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Trump's War

Page 10

by Michael Savage

  Meanwhile, Obama still refused to refer to our enemies as Islamic terrorists or their ideology as radical Islam right up to the day he left office. As you can see, things have changed. The end of political correctness starts at the top and however he may disappoint us on individual issues here or there, Trump has destroyed political correctness, possibly forever. We now have a commander in chief who will at least name our enemy.

  If, God forbid, another attack on Jews occurs like the one in Paris back in 2015, you won’t hear Donald Trump referring to the victims, murdered because of their religion, as “a bunch of folks,” as O did.16 Obama didn’t want to refer to the “folks” as Jews because he wanted to obfuscate who perpetrated the attacks and why they did so. As for the animals in question, they weren’t Islamic terrorists, they were “violent zealots.”

  If someone who had been asleep for twenty years woke up and heard some “violent zealots” had murdered “a bunch of folks” in Paris, would that person have any idea what had occurred that day? Are innocent people well served by obscuring the identity of their enemies and concealing their motivations? Does that make them safer or less safe?

  You can expect to hear a President Trump call murderers and rapists what they are and promise decisive action against radical Islamic terrorists at war with civilization itself.

  Let’s not forget Obama’s offensive remarks at Selma, Alabama, when he said it was the slaves who built the White House and the southern economy. You have to give him credit for killing two birds with one stone there. He was able to advance his usual narrative about racist America and his childish, Marxist view that it is workers who provide all the value of production and are merely exploited by capitalists and managers. This during a commemoration of truly oppressed civil rights heroes who were unjustly beaten by police for peacefully protesting injustice.

  Back when blacks were really oppressed in this country, they conducted themselves like statesmen in winning their rights. They didn’t burn down their own neighborhoods and beat up people who didn’t agree with them. That was before Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society destroyed the black family, creating generations of fatherless children, many of whom predictably drifted into a life of crime.

  For Comrade Barry and the Democrats, it’s always 1964. In 2015, he talked as if blacks today suffer the same injustices they did in the Jim Crow South fifty years ago. That these deceptions emanate from the lips of a man with a black father and white mother who was raised by radical leftist, middle-class white grandparents in Hawaii explains his confusion.

  What presidents say matters. When Northeastern states were considering secession from the Union following Thomas Jefferson’s election, Jefferson said, “We have called by different names brethren of the same principle. We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.”17 While he didn’t eliminate all acrimony between the parties, his speech was lauded by members of both. He may have saved the union with unifying words.

  It was a sentiment present in Donald Trump’s victory speech on election night, when he said, “I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be President for all of Americans, and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.”18

  Can you recall any time O asked anyone for guidance and help, much less his political opponents? Did he ever seek to unify the country as Americans, as Jefferson and Trump both sought to do, upon their respective triumphs? No. From the moment he took office, he sought to divide America by party, by race, by gender, and by sexual preference.

  Even when his policies were censured by a devastating midterm defeat, he refused to consider the views of Americans who disagreed with him, continuing to override the will of the people with his “pen and phone.”

  All of this drives American culture. It is delusional to think the Soros-funded domestic terrorists wrecking our cities haven’t noticed the encouragement implicit in every statement coming from the White House. Had Obama supported the police, it may have saved the lives of some of the police murdered by assassins, who were emboldened by Obama’s constant hate speech against them. There is a saying, “A fish rots from the head down.” The war on police we have lived through for the past eight years began in the rot of the White House and was amplified by the media, resulting in the murder of police across the nation.

  Had Trump been president during the riots in Ferguson, based on a false narrative, his statements may have saved cities burned afterward.

  Even if we get 50 percent or less of what Trump promised on the campaign trail, his speeches and statements have already changed American culture for the better. And for at least the next four years, there will be a powerful voice in Washington counteracting the deafening din of left-wing noise. The voice of America will again be heard.


  To beef up the military, man up the military.

  Help wounded warriors, not sexually confused enlistees.

  It’s biology, not misogyny: gender equality has no place in the armed services.

  Make the VA more transparent and accountable via the Accountability First and Appeals Modernization Act and the Caring for our Heroes in the 21st Century Act.



  I haven’t minced words about appointments Donald Trump made that I don’t agree with. But General James Mattis was one I certainly do agree with. And secretary of defense is an important one. As I said throughout the presidential campaign, it was going to be death under Clinton, life under Trump. That’s because Hatchet Hillary is as much a neocon on foreign policy as any Republican and she was already pushing us toward a war with Russia before the election. Trump’s call with Putin before even taking office was like turning the dial down on a boiler that was ready to blow.

  His selection of Mattis signals two things. Number one, Mattis is a hard-nosed soldier, but not a warmonger, contrary to the sorority’s opinion. He told his troops in Iraq, “Engage your brain before you engage your weapon,”1 and told the Iraqi leaders, “I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f**k with me, I’ll kill you all.”2

  Both of those statements carry the same message. Mattis seeks peace, if it’s attainable, before resorting to war. But if war is necessary, it has to be waged as war, not as a social program. The military has one purpose: to destroy the enemy before the enemy destroys us. Mattis understands this.

  The guy in the Defense Department before him, a creature from Harvard, a physicist who has never fired a Daisy BB gun, so denuded the United States military that it’s going to take more than Mattis to restore it. Among other things former defense secretary Ashton Carter, Mr. Shaky Voice, put surgery for transsexuals ahead of surgery for battle-injured troops.

  Can you imagine there is no punishment for men like this? Can you imagine we live in a nation where a man can come in and gut a Defense Department like this simply for the contracts he can steer to his friends? It’s unbelievable to me.

  Maybe this will all change now that Donald Trump is president. Mattis is a great appointment for secretary of defense. I will thank Donald Trump personally for that when I see him again.


  I wrote about Mattis back in 2014 in my book Stop the Coming Civil War. I was raising the red flags about how Obama had purged more than two hundred military officers at the rank of colonel or higher. He had replaced these officers with useless puppets who would go along with his plans to transform the military into a progressive social program.

  One of those fired by this Castroite was General James Mattis. And who is James Mattis? He’s a great Marine and the former head of the U.S. Central Command, or CENTCOM. In January 2013, Castro’s cousin, Fidel Obama, dismissed Mattis for being too hawkish, especially concerning the administration’s leni
ent Iran policy. Mattis understood how dangerous a nuclear-armed Iran would be to our allies and to U.S. interests in the Middle East. And he’s not the type to keep his opinion to himself.

  Mattis also once said, “There are some a*****es in the world who need to be shot.”3 He tells it like it is, as he sees it, just like I do on my show every day. He’s precisely the kind of straight shooter we need between the troops fighting our battles and the politicians doing everything they can to make it harder to win. He’s just the kind of true American soldier Obama couldn’t tolerate in his sorority. So, Obama purged him.

  Mattis actually received a note from one of his own aides letting him know he was being replaced as head of CENTCOM. Not one of the lowlife stooges in the Pentagon or the communist White House was gracious enough to tell him to his face.

  I can relate to that. That’s what they do to big men. I’ve seen it happen in my own life, just recently. The sneaks in the night are afraid of men like us and so have underlings do their dirty work for them. But eventually, men like me come back to the surface and the underlings run like the cockroaches they are, once light is shed upon their behavior.

  As I noted in my earlier book, Stop the Coming Civil War, the sorority also purged two top nuclear commanders, Major General Michael Carey and Vice Admiral Tim Giardina. Both left the armed forces within days of each other based on accusations of misconduct leaked to the media. They didn’t even get a trial. The fake, tinfoil warriors and the girls Obama dressed in uniforms did this to them.

  They said Carey drank too much one night and tried to get onstage with a Beatles cover band in a Mexican restaurant in Moscow. But do you want to know why he was really fired? Because he was another real soldier who didn’t fit the profile in Obama’s new, feminist military.

  At the time he was fired by the girls in the band, Carey was Commander of the Twentieth Air Force, responsible for all 450 of the Air Force’s Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles, located in five U.S. states. Prior to that, he served in both the Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom missions. He had received thirteen military awards and decorations.

  This was the man the vermin in Obama’s Defense Department, those fakers in uniform, threw out of the military. Carey is an American hero but was relieved of duty for drinking vodka in Russia. Assuming his alleged drinking problem wasn’t wildly exaggerated, wasn’t it possible to get an officer of this man’s credentials any sort of rehabilitation, instead of firing him?

  I hope Donald Trump and General James Mattis get together and bring General Michael Carey back next. But now I’ll go to the next one. Who else did Obama fire? Most of you have forgotten Tim Giardina, but I haven’t. Giardina was a U.S. Naval Academy graduate, a three-star admiral, and former deputy commander and chief of staff of the Pacific Fleet. He’s another one relegated to a desk job over spurious charges. This time it was playing poker with counterfeit hundred-dollar chips in a casino in Iowa.

  This was another charge never vetted in a court. But his dismissal must have been approved personally by Obama the Sneak himself.

  In other words, both of these commanders with outstanding military records and who have risen to the highest ranks of command were dismissed on charges that would likely, in my opinion, have resulted in no more than a slap on the wrist for an enlisted man.

  Nor would the secretary of the Air Force, who has never flown an airplane, have had to fear such disproportionate retribution. These dismissals were unprecedented.

  There are many other great military men purged by Obama who may be coming back to serve this great nation in place of the turncoat rats Obama has put in, now that honest men are in charge of the military. But Trump is going to need our help every step of the way. Thank God he started at the top, putting Mattis back where he belongs. Let him go after the internal enemies first. That’s the only way he’ll survive.

  Trump and Mattis are going to have to purge the military of the KGB-like operatives that Obama planted in every part of our armed forces. And they should look at every one of the officers purged by Obama, including not only Carey, Giardina, and General Stanley McChrystal, but lower-ranking officers like Lieutenant Commander Wes Modder, whom I wrote of being purged for his Christian beliefs, as well as those ninety-three officers purged from Malmstrom Air Force Base, supposedly for cheating on a test. If the Obama sorority got rid of them, there is a good chance it was for the wrong reasons. Perhaps not in all cases, but they should all be investigated.


  There are all sorts of political reasons why so many officers were purged from the military under Obama, mostly revolving around their not fitting into Obama’s vision of the military as a multicultural, progressive social engineering experiment. A prime example was Ashton Carter’s announcement that the Defense Department was going to begin covering sex-change operations deemed “medically necessary” for transgender personnel.4

  One of the reporters at the press conference apparently couldn’t believe his ears. He asked for clarification that Carter really meant sex-change operations. Carter confirmed it.

  I’ve called Carter the creepiest Secretary of Defense in U.S. history and that’s in a long line of creepy. But this deep, wobbly, left-wing fanatical plant really takes it to a whole new level. He was handpicked to do the sort of thing he did last June, which was to put the “medical needs” of transgender soldiers ahead of everyone else in the military. So transgender personnel can line up for sexual reorientation surgery while your grandfather or father is rotting in a VA hallway waiting to be treated for bullet wounds or lost limbs.

  This lunatic Carter actually justified this as “consistent with military readiness, because our mission—which is defending the country—has to come first.”5 But if a transgender soldier says he wants surgery, he is immediately rendering himself unable to serve! How can that possibly be maintaining military readiness? So there is a red flag around this. It’s nonsense, a scam. We’ve gone from leathernecks to feathernecks under the leadership of this unhinged leftist.

  Certainly, the one-tenth of 1 percent of the soldiers Carter said were transgender may have celebrated this decision, along with all the stoners who went to Harvard or New York University. But what about the other 99.9 percent of the soldiers serving at the time? If you are a red-blooded, testosterone-driven American male who enlisted in the U.S. military because you were willing to give your life for your country, you’d be ready to throw up and leave the military.

  Just imagine walking into combat knowing that if you’re hit, not only will your medical care be delivered in incompetent fashion by a horribly run VA, but you also may have to wait to have your battle wounds treated until after some confused soldier is changed from a man to a woman. It’s not just purged leadership and substandard equipment that have weakened our military.

  We’re often told that when ISIS burns someone alive or throws a homosexual off a rooftop, it isn’t Islam. It’s just a small percentage of radicals who have hijacked the religion. Well, that reasoning certainly applies to our military. A small group of radicals, appointed by Obama and his sorority in place of purged heroes, has hijacked the once-proud institution called the U.S. Department of Defense.

  Let me be clear. I remain a sexual libertarian. I don’t want discrimination against gays, lesbians, bisexuals, or transgenders. As Trump said of the murdered innocents in the gay club in Orlando last year, they are all beautiful people. But there is a huge difference between not discriminating against LGBTQ people and integrating them into a macho culture that must remain so to kill the enemy. The military is not a social experiment and it’s not about a pair of shoes, a uniform, and a pension, as Obama has tried to make it.

  That’s why Obama picked Carter and why Carter purged so many real soldiers from his officer corps. You didn’t hear one word of protest from the generals about Carter’s announcement, even though it came one day after a bombing in Turkey. That’s because they were either appointe
d leftists like Carter himself or too afraid to speak up against him.

  Well, we already have good news on this. Before Trump even took office or Mattis was confirmed, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs was already indicating it received the message sent by the Savage Nation with Trump’s election. Suddenly they don’t have the funding for gender reassignment surgery, but “continue to explore regulatory change in the medical benefits package when appropriate funding is available.”6

  Do you understand what that is? It’s called reading the handwriting on the wall. As I said, clichés become clichés because they’re true. The bureaucrats in Obama’s Defense Department knew their days were numbered. Some of them may have wanted to avoid the axe. And they won’t be around long if they don’t put some distance between themselves and insanity like this once a guy like Mattis takes over. This is the guy who has a plan to kill everyone he meets. He’s not going to tolerate nonsense like this for a minute.


  Mattis is going to have to address another aspect of the social engineering experiment—women in the military. From leadership to the front lines, Obama has prioritized gender equality over the safety and effectiveness of our fighting forces. While this thin, smoking snake in the White House was distracting you with the toilet story to make you preoccupied with trans this, trans that, a man in a woman’s room, and a woman in a man’s room, what he was really doing was dismantling our entire military.

  Take General Lori J. Robinson’s appointment to lead the North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command in Colorado.7 Now, I have nothing against women who have flown in combat rising to the level of general and heading a U.S. war-fighting command. But she’s never flown in combat. In fact, she’s not a pilot. She’s basically… an air traffic controller.


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