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SAVAGE HEART (Layne & Shelby Book Two) (A Devil Call MC Book)

Page 8

by Fawkes, Ana W.

  “Stay put,” Layne said. “Don’t trust anyone but me. Or else you’ll end up dead. Or half naked with some chick in your bed.”

  “Like that’s never happened to you.”

  Layne grinned. “Actually, it hasn’t. Anyone in my bed is fucking naked. By command.”

  Jealousy hit me. I didn’t know what to do when it hit me like that. So I broke my hand away from his and touched his cock. It was all I could think of doing. Pleasuring him so he would never want anyone else.

  I stroked his cock, slowly bringing him right back to life. I didn’t know how he could fill up again so fast.

  Layne touched my face, his fingers digging into my wet hair.

  “That’s good,” he whispered.

  There was a thundering boom at the bathroom door. “Layne!”

  It was Finn.

  “Are you fucking serious?” Layne yelled.

  “Problem! Get the fuck out here now!”

  “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?”

  The pounding came again. “We have company!”

  “Goddammit,” Layne growled.

  He shut the shower off and tore open the curtain. He gave me a towel first, then one for himself. As he dried, he opened the door and left the bathroom. I heard his voice and Finn’s muffled as they talked. I rushed from the shower and opened the bathroom door. Layne stood there naked, grabbed for his jeans and leather cut. He had himself dressed in seconds.

  “Layne,” I said.


  He slammed the door.

  I hurried to get dressed and chased after him down the hallway.

  Layne was already gone though. Whatever was out there was bad.

  I stopped halfway to the bar, wondering what I should do. The right answer was to turn around and go back to the bedroom. Shut the door. Lock it. Hang out and wait for Layne. But I knew that each time I did that, it was a roll of the dice. Because there was always a chance Layne would never come back. One bullet. That’s all it would take to take everything away.

  If Layne was going to go down, so was I then. It made no sense to think that. But who else was going to protect me? Protect the club? Protect the town? If Layne hadn’t shown up when he did we would have been long gone by now. Between the Mountain Killers and the mafia, the clubhouse would have been reduced to a playground for them all.

  As I ran through the bar, it was empty. Plates of food left there. Half drunk beers. Like a scene from the apocalypse.

  I opened the door and saw a wall of Devil Call MC members. They were shoulder to shoulder, everyone in their black leather cuts. They were ready to fight. They were ready to die. At the front stood Layne. A couple feet next to him was Finn. It dawned on me then that Layne should make Finn his VP. They didn’t get along but they were tough and smart. Together, the MC stood a chance. But who was I to think that? I was some woman behind the bar. Some woman who took orders from Layne.

  The gates of the compound were opened by the prospects.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered at the sight.

  It was the Mountain Killers. There had to be fifty of them. All lined up, ready to go. Men sitting on their motorcycles, taking up the entire road and then some.

  The motorcycles started to break apart, opening a path. A thundering cry echoed as a motorcycle came forward. It was the President of the club, Viper. He sped right up to Layne. Layne didn’t move an inch.

  I stepped down to the lot and walked to the side. I couldn’t take my eyes off the scene. I slid along the side of a fence, with each step knowing I was putting myself into more and more danger.

  Viper got off his motorcycle and stepped right up to Layne. They were nose to nose. Two men who feared nothing. I was afraid for both of them.

  I had seen meetings before. I had seen fights. I had seen all out brawls. I had seen murder.

  I had never seen anything like this before though.

  This… this was war.



  I stared Viper down.

  I knew why he was here. He was looking for his VP. Too bad I didn’t know anything about his VP other than the spot where I buried his damn head.

  I still hadn’t slept, the day was in full swing, and I was fucking grumpy.

  Outside the compound, the line of Mountain Killers worried me. They had obviously made a call or two to other charters, wanting to come here and make a really bold statement.

  I got the statement. I saw it. The difference between us and them was that we would have attacked by now. That meant they were rattled. Their VP was gone, missing, dead, and they didn’t know how to react.

  Finn was to my right. Did I trust the guy? I didn’t know yet. I felt more comfortable with him there. He had the experience in Oakville that I didn’t, but the ultimate declaration of power, swinging the strong fist of war, that all came down to me. My orders. My command. My actions.

  Call it what you want, but I just stood there. I stared at Viper as though we were decade old enemies. Maybe we weren’t personally, but from one club to another, yeah, we were enemies. Remember, these guys killed the former President. That weighed on me, too. Rightfully so, the Mountain Killers should have been wiped out. But I couldn't make that call. Not yet. Not with the Oakville PD running rampant and the mafia pushing into the town, demanding favors.

  The situation was delicate, yet we were all rough men, wanting to fight. Wanting to kill.

  “Take a wrong turn?” I finally asked.

  Viper curled his lip. “No. I’m right where I need to be.”

  “You ready for this fight?”

  Viper made fists, letting his knuckles crack. “I’m ready for war.”

  I stepped forward, bumping into Viper. The tension doubled.

  “No, motherfucker,” I growled. “You’re not ready for war. This is war. We’re in it. And you’re going to die.”

  I saw Viper move his head back. He was going to head butt me. I slid to the left and Viper looked like a chicken pecking as his neck flew forward. He stumbled. Our guys laughed. The Mountain Killers didn’t.

  Viper turned, bringing up a fist. I grabbed his arm, twisted, and pushed him away.

  The Mountain Killers pushed forward, ready to go.

  Viper put his arms out, stopping them.

  “Not yet,” he ordered. “Not fucking yet.”

  “Smart move,” I said.

  “Fuck you.”

  Viper came at me. I kept my right hand out, telling Finn not to do anything. We were nose to nose, my eyes fighting his eyes. I wasn’t afraid of a thing. Nothing was going to rattle me.

  Or so I damn thought.

  That’s when I saw movement from the left of my eye. Yeah, it could have been any of our guys. Stretching a leg, picking his nose, but I knew better. I glanced to the left to see Shelby.

  Fucking Shelby.

  She hadn’t listened to me again.

  She was against the gate, in the thick of our guys. Watching me.

  What did she think this all was? She had been here long enough to know what could possibly happen. And if these leather cut scums got a hold of her, we were all fucked. I’d lose my mind and my life trying to save her. But if the Mountain Killers got her, it would be too late. Way too fucking late.

  “You’re going to pay for what you did,” Viper said.

  “What’s that?”

  “You think you can just kill…”

  “Do you?” I growled.

  Viper grinned. “Come on. We both know Rex was a piece of shit.”

  “Can’t remember meeting him,” I said. “But he wore the cut. He was the goddamn President. That’s not over yet.”

  “So you think you can kill our VP and we’ll let that go?”

  “I didn’t kill your VP,” I said, which was the honest truth.

  “Fuck you.”

  “Fuck me,” I said. “Try me. I had nothing to do with your VP.”

  “You don’t seem surprised that he’s dead.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if all of you showed up dead. Fucking scum.”

  Viper backed up. His fists were shaking. He was to throw down.

  I braced myself.

  I glanced at Finn and nodded.

  Let me take this one.

  Viper looked at me again and decided to do it. He threw a right at me. I lifted my arm and blocked his punch. My left came forward and hit him in the ribs. He let out a bellowing groan and fell to one knee. He threw his head forward and smashed me in my lower stomach. Just enough to knock the wind out of me. I stumbled back and then kicked at him, nailing the enemy in the chin. He fell back and then got to his feet. The rest of his goons started to push in. My guys started to pushed forward. If this started… it was going to be a blood bath.

  Me and Viper went at it again, tangling up, wrestling for power. We each landed a couple cheap punches but nothing serious. I finally was able to get him by the leather cut and toss him back to his guys. He fell into one of his guys and they both went to the ground. Someone behind Viper pointed his gun at me.

  “Do it,” I said. “Kill a President. Right now. Right in front of his club. Watch what fucking happens.”

  “Don’t do it,” Viper ordered. “That’s not why we’re here.”

  Viper got to his feet again. He wiped some blood from the corner of his mouth. He pointed to the guys in front and made some hand signals. The group opened like they had done to let Viper through. A car appeared, moving backward. The car came right into our lot and stopped next to Viper. Viper punched the trunk and it opened.

  “You might as well have the rest of him,” Viper said.

  Viper reached into the trunk and pulled out a body. A headless body. It was Stryker’s body. Now that was a surprise to me. Because I thought the mafia would have taken care of the body.

  But I guess not.

  Viper dropped the headless corpse on the ground.

  “You wanted him,” Viper said. “Take him.”

  Viper kicked the body.

  It was hard to look at.

  I looked at Finn. He was shocked. Behind me I could hear the guys rustling. I could almost hear their stomachs turning, ready to unleash.

  “We didn’t do that,” I said. “We wouldn’t take the time for that.”

  “Fuck you, Layne. You came into a war, I get that part. But now you’ve fucking done it. You’ve taken it further. You’re done.”

  “Try me,” I said.

  “Already done,” Viper said. “I made a phone call. You have a couple minutes before the PD shows up. To find Devil Call with the decapitated body of a rival crew member.”

  I gritted my teeth. Maybe the Mountain Killers weren’t as stupid as I thought.

  “Enjoy prison,” Viper said.

  He got onto his ride and went through the crowd. He shot out on the road outside the lot and took off up the road. The rest of the crew followed, all the motorcycles roaring, making my ears rumble. When the sound faded out in the distance, I heard the cry of sirens.

  Finn lunged forward.

  “No,” I said. “Don’t touch it. Our prints aren’t on it. This isn’t our mess.”

  “It’s in our fucking lot,” Finn said.

  I looked down the road and saw the SUV cruiser approaching.

  I nodded. “I know.”

  Truth of it was I didn’t know. I didn’t know what to do or say in that moment.

  But at least one thing I did know.

  I was going to get to meet Shelby’s father.



  I saw the guy get out of the SUV and I wanted to kill him. He was tall, skinny, worn out and beaten up by life. He looked like he hadn’t showered or properly shaved in weeks. He took out a rifle, held it like he was afraid and then looked around.

  The guy was paranoid. He was afraid to come into the lot.

  He knew who we were and what all this meant.

  A second vehicle pulled up. A young guy climbed out of the car and Shelby’s father turned, pointing the rifle at his own guy.

  “Stay in the goddamn car, Rich.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Shelby’s father came forward, staring at me. It was pretty obvious we both had heard about each other. He probably knew I was fucking his daughter. And I knew he had taken a swing or two at Shelby.

  He walked up to the headless body and kicked it.

  “This you?”

  “No,” I said. “I’m still standing.”

  “Funny. Really funny.”

  “Mountain Killers were just here. Dropped it off. I think it’s their VP.”

  “Where’s his head?”

  “I don’t know,” I lied. “You really think we’d kill someone and just leave it here to be found with all of us around?”

  “Never know,” Shelby’s father said. He stepped over the body, eyes set on me. He walked right up to me with the allure of a guy that had once been tough. Maybe even at one time he commanded respect and got it. But now, he was just a guy. An old man. “What the fuck are you hiding? Where’s my daughter?”

  “Why does that matter?”

  “Son, I’ll put this rifle to your gut and pulled the trigger.”

  “Do it then. I really don’t care.”

  “You don’t care?”

  “Look at this town. It’s a mess. This isn’t what I signed up for.”

  The guy grinned. “Welcome to hell, son.”

  “I have a name.”

  “Layne. I know.”

  “And yours?” I asked.


  “I’m not calling you that.”

  “His name is Bob,” Finn called out.

  “Thanks, Finn. How’s your mother and father?”

  I saw the rage in Finn’s eyes. He kept forward and Bob turned, putting the rifle to Finn’s gut now.

  “Now, here’s the deal,” Bob said. “My daughter is missing. Her car was found shot up. Where is she?”

  I hoped to fucking hell Shelby was hidden right now. We could use this against Bob. Keep the old sheriff off his game.

  “No idea,” Finn said. “What are you going to do about the dead body in our lot?”

  “Well, the right thing would be to get the forensics team here,” Bob said.

  “Oakville doesn’t have one,” I said.

  “Then I’ll call the county,” Bob said. He lowered the rifle and leaned against it. “The’ll come through. Sweep the lot. The junkyard. Your warehouse. Your clubhouse. Anything that’s found will then go to a federal level. You want that?”

  “Do you want that?” I asked, staring Bob down.

  Bob looked back at the body. “No.” He then looked at me again. “Is that Stryker?”

  “I guess so.”

  “And his own crew delivered him? With no head?”


  “You think they would have done it themselves?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Are you working with me right now, Bob?”

  “I have no interest in MC shit. It’s time consuming. It wears on me. You goddamn fools want to kill and gut each other, do it. I don’t care.”

  “Well that’s good to know,” I said.

  “That’s not a handshake call, Layne. I’m not your fucking friend. I’m not covering up anything for you. But this? What do you want me to do?”

  “You’re the one with the badge,” I said. “I didn’t make the call either. They did. They wanted you here. To come after us. Now you’re here.”

  “Where’s Shelby?” Bob asked. “If she’s hurt…”

  “I can promise you, she’s not hurt,” I said. “She never will be hurt. As long as she stays with me.”

  “She’ll never,” Bob growled. “Not with some leather cut fuck like you.”

  I inched closer to Bob. “You think you’re tough, Bob? Because you’re the sheriff? I know what you did to her. I saw her face. You think you have the right to do that her? To your daughter? To my woman?”

  “Your woman?” Bob aske

  “Jesus Christ, Layne,” Finn said. “Focus…”

  “Shut up,” I said.

  I stepped at Bob and he stepped back. Over and over. Until he tripped over the headless corpse and fell to his ass. His rifle toppled to the ground. He braced himself with his hands, yelping in pain when his hands and wrists hit the ground.

  I stood over him. “Shelby is fine. She’s with me. She’s under full protection of the MC. That includes protection from everyone.”

  “You’ll never get your feet grounded here,” Bob said. “Mark my words. You don’t know the hell. The truth. What waits all around here.”

  I put my hand out and Bob took it.

  I helped him up. “Then why don’t you tell me? So I can keep the rest of the town protected.”

  “You did great with the bar,” Bob said. “And poor Pep. Like he deserved that.”

  “He died taking a bullet for the club,” I said. “Any good member would do that.”

  We stared at each other again.

  “Just get out of here,” Bob said. “Let your guys find other charters. Patch them in somewhere else. Make the right decision.”

  “You think you’re going to threaten us? Muscle us? Not a chance.”

  Bob backed up. He made a quick move, grabbing the rifle. He lifted it, and while I figured he wouldn’t be dumb enough to ever actually shoot at me, I couldn’t let him think he could get away with this shit forever.

  I grabbed the barrel of the rifle and pushed it down. The butt of the gun flew up and smashed him in the chin. There was a hard thud sound and I let the rifle go. Bob stumbled back, grabbing for his face with one hand, holding the rifle with the other. When he looked at me, he was bleeding from the mouth.

  I nodded, knowing my fate now.

  Bob came forward. “You’re under arrest for assault.”

  I knew I could have had the club go nuts right now. We could have taken down Bob, his officer, anything we fucking wanted. But it was okay. I didn’t mind seeing the Oakville PD department. I turned and let him put the cuffs on me. Because I knew what was going to happen next.

  Bob pulled at me and then pointed to Finn and Stryker’s headless body.

  “Clean that mess up too,” Bob ordered. “If I come back and that headless prick is still here, I’m arresting everyone. I’m calling county, too. Then you’re all fucked.”


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