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SAVAGE HEART (Layne & Shelby Book Two) (A Devil Call MC Book)

Page 12

by Fawkes, Ana W.

  “You do it?” I asked.

  “Ah, come on, President Layne, a good man never kisses and tells, does he?”

  “No,” I said. “But a guy like me fucks and tells.”

  “Lucky I wasn’t doing any fucking.”

  “I’m not sure what your process is,” I said. “But we’re in need of cash and I could use the trip. Our MC is really under scrutiny right now. It’s been a mess for a while and I’m working on cleaning it all up. We have heat from the town, from the north, and from others. Just got done burying a former President in a bar shooting.”

  “Damn shame,” Johnston said. “We have an order that needs to go east. We can’t take it, obviously. I’m sure my boy Finn has explained it all to you.”

  “Your guys got pinched.”

  “Just a couple dumb motherfuckers running their mouths. Undercover police posing as strippers. Butt ass naked, grinding on my guys, right? Working them. Had to hand it to them. They earned it. The arrest.”

  “What about your guys?” I asked.

  “They’re behind bars. I’m playing the cards straight. Once the smoke clears, they’re going to have some accidents. It’s going to be a shame for the Dark Angels. Two brothers in prison wind up dead. That’s going to stir up heat. And eyes. Get it, President Layne?”

  I liked the guy. Johnston was honest. Brutal. My height, my build, a guy that could take off the suit and put on a leather cut and fit right in.

  “What exactly do you need me to do?”

  “I work this way, President Layne. You don’t know what I’m delivering. You just do it. I pay way too much for the service, but I’m a humble guy. I grew up eating shit out of the trash. So I know what nothing feels like. I prefer everything, which is what I have and what I will always have.”

  “So the less I know, the better,” I said.

  “Smart. Exactly.”

  I looked around the scene. “You know, Johnston, you’re more than welcome to do this at the clubhouse. I can take the risk of the heat to provide you a little more hospitality than this.”

  “That’s fine, President Layne. Let’s just secure this deal now. I need that shipment to be delivered. It’s crucial to my business. To my customers. It pushes so far out, President Layne, you can’t even imagine. Which is why you don’t need to do that. You’ve got to take care of the bigger problems.”

  “Such as?”

  “You know what I mean. We canvassed the area. There’s two men watching this meeting. Bikers. Rival crew of yours. They’re not going to do anything though.”

  I looked around. I pointed to Brett and Hawke. “Go for a ride. Find them and gut them.”

  “So I’ll give you my down payment.” Johnston opened his jacket and took out a wad of cash. “That’s ten. That’s a good start. You take that, use it. When the shipment is delivered, there’s more. Now, the other part of your down payment.”

  Johnston snapped his fingers and the trunk of one of the cars opened.

  Carlin pulled a guy out of the trunk.

  It was one of the Mountain Killers. Hands tied behind his back, rope around his mouth.

  “Cut the rope,” I said.

  Carlin cut it from the guy’s mouth. I couldn’t contain myself as I punched the guy the mouth. Blood sprayed and I felt his jaw crack against my knuckles. He went down to the ground and I stomped on him.

  “We caught him trying to put a bomb down,” Johnston said. “These are tough boys. They’re nasty.”

  “They’re cockroaches,” I said.

  “President Layne,” Johnston said. “You have to realize something. I’m not going to babysit this situation. I know Finn spoke of us. The relationship we’ve had for years. I’m okay with offering a hand or an eye on things. But this…” He pointed to the Mountain Killer. “This is no good. Little fucks running around.”

  “That’s my problem,” I said. “I’m sorry for that.”

  “Me too. I want this to all work, President Layne. This is my offering to you. Take care of your problems. And I’ll be in touch with more on the shipment.”

  I shook hands with Johnston and the Dark Angels left.

  I looked at Finn.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Bury him,” I said. “Leave his head sticking out of the dirt.”

  “We’re not going to kill him?” Finn asked.


  I walked to my ride and fired it up. I sat there with the engine running. I stared out to the horizon. The enemies were there. Always fucking there. I looked over to Finn. He was on his cell.

  I needed to trust more. I needed to find that trust though.

  The shooting lingered in my mind. The Devil Call MC cut. Pep’s death. The wars all around me, raging. Shit. The fucking war inside my chest. I had fucking told Shelby I loved her. Not that it was a lie or anything, but that shouldn’t have come out then. That should have been kept locked tight in me for a long damn time. Until all these messes were cleaned up.

  I started to move, not even calling for someone to ride with me.

  I should have been safer, but I didn’t care. I hadn’t been safe with anything lately. Myself. The club. Shelby’s damn heart. I just needed to get through this run for the Dark Angels. That was my excuse to get near Reno and then take care of the situation with Shelby’s mother.

  I hated to feel guilty. But that was sometimes a side effect of murder.



  “Where’s your fucking warrant?”

  I heard Ransom yelling.

  I was carrying a bucket of empty bottles outside to toss for recycling. AJ and Sugar were barking like crazy. When Sugar barked, something serious was happening.

  What was happening?

  Daddy was at the clubhouse, looking for me. He stood at the gates, in full uniform, his SUV just outside the gates, lights flashing.

  I moved across the lot. Ransom or the guys could do what they wanted, but they couldn’t fuck with Daddy like this. Not that I cared about Daddy so much, but I didn’t want anymore guys taken in.

  I grabbed Ransom by the arm and pulled him away.

  “That’s right,” Daddy said. “Get this fuck out of my face. Or I’ll arrest him.”

  “Get your cuffs out,” Ransom said.

  “Stop,” I pleaded.

  Daddy looked at me. He was disappointed that I had fallen so deep into the club. I know somewhere in his heart he wanted me behind bars for protection and nothing else. But it had grown far from that, thanks to Layne.

  “I want you to come for a ride with me,” Daddy said.

  “Fuck that,” Ransom said.

  “Shut up, Ransom,” I said.

  “No. I’ll call Layne right now.”

  “Call him then,” I said.

  “I’ll arrest her,” Daddy said. “I’ll make something up. Is that what you want?” Daddy looked right at me. “You want me to cuff my own daughter?”

  I swallowed hard.

  Ransom was livid, his face red and sweaty.

  “Thank you for protecting me,” I said. “I have to do this though.”

  “I’m ordering it,” Daddy said.

  “Fuck you, old man,” Ransom growled.

  “I’ll call in for backup. I’ll have the entire clubhouse searched for guns, drugs, anything I could find. I’ll have county here. The Feds. Whatever I need.”

  “Stop!” I yelled. “I’m going.”

  I made a move and Ransom grabbed my arm.

  Daddy took out a club and swung it, smashing Ransom’s arm. Ransom stumbled back, screaming in pain. Daddy then drove the club into his gut, sending Ransom to his ass.

  “No!” I pleaded.

  I grabbed for the club and Daddy brought it back, hitting me in the ribs. Now I fell down, losing my breath, gasping for air. The one second break of Daddy beating on Ransom gave Ransom enough time to pull out his gun and point it.

  “Do it,” Daddy said. “Shoot me. Watch what happens then.”

  I gasped
for air again. It hurt to breathe. My ribs were hurt, bad.

  Daddy faced me and grabbed me by the arm, lifting me up.

  “It’s okay,” I whispered, looking at Ransom. “It’s okay. Just stay the hell down. I’ve got this.”

  I faced Daddy. He looked more tired than usual. He looked around, still paranoid. Approaching him gently, I touched his wrist. “Let’s go. No need to hurt anyone. Or cuff anyone. I’ll go with you.”

  His eyes shot to me. “Yeah. Yeah.”

  A few minutes later we were in his SUV. We were driving away from the Devil Call MC lot. I saw it getting smaller by the second in the mirror. It terrified me. I never wanted to believe Daddy was capable of anything harmful, but what did I know anymore? Everything felt like a lie.

  “First off,” he said, “I took care of your car. I made the reports go away. It never happened. The car’s been trashed though. So you have no vehicle. If and when you get another one, let me know and I’ll help you get things transferred.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “Is Layne still in town?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Just curious. I heard some noise through the department that the rival crew was traveling. In a big pack. Could be a threat.”

  “Are you sharing information with me now?”

  “Don’t get mouthy with me. I’ll smack you.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  We kept driving. We weren’t going anywhere near the main part of Oakville. We were going to the parts where the MC would go to fight, kill, bury a body. Where they’d go to meet without groups and clubs.

  It was getting scarier by the second.

  Daddy took a turn and we ended up going near the mountains. That’s when he finally pulled over to the side of the road. Somewhere in Oakville. Somewhere on a hill.

  We sat in silence for what felt like an hour. I knew better to speak. So I just sat and waited.

  When Daddy reached to the backseat, I saw him touch his rifle. I shut my eyes fearing that this was it. The moment he would kill me. In his sick mind he’d think it was a favor because of how bad everything had been for me. Yet I found something good through the darkness and the pain.

  I found Layne.

  Or Layne found me.

  Or we found each other.

  Whatever it was, it worked for us.

  I opened my eyes and Daddy had a piece of paper in his hand.

  “This is for you,” he said.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “I’ll never understand it. I’m not a woman. I was never close to my father. That wasn’t how it worked. You were born to work. My father beat me everyday with a belt, usually just because he could. Until I fought back. He begged me to fight back. So I did. Then he beat me harder.” Daddy sighed. “I guess what I’m saying is that when your mother took off, it didn’t bother me. At least for you. I was hurt, but I got over it. You never did. You never would. I thought you being close to Devil Call would get you protection and maybe give you a little scare. Motivate you to get off your ass and leave.”

  “You never wanted me to leave,” I said. “Until recently.”

  “Until Layne,” Daddy said. “You don’t need that life.”

  “Why won’t you tell me about Nicolas? The mafia?”

  “Questions are like triggers, Shelby. You pull the trigger, that bullet flies, you can’t get it back. So stop asking questions… because the answers…”

  Daddy just shook his head. Then he looked in the mirrors.

  This was the man who was the sheriff in town. He had the power. Yet he was afraid.

  “This is where your mother is,” he said. “I’ve known for a long time. She’s up to no good. She always had problems. Always had enemies. There was a time when I liked it. I liked the chase. To always go after her and get her. To keep winning her over. Christ, the only time she started to settle was when she was pregnant with you. I thought everything was going to change. I changed. Everything did change. For the worse.”

  Daddy cleared his throat. He touched the corner of his eyes.


  “What you want is there,” he said and pointed to the paper. “That’s where she is. I’ve done all I could. My time is coming up. I can’t do this forever.”

  “Do what?” I asked.

  He never responded to me.

  He put the SUV back in drive and turned around.

  The entire ride back to the clubhouse, I was left half empty, half excited.

  I had my mother’s address. Well, maybe not a house or anything, but at least I could find her. Just outside of Reno. Probably close to where Layne was going.

  So it would all work out.

  Layne would run whatever shipment he needed to make money for the MC. And I would finally find my mother.

  Maybe it wasn’t all that bad after all.



  She started to ask to come with me. So I had to cut her off. The only way to keep her distracted and not talking was with my dick. So I fucked her. I planned on fucking Shelby before I left anyway. That was standard practice before a run. There was always a good chance I’d never come back. Sure, I could have sent Finn and a group to do this for the Dark Angels, but I didn’t want that. This was my club now and I was going to earn for it. Trust had to start from within myself.

  The back of my hand cradled Shelby’s neck as I fucked her. Her legs were wrapped tight around my body. She pulled at me, wanting it harder and faster. My other hand kneaded at her left breast. I squeezed, feeling her hard nipple rubbing against the palm of my hand.

  Yeah, she was absolutely beautiful. And, yeah, I was in love with her.

  I couldn’t get enough of her eyes, mouth, tongue, body, and that sweet center between her fucking legs.

  She held at my shoulders and started to pull herself up off the bed. Each thrust forward from me she cried out. Her mouth and teeth grazed my chest and she quickly kissed up my neck to my ear. She fucking bit me and I groaned. Then she kissed my cheek and her lips sought out mine. There was nothing like kissing her while I fucked her. The second our tongues touched, fire spread through my body.

  I couldn’t contain myself anymore.

  I fucked deep inside her body, holding tight for a few seconds, letting my cock throb inside her. Then I pulled out of her and placed myself between our bodies and just stayed there. Our bodies were completely tight together, our kissing hotter than ever.

  I rolled and pulled Shelby on top of me. We kept kissing. I played with her face, touched her face, my fingertips trailing along her body. Touching her ass, squeezing, pulling at her.

  It pained me to roll her off me. It pained me to sit up and grab my jeans, my shirt, my leather cut. What Shelby didn’t know was that I was leaving right now. I didn’t want to hear her pleas for anything. It was easier to just go. Just leave.

  “Layne, I have to talk to you,” Shelby said. “Da… my father…”

  “I heard what he did,” I said. “I’m going to fucking put a bullet in his head soon.”

  I turned, dressed. I leaned down and kissed just below Shelby’s belly button. Her sweet scent flooded my nose. Goddamn, I wanted to stay and devour her.

  “Not that,” Shelby groaned.

  “I’ll be back,” I said. “Stay here.”

  “When you get back, can we talk?”

  I paused at the door. “Of course, sweetheart.”

  Then I left the room.

  Johnston told some guys one thing and told me and the others something different. He liked diversions and I liked that about him.

  I was leaving Finn behind on this one.

  Fuck, I was leaving damn near everyone behind.

  They all thought I was meeting with someone else.

  So it was me, Hawke, Ransom (I gave him respect for trying to defend Shelby), and a few prospects.

  I fired up my motorcycle and left.

  My heart ached for Shelby. My heart longed for Shelby. My dick
throbbed for Shelby.

  I loved her. And now I had to hurt her.



  I had a bad feeling.

  I grabbed my clothes and got dressed. Fuck all these rules. I stormed from the bedroom and ran down to the bar. I saw Finn standing at a pool table, drinking, a map laid out.

  “Finn, where’s Layne?” I asked.

  Finn looked at me. “He said he was meeting with your old man.”

  “What? Why?”

  I started to panic.

  Did Layne go to kill Daddy?

  No. No way in hell.

  I looked around the bar. There seemed to be everyone there. Except… Hawke and Ransom.

  My stomach turned.

  I ran outside the clubhouse, Brett calling after me. The lot was full of motorcycles, except for Layne’s, Hawke’s, and Ransom’s.

  They were gone. Just the three of them.

  Maybe some prospects.

  “He’ll be back,” a voice said.

  I turned and Brett was right there.

  “Where is he?”

  “Just a ride, Shelby.”

  “I’ll wait then.”

  “You can’t.”


  Brett kicked at the ground. “You can’t do anything stupid.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  “Hawke told me. Because shit is going to hit the fan when they realize it.”

  “Realize what?” I asked.

  “They’re on the run now.”

  “The run?”

  “The run,” Brett said.

  My eyes went wide.


  Layne had left. He wouldn’t be back for almost an entire day.

  “It’s to keep things looking calm,” Brett said. “So there’s no suspicious activity. Okay? That’s all. He didn’t even tell you…”

  My head spun.

  I was supposed to talk to Layne. Tell him about my mother. He was supposed to touch my face, kiss me, then tell me he’d help me.

  I used everything I had to keep calm.

  I nodded. “Okay, Brett. Thank you for telling me.”

  “It’s going to be fine,” Brett said. “He’ll call in a few hours. They’re making the grab and then delivering it. Just come back inside and have a drink. At least go back to the room, right? Just get some rest. Sleep it all off. He’ll be back.”


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