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Relias: Uprising

Page 48

by M. J Kreyzer

  The International Army

  General Information

  The International Army is the basic infantry of the United Commune's military. While they outnumber the members of the First Legionnaire 3 to 1, their funding is also half of that of the Legionnaire forces. The International Army (Referred to most often in its acronym, the IA) wields previous generation rifles of the Freedom Class and are protected only by ballistic vests and helmets. Among a sizable portion of the world's citizens, it is seen as unfair and even criminal that there is such an incredible gap in funding between the IA and the First Legionnaire.

  Culture of the IA

  The primary difference between an IA soldier and that of the First Legionnaire is commitment to their career. For those soldiers of the First Legionnaire, they've chosen to be career warriors. For the IA, it's more of a temporary job until they can settle on their eventual path in life. In no way, for most of the soldiers of the IA, do they plan on making a life out of being a soldier. Most soldiers join up and serve their terms for the large payouts that their terms usually entail (an illusion, of course, created by the Commune, as all money is taken and redistributed based solely upon need).

  There is a passionate rivalry between the two branches of military, however. The IA views the Legionnaires as being pompous, overrated, with an elitism that makes them more like stuffy business executives than actual soldiers. The IA views itself as the true warrior culture, possessing a down-to-earth grit that they feel is lacking in the ranks of the First Legionnaire.


  Steel is the universal, international currency and the officially recognized currency of the United Commune. To give the worth of Steele some perspective, one Steele can purchase a bottled drink. A thousand Steele can purchase a television, thirty thousand Steele can purchase an entry-level sports car, while two hundred fifty thousand Steele can buy a middle class home.

  The First Legionnaire











  Considered to be the most basic of Legionnaire soldiers, the Knight is considered the mortar that fills the cracks between the precisely specialized units of the First Legionnaire. Knights are given in-depth weapons training and are equipped to handle nearly every situation. Moderately armored, a Knight is typically armed with a small sidearm, a rifle usually of the Freedom class, most often the FR-21 Infiltrator of the FR-38 Obliterator, and a cutlass. Their build is typically small to medium, though the build of a Knight isn't as crucial as it is to the qualifications of other classes.


  While being a general rarity in the typical Legionnaire squad, Skirmishers saw a much broader dispersion following the escape of Luke Semprys and an renewed reliance on hand-to-hand combat. Skirmishers specialize in mid-range to close quarters combat. Without a weapon, Skirmishers are trained in a half-dozen martial arts. With weapons, they are trained to be proficient with anything that they could possibly access as well as improvisational weaponry. They are lightly armed, allowing for maximum agility. There are two loadouts most common to the Skirmisher class. The first consists of a small sidearm, a combat knife, a Razor Flail, and a Halberd. The Second gives up the sidearm and the Halberd and is instead replaced by a light rifle, most often the FR-21 Infiltrator. Skirmishers require a tall, light to medium build.


  Demolitionists specialize, as their name would suggest, in explosives. They are heavily armored (to protect against explosives). There is no one particular Demolitionist loadout and these loadouts are entirely subjective to the tastes and preferences of the soldier. The range of weapons they have to choose from, though, are FR-38 Obliterators, drum-fed grenade launchers, rocket launchers, Anti-matter explosives including charges and grenades as well as more primitive, chemical based ballistics, and the FR-99 Heaven's Mandate. While the build of a Demolitionist has no real size range, it is required that they possess a certain IA (or Initial Strength. The IA is their strength without the presence of a regular gym regiment.) This leads to Demolitionists being typically larger in build and the largest Legionnaire soldiers short of the Berserker class.


  Originally the most elite Legionnaire class, Helldog training became simplified as training regiments were altered following the rise of the Commune. Named for the group of four men who followed Nathan Hendrick during the Relias wars and the Dakuya's occupation of Brackis, the Helldogs were considered the pride of the Legionnaire as it was Nathan Hendrick who organized it.

  Helldogs specialize in close combat, being educated in hand-to-hand combat as well as given an in-depth understanding of pyrotechnics. They are covered in heat-reflective armor that, while less dense than the typical Legionnaire armor, is necessary for the intense heats that these soldiers fight in. They are armed with a small side arm, a Blazer rifle or wrist mounted Blazers and incendiary grenades. There is no specific build required for a Legionnaire Helldog.


  Nightwolves are the First Legionnaire's rapid response unit. They are used for traversing large distances in a short amount of time. Their agility and ferocity make them invaluable to the speed and the versatility of the First Legionnaire.

  Nightwolves must pass through two separate training programs. The first program is one that is nearly identical to the training received by a Knight. The other is combat training that they employ when in their wolf form. Between the two courses, the complete program equates to the longest one in the First Legionnaire, coming out to a total of five years.

  In their human form, Nightwolves are armed extremely lightly with flexible Kevlar armor. In their human form, the Armor has awkward and poor coverage though allows for adequate protection. The purpose behind this design is so that the Nightwolf can be protected as both a human and a Werewolf, and the armor is more tailored towards maximum protection for the latter. As far as weapons are concerned, Nightwolves are armed with only two grenades and a pistol. As a wolf, they are armed with razor sharp titanium fangs that slip on over their teeth and are specially molded to each individual Nightwolf. In order to trigger this transformation (as, in most cases a transformation requires direct, full moonlight) Nightwolves have Moonlight Modules included in their basic loadouts.


  Phantoms are the snipers of the First Legionnaires. Unlike the rest of the First Legionnaire, Phantoms are without a single piece of metallic armor worn by other classes within the force. Phantoms, instead, wear conservative vests and pants constructed from several layers of tightly knit Kevlar, keeping them light and mobile. Each is equipped with a personal Refractor, eliminating the necessity for fabric camouflage. It's the Refractor and their being somewhat 'invisible' that gave the Phantom's their name. Phantoms are armed with a small sidearm and specially modified FR-21 Infiltrator giving it increased damage and accuracy at ranges much longer than those of a normally constructed FR-21.


  Berserkers are the second largest soldiers in the First Legionnaire and are comprised of both Highlanders (Arctanicans) and Humans. Highlanders (who are often soldiers who opt out Parlic treatments, transforming them into Monoliths) require no treatment and are accepted as they are. For Humans, this size is accomplished through the specially designed Parlic steroid that elicits extreme growth in the subject. An important distinction between Berserkers and Monoliths (apart from their difference in size) is how they are created. Berserkers are humans who have been given Parlic steroids while Monoliths are Highlanders who have been given Parlic steroids. Berserkers grow to a maximum of eleven feet tall though most fall into the range of eight to ten feet tall.

  Berserkers are heavily armed though their size, being smaller than a Monolith, allows them to be more mobile and provide support more quickly than a Monolith is capable

  There are two different sub-classifications of Berserkers. The first are focused around heavy weapons, most notably Particle Cannons, Anti-matter rifles and mortars, and heavy explosives. (Usually miniaturized warheads.) The second are focused on close combat, being armed with Battlehammers, Battleaxes, and eight foot cleavers. Chainlances are allowed to the larger, stronger Berserkers with the strength to wield them.


  Monoliths are Highlanders (or Arctanicans) who have been treated with Parlic Steroids. The largest Monoliths can reach an upwards of fifteen feet while most fall into the twelve to fourteen foot range and even then are proportionately stronger than Berserkers. Being as they are, Monoliths are far and away the largest soldiers in the First Legionnaire. Because Parlic Steroids have Halzetti’s Disease as a common side effect, very few Highlanders will submit themselves to the treatments, while many that do end up dying as a result. Those who do survive, though, grow to enormous sizes and are the most generally considered to be the most feared soldiers in the First Legionnaire.

  Monoliths are armored like tanks, made possible by their incredible strength. However, because of their size they are given jobs that are impossible for other soldiers to fill or to perform as effectively. As such, there are three sub-classifications of Monolith. The first is a close quarters soldier, armed with Battlehammers and Battleaxes nearly double in weight of those provided to Berserkers. Also, because they are strong enough to wield them, Chainlances are an option for a Monolith's loadout. The Second sub-classification of Monolith is one armed for long-range combat. The weapons they use, though, are nearly triple the weight of the largest Particle cannons provided to Berserkers. There are only two weapons allowed to these range-specialized Monoliths. The first is an Anti-Matter cannon, which is a miniaturized, twelve-hundred pound version of the cannon found on the Legionnaire Forge Tank. The second is a nearly one thousand pound mini-gun built around Furo-based Ballistics. The third sub-classification of Monolith is essentially a mobile, human weapons depot. These Monoliths are lighter armored, thus increasing their carrying capacity to a point where they can carry thousands of pounds of ammo, explosives, and spare weapons. These Monoliths are the least common of the three and are only utilized in areas where terrain is inaccessible to vehicles and even Grave Armor.


  Reapers are the legends of the First Legionnaire. As there are only six of them (made possible only through the existence of six Dimenisors), they are the rarest class within the First Legionnaire and are used only in the most critical of situations.

  When their services were first utilized, Reapers wore black cloaks, mimicking the archetype of death, giving them an iconic image. This was done for two major reasons, the first being an intimidation tactic against enemies of the Legionnaire while the other was used to promote the idea that the Legionnaire was a force to be feared by enemies of the Commune.

  As a part of their image, Reapers are given Eternium-edged scythes, though in the most practical situations they are armed with cutlasses and FR-21's. Their possession of Dimenisors is what makes them the irrefutably dangerous warriors they are. These Dimenisors (originally possessed by the six members of the Ditrinity) have been reverse engineered to suit the needs of the Reapers. While the Dimenisors originally allowed warping across massive amounts of space on a single charge, reverse-engineering and the development of high-capacity Furo Nano-batteries made it possible for the Dimenisors to teleport across shorter distances on a nearly infinite charge. (The general rule is line of sight.)

  Reaper are used only in the most crucial of situations, and as of 265 M.I. their Dimenisors are still in their post-beta phase. However, their utilization would be more widely seen as Dark hostilities reach their crisis.




  Elemental is the term used to generalize any phenomena created by an individual capable of manipulating it. Through their ability to interact with Furo, a Durant can reorganize Furo particles into various structures, while the possibilities of Elemental and the compounds that can be created are limitless depending on the skill and experience of the Durant. While Durants are the best examples of Furo Manipulation (i.e. Elemental), most other races exercise it in one form or another, most often naturally. Werewolf transformation, for instance, is Elemental. Their transformation, triggered by light of a certain intensity and wavelength, is the result of a light-sensitive Singularity common in the precursors to Vampires and Werewolves, both of whom share common ancestors. Vampires, while sharing the same characteristic of light sensitivity, instead react to direct sunlight.

  Because of the vast amounts of energy they require, the different, primary forms of Elemental have been quantified in terms of their energy consumption at a rate per second.

  Known Forms of Elemental













  Energy Consumption: 2 Calories per Cubic foot per Second

  Description: The most simple form of Elemental, Fire is created through simply accelerating the particle until it combusts. However, a skilled Durant can creates fields of fire and bend it in any way that they see fit.


  Energy Consumption: 20 Calories per second with an additional 20 Calories per second consumed for every 10 degrees below 0 degrees Celsius.

  Description: As its name suggests, Ice Elemental lowers the temperature of a particle to sub-zero temperatures while, in its most extreme forms, can reach very near absolute zero.


  Energy Consumption: 5 calories per second per square foot (multiplied by 3 for every yard it's moved.)

  Description: By creating a tight grouping of Furo particles, an Elementalist is able to create a solid, transparent barrier capable of absorbing massive amounts of damage. With skill, an Elementalist can create a moving barrier, though doing so increases the energy consumption 3 times over.


  Energy Consumption: 200 Calories per Charger with 20 calories burned for every second it's charged.

  Description: A Charger is a small, contained, self-propelled sphere with highly explosive properties. It differs from a Decimator as it requires no catalyst. A Charger, when initiated, will form and grow in the Durant's palm and will grow at a constant rate until it reaches critical mass. During this process, the Charger will emit a low, quiet hum which will increase in sound and size until it becomes unstable. In order to avoid injury, the Charger must be released prior to reaching critical mass, otherwise it will explode in the user's palm. Once released, the Charger will cease to gain power and expand and will travel in a straight line for up to two miles before its trajectory deteriorates as a result of discharging energy. All in all, it takes 10 seconds for a Charger to reach maximum power.


  Energy Consumption: 150 Calories per Decimator with 5 calories burned for every second of charging.

  Description: Decimators look and sound identical to Chargers, though in terms of function they are entirely unique. Decimators have an explosion potential that is five times greater than a Charger while several can be created simultaneously. However, in order to detonate a Decimator requires a catalyst. This catalyst can be anything from a bullet to a fireball to a pin prick. At perfect rest, Decimators are harmless. However, because of their volatility, even the slightest rupture in the Decimator's external sphere will cause it to detonate. The advantage that a Decimator has over a Charger is that it requires a significantly less amount of energy. The major pitfall of a Decimator is its lack of mobility.


  Energy Consumption: 200 Calories per second

  Description: Healing is one of the most energy consuming forms of known Element
al. By recalling a body's genetic blueprint, Healing simultaneously rebuilds damaged or infected tissue while purging the area of all foreign anomalies. As such, Elemental Healing has been used in a number of functions, including curing a broad range of cancers as well as degenerative brain diseases and diseases in general while it has found great success in cosmetics, most notably dermatology.


  Energy Consumption: 300 Calories per Gravfield

  Description: Grav-fields are any sized spheres of energy that possess gravitational properties. When large enough, Gravfields create effective and alternate fields of gravity. In order to create pull, the Gravfield must be created with a field that is at least slightly greater than that of the earthly body its on. (In this case, Havoc.). Creating a Gravfield with a pull equal to Havoc will result in a zero-G environment between Havoc and the Gravfield.

  When a Gravfield is created with a field significantly greater than that of Havoc, the Elementalist will be pulled towards that object as they would towards the ground, accelerating at a speed directly proportional to the size and strength of the Gravfield. Due to the fact that the Elementalist is under the constant influence of Havoc's gravity, it is occasionally necessary to create multiple Gravfields; one to pull you in the direction you wish to go and another to counteract Havoc's gravity.


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