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Trump's War

Page 13

by Michael Savage

  They were likely members of the multibillion-dollar defense contractor lobby, which has spent well over $100 million per year for the past decade.18 They were powerful enough to pack the live audience for the debate, leaving only a few tickets for Trump and his family. And when Trump criticized the Iraq War and suggested the United States soften its insane stance toward Russia, they booed. Peace is good for America, but bad for business for the Lockheed Martins and Raytheons of the world.

  They didn’t just heckle Trump at primary debates, either. They invested their ill-gotten gains backing the candidates who would keep the gravy train rolling. I probably don’t have to tell you Hillary Clinton was their overwhelming favorite, receiving 50 percent more in contributions as of April 2016 than even “bomb them until the sand glows in the dark” Ted Cruz.19 They knew Hatchet Hillary would be reliable in keeping demand for their products high.

  By the way, Ted Cruz only came in third in the defense contractor campaign contributions lottery. Bernie Sanders received slightly more than Cruz did, which should tell you something about the authenticity of his anti-war rhetoric.

  Donald Trump received the least amount from the defense lobby, less than 3 percent of what Clinton hauled in as of last April. So, in response to all the hysterical liberals screeching about Trump getting us into a nuclear war, I’ll repeat those three little words: Follow the money. The money said Trump was a bad bet for the merchants of death, meaning he was a good bet for America.


  Just like Trump’s War in general, the War Against the War Machine didn’t end with the defeat of Hillary Clinton. The liberals, neocons, and the war profiteers who align with both will never stop pushing for more war. And they’ll have the lying media on their side, from the War Street Journal to the New York Crimes, calling Trump everything from a racist to a traitor whenever he tries to alter the Establishment warmonger foreign policy.

  Trump will have four things to fight back with. The first three are the truth, the bully pulpit, and the support of the tens of millions of true patriots who sent him to Washington in the first place. He’ll need the Savage Nation to stand by his side, especially now that we’ve confirmed that even the opinion polls can’t be trusted.

  The accord with Russia is an important first step. Trump is already under attack for it. He must continue to talk to Putin and reach an understanding, first about the Middle East and then Eastern Europe. While Trump and I are both men of peace, we see eye to eye on ISIS. It must be destroyed in the name of peace and civilization. It would be relatively easy with the United States and Russia working together, instead of fighting a proxy war against each other and pretending they’re fighting the terrorists.

  But once ISIS is gone, it’s time to leave the Middle East for good. I’m well aware of the danger that another group may come along to fill the void left by ISIS, but we can’t stay there forever. If we’re ever going to start an America-first foreign policy, we’re going to have to stop defending every living soul on the planet.

  There are many rich countries in the Middle East who have plenty to lose if another ISIS threatens the stability of the Middle East and the United States isn’t there to protect them. Let them fight their own battles for a change. They may be a little less likely to burn our flag and bomb our cities once the Islamofascists are their problem.

  You can expect the entire War Machine to erupt at the suggestion. I can already hear Bill Kristol, in his whiny voice, saying we can’t afford to allow the Middle East to become “destabilized.” What a laugh. After fifteen years of war, the Middle East is the most unstable it has ever been. Libya is on the verge of jihadist anarchy. Syria is in flames. ISIS still controls parts of Iraq.

  Nevertheless, Trump still has a fourth weapon in his arsenal when it comes to military decisions: He’s the commander in chief of the armed forces. He’s not the commander in chief of the whole country. That’s what Emperor Barry thinks the presidency is. But Trump is legitimately empowered by the Constitution to issue orders to the armed forces.

  Strict constructionists will argue he is not supposed to order the military into offensive combat without a declaration of war from Congress, but that’s not what we’re talking about here. We’re talking about ordering the troops out of combat in a war that wasn’t declared. So, the constitutionalists will have nothing to say here. Trump can not only leave the Middle East once ISIS is destroyed; he can make good on his promises to reevaluate all the commitments around the world that are bleeding us dry and keeping us in a constant state of war.

  No matter how much the liberals and the neocons want to paint Trump as a dictator, on this they have no case. But they will use all propaganda means at their disposal to discredit him. Doing the right thing is never easy. It’s hard.

  Trump is going to have to muster the same iron will he displayed at that debate in South Carolina while being booed by everyone he could hear and harassed by a hostile debate moderator. He’s going to have to call the war lobby out as he did then, even if seems like the whole world is against him. He has to call the war profiteers out and name names.

  How refreshing would it be for a president to be honest with the American people about the real reasons for the war propaganda they’re subjected to daily and who stands to make billions on the war they’re told they must fight? Imagine if Trump gave an address during an all-out push for war, supported by the media, and said, “Folks, those are Lockheed Martin’s lobbyists you’re hearing from on television and reading in the newspaper. They’re planting these stories so they can cash in on another unnecessary war.”

  Moments like that, when he told the truth every honest person in this country knew but no one in the media would dare say, won him the election. The truth is a powerful weapon. He’s going to have to have the strength to tell it for four long years, during which he’ll be excoriated by everyone who stands to gain from distorting it. He must have the strength to call out congressmen who are bought off by profiteers who’ve placed their operations strategically throughout congressional districts to ensure the spending never stops and the wars never end.

  We, the Savage Nation, must be strong ourselves. We’re going to have to have the strength to stand by Trump when the warmongers tell every lie they can make up about him to try to undermine our support. We already know what they’ll do. They’ll call him and us racists, bigots, isolationists, and anything else they can think of. We overcame it for a year during the campaign. Can we do it for four or eight more years?

  We must. The soldiers who fought at Hacksaw Ridge and places like it endured four years of war. We can, too. Like them, we’ll be fighting a war to restore peace. That’s what it will take to put America first again in Washington, D.C.


  Ignore the think tanks on trade and the wall

  Punish RINOs at the ballot box in primaries

  Make sure GOP doesn’t mean Grand Old Party but Government of the People.

  Et tu, Brutus? Trump must beware of some who are close to him.



  In a speech in December, Obama blamed talk radio for spreading “Russian propaganda.”1 He said “domestic propagandists” and talk radio was the reason his party lost the election.

  He was right about one thing. Talk radio was a significant contributor to their defeat. That’s why the emperor went out in shame with his tail between his legs. We exposed him and his comrades for what they were.

  My last book, Scorched Earth, helped elect Donald Trump. That book exposed the Democrat-socialist machine for what it is. This was the book that even the intelligentsia on the left, notably Salon magazine, said was the architectural plan for Donald Trump. They called me the “godfather of Trumpamania.”

  It’s true I predicted the chaos that became Obama’s legacy. Does that make me a propagandist, pointing out the division that eight years under Emperor Barry gave us? I asked several questions before the ele

  As cops are being killed on a regular basis thanks to the evil former president and the hatred he expressed toward the police, has our great country become, in some respects, a Third World nation of terror? Answer: yes.

  How many terrorist events did we have during his presidency? Answer: many. I trust you haven’t forgotten the riots, the mobs, Black Lives Matter, and Baltimore almost burning to the ground. I haven’t. Neither have I forgotten Ferguson, Missouri, and the rest of the chaos Obama encouraged.

  I said in Scorched Earth that our Constitution had been trampled by a divisive president, that open borders were poisoning America, that we were one bad election from losing America forever. We were.

  Hundreds of thousands of people read that book, maybe more. That means you, the Savage Nation, were the difference between Trump winning or losing the election. My evidence for this bold statement can be verified by the fact that Trump came on my radio show the day of the election. He asked me to motivate all of the millions who listened to me. I happen to know he chose The Savage Nation for his only radio appearance on Election Day, because he needed every Eddie and Edith to go out and vote for him.

  Now, if you want to call it propaganda, go ahead. But if you want to prove it, you have to disprove the allegations I made. I opened that book with a quote from a French scholar, André Piganiol, who wrote, “Roman civilization did not pass peacefully away. It was assassinated.”

  Obama, Hillary, and the radical left were assassinating the United States of America. Then Trump came along and told us everything we wanted to hear. Do you remember the first thing he said that got your attention? I do. He said he would build that wall on the southern border that I’ve been saying we need for decades. And every time he said, “I’ll build that wall,” the crowds got bigger.

  He also said he was going to ban the entry of Muslims into the United States. He later clarified he meant immigrants and refugees from countries with a high concentration of radical Islamists, but we all know what he was really saying. He was saying he wasn’t going to allow our enemies to pour into the country, as Comrade Merkel has done in Germany.

  We all cheered that promise, too, not because we’re racists, but because we want to live. We don’t want twelve-year-old Muslims planting bombs in our city centers, as an Iraqi boy did in Germany last Christmas.2 That was an Iraqi who was born in Germany but became “strongly radicalized” while living there. What can you expect from people brought directly in from countries at ground zero for Islamofascism?

  Merkel, the psychotic fascist who might as well be Hillary Clinton’s twin sister, brought more than a million of them into Germany in 2015 alone.3 Now Germany is a “no-go zone.” Sweden is a no-go zone. Every nation that has been similarly invaded by Muslims, thanks to these liberal psychotics, has become a no-go zone. That means if you’re a civilized human being, it’s no longer safe for you to go there.

  Those of us with an iota of common sense look at Europe and say, “No thanks.” This past election, we saw the corruption and suicidal policies of liberalism in Germany, Sweden, and France and said, “No, not here.”

  Then, along came a presidential candidate who said it with us and declared he would not allow what’s happened to Europe to happen to America. He was called every name under the sun for saying it, but he didn’t buckle. We elected him.

  Now it’s time to see if we’re going to get that wall he promised and if he makes good on not facilitating an invasion of America by jihadists. Those were the two major reasons we voted for him, in addition to bringing back jobs for the millions of unemployed and underemployed workers.

  In each of my last several books, I said we needed a businessman to run the country more like a business. Many of you agreed. Of course, we can’t run the nation purely like a business, because businesses are ruthless. Businesses are heartless. Businesses have no feelings. If America were run purely like a business, the poor would starve to death and the crippled would die in the snow. Corporations couldn’t care less about the next man’s welfare.

  I always warn against academic theories being taken too far and ignoring reality. We need the nation run in a more businesslike fashion. That would mean fiscal responsibility and common sense. But let’s not throw out the liberal pedantic academics and replace them with conservative pedantic academics who think the real world is an Ayn Rand novel.

  Scorched Earth is a reasonable book, written by a reasonable man. It was also somewhat prophetic. In it I said that after eight years of Obama, there was an irrefutable case that our nation had been undermined by terrorists from within, terrorists from without, anarchists, a president and Congress with contempt for the Constitution and the law, and a complicit, liberal media.

  Every one of those ideas resonated with you and was magnified by candidate Trump. He had very bright people working with him who would listen to talk radio, especially The Savage Nation, right on WABC in New York, where the Trump campaign was headquartered. They took notes and wrote the speeches that carried Trump to the White House. I thank God I finally found a candidate who expressed what I believe in. I’m glad he won. I will always be thankful for that success.

  However we must be cautious, because we know politics corrupts absolutely. We saw the evil Republican National Committee try to hijack the Trump administration from the get-go. They have not been wholly unsuccessful.

  They got Reince Priebus into the inner circle. I strongly suspect this was the result of a deal Trump had to make last April to have any chance to win. If you remember, the party was fighting Trump’s nomination with everything it had. Trump probably had to agree to let Rinso come into the administration, being the operative that he is, and pick some of the appointments.

  We’ve already seen some of the fallout from that deal, if it was made as I suspect. As one of the primary movers in getting Trump elected, I feel obligated to tell you that if we don’t stand up now, we risk losing everything we fought for within six months. The Republican Party elites will take back everything we voted for unless we vociferously stand up to them starting now.

  I’ve been standing up since the day Rinso got appointed chief of staff. On November 14, 2016, I wrote the article4 that probably got me banned from the Trump administration for the duration of his presidency. I said it was starting to look like Jeb Bush won the election, instead of being laughed out of the primary race. I subtitled it, “From RINOs to Rinso in One Election.”

  I know I paid a price for that, but I don’t care. I’m not looking for anything personally from the Trump administration. I’m still happy he won and will continue to support him.

  But what I will not do is support the evildoers in the Republican Party like Mitch McConnell, the most backstabbing SOB the party has ever seen. He and John Boehner already betrayed us in 2012. They rode into power on our support and a day later stabbed us in the back.

  That’s exactly what they’re trying to do now, since Donald Trump won. The subtitle of Scorched Earth is very important: Restoring the Country After Obama. Have we restored America? No, not yet. Trump just took office. The wall hasn’t been built. ISIS hasn’t been defeated. The economic reforms haven’t been completed yet. No federal departments have been eliminated.

  Our job for 2017 and beyond is enormous. It’s bigger than it was before the election. Our battle has just begun. We can’t become complacent, settle back, and say, “Trump won; now I can relax.” Every minute of every day, even while you’re sleeping, the creeping nightmare that is the Republican Party takes over more territory within the Trump administration. We have to stand vigilant and support Trump against them. If we allow the party elites to succeed, we may as well have never elected Trump in the first place.


  Don’t get me wrong. This is not a criticism of Trump himself or his intentions. Don’t forget that while he hired the insider Rinso to be chief of staff, he also brought in real conservatives, some of whom have more important roles than chief of staff, if t
hey can survive.

  The chief of staff exerts the biggest influence on who is going to execute the president’s agenda, but the true conservatives Trump has nominated, like the generals, must exert a stronger influence on what that agenda is. They should be the ones most trusted by the president. Hopefully, they will be the ones Trump will turn to when he isn’t sure Rinso is doing what he wants him to do, rather than taking direction from the sellouts in the Republican Party.

  I hope you noticed there was no liberal backlash to Rinso’s appointment. That’s because Rinso is one of the sellouts the liberals know won’t really oppose the progressive agenda where it really counts. For example, he’ll go along with amnesty for illegals as long as he can give it a phony name like “immigration reform” and throw in a few talking points that make it sound like there is some difference from what Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer might propose.

  Those are the moments it will be so important to have real conservatives in the administration, with the president’s ear. They will be the ones who tell the president, behind closed doors, that the enemies within are at work.

  But unlike their indifference to Rinso’s appointment, the chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, was immediately met with the kind of outrageous lies usually reserved for conservative elected officials. The first was that he was a white supremacist.5 This smear wasn’t just vomited out by far-left publications like Occupy Democrats or Salon,6 the latter adding anti-Semite and misogynist to the list of Bannon’s supposed evils. CNN,7 the Washington Post,8 and the New York Times9 all blared some version of the same smear within a day of his appointment.

  They say when you’re taking flak, you must be over the target. They even called him a Nazi, something I anticipated in my book Government Zero, which I wrote before Trump even announced he was running in 2015. I knew then that any conservative calling for a nationalist movement would be smeared as a Nazi. But the left always forgets one, crucial distinction: The Nazis were national socialists, not capitalists. Hitler denounced capitalism and implemented precisely the kind of centrally planned, top-down socialist economy the left in this country has been trying to force on us for one hundred years.


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