Book Read Free

Halloween Stories

Page 6

by Cia Leah

  Everything’s on schedule, Krista,” he assured her smiling.

  “That’s great. All the concession stands are set up and pretty soon, we’re going to be inhaling the most scrumptious smells this side of heaven.”

  “I’ll tell you, I’ll be the first in line for Pete’s Halloween chili. Hotter than a firecracker and orange to boot. Do you know that in all the years he’s been making that chili that no one other than his wife knows the recipe and how he gets it be orange?”

  Krista laughed. “I’ll be right behind you. I love his chili plus Martha’s home made buns go really good with that chili.”

  “Yep, sure do. Hey I almost forgot. Someone left this for you on the stage.”

  “What is it?” Krista asked, reaching out and taking the envelope.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t open it since it had your name on it.”

  “Thanks, Gene. I’ll let you get back to work and see you later at the chili concession stand.”

  “You bet!”

  Krista walked down the steps and walked over to one of the benches that sat back by the little creek that ran through town. Right now, the sound of rushing water from the recent rains made itself known as it rushed onward. They’d have to careful that the kids didn’t get too close to the banks tonight. She’d have one of the officers in town stand back here to make sure all the little ones were safe.

  Opening the envelope, she read: Halloween can be deadly. Beware the pumpkin that walks the night.

  Krista frowned as she stared at the little hangman’s scaffold and noose with a drawn stickman hanging from the noose and beside that was a drawn knife with a small dot of red crayon representing blood, and beside that was a gun with gray smoke spiraling from the barrel. She was so engrossed in the paper that she jumped when a male voice spoke beside her. She looked up to find Dan Knight staring down at her. “Hi,” she said, moving over so he could sit beside her.

  “How’s it going? Everything on schedule?”

  “Yes as far as I can tell. There’s always some last minute detail that needs taken care of though.”

  “You look tired.”

  “I am a little but after the week is up, I can catch up on some much needed rest.”

  “What’s that you have there?”

  “Gene found this on the stage and gave it to me. It’s…”


  Krista handed him the paper and watched the expression change on his face. “You have any idea who left it there?”

  “No and Gene said that it was just laying on the stage when he went up to set up for tonight.”

  “Did he open it?”

  “No. I did just right before you came over.”

  “Mind if I keep it?”

  Krista stared at Dan. Even though he was out of uniform and off duty right now, she knew that he lived and breathed law enforcement. Being the Chief Of Police in town, he always made sure the citizens were safe. “What do you think that means?”

  “Probably just a kid’s prank. After all, this is Halloween and this town celebrates like none other that I ever saw.”

  Krista smiled. “That’s good then. I’d hate to think that it meant something more sinister.”

  “Don’t you worry about it. I’ll have plenty of my men out in force tonight and all week for that matter.”

  “Good. So you will be on duty here tonight too?”

  “Yep, and in uniform. They say that women can’t resist a man in uniform and I was hoping that you couldn’t either and that maybe we both can get together for some of Pete’s chili.”

  Krista laughed. “I think we are going to have to stand in line to get Pete’s chili. That’s all the town is talking about.”

  Dan grinned. “I like that orange chili and I’ll let you in on a secret, I like you too.”

  Krista blushed as Dan stood up and leaned down and kissed her lightly on the forehead. “I like you too.”

  “I’ll be back in about an hour and assign my men to their duties. I need to put one back here to make sure no kids falls in the creek since it’s swollen from the rain.”

  “You read my mind again.”

  “Yeah and I bet there are other things running around in that pretty little head of yours I’d like to read.”

  Krista stood. “I got work to do,” she said, walking away and hearing Dan’s sexy chuckle behind her. She turned to say something but saw that he had turned away and was reading the letter that had been left for her. The expression on his handsome face was worried and fear slid its icy fingers up and down her spine. He was more affected by the letter than he let on. She turned to go check on the games section and wondered if someone wasn’t going to use Halloween fun for a Halloween kill.


  Krista stood beside her friend Tammy and listened to little Joey Dawson singing his little Halloween song. She smiled at his heartfelt attempt and applauded along with the crowd as he finished up and bowed. “He’s so cute, isn’t he?”

  “Yes, they’re all adorable and I’d hate to be the one who has to pick the winner.”

  “Thank goodness Reverend Hiller has that job.”

  Krista laughed. “Yeah, me too,” she said as Dan walked up to them.

  “Hey you two. Having a good time?”

  “Yes we are,” Krista replied, as Tammy spoke up.

  “I’m going to go find Tom and get something to eat.”

  Krista smiled. “I’m ready for some of Pete’s chili too.”

  “Maybe Tom and I’ll see you down there then.”

  Krista turned to Dan as Tammy walked away. “I am starved. I haven’t eaten since breakfast this morning and I only had a bagel.”

  “A bagel? That’s not enough to keep you going all day as busy as you have been. No wonder you don’t weigh much.”

  “I hope that’s a compliment?”

  “Oh definitely!”

  Krista smiled seeing the desire in his green eyes as they slid over her appreciatively. Even though they were both attracted to one another, they had never had a real date. She knew that was partly because of her, since she was always involved in some town function and her job at the local bank kept her busy, but secretly she hoped that Dan would ask her out on a real date. “Shall we go get some chili?”

  Dan laughed. “One thing I am known for and that is to take care of my lady.”

  “Your lady?” Krista asked, as she slipped her arm through his and they walked through the mingling crowd to stand in line at Pete’s concession stand.

  “Why I couldn’t imagine having any other lady about town, which reminds me, are you free this Sunday?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Would you like to go on a fall picnic?”

  “I’d love it.”

  “Great and don’t worry about a thing. I’ll bring the food too.”

  “You can cook?”

  “Cook? I make the best-fried chicken this side of heaven. If you think Pete’s chili is the best, then you are definitely in for a surprise when you taste my chicken.”

  Krista was about to reply when two of the town’s officers walked up to them. One leaned close to Dan and whispered something in his ear. Krista watched as he turned to her and she saw the firm set of his jaw where a muscle twitched in agitation. “Is something wrong?”

  “I have to go check something out, but you go ahead and get something to eat and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Do you want me to get yours too, or will you be gone for awhile?”

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can so you go ahead and eat and I’ll find you when I get back.”


  “And Krista, don’t leave the park until I do get back.”

  Krista watched as Dan and the officers walked away, heading towards the parking lot. She wondered what was so important, since she knew that whatever the officer had told Dan had upset him a great deal.

  As the line moved forward and she stood before Pete and gave him her order, she was surprised when
he handed her an orange envelope with her order. “What’s this?” She asked, as she picked up her chili and bun to go.

  “I have no idea. I was cooking and turned around and it was laying on the counter with your name on it.”

  Krista didn’t want to hold the line up any longer while asking more questions, so she moved off to one of the picnic tables sitting on the side of Pete’s stand and sat down. She looked at the envelope, but for some reason, something told her not to open it. On the front it had her name and on the back was written in chiller handwriting, Happy Deadly Halloween to the Halloween lady.

  A cold dread settled over her and she shivered, jumping when someone spoke next to her. She looked up to find Bret Warren standing there with a large chili and a couple buns. “Hi.”

  “Hey there,” Bret smiled. “Mind if I sit down and we can eat together?”

  Krista really didn’t want company, but Bret had helped her numerous times over the past few weeks to do some things that needed done when she didn’t have time. She didn’t want to be rude. “Sure.”

  “Great and Hank will be along shortly too. “You know he offered to clean up the park after everyone leaves?”

  “That was nice of him,” Krista said, as she took a bit of her chili. “But he can’t do it by himself and I have a couple kids from school who said they’d help out too.”

  “Hey, he offered and I gave him a few bucks too so it isn’t like he’s doing it for nothing.”

  Krista was about to reply when Hank walked over to them. He wore a smile that said he was having a great time. “Hi Hank. How are you?”

  “Just fine, Ms. Krista and I’m starving!”

  Krista smiled as he sat down and dug into his large order of chili and buns. “Bret tells me you offered to clean up the park after everyone left.”

  “Oh yeah, I don’t have anything better to do and I don’t sleep much so thought it’d be fun to have something to do instead of sitting at home and watching reruns on television.”

  “Well if you’re sure and if it’s a job you want, then if you help out all week, come to me at the end of the week and I’ll pay you for your help.”

  “Really Ms. Krista? Just like a real job?”

  “Yes Hank. Just like a real job,” she said, as he excused himself and returned to Pete’s concession stand to get more food. She turned to Bret. How much did you pay Hank?”

  “I gave him ten bucks.”

  “Well he’s going to eat that up in no time. I’m going to talk to the concession stand owners and tell them not to charge him and just give me a bill for what he eats. I really don’t think he eats right since his parents passed away. Someone really needs to watch out for him.”

  “Heck, Krista, he’s all right. He does get a monthly check you know and the house he lives in is paid for.”

  “Bret, sometimes I wonder about you. Don’t you have a heart? Although it was nice of you to pay him ten dollars, that really wasn't enough.”

  “You know, Krista, you can’t save everyone. What is it with you and your mission to help people all the time regardless of how much of your time it takes and how much it takes out of you? Have you ever thought of having someone take care of you for a change?”

  Krista frowned. “I can take care of myself, Bret. I don’t need anyone to take care of me.”

  “Really? What about our dear Chief Of Police, Dan Knight? Seems you wouldn’t mind falling into his arms.”

  Krista was about to reply when Hank came back loaded down with three big bowls of chili and a basket of buns. She smiled at him as he sat down and dug in. “You were really hungry weren’t you, Hank?”

  “Oh yeah. I miss mom’s cooking. I only warm up soup and have a sandwich. This is really good!”

  “Then you enjoy and after everyone leaves, come and find me and I’ll show you what to do and introduce you to the other two boys who will be helping out too.”

  “That sounds like fun, Ms. Krista.”

  Krista stood up. “See you later. I have some things to do,” she said, as Dan walked up to her.

  “We need to talk.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Privately. Let’s go to my car.”

  Krista let him take her by the arm and start to lead her away when she remembered the envelope. She pulled on his hand and stretched over to pick it up. “I want you to open this one,” she said, as they walked towards the parking lot where his cruiser sat.

  “Get in ok?”

  “Am I being arrested?” She teased, as he held the door open.

  “No, but I do have to question you.”

  Krista’s smile froze on her lips as Dan shut the door and walked around and got in the car. “What’s wrong?”

  “Hang on while I open this.”

  Krista watched as he opened the envelope and gasped at what was inside. There was a picture of a hand drawn skeleton and glued onto the skeleton’s head was a lock of blond hair that was congealed with blood. “My God, what…”

  “Damn it!” Dan swore, carefully putting it back in the envelope and setting it on the dash of the car.

  Krista shivered and rubbed her arms. Dusk had arrived and the park lights were beginning to come on and someone had lit the lanterns and the light from inside them made them look sinister and evil. A feeling of déjà vu attacked her senses and she just knew that this Halloween was about to change from fun to deadly. ‘What’s wrong, Dan?”

  “When was the last time you were in your car?”

  “Well when I got here, which was about ten this morning, I’d say.”

  “And you haven’t been back to it since then?”

  “No, why?”

  “Because there’s a dead body in it.”

  “What!” Krista reached for the door handle. She couldn’t believe it. She wanted to rush across the road to the parking lot where she had parked behind the bank and see for herself, but Dan’s restraining hand, held her back. She turned and looked at him.

  “It’s not a pretty site, Krista. My men are taking care of it, but I had to come and tell you and see when you were there last.”

  “Do you think I did it and who is it?”

  “I have to investigate and it was Gene Atkers.”

  Krista shook her head and felt tears gather in her eyes. As they slid freely down her cheeks, she swiped them away. “Why would anyone want to kill Gene? He’s the nicest man in town.”

  “That’s a good question and another point of interest is we both saw him not too long ago on the sound stage.”

  “So whoever killed him has to be here at the park yet?”

  “Maybe, maybe not. Right now we’re gathering all the evidence we can and the coroner just showed up and I came looking for you. For one thing, this was skewered to his body with a knife. I know you won’t want to touch it and it is bloody, but it says that Halloween can be deadly for the Halloween lady and that’s what everyone calls you because you take care of all the festivities throughout the year for all the holidays, but Halloween is your specialty. People talk non-stop about how good you are at setting everything up and giving the townsfolk such a great Halloween holiday for the whole week.”

  “So Gene is dead because of me?”

  “No, he’d dead because someone killed him and we have to find out why but we also know that your life is in danger now too. Someone is out to scare you and I know they’ve done a good job of it from the way you’re trembling. I’m trying to keep this as low key as I can and so far no one has been to that parking lot but you and the killer. I have a man stationed on the one side of the park to make sure no one goes that way too.”

  Krista turned in her seat to stare at Dan. “That letter I got this morning had a picture of a hangman’s noose on it, a bloody knife, and a smoking gun. How was Gene killed?”

  He was choked to death with a rope. The coroner will determine if the knife wound was also a factor, but what I could tell, it wasn’t stuck deep enough. Just enough to draw blood and hold this note onto the b

  “This is unbelievable,” Krista said, shaking her head.

  “It sure is, but when you gave me that note this morning, I thought that something just wasn’t right. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I just thought that it might be someone’s sick idea of a Halloween prank. Now we know it wasn’t. When word gets out that Gene has been killed, there won’t be anyone in town who will want to celebrate Halloween, so the festivities will stop.”

  Krista nodded. “Everyone loved Gene.”

  “Yes, and everyone loves you too,” he said, reaching over and taking hold of her hand.

  Krista felt the heat of his hand as it enclosed hers and she was thankful for the warmth that chased away the icy coldness of hers. “What do we do, Dan?”

  “We catch a killer and keep you safe. When I can’t be with you, an officer will be assigned to watch over you until I can get back and you can’t stay by yourself, so you are coming home with me. We’ll go to your house after things close up here and get what you need.”

  “But I can’t just impose on you like that and I’m not going to let a killer chase me out of my own home.”

  “For now you are because I won’t have it any other way. You are too important to me to just let you go around by yourself just like this didn’t happen. Whoever this is has targeted you and he’s let us know that in no uncertain terms.”

  Krista leaned towards Dan and felt his arms slip around her in comfort. His heat engulfed her and she soaked up the warmth that was Dan. She’d hate to be the person who killed Gene and threatened her. Dan was not a man to let anyone get away with anything. Murder especially and right now all she could think was that this was the scariest Halloween she had ever lived. She just hoped the killer didn’t get her and she lived through this one.


  Krista stood looking out Dan’s window of his small living room. The day before Halloween was here, but the town was no longer celebrating the holiday. Gene’s murder had dampened everyone’s holiday spirit, but the fire department was going to have a celebration for the kids at the fire hall.


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