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Projected Pleasure

Page 11

by Projected Pleasure (lit)

  Gerald’s eyes clouded with tears. “I told you there was nothing to fear. I told you I would die before I let anyone hurt you,” he breathed out ruggedly.

  “Yes, you tried to convince me how the pack always protected what they considered theirs. I took you for the poster boy of what we stood for. Gerald, I’m so disappointed in you,” Marley said, feeling herself tear up at how much he truly betrayed and hurt her.

  “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”

  “I’ll forgive you when Jordan is no longer a threat.”

  Marley walked out of the room, Josephine following closely at her side. She needed to check on Demetri. Her son was top priority. If Jordan was indeed still alive, then she wasn’t taking any chances.

  “Josephine, I have to tell you up front. I’m not so sure I trust you. You were just devastated over Jordan’s death. Now you want to join our pack. Why? It doesn’t make sense to me.”

  A strong grip stopped Marley as she reached the top of the stairs. Her eyes went to Josephine’s hard gaze. Just the look she was giving her made the possibility of Jordan being alive a reality.

  “I join your pack because loyalty was the one thing my brother taught me before he left. Loyalty, honor, and truth were the three things drilled into us by our parents before they died. We moved here in hopes of joining Zachary’s families pack, but my parents died before we got the chance. I still remember my mother being excited at finding a line of Alphas who had the three things they cherished most.

  “Truthfully, I don’t know what happened when my brothers left, but I’m telling you, Jordan was nothing like what you all talk about. I blame Demon. It had to be him who ruined my twin. Jordan was my heart, and my heart has ached since he left me. It’s like I knew all along he wasn’t the same person.”

  Marley looked into her eyes trying to get a grasp on the person Jordan used to be. She remembered the good side of him. He was an amazing lover up until the moment he marked her. He was funny, witty, and very charming. The morning they ate breakfast together she had seen that side of him. But she also could remember the evil smiles and the way he lost it when she told him Demetri was meant to be with Zachary’s pack.

  Clearing her thoughts, she proceeded down the hall. “I’m glad to have you on our side.” Marley laughed, opening Demetri’s door. A gust of wind brushed against her face. At the all-too-familiar smell, her world tilted. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but there was no denying what her mind screamed. Jordan. Josephine tensed, probably picked it up just as fast.

  “Oh, God!” Josephine screamed, running to Kylie’s unconscious body. Marley couldn’t do anything but stare at the open window. Demetri was gone. Jordan had succeeded in breaching their estate line and getting her son. How was that even possible?

  She didn’t think. She couldn’t. She just ran. The air felt light as she dove out of the two-story window. Shutting her eyes, she didn’t even think. She morphed. She hit the ground in her wolf form so smoothly the height change hadn’t made the smallest difference.

  “Marley! Don’t go, it’s a trap! Marley, come back!” Josephine screamed down at her.

  Running faster than what she thought possible, she didn’t stop, even when she breached the woods. Jordan’s scent pulled at her, and she followed it. But it was different than what she remembered so long ago. She’d always mistaken their smells for cologne, but they weren’t. He smelled almost like her now, sweeter. An inferno of heat nearly crippled her body. She knew she was getting stronger from being in wolf form, but so was Jordan, and she assumed Zachary and Cole were, too.

  Chapter 20

  The sounds of screaming had Cole running up the stairs with Zachary trailing right behind him. Something was wrong. He knew the moment Marley’s emotions went crazy. If they wouldn’t have been taking care of Gerald then he would’ve left the moment she became upset. But Gerald had been so tough it took Zachary longer than he thought to take him down. And Cole couldn’t chance leaving Zachary alone with a werewolf who was as strong as three put together.

  They both broke through Demetri’s room, and he knew instantly what happened. Kylie sat up on the floor while Josephine was holding something to her head. Marley was nowhere to be seen.

  “You tell me everything that happened right now!” Zachary voice roared through the room.

  “I don’t know,” Kylie sobbed. “I was looking over the crib at Demetri and everything went black. There was no scent, nothing, Zachary, I promise.”

  “Where’s my wife and son!”

  “Marley dove out of the window the moment she realized Demetri was gone. She turned into a wolf in midair and ran toward the forest. I’ve never seen anyone run that fast,” Josephine whispered toward the end.

  “Fuck!” Zachary screamed, slamming his fist through the wall. “I told her I would protect our son. She was so scared when she knew Jordan was back. How did he even get inside!”

  Cole watched everyone jump at the rage Zachary displayed. “Zach, calm down. I can talk to her. Let me try to convince her to come back.”

  “Yes, tell her to come back.” He watched his alpha pace and then freeze, mid-step. “Oh God, Cole. She has to come back. Marley’s never been through a full moon before. I thought both of us could get her through it, but if Jordan and his pack have her, can you imagine what will happen? Think about it, Cole. Once she tastes the blood of her first kill, she’ll want to have sex, and she won’t care who it’ll be with.”

  “Let me try,” Cole whispered. Just the thought of what could happen to Marley in the hands of Jordan and his men had his stomach turning. He closed his eyes and concentrated on their connection.

  Marley, I know you just heard how Zachary reacted and what he said. Please come home. Let us help bring Demetri back. You can’t do it by yourself. We’ll all leave right away. You just have to come back. Please, Marley! I beg you. Don’t give Jordan the satisfaction of having you, too.

  Over and over, Cole repeated his pleas to her, but she refused to communicate with him. He just prayed she would listen. He could feel her emotions still all over the place. Focusing on one in particular proved to be extremely hard. She was afraid, yet angry. A part of her even felt a pull for bloodlust. She would kill anyone in her path, and since she was already in wolf form and the moon was almost full, her sex drive would become uncontrollable.

  “I begged her to come back. I’ll get everyone we can ready and pray she gets back in time to start the search.”

  “Yes, you do that. I’m going to be in my room. Maybe I can project to see where she is at the moment. If I can locate her, we might be able to get to her before they do. Or before she gets to them. I hope for all of our sakes she doesn’t reach them first.”

  Cole watched Zachary leave the room. Josephine helped Kylie to her feet while they stood there quietly awaiting instructions. Taking a deep breath, Cole cleared his head and led the women downstairs. The moment he got to the bottom, he let out a howl that brought everyone scrambling toward him. From wall to wall it was crowded with pack.

  “Jordan lives and he’s taken Demetri, our next leader. Zachary is trying to locate Marley at the moment. She ran after them before we could stop her. We’ll start a search as soon as he arrives.”

  Nervous murmurs echoed throughout the room. Cole watched as someone walked forward.

  “Cole, I helped tear him apart myself. How does he live? It’s impossible.”

  This was exactly what he didn’t want. They probably had so many questions, and he wasn’t alpha. He could answer them, but he wasn’t sure how much Zachary wanted them to know. He tried to think of a way not to explain too much.

  “Marley’s blood is very powerful. Jordan marked her not long before he was dismembered. Her blood kept him alive long enough for one of our own members to betray us and get Jordan to safety.”

  Gasps exploded in the room. Cole quieted everyone down by raising his hand. “Zachary should be down shortly. I need everyone to shift and wait for us outside. It is imperativ
e we find Marley as soon as possible. Be on guard while you wait. We don’t know how many the rival pack has.”

  * * * *

  The pull on the inside of Zachary’s stomach had him leaving his body. All of his focus went to Marley. He still hadn’t gotten the chance to redo the blood tie with her and their connection remained weak, but since she changed into a wolf, he could feel his overall power gaining strength. The projection hadn’t taken more than a few seconds of concentration, and he was free.

  Trees loomed out before him. Quickly, his body pulled down into the massive pine and oak forest. In seconds, he saw white flash ahead so fast it was nothing but a blur.

  “Marley!” Zachary called to the all white wolf. He knew it was her. She was the only one he had ever seen before. The beauty of her form amazed him. Gracefully, she wove in and out of the trees with such speed any wolf wouldn’t be able to catch up. She already reached the middle of the forest.

  “Marley!” Zachary growled again.

  Movement from all sides erupted from every angle he could see. Suddenly, Marley stopped, skidding to a stop. Fear consumed him while he watched his wife turn back into human form. The wolves began surrounding her and she just stood there.

  “Oh, God, don’t do this, Marley! Let me help you. Please!” Zachary screamed down at her.

  To his shock, she looked right at him, even though he was sure she couldn’t see him. “I love you, Zachary,” she whispered.

  “No!” Zachary’s whole body exploded with panic. He couldn’t let her hand herself over to them. He dove down trying to grab her, but without her being in projection his hand went right through her body.

  “Jordan,” Marley said, stepping forward.

  Zachary’s eyes darted up, and his heart stopped at the confirmation. Jordan walked toward them, smiling. His body was so much more built and bigger since the last time Zachary saw him. The length of his brown hair reached just past his ears, so different than its usually short appearance.

  “I knew you’d come back to me,” Jordan said, walking up to her. His hand caressed her face while he looked into her eyes. Zachary wished more than ever he could tear the traitor apart.

  “I forgive you for what you did so long ago. Now we can pick up where we left off. I’ve missed you so much. You’ll see, Marley, everything’s going to be great just like I said before.”

  “Where’s my son?” Marley snapped, pulling her face away from his hand.

  Jordan glared down at her, and Zachary knew this wasn’t going to be good. He seemed calm when he thought Marley had come willingly, but now he looked vicious and angry.

  “Our son is safe. You’ll see him soon enough.”

  “He is not your son! He’s Zachary’s son and always will be!” The sight of Marley screaming into Jordan’s face made Zachary’s breath cease.

  The fist Jordan slammed across her cheek left Marley flying through the air. Bile and rage rose in Zachary’s throat. He watched as she lay on the ground not moving. The need to rip Jordan apart was uncontrollable. Zachary swung and grabbed at him and still nothing happened. The sound of Jordan’s laugh caught him off guard.

  “Zachary, don’t tell me you seriously think you can hurt me while you’re in projection. Come on, I can sense you. I know you’re here. Just so you know, if you bring your pack up against mine, you’ll lose. With Marley and me sharing such a close connection to the same type of blood, I’m supreme. You’ll never beat me now.

  “But, no worries,” he laughed. I’ll eventually tell your son about you when he’s older. After, of course, he gives me what I need for my pack. With the son Marley’s given you and the one she’s going to give me, we’ll dominate.

  Anyway,” Jordan said, shaking his head, “He’ll know what a loyal and brave man his father was. I’ll tell him right before I kill him. There’s no need for him once he’s mated and brings in a new line.”

  Zachary couldn’t process the fury going through him. Taking one last look at Marley, he felt the snap that connected him back with his body. The need to destroy everything in his path rocked him. Jumping to his feet, Zachary swung the door open and headed down the hallway to the stairs.

  He was going to enjoy killing Jordan. This time he would succeed. Nothing would be left of him to be put back together. Zachary reached the bottom of the stairs where Cole waited for him. The look of concern radiated off of his friend’s face.

  “What happened? I can’t feel Marley anymore. She’s hurt.”

  “Jordan has her, but he knocked her unconscious. She wouldn’t play by his game, and he didn’t like what she had to say. They’re still in the woods. But they’re pretty deep back. Depending on how fast we go, we might be able to catch them.

  “The man has lost his mind, Cole. He knew I was there, and he told me what he has planned. He wants a son and he’s determined to get one. We have to hurry. The moon gets fuller with every second we wait here.”

  Cole tensed at his words. “The pack is all outside waiting. Some still haven’t arrived, but we have a good sixty wolves here. Did you happen to see how many Jordan had with him?”

  Zachary shook his head trying to think back. He’d been so focused on Marley he hadn’t thought to take count. “I’m guessing around forty or so from what I saw. That’s not saying he doesn’t have more wherever he’s held up.”

  “Let’s hurry. There’s no time to waste. She’s still out, but barely.”

  The guys walked outside, and Zachary looked at the pack. “Thank you all for coming. The majority of you know Marley and Demetri well. For the ones who haven’t had the opportunity to meet my mate or your future leader, I promise you you’ve sorely missed out on two of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. You’re going to love them.

  “As for Jordan, he lives. I saw him myself. He has taken my wife and my son. They’re still in the woods, but we have to hurry before they leave. There are a large number of them, and they’re all strong and prepared to fight. If you’re with me, then follow. If not, then you’re allowed to stay here however long you need. I don’t blame you for not wanting to risk your life.

  “Josephine and Gary, I want you to stay here with Kylie and Aria. I’m leaving you both in charge to make sure nothing happens to my sister or my niece. Now, for whoever’s with me, let’s go get my family. I do not want one single wolf to live. Is that clear!”

  Howls echoed off of the large mansion. Zachary and Cole howled back and exploded into wolf form. Every single wolf rushed for the woods with the intensity of what the wolves in them craved—justice, blood, and the need to feel the meat tear between their razor sharp teeth.

  Chapter 21

  The sounds of yells began to push through the fuzziness in Marley’s head. She recalled Jordan and being hit. The image of her son’s bright eyes made her snap her own open. Demetri’s scent was still here. Now she just had to find him.

  She pushed off of the dirt, wiping her hands on her jeans. Jordan noticed her standing and laughed, walking back toward her.

  “Damn, you bounce back quickly. That hit would have killed a human. Good girl. I knew you would be fine. So, have you warmed up to my plan, or am I going to have to put you on your back again? And, no, I’m not talking about hitting you. I’m talking about what we once experienced together so long ago.”

  Jordan walked up to her, grabbing her behind the neck and pulling her body against his. “You remember don’t you, Marley? I bet you even dream about it sometimes, too, right?”

  “You were a great lover, Jordan. I never said you weren’t. You just fell off the deep end at some point. Let Demetri go back to Zachary, and I’ll stay with you. I’ll give you your son.”

  Fingers moved up from the back of her neck into her hair. With a sudden jerk, Jordan pulled her head back so she was looking right into his eyes. “Bargaining is for the weak, Marley. I won’t be given an ultimatum. You will have my son, and I will have Demetri, and that’s final.”

  Feeling the rage build back up, she screamed at
the top of her lungs for release of the overpowering energy pushing through her body. What felt like fire burned her eyes, making heat spill out of them while she glared at Jordan. For the briefest instant, she watched a worried expression shadow his face.

  He’s afraid of me. He’s actually fucking scared. Good. He needs to be.

  Remembering the evil smile Jordan gave her a year ago, she duplicated it and watched his face tense angrily. “Your eyes glowing doesn’t scare me, Marley. You may be powerful, but you’re not strong enough to overtake me. If you even attempt it, you won’t be able to walk for a week.”

  “Are you threatening me, Jordan? You know that’s not nice,” Marley said, ripping his shirt open.

  “You always were feisty. I loved that about you,” Jordan said, crushing his lips to hers.

  It took everything Marley had to not to bite his tongue out. Her nails sunk into his back, pulling him closer. She would have to play the part if she wanted to get him out of a defensive mode.

  “It’s a trap, Jordan. Don’t fall for her tricks.” A deep voice from behind them made her want to attack.

  She turned to see a man who was almost as tall as Jordan—a good three inches over six feet. His hair was a light brown, and his eyes were as black as the darkest night. Marley suppressed a shutter as he raked his gaze over her body.

  “You must be Demon. Josephine told me all about you.”

  “Josephine!” they both yelled.

  Marley smiled. “Oh, yes, you didn’t know? After she found out what you both had done, she joined our pack.” Marley turned to back to Jordan. “She said you always stood for three things, loyalty, honor, and truth. Does that ring a bell, Jordan? You know, she was devastated when she found out what you turned into. What you did.”

  She was pushed back so fast she didn’t have time to brace herself for the connection she made against the tree. Stars danced before her eyes at the lightheadedness. She was tired of this already. Their pack had to be close, and she’d take out as many as she could before they were forced to kill her. Faith made her believe Zachary and Cole would rescue her son if she helped them out now. Marley found the wolf inside of her and morphed quicker than what anyone prepared for.


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