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Rancher's Choice

Page 12

by Kylie Brant

  Kaly groaned inaudibly and mentally cataloged the items in her purse. While she certainly didn’t want to have to watch Jackson pull out her personal belongings and snidely comment on each, she’d like nothing better than to call his bluff and let him have the darn thing. After all, it wasn’t as if there was anything really important... She closed her eyes and cursed inwardly. She had never gotten rid of those embarrassing foil packages Susan had tossed in her purse as a joke. She hadn’t wanted Peg to find them in her waste can, so she’d left them in her purse, and had forgotten about them until now. She eyed Jackson uncertainly. She wouldn’t survive the humiliation if he found them. She just hoped she wouldn’t have to abase herself too badly in order to get the purse back.

  She seized on the off chance that he would see reason. “Why don’t we act like adults here? Just toss it to me, Jackson, please?”

  But he was already shaking his head. “Don’t see how I could do that. I’d hate for something to fall out of it. You’ll just have to come back down here and get it from me.”

  Still she stood, her mind racing furiously. It wouldn’t help to get her purse back if she also landed in his clutches. She doubted very much that he was a forgiving person. She peered at him dubiously, chewing her lower lip. Despite his attempt at an angelic expression, pure wicked fire glittered in his dark blue eyes. He was obviously plotting something.

  Jackson, apparently growing tired of her inactivity, drawled, “Maybe this purse isn’t yours, after all. Could be I made a mistake about that. I’ll just open it up and look through it for some ID—among other things.” He fingered the clasp suggestively.

  Kaly was galvanized into action. She descended the stairs with her hand extended and said in a conciliatory tone, “Jackson, please give me back my purse.”

  He held it out. “It’s right here. Come and get it.”

  She stepped a little closer to him, reaching but not able to grab the purse. She stopped, eyeing him nervously.

  “You’ll have to get closer than that,” he coaxed. “C’mon, I don’t bite. At least,” he amended with a devilish grin, “not anywhere that would show.”

  She made a grab for the purse, but Jackson threw it aside and caught her by both wrists, easily restraining her.

  He laughed down at her teasingly, his teeth gleaming whitely in his tanned face. “Well, well, what do we have here? Almost looks like you’re throwing yourself at me.”

  She struggled madly, but was no match for him. His grasp was not hurtful, but she was held firmly. She decided that a rational approach was in order.

  “All right, Jackson. You’ve had your fun. Please give me my purse and let’s forget about this.”

  Jackson cocked his head. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  Kaly gritted her teeth. “I apologize for throwing my wine on you, but you were asking for it.” Any real remorse she had felt about her actions was fast dissipating with his tormenting behavior.

  Jackson made a tsking noise. “Didn’t your mama ever teach you that following an apology with the word ‘but’ kinda takes away from the thought? Let’s try it again. I’ll help you. Repeat after me, ‘I apologize, Jackson...’”

  Kaly briefly contemplated giving him a hard knee where it would do the most good, but one look at the light in his eyes made her think again. He was enjoying this, the big ape. If swallowing her pride was the only way she could extricate herself from this ridiculous situation, she wanted to do it before she choked. “I apologize, Jackson...” she repeated.

  “…for getting you wet...”

  “...for getting you wet...”

  “…when you looked so handsome...”

  Kaly looked at him askance. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

  His lowered brows assured her he wasn’t.

  She gave in. “...when you looked so handsome...”

  “...and I promise not to do it again, no matter how jealous I get.” He waited in anticipation.

  She could feel herself losing control once again. “I am not jealous of your harem!” she shouted in frustration. “You were probably dancing with me to make your other women jealous, though you could have spared me. If they were any more interested, they’d devour you.”

  “I’m not using you to spark anyone else’s desire. I wouldn’t put you in danger like that.” He lowered his voice confidingly. “My ladies don’t take kindly to competition.”

  Kaly answered pointedly. “They don’t have any from me, I can assure you. Just stay away from me, and we’ll all get along fine. Now, let go of me.” She was surprised when he released her with exaggerated care. She turned once more for the stairs. His voice followed her.

  “Am I the first man you’ve ever run from, Kaly?”

  Her back stiffened at the truth in his words. “I’m not running from you.”

  “That’s funny. It sure looks that way from here.”

  She forced herself to ignore the low, suggestive voice and to continue toward the stairs.

  “Running is your last chance, isn’t it? You only have two ways to deal with me. When words don’t work, run like hell. That’s your battle plan, right? Well, you can run from me all you want, but how are you going to run from yourself?”

  She grasped the banister tightly, her steps faltering. She closed her eyes tightly. She hadn’t realized she was so transparent. He was right, damn him, and she was very much afraid of the power that gave him over her.

  She didn’t realize he had moved until she felt a hard hand push her hair back and a kiss press to the pulse below her ear.

  “Stop,” she insisted, an uncontrollable shiver racing down her spine.

  “I can’t stop,” his husky whisper sounded in her ear. “And neither can you. Quit trying to deny what you feel.”

  “I don’t feel anything,” she denied desperately, her words at odds with the break in her voice.

  His hands were on her shoulders then, turning her around while she trembled from just that touch. His head lowered and against her lips he whispered, “Liar.” Then his warm mouth settled over hers.

  Kaly used her elbows to try to gain leverage against his chest. She couldn’t let him do this to her again, she thought despairingly. But it was getting harder to listen to her head when her body was screaming another message....

  He increased the pressure on her mouth, entreating her to open for his tongue, to give him the response he knew she was capable of. He could feel some of the stiffness leave her body and pulled her even closer. He kissed her jaw line, her throat, and nibbled the sensitive cord of her neck. He could feel the rapid pulse there, and his excitement rose. He moved his lips back to hers, and this time they parted for him readily.

  Kaly swayed into him. Her tongue entwined with his, savoring the taste and texture that was uniquely Jackson. A little sigh escaped her, and she gave in to the demands of his mouth. It was what she wanted, too, she acknowledged dizzily, the heat and excitement that she’d found only with this man. His mouth ate at hers, as a starving man consumed a meal, and her own hunger skyrocketed. Her blood was thrumming through her veins, flooding her body with heat, making her breasts tingle and her thighs ache. Her mouth twisted under his, desperate for more of him.

  He sucked each of her lips in turn, the thin upper one, then the fuller, more sensuous lower one. His teeth gently worried the pad of her lower lip, teasing her until she captured his mouth again, demandingly. Jackson cupped her delicate face in his hands, then threaded his fingers through her long mane. He lifted his mouth from hers, freeing the combs that held back the heavy fall of hair. Dropping them to the floor, his hands roamed unfettered in the blond tresses as he once again lost himself in the taste of her mouth. He reached for her hand, guiding it to his half-naked chest. He pulled his mouth from hers reluctantly.

  “Touch me,” he rasped. “I want to feel your hands on me.” Again he took her mouth, confident his wishes would be carried out.

  Kaly’s hand trembled against those hard muscular planes. She
moved it slightly, testingly. The mat of hair on his chest curled enticingly around her fingers and she gave in to the urge to rake them through it, pulling softly. She felt the hard shudder that passed through him at her actions and grew bolder. Her other hand joined the first, kneading, caressing. She soon grew impatient with the barrier his shirt presented and unbuttoned several more buttons. Now she was free to roam unhindered, to explore the haze of dark masculine hair shading the smooth skin. She found the pebbled hardness of his nipples, and her fingers fluttered away shyly. But his hiss of indrawn breath beckoned her, and her fingers crept back to the blunt nubs, scratching them lightly as she continued with her play.

  Jackson’s breath was coming in short bursts. He had wanted her hands on him, but hadn’t reckoned on the combustible combination they would make. He lost the remnants of his rigid control and welded his mouth to hers. His kiss was rawly carnal, implicit in its demand. He moved her back several steps, never relinquishing her mouth, then pressed her back against the wall. With the easy masculine assurance that was so much a part of him, he slid one hand up to cup her breast.

  Kaly jerked involuntarily as his big hand covered her. She could feel the heat of him through the thin silk and trembled at the flood of desire that coursed through her. The cut of the dress hadn’t allowed for a bra, but she’d thought the lining would hide that fact. Now she could feel Jackson’s warmth as though he was touching her bare skin, and she was shocked by the force of her craving. She rose up on her tiptoes and pressed closer to him, forcing a firmer contact, even as her hands continued their own mindless exploration of him. The tip of his thumb unerringly found her nipple and rubbed over it lightly. Kaly felt as though her body was on fire. She whimpered against his mouth and unknowingly clenched her fingers tightly against the corded muscles of his shoulders.

  Jackson was beyond thinking, but his body was aware of what she wanted. He moved his hands upward and caught the thin straps of her dress in his fingers. He dragged them slowly off her satiny shoulders, causing the dress to gape, allowing him free access to her ivory breasts. He pulled away from her mouth and looked down to survey the treasure he’d uncovered.

  Kaly felt seared by his intent regard. His face was drawn taut with passion, and he looked wilder, more primitive than ever before. His eyes were slitted sapphires as he silently perused her.

  Jackson closed his eyes tightly for a moment, struggling for sanity. Her breasts were larger than they appeared when she was clothed, each firm round globe completely filling his large palms. Her coral-colored nipples were already puckered with arousal. He swallowed hard and said thickly, “You’re beautiful, Kaly. I want to taste you. I need the feel of you in my mouth.”

  Kaly shivered in anticipation at his words. He bent her back over his arm and arched her breast up to him. His mouth closed over her nipple hotly, sucking strongly.

  She cried out brokenly as his avid tongue and lips worked their dark magic. His cheeks flexed as he drew more and more of her breast into his mouth. She felt him moving her, until the hall table was against her hips. Jackson lifted her slightly, so that she was barely seated on the edge, and moved in between her thighs. He removed his mouth from one breast and replaced it with his hand. He treated the other to the same favor, suckling, nibbling, as he stroked its twin.

  Kaly was beyond rational thought. Whorls of color burst behind her closed eyelids. This spiraling excitement inside her left no room for anything else. Nothing she had experienced in the past had prepared her for this raw power, the savage passion she had unleashed. He was wildly aroused; she could feel the hard length of his masculinity pressed against her softness, and everything womanly inside her reveled in it.

  Jackson’s hand reached under her dress and smoothed up over the silk of her thighs, her hips, between her legs. She whimpered again then, whether in protest or supplication neither of them knew. One of his long fingers feathered along the lace band of her panties and then stroked inside. Kaly keened softly as he tenderly explored her womanly folds.

  All the blood in Jackson’s body pooled below his belt. His pulse hammered and his hormones screamed demandingly. This was too hot, too out of control for more teasing. Jackson’s other hand left her breast and dropped to unfasten his pants. He moved closer between her legs, intent on making her his, when a sound made its way to his consciousness. He stood rigidly, shaking uncontrollably, as he listened.

  He pulled slightly away from Kaly and made the mistake of looking down at her. The sight before him almost made him lose his resolve. Her heavy-lidded eyes were still slumberous with desire, and her lovely breasts rose and fell rapidly with her breathing. He steeled everything inside him and straightened her dress down over her hips, then slipped her straps up. “You’d better hightail it upstairs,” he advised, his voice raw. “It sounds like Jeff and Carrie are home.”

  It seemed to take forever for Kaly’s passion-fogged brain to understand the meaning of his words, even as she watched him adjust both their clothing. Then she heard the voices herself, coming alarmingly closer, and she swung panic-stricken eyes to Jackson’s.

  “Go on. I’ll stall them,” he said brusquely, and Kaly didn’t wait any longer. She flew up the long stairway on shaky legs, leaving Jackson to turn abruptly back to the office. The toe of his shoe sent one of her combs skittering across the parquet floor, and he bent to scoop them both up and slip them into his pocket. He moved quickly to the office and grabbed his forgotten drink, walking behind his desk to sit down, needing its barrier to shield his still prominent desire.

  He was mentally cursing his brother’s timing when the front door burst open and Carrie’s voice called out to him.

  “In here.” The office door banged open and Carrie approached him with fire in her eye; Jeff trailed sheepishly behind.

  “Jackson Roberts, what do you and your brother mean by keeping me in the dark about the rustling that’s been going on?”

  Jeff shrugged helplessly under Jackson’s pointed look. “Wanda Blane let it slip when we were having breakfast. Once Carrie heard a little, there was no stopping her until she had the whole story. You know how she is.”

  Carrie had both palms on the front of his desk, looking as if she could cheerfully kill. The last thing Jackson was in the mood for right now was placating a fire-breathing redhead. He shifted uncomfortably. On the other hand, it might distract his mind, which had joined the rest of his body in an agonizing, disappointed chorus.

  “Now, Carrie,” he soothed gruffly. “We didn’t want to upset you. This whole thing will be cleared up soon, and we didn’t want to put any stress on you and the baby.”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell her, but she seems convinced there’s some kind of conspiracy just to keep her in the dark.”

  “Being pregnant does not drain away IQ points,” Carrie answered scathingly. “I think you both owe me an explanation of all the details, and in the future I want to be told about anything that affects the ranch.”

  Jeff hurried to his wife and spoke calmly. “Maybe you should have been told in the beginning.” He ignored the scowl Jackson aimed at him and went on, “We just didn’t want anything to upset you during this pregnancy. Call us overprotective, but you know we’d do anything to help make this easier for you.”

  She was only partially mollified. “I’m going to bed now, but I expect to hear a complete account tomorrow, or I’ll call the sheriff and find out for myself.” She stalked out.

  Jackson shot Jeff a commiserating look. His brother probably had had his ears blistered all the way home, and the night wasn’t over yet. His sister-in-law had a wicked temper when roused. He didn’t envy his brother.

  She came back into the office, holding out a purse. “This is Kaly’s, isn’t it? What’s it doing on the floor in the hallway?”

  Jackson shrugged as nonchalantly as he could. “How should I know? She probably dropped it on her way in. I wouldn’t take it to her now,” he said quickly, as Carrie started to leave the room. �
�She went to bed quite a while ago. She’s probably asleep.”

  Carrie looked at him strangely and replied, “I’ll just leave it on the hall table, then, where she’ll be sure to see it in the morning.” She pointed it at him. “But don’t think I’m going to let you off the hook. I still want to talk to you and Jeff tomorrow.”

  Jackson muttered, “Yeah, yeah,” as she and Jeff left the room and made their way to their suite at the back of the house. When they were gone he picked up the phone and dialed Nick’s number. Tersely he told him what he had learned tonight about Larry. “Find out where he was last night and let me know. I’ll wait to hear from you before I call Roy.”

  He replaced the receiver and downed the remainder of his whiskey before rising to pour himself some more. He contemplated the contents of the glass and wished heartily that the liquor would wash the sweet taste of Kaly from his mouth.

  Dropping heavily into his chair, he raised the glass to his lips. It was going to be a long, torturous night.

  Chapter 8

  Kaly lay on the velvety grass beside Cherry Stream and surveyed the leafy canopy above her. She wished she could blame the fuzziness in her mind on having had too much to drink last night, followed by very little sleep. However, she knew that the feeling of dread and the utter confusion she felt were the result of what had happened last night with Jackson.

  She folded her arms beneath her head. Nothing in her limited experience had prepared her for the tumult of emotions he wrought so easily in her. Never had she contemplated giving herself to a man in the hallway of his home! Heat blazed in her cheeks at the recollection.

  Everything inside her had shrunk from facing anyone at the breakfast table. She’d slipped out at first light, hoping the surrealistic peace of the scenery would imprint itself on her tangled emotions. And after a time the quiet charm of the place proved lulling, and she slept.

  Something disturbed her slumber, but it wasn’t enough to wake her. She continued to doze peacefully until she felt a sweet, warm pressure on her lips. Her lips parted and her arms came up to languorously grasp the broad shoulders above her. She purred at the feelings awakening inside her, and her tongue darted out to taste the masculine lips. Her eyes flickered lazily, then widened. She came upright with panic and pushed strongly at Jackson’s chest, nearly making him topple down the grassy slope.


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