you were talking with Bathus about the transports. I discovered I have a…knack for cards.”

  Adri decided to refrain from accusing him of cheating, considering he was paying for her to possess the Kobane sisters, without even asking her intentions. “Come on then, ‘Cardmaster.’ We need to get out of this joint.”

  I remember the first day at the Academy. I was hyped up and tired at the same time. I hadn't slept the night before, so excited to finally be old enough to make my own decisions. Eight years of feeling like a stray government dog had almost been too much to bear. But I had made it. I had toed the line (at least in public) and had kept my grades up at school. Unlike some of my ward mates, I had stayed out of the Pit, or juvie, so my record was clean. The day I turned fifteen, a legal adult, I walked into the Advance Force recruiting station and signed my name away.

  Adrienne Elizabeth Rael

  Joining the Advance Force was the first decision I had been able to make for myself. Since the day mom and dad died and Mandy was sold off, I felt in control of my own destiny. It was a heady feeling.

  Basic Training was tough for everyone, I was told that day. Even those who joined the military by way of elite connections have to pass through the six weeks of archaic strength and endurance building. I discovered later that this is the only place where all personnel are at the same level. Children of nobles and orphans like myself had to deal with the same trials, the same frustrations, and were rewarded with the same prizes. It was here, I was told, that futures would be determined within the Service. Prove yourself, and you could go places. Officer training, if you were capable. Specialization in a given field, if you proved gifted.

  For the top percent, there was a chance at captaincy.

  That was what I wanted: to be captain. To make my own rules. I wanted to fight and lead and win. I wanted to prove to myself that my parents could be proud of their daughter. From that opening lecture, I was determined.

  Of course, in that opening lecture, with the room full of rookies in our stiff new uniforms, they failed to mention the workings of politics. How sponsorship is needed for the fast track to a good position. How connections will oftentimes supercede qualifications.

  But that first day, I felt nothing but elation.

  I was free.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Out of a life's worth of embarrassments, unpleasant surprises, graceless situations and humiliating outcomes, standing in front of the cage which contained the Kobane sisters took the prize. Hildana's smiled was laced with irony as she greeted Adri's arrival. She was a little worse for wear, her black hair in a ratty braid, circles under her eyes, and her fatigues dirty and stained. The two women stared at each other for several long seconds. Adri folded her arms across her chest. Hildana tapped her foot against the tunsteel bars.

  At last, Hildana spoke. “This is awkward.”

  “Yep.” Adri continued to frown. “You tried to kill me,”

  “I thought I had. How in Danwe's name did you survive crashing onto a planet?”

  “Not easily.”

  “You are incredibly hard to kill.”


  There was another pause. “So what happens now?” Hildana asked. “You getting revenge?”

  “What for?” Adri smiled fiercely. “I didn't die.”

  Hildana snorted in almost-laughter. “Guess not. But you just paid out a year's salary for me and my sister, so I have to figure you have some kind of agenda.”

  Adri refused to admit that she was sadly agenda-less when it came to her new slaves. “Just making sure that someone competent keeps an eye on you two.”

  “I have a lovely implant here,” Hildana tapped the base of her skull, “That will blow me to pieces if I don't behave like you think I should, so I'm not seeing how we need Lieutenant Commander Indestructible as my master for the safety of the Galactic Commonwealth.”

  “You whining already, Kobane?”

  “Oh, no, ma'am. I'll be a good little slave,”

  It was Adri's turn to snort. “As if. What is up with your sister?” she nodded to Giselle, who sat in silence behind Hildana, her arms wrapped around her updrawn knees.

  “Tranqs.” Hildana replied shortly. “They sold her husband off earlier this morning. Made her a little…intractable in the proprietor's eyes.”

  Something slick and icy wound around in Adri's stomach. “I'm sorry.”

  Hildana blinked at the apology, then shrugged. “It happens. He's a nice guy, I hope he makes it.”

  The callousness of Hildana's statement didn't faze Adri. It was a soldier's mentality. While she agreed with the need to keep a mental balance over the constant loss that combat promised, the idea of being in Giselle's place made her want to curl up and cry. And then kill someone.

  Blair walked up, interrupting the strange conversation. “I've paid, so we only have that last bit of business before we can thankfully depart.” He handed Adri two small devices that activated and controlled the implants in the sisters’ heads.

  “Great,” Adri tucked the devices in her pocket absently and looked around for the woman who had bought the first officer.

  Hildana eyed Blair in curiosity. “Who's this? Your spiritual guide, or your boyfriend?”

  “My doctor.” Adri replied.

  Viara Karkeldel was easy to find, and simple to deal with. The kievian woman was signing her name on the action house accountant's holoboard as Adri approached. She narrowed her eyes and hissed when she noticed Adri striding towards her. “eEraxudsh, agazi,”

  Adri had been called worse in her life, and knew how to deal with people who felt power through name calling. Eyes wide, she said in an innocent voice, “Now, that wasn't very nice. I guess I'll just have to take this package Bathus gave me for you and see what I can get for it on the unsanctioned market.”

  As expected, Karkeldel's attitude underwent an immediate shift. “A package from Bathus? You aren't the usual courier. Where's Arkow?”

  “There were some shipping…problems. Arkow was forced to take a new route for the next little while. So do you want it or not?” Adri produced the package and waved it in front of the Kievian's face.

  With a strange, half angry and half embarrassed squeal, Karkeldel snatched the package. Ripping through the protective sheeting, she peeked inside. Whatever was in there appeared to satisfy her, and she reached into her pocket and produced a slip of simulated paper. “Tell Bathus I'm demanding a new…delivery girl. His new agazi lacks,” she looked Adri up and down from her superior height. “Well, she lacks a great deal. Now go on. Shoo, little agazi!”

  Adri didn't bother with a retort. She walked quickly up to Blair and hissed, “Let's get the goods and get out of here.”

  Five grueling hours later, Adri at last found herself on a commercial transport shuttle boun
d for Halieth. It had been a hassle of galactic proportions to secure seating on an outgoing flight for the same day. It didn't help that she had two Belligerent slaves to insure. But simple bullheadedness and military experience rewarded her with four tickets and an immediate departure time. The downside was that these four tickets were for the overflow seating down in the cargo hold below the main passenger cabin. Which meant a chilled room, hard seats and zero amenities that did not involve climbing a narrow ladder to the level above.

  From the looks of her companions’ faces, no one was complaining. Hildana's only comment to Adri's strange way of acquiring tickets was a thoughtful frown. Adri found herself explaining, “I'm assumed dead. I'd rather not deal with the whole mess of being alive until I can explain myself to my superiors.” There was of course the whole Adept thing, but she didn't trust Hildana.

  Her old enemy smiled crookedly. “At least I caused you some inconvenience.”

  “Major,” Adri replied, scowling.

  Giselle made no comment, although Adri had noticed that the tranq she had been dosed with had worn off. She took in the room, chose a seat and sat, her eyes vacant, but clear. Adri had no misconceptions about her two new companions. If an opportunity presented itself, she was sure both Kobanes would escape, probably killing her for good in the process. Both women were excellent soldiers. Smart enough to sneak into a Commonwealth Advance Force base, lead her into a trap, and raid a warship, leaving optimally placed bombs. Yet Adri was now their “master.” The situation was uncomfortable for both parties, but Adri could see no other course of action than the one she had taken. Besides murder and mayhem. Blair had checked both Belligerents’ vital signs before they had left The Sales. Once he was satisfied that both were in good condition, he had resumed his current role as Adri's silent shadow. He now sat across from Giselle in the large, empty room, eyes closed.


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