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Power Games

Page 10

by David Applegate

  “That might work,” Takahiro said. “But I need more than talking points. I need the treasury reports, mineral surveys, and legal analysis.”

  “Already done. It is on the clan server, with an Omega security seal. The project is called Operation Fire, and it contains all the information you need, including an analysis by Treasury on the changes to robotics laws and draft laws.”

  “Clíodhna never mentioned housing,” Takahiro said.

  “I asked if they wanted domestic robots and designer sleeping mats for their homes, and before you know it, I have pre-orders on building ten million large scale housing units for Dragons,” Kaede replied.

  “That is a lot of building,” Takahiro said.

  “Yes, part of the reason we need robotic laws changed is to use the clockworks as labour to build the Dragons new homes, they’re bored with the dome houses,” Kaede said.

  “I see,” Takahiro said, looking over the lake.

  “I know Dain and Patya will try to stall the project. The only way to prevent them is public pressure.”

  Takahiro frowned. “What did you have in mind?”

  “We send all the proposed law changes, research notifications, and mining rights claims to all members of the Senate, all relevant committees and Imperial departments at the same time. Someone in the Treasury will leak the details of my plan to end the oil shortage to media tonight.”


  “We will use the oil from the Dragons to end rationing and use the profits to build more electric vehicles and new artificial oil plants.”

  “You know Patya hates it when I use leaks to manipulate public opinion.”

  “Patya will trace these leaks to various lords who oppose the Dragon oil deal.”

  “Patya will still blame me.”

  “I will tip off various radicals. We will use them to fuel public curiosity and raise awareness. Naturally, they will sue me to force disclosure of all the details of the project. My lawyers will delay, but you know Yaotl will force them to comply citing environmental concerns. We will flood all concerned groups with copies of the treasury report showing a decrease in oil prices, how we plan to fund various clean air and clean fuel programs, and double electric car production using long-lasting, recyclable plastics made from imported oil.”

  “You need to have public opinion on your side, as electric vehicles are not popular. They are expensive to buy, the price of electricity is high, and many are worried about the environmental damage from the batteries.”

  “Experts have prepared a media blitz. Starting after the first leaks, a series of articles, including interviews with Clíodhna approving the deal on the conditions the intent of the Dragon Treaty is independence of the Dragons, will be published. All articles will point to key benefits, not just a swift end to fuel rationing and cheaper fuel. Various prototype vehicles with cheaper, longer-lasting, and faster electric cars will be on display.”

  Astonished, Takahiro said, “That might work.”

  “The finer details are all negotiable but tell the Senate your proposal will not only mean any company can hire Clockworks, and Androids, but we can tax any technological or magically sentient being and hold them legally responsible for their actions.”

  Takahiro looked at Kaede and asked, “Are you sure?”

  “Remind them we have eight robotic shipyards at Haven. I will overhaul the computers and robotics in all eight docks in return for two of them. But without those laws passed, those docks are trophies. Our enemies build and repair ships much faster than we can. If that does not motivate Patya and Dain to push my proposals into law by sunset tomorrow, then sit back and watch. I will make them look like they engineered the oil crisis.”

  “Careful, many will direct their anger at us.”

  “Which is why you need to get ahead of them and show your support for my proposals.”

  Takahiro bowed to Kaede.

  Chapter 11

  March 31, 11,572. Imperial Palace.

  Takahiro entered Kaede’s workshop in subbasement four. The main room was a large laboratory, with an office, sewing room, gym, magic room, dance studio, and a dojo. The walls of the laboratory were panels of transition plastic, each set to clear. In the laboratory was a row of six white workbenches with various electronics on them and two large mobile toolboxes beside each of them.

  Mako and Miko, in padded armour, were in the dojo having an intense kendo fight with large kendo swords. Sora and Akiko sat at a computer in the office. Izanami stood at a workbench, in front of her was a small replicator with its rear panel off. She had a tablet with cables connected to the motherboard. In the magic room, Toshiko stood close behind Kaede, guiding his arm to flick tiny flames at a target on the far wall.

  Takahiro looked around and tapped on the transparent door to the magic room. Sora noticed him. She stood up, came over to Izanami and tried to drag her into the office.

  Mako walked over the wall and turned the knob from clear to solid. She pressed the button beside it, and the wall and the door to the laboratory turned white. Behind her, Miko leapt towards her, with a broad grin and her sword raised over her head. Mako saw Miko’s attack reflected in the plastic wall, knelt and raised her sword to block the attack. The plastic panel turned to white.

  Izanami stomped her foot and said, “Hey!” as Sora dragged her into the office.

  Sora bowed to the Emperor, then closed the transparent door and turned the knob on the wall. She pressed the button, and the panels turned white.

  Takahiro examined the plastic wall of the magic room. Inside of each panel was a fine orichalcum mesh that had a faint yellow glow. There was an intercom on the door, but Takahiro just stood at the door.

  Toshiko saw Takahiro outside and tapped a button on a tablet, and the glow ended. She exited the room, bowed slightly and said, “Hello, Emperor.”

  “Sorry to interrupt you,” Takahiro said.

  Kaede came out and bowed. “What brings you to my workshop?”

  “Are you going to be busy tonight?”

  “Yes. Today is Thursday, I have Gymnastics with the girls at 4 pm, and we finish at 6.”

  “Lady Emi is bringing her son over, but has an all-night training exercise, but she cannot leave him alone in her office. I don’t want Admiral Niemi’s grandson to spend the night in the Palace daycare centre.”

  “Would he appreciate it if I had a meal with and let him stay overnight?”

  “I prefer you spent some time playing with him.”

  Kaede glared at him and asked, “May I ask why she is bringing him to work?”

  “That is none of our business.” Takahiro snapped.

  “I know Lady Emi’s husband, Admiral Shinji Hagihara. He commands the planet’s orbital defence systems. We need to know if he is not in full control of his emotions.”

  “The admiral is Viktor’s responsibility.”

  “I will meet Nori, and he can stay the night. If I like him, on Sunday, he can join us for kart Racing.”

  “What about tomorrow and Saturday?”

  “Tomorrow night is Go, and Saturday I am at the studio for rehearsals most of the day, and we go live on air at 6.”

  “I am asking you to take him with you.”

  “Maybe he will enjoy Go, but I don’t know what Nori will do on his own surrounded by competition dancers of various ages who are busy preparing to compete for huge prizes and fame in the top-rated live broadcast talent show in the Empire.”

  “You only need to be in the studio for the broadcast. Spend some time during the day with him.”

  “Oh no, I cannot miss a day of practice; Izanami and I are in the lead.”

  “Kaede, you and Izanami don’t need the prize money.”

  “No, but we need the fame. We earn more social points on that one night than we do all week.”

  “What about Go?”

  “It is a matter of honour, someone in this house needs to beat Kenta, and I have a following there too.”

  “Now that
was uncalled for.”

  “I am in the top 100. If I miss one meeting, it will take me weeks to catch up.”

  “You need friends.”

  “I have friends.”

  “Male friends.”

  “I have Viktor, Kenta and Patya.”

  “Elves your age.”

  “I have Izanami. She is intelligent. Mako and Miko are smart. Sora and Akiko are fun to be around.”

  “You need to have male friends who are your age.”

  “It has never bothered you before.”

  “You’re getting older, and you need to relate to your peers.”

  “What if I don’t like Nori? Or he doesn’t like me?”

  “Nori is a little shy and only has a few friends. Let him hang out with you. You need a close personal friend.”

  “I have Izanami.”

  “Speaking of Izanami,” Takahiro said as he walked over to the workbench. He examined the tag on the replicator. “She has been removing items from the repair centre.”

  “It has a broken central processor. She wanted to study a replicator, so I gave her permission to take it,” Toshiko remarked.

  “Is that so?” Takahiro asked her, then he turned to Kaede. “What is she working on?”

  “Robots armed with replicator lasers, cold lasers and tractors.”

  “I cannot tell if you are serious,” Takahiro remarked, he looked at Toshiko.

  “The prince is serious. Izanami is a genius; She proposes using a combination of multiple hot and cold lasers mounted on each arm of an advanced robot alongside a plasma injector. Cold lasers will cool the plasma, which will be shaped by a combination of energy fields and lasers. It will revolutionise replicators.”

  “If it works, it will make us billions,” Takahiro said with glee. “We should get some of my people on this and make it your next big invention.”

  “It is her project, and we have registered it already. Izanami, Toshiko and I each put in a third. I am giving her all the support she needs and the credit she deserves,” Kaede said.

  “I think you gave her too much on the dual-core processor,” Takahiro said.

  Kaede frowned. “Izanami worked long and hard on that. Her help was key to the success of that project.”

  “I remind you she is using property and resources of the Hashimoto clan?” Takahiro said.

  Frustrated, Toshiko stepped between Kaede and Takahiro and said, “Fine, I will buy you another replicator, and she can do her research over at the Lilith Foundation.”

  Takahiro turned to Kaede, and asked, “Are you aware that research into AI is restricted? If Patya found out, he could revoke your security clearance, and the fines could be in the billions.”

  “We are not using a real AI, but an experimental system called S.I., which stands for simulated intelligence. The difference may only sound minor, but S.I. is not self-aware and does not have machine learning. The base decision tree is programmed using natural language.”

  “What are you trying to do?”

  “I am developing new models of my S.I. It will go in robots, 3D printers, security systems, automated vacuums, automated supply shuttles, close-quarter defence systems, a self-driving car, and replicators.”

  “It looks like you will have access to a real AI soon,” Takahiro said, “While I have Patya focused on oil, I will get him to grant Kaede permission to research A.I.”

  “Good, but you didn’t need to come down here to tell me that,” Kaede said.

  “Patya knows about your submarine.”

  “I told him.”


  Kaede headed to the last workbench. Takahiro followed him. A disassembled robotic dog lay on the table. Kaede said, “Because I think Viktor told him he was not buying any more of his boats as mine are cheaper, faster, and can go deeper. But it doesn’t matter to me.”

  “What do you mean it doesn’t matter?” a confused Takahiro asked, “Boatbuilding is worth billions of gold a month.”

  “Yes, but it would cost too much to take over Patya’s operation, and his people will sabotage us and delay us every step of the way. I am just putting pressure on him. Sooner or later, he will give in and form a joint operation with me.”

  Takahiro shook his head and asked, “Kaede, must you do Gymnastics?”

  “More women prefer male gymnasts than any of the other athletes in the Olympics.”

  “Is this something you researched?”

  “Yes, I know that popularity equals sales. I sold more shoes last month than you did in a year.”

  “That doesn’t make you billions.”

  “No, starships will do that. But let’s not pretend you care about boats. You want to know if I have chosen my prime.”


  “Izanami is pretty, but Sora has what it takes to keep the others in line, especially Izanami,” Kaede said, “Sora may not have book learning, but she has leadership, while Izanami is undisciplined and too competitive to sit on the throne beside me.”

  Behind the glass in the office, Sora, Akiko and Izanami listened at the intercom. Izanami went to say something, and Sora placed her hand over Izanami’s mouth, while Akiko held her in an armlock.

  “I am thinking of giving Sora and Akiko jobs as models and funding their fashion label,” Kaede said.

  “Why not Mako and Miko?” Takahiro asked.

  “They want to build their brand without my help,” Kaede replied.

  Takahiro looked at the robot cat on the table and noticed it had retractable claws. He turned to Kaede and said, “If you want to be successful, you need the Niemi clan. Viktor controls the Navy, and they are your largest customer of processors and MAGs. If you want this submarine deal, you either make time for Nori or go sailing on the weekends with Viktor. He will not say it to your face, but he doesn’t trust you.”

  Kaede nodded and bowed to Takahiro. “I will find time for Nori.”

  Takahiro bowed and said, “You will do more than that. You will treat him with respect and never point out his obvious faults.”

  “Which are?”

  “Nori is weak, boring and stupid. He struggles to get a passing grade on basic mathematics.”

  Kaede bowed low and said, “Yes, Grandfather.”

  “Toshiko, assign a female knight to each girl as their agent. Have Yuki go over every contract and approve every design, photoshoot and appearance, and send Masako a copy of everything,” Takahiro ordered.

  “Yes, Emperor,” Toshiko said.

  “About my car. Would you get upset if I asked Abelle to design it?” Kaede asked.

  “Why?” a curious Takahiro asked.

  “She designed the first sports car. Owning a car designed by her is like owning one of your original sketches.”

  “I have no problem with her. It is her brother I detest,” Takahiro said.

  “Thank you, Grandfather,” Kaede said. Wow! He likes her. I thought he only hired her to annoy Dain.

  “One last thing,” Takahiro said, “Before you publish another book, leave a copy with Masako in my office and await my approval.”

  “Problem?” Toshiko asked.

  “Not anymore,” Takahiro said, he turned and left.

  Toshiko turned to Kaede and asked, “What did you do?”

  Izanami kicked Akiko in the shin and bit Sora’s hand, she raced out and poked Kaede in the face. Wagging her finger at him, she asked, “What did you do?”

  “I drew and published an ecchi manga known as Gun Girl,” Kaede replied.

  “Oh?” Izanami snorted.

  “Who published it?” Sora asked.

  “Kenta. He is cool, and wants more issues,” Kaede replied.

  “Are we in it?” Akiko asked.

  “Kind of,” Kaede replied.

  “What is it about?” Toshiko asked.

  “Gun Girl is a masked crime fighter armed with a large goo gun and hunts down magical villains,” Kaede replied.

  “What is a goo gun?” Izanami asked.

“One that shoots sticky goo instead of bullets,” Kaede replied.

  “What does she wear?” Sora asked.

  “A purple sailor suit with a cat mask,” Kaede replied.

  “I bet she flashes her panties all the time,” Izanami said.

  “Oh, relax. Kaede is a healthy teenage boy with male fantasies,” Toshiko said to Izanami. She turned to Kaede and said, “Ignore Takahiro and give your panels to me. I will get them to Kenta, and I will make sure he publishes your Manga.”

  Kaede smiled, and Miko screamed, “Yes! I got her,” on the intercom.

  They turned to see Mako face down on the floor of the dojo. Miko dropped her Kendo sword, stood over her.

  Toshiko raced over and looked down and asked, “Is she breathing?”

  Miko said, “Quick, take a picture before she gets up.”

  When Toshiko knelt to take her pulse, Mako rolled over, pointed at Miko and said, “I will get you next time, Miko!”

  Chapter 12

  Emi brought Nori into the studio and sat him at the back by the gym bags. Sora and Akiko, in leotards, took turns doing flips with a ribbon on the large mat, while Izanami walked on her hands on a balance beam. Nori watched as Toshiko coached Kaede on the roman rings.

  Kaede did a flip over the rings and let go. He landed down on one knee, looked up and stood. He bowed to Toshiko, who smiled and pointed at Nori. Kaede nodded and walked over to his bag. He took out a towel and wiped the chalk off his hand. He extended his hand to Nori and said, “Nice to meet you.”

  Nori was thin, dressed in a dark blue suit, and didn’t look comfortable. Nori had his long blue hair in a ponytail. He bowed and said, “Pleased to meet you, your Imperial Highness.”

  Kaede smiled and said, “I have been looking forward to meeting you.”


  “Viktor, I mean Admiral Niemi talks about you all the time. I am sorry we have not met sooner.”

  “Mum talks about you all the time,” Nori mumbled.

  Confused, Kaede stared at Nori. He is scared; He doesn’t mean anything by it.

  Kaede smiled and said, “Lady Emi is one of my best employees, and she told me you’re a champion swimmer.”

  “Really?” Nori asked.

  “She is very proud of you.”


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