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Universe of the Soul

Page 31

by Jennifer Mandelas

  “What are you doing?” Adri asked, squeezing in behind her next to Jericho's transport crate. Gray took the passenger seat after shoving Floyd in the back seat under Jericho's crate.

  Freya engaged the engine and shot down the drive at an alarming speed. “I know the drive by memory, Captain,” she said calmly. “Even with the smoke, I can get us out.”

  “Great. Is there any other exit besides the main gate?”

  “Not one big enough for a cruiser,” Floyd replied from his half prone position beneath the crate.

  Gray kept his eyes trained on the grounds visible through the thinning smoke. “Then we'll have to make a break for it.” Opening the passenger cargo compartment, he pulled out a pair of ATF pistols. “Count on Carter to have the best,” he said as he tossed one back to Adri.

  There was a tense silence as Freya maneuvered expertly along the drive. The scream of the assault blasters was unrelenting. “They must have a vehicle here on the grounds,” Adri said suddenly. “They're following us now.”

  “Do you think that they'll have a team waiting at the entrance?” Gray asked.

  “No doubt. Their blitz was well done. If we hadn't all been right next to the cruiser, we would have been caught in the crossfire. It would be stupid of them to leave us a clear avenue of escape.”


  “Thinking of one. It depends on whose side the gate guards are on. Tarkubunji?”

  Floyd was staring at the bottom of the crate, face pale. “I honestly don't know.”

  “We're coming up on the gate.” Freya announced.

  Adri calculated. “We really have no choice but to dash through. Gray, see what you can do with that little water gun Carter left us.”

  “Aye-aye,” Gray disengaged the window and popped his head out. “Gate's open,”

  Freya suddenly gasped. “Get inside!”

  With a jerk on the steering, Freya pulled the cruiser off the drive in a hairpin turn, narrowly dodging a tree and somehow keeping the cruiser upright. Less than a second later, the space behind them lit up. The sonic wave of the bomb knocked three trees over in front of them, but Freya managed to avoid them all.

  “Danwe!” Adri screamed at the young woman. She turned to the driver, and once again saw the pair of iridescent wings extending from Freya's back. They seemed to glow right through the seat. There was just enough time for her to notice the pale blue markings that covered the young woman's delicate hands on the wheel before she whipped back around.

  It had to be a trick of the light, or something, Adri hoped. Danwe, Blair was going to do cartwheels if he heard about this one.

  “Adri? You okay?” Gray shouted from the front seat.

  “Yeah,” Focus, Rael, she chided herself silently. She repositioned her pistol out the open window. Then she noticed that her own hands were covered in the familiar violet markings. “Oh, Danwe,” she hissed.

  Temper soaring, Adri fired at the rushing figures that were chasing after the cruiser. She couldn't get a good view of them through the drifting smoke, but they looked and acted military. Were they caught in some sort of raid? Did the military council not believe her story? No, that couldn't be it. They wouldn't risk civilians when they knew where she was staying. Most likely, one or both of the Tarkubunjis were in trouble. But why the overkill? If they had broken a law, the Peace Keepers would have come to arrest them, with the military as backup. There was no way that they could allow such a noisy raid to take place this close to the city. So what was going on?

  “I'm back on the drive,” Freya said, diverting Adri's attention back to the moment at hand. “The way seems to be clear for the moment. I'm going for it.”

  The cruiser shot through the main gate and out onto the street. The occupants had a few stunned seconds to take in the wreckage of the gatehouse and the bodies of the soldiers before Freya took them away at an illegal speed.

  “Well, that rules out my military theory,” Gray remarked, clinging to his seat as Freya guided the cruiser through several rapid turns.

  Floyd popped his head out from beneath the crate. “It rules out my boss taking a shot at me, too.”

  Gray opened his mouth to question, but Adri shook her head. There would be time enough for questions later.

  “We're being followed,” Freya took another turn. “The black all-terrain.”

  Adri popped her head out and in through the window for a quick scan. “I see it.” But how could Freya, with the RearView blocked?

  Freya swerved the car just as one of the passengers of the all-terrain opened fire.

  Steadying herself, Adri said, “Tarkubunji, can you get alongside the all-terrain? I have a shot. Gray, can you give me some cover?”

  “I'm on it,” Gray slid halfway out of the window, bracing his arms on the roof of the cruiser and his legs between the seat and the door.

  As he began firing, Freya said, “I'm slowing down now.”

  The bulky black all-terrain shot towards them as the cruiser braked. Gray drew the fire of the three men who loomed out of the windows. In the seconds that both vehicles were side by side, Adri threw the cruiser door open and shot at the exposed engine vents. “Go, go, go!”

  Freya doubled the speed just as the all-terrain exploded. Adri closed the door and Gray climbed back into the cruiser as Freya took five more turns, then slowed the vehicle to a sedate pace and rejoined traffic by the government square hub.

  “It looks like we lost them.” Gray said, automatically checking the reading on his pistol.

  Floyd reappeared from beneath the crate. “What kind of crazy move was that?”

  “It's a standard ploy used against enemy tanks and artillery,” Adri replied. “Normally, I'd have used a rocket launcher or a grenade, but civilian vehicles are much easier to take out.”

  “I never did put much faith in all-terrain ads,” Floyd muttered.

  “So what just happened?” Gray demanded, turning to frown at the Tarkubunjis.

  “A better question would be what do we do now?” Freya replied.

  Adri pondered a moment. “Answer me this first. Have either of you done anything bad enough to warrant a raid and assassination? I'll know if you're lying,”

  “Nothing, honestly,” Floyd replied. He stared directly into Adri's eyes. “I swear that neither Freya nor I have done anything illegal. But there are…other reasons that someone might want either or both of us dead.”

  Adri held his gaze for another long second before glancing at Gray. “All right. Miss Tarkubunji, can you take us to the Carter estate? We'll have it all out there.”

  A lone figure stared at the wreckage of the Tarkubunji estate entrance. Sirens and flashing lights drew the attention of the curious. Peace Keepers scurried around the scene barking orders and taking samples. He was glad to have collected his own information before they arrived. The data was as yet unclear in all angles, but his primary objective hadn't changed with the circumstances. He would simply have to analyze this new data, and formulate a plan.

  The Tarkubunjis couldn't hide forever.

  I know what I know. I know I know too much. I know that if I told, my knowledge could get me killed. So what should I do with this knowing? Ignore it? Let things go back to the way they were before I learned so much? I can't. I can't go back knowing what I know now. I can't let them get away with what they've done, and what they are planning to do. Maybe if there was nothing I could do about it, I would simply defect. But I can do something. Yet because I can do something, does it automatically make it right? Is action the right course to take? How did my life become so complicated? I know what I know. I know I can change it. I know that in my heart, the course I have chosen is truly the right one. I know I must act, even though it may cost me everything I have ever wanted. I can't ignore it anymore.

  Stupid magic powers.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  “The fusions in sectors nine and twenty-one are shot, so we'll have to replace those before we can even dream of engaging full po
wer from this baby.” Duane stroked the cracked engine piece in question. “It would be best to give the whole thing a complete overhaul, but with less than two weeks before launching, there's no way to fit it in. The best I can tell you is that it will run for our maiden voyage, and I should be able to tinker with it while we're en-route. If that's all right with you, Captain. Captain? Hey, are you awake?”

  Adri was snapped back to the present. “What? Sorry Duane.”

  “Danwe, you're not supposed to nod off on my reports until after at least one month,” Duane chided. “I was saying that the engine is less than stellar. But we can make the two week deadline.”

  “Good. Have you talked with Gray about junior officers?”

  “Yeah. Ah, it's so great to be the one in charge,” Duane gave a loud sigh of pleasure. “So much power, so many underlings to torture, my own personal quarters, more power…” He frowned as Adri's eyes drifted off again. “Hey, am I really that boring?”

  “No, no. In fact, I'm really glad that you're here. I just…have a lot on my mind right now.”

  The paranthian continued to frown. Making a quick check of the area, he stepped closer. “What's the deal, Rael? You've been preoccupied since I met you again. I mean, you had a heck of a mess there, what with nearly dying and all, but…”

  “But what?”

  Duane shrugged. It was a much-loved human gesture that he had adopted in basic training. “When you're not paying attention, you get this really mean look on your face. Like when we're in combat. Sort of…angry and eager at the same time.”

  Adri frowned. “Oh? Hmm.”

  “Come on, Captain. Something's up. I know it has to do with whatever the humacom geek was saying to you before I got there last night. You looked ready to shoot something,”

  “Was it that obvious?” a wry grin crossed her face.

  Duane's frown lightened a little. “To me it was. But then, I know you pretty well. Your moods can be hard to pick up on. But you were giving off a very ‘shoot something’ vibe. Its still there, just more like a ‘making a plan to shoot something.’ So tell me what the deal is, huh? We're friends, aren't we?”

  “Aw, don't say it like that,” Adri groaned. “We're still friends,”

  “Then what gives? Who are we going to be shooting? I want in on this action! Who are we after? Its not the notorious Kobane sisters, because you have them leashed. Which is really bizarre, by the way.”

  “It's not like that.”

  “Then what's it like?” Duane insisted.

  What to tell him? That she had edited her tale about herself to her oldest friend? That she was an Adept with amazing powers and had just realized that the d-word was not to be avoided? That she had a plan that would certainly appall him? No, she couldn't tell him what she was planning. Not yet. “I'm sorry Duane.”

  Duane scowled. “Have you told Gray?”

  “No. I haven't told anyone. Honestly.”

  “Well, there's that at least. Are you going to tell us? I care about you, L.C. It was terrible when I thought you had died. It was like losing my family all over again. I know Gray feels the same.”

  “Yes, I'm going to tell you. Just…not yet.”

  The paranthian leaped to an astute guess. “Does it have something to do with our mission?”

  Adri held his gaze steadily for several seconds.

  “I see,” cheered considerably, Duane leaned back against the cracked engine module. “So, we'll be kicking some vulnerable ends en-route to our destination?”

  “In a manner of speaking,”

  Duane whistled. “I can't wait.”

  After determinedly focusing on Duane's engine diagnosis for several hours, Adri escaped up to the ship's bridge. Her bridge now, she thought with a measure of glee. Here she was able to forget her plans and revel in being a captain. Sure, the bridge was empty, and some of the computers and monitors were out of date. But they were hers! Soon, everything would be bright and busy. With a sigh, Adri collapsed into the captain's seat, ignoring the cloud of dust it created. The first order of business, she thought idly, was to get some domesticoms up to clean the place.

  “Got a tour of all the warehouses,” Gray announced as he passed through the doors onto the bridge. “The Noelio has plenty of space.”

  Okay, first order of business was to change the ship's name to something more appropriate, Adri thought with a frown. The Noelio was a gimpy name for a frigate of her ship's potential.

  “You hate it too?” Gray said with a grin, sitting down on her control panel to face her. “Have you ever seen a real noelio? They give ugly and inept a whole new illustration. I think they might be the only birds that are considered ugly by every other species.”

  “We have to change the name before we go,” Adri agreed. “It's terrible.”

  “Renaming requests take up to six months to be processed,” he tapped his holoboard against his leg.

  Adri smirked. “Yeah, if you do it the nice way. Don't worry, I'll have us a nice new name by the time we head off.”

  “Sometimes you terrify me.” Gray judged the time right. “Speaking of heading off, when are you going to tell me just what is it about this mission that has you so on edge?”

  Her gleeful bubble burst. “Have you been talking to Duane?”

  “We're worried about you.”

  Incredibly uncomfortable, Adri replied, “Gray….”

  “Whatever the problem is, I know I can help you,” he leaned forward with serious earnestness. “Believe it or not, you have a lot of people in your corner.”

  The statement was like punching a hole in a pressurized bottle. “Can't you see? That's why I haven't said anything!” Adri leapt to her feet. “It would be so much simpler if it was something I could take care of myself. Then I could go and do it, and no harm done if I failed. But its not, so I need you and Duane and even - Danwe save me- Blair to pull it off, so if I fail I'll drag you down with me. And even if I succeed, you'll still all be punished for helping.” With a low sigh, she accepted Gray's embrace. “I can take failing on my own, but I can't stand hurting everyone I care about. And it will, either way it goes,”

  Gray continued to hold her after she fell silent. “You were always a good leader, Adri. Part of being a good leader is worrying about the welfare of your crew.”

  “It's not the same thing,”

  “Yes, it is the same thing,” He nudged her chin up. “You have to do this, right? Whatever it is? So it's just like a mission. You can't expect a mission to run smoothly all by yourself.”

  “Suppose so,” Adri murmured.

  “And you can't expect a mission to run if you keep your subordinates in the dark, either.”

  She laughed a little. “No.” Taking a deep breath, she leaned back. “Gray, why is it you haven't once asked me about the words you wanted me to say?”

  Gray searched her eyes for a moment. “Have you figured out what they are?”

  Adri held his gaze. “Yes.”


  “Do you still want to hear them?”

  “Of course I do. When you're ready to tell me,”

  Something stirred within in her, sighing, now! Now! She reached out and cupped his face. “Oh Gray…I….” she clutched. “Soon,”

  Gray held her hand against his cheek, and gave a small smile. “Soon then.”

  Adri hated herself, seeing the small flicker of disappointment in his eyes.

  [Engineering to Bridge,]

  Both Gray and Adri jumped at the disembodied voice of Duane that echoed through the room.

  [I've got the communications system up and running, although we're going to need a techie to make sure all this type of falderal stays running.]

  Adri found the communication switch on her control panel and replied, [Bridge to Engineering, that's an affirmative.]

  [And while we're at it, make sure we get some sizzling nurses for the infirmary. Engineering out.]

  “Well, let's see how we can manage to fulfill
our magenta friend's wish,” Gray picked up his holoboard and began to scroll.

  Adri opened her mouth, and then shut it. The moment was dead. “Have any ideas?”

  “Junior officers are no problem. It's the senior staff that is giving me fits. There are plenty of accredited officers, but…”

  “But what?”

  Gray made a face and handed her the holoboard. Adri glanced at the names and profiles. “This is it?” She mirrored Gray's expression. “What is this, the naval reject list? Sure, they're all accredited, but look how long it took! What, do they have slugs for brains?”

  “My thoughts exactly. But I have an idea.”

  “Please,” Adri tossed the holoboard onto the Security station and collapsed back into her chair. “Anything.”

  “Since our mission is within secure Commonwealth space, we don't need to take our maiden voyage with anything more than a skeleton crew,”

  “True,” Adri agreed. “But we're still going to need a few more senior staff members, unless you don't want to sleep.”

  “Yes. But if we focus on only getting the staff we can't live without, then we can refit when we return.”

  If they ever returned, Adri thought. Perhaps having less would be better. “So who do you have in mind?”

  “If we got a junior officer to take the paper pushing end of Security, I could double as the security officer.”

  “But you'll be needed on the bridge,”

  “Which is why we place Jericho in as head of Operations. The Doreh Jal and the Tibei both use humacoms extensively as junior officers. So why not just place Jericho in? He has all the programming and as much learning experience as any other officer. And a better memory.”

  “But what about his potential to malfunction?” Adri argued.

  “It's just as dangerous to place trust in an organic being,” Gray countered. “Besides, ever since I activated him last night, he's been fine.”


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