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Power Games

Page 12

by David Applegate

  Chapter 13

  Emi stood opposite Nori at a preparation bench in a kitchen in the basement of the Imperial Palace. She was pouring out two cups of tea when Admiral Niemi entered.

  Emi said to Nori, “Let me think. Monday nights is football; you can sit with us. On Tuesday and Wednesday are his martial arts lessons. On Thursday, he has a private gymnastics class. I cannot bring you, so I will have Freya take you to the pool. On Friday nights, he attends Go, and that is members only. Saturday, he is on the show Dance. Maybe I could bring you, but only as part of the studio audience.”

  “Why?” Nori asked.

  “Yes, I would like to know why he can’t come to the studio to watch them practice?” Viktor asked as he walked around the bench to Emi.

  Nori stood to attention and gave him a salute, as he thumped his chest, Viktor said, “Hi sweetheart,” to Emi, he turned to Nori said, “No need to salute me, you’re not yet one of my officers.”

  “Father, ‘Dance’ is not just any show. It is a competition for professional dancers before a studio audience, and they broadcast live. Kaede and Izanami are on competing against eleven other couples, and no outsiders are allowed at the rehearsals to prevent interference with other contestants,” Emi said.

  “I didn’t know Kaede played football,” Viktor said as he kissed Emi on the cheek.

  “No dad, Sora and Akiko play. He and Izanami do train with them before the game,” Emi replied.

  “What about Sunday?” Viktor asked.

  “I thought I was meeting you later in your office,” Emi said.

  “No. My office is not a good place to meet. What with so many of my admirals coming and going. The local fleet wants more supply ships, space stations want chocolate ice cream, and the free trade guild wants fewer inspections,” Viktor replied and turned to Nori, “How are you, young man?”

  “Fine sir,” Nori meekly replied.

  “What is wrong?” Viktor asked.

  “Dad is so boring. All he does is give me books to read, while he goes to his office and locks the door,” Nori said.

  “Do not talk about your father like that,” Emi said.

  “Mum-” Nori whined.

  “Nori, your mother is right,” Viktor said.

  “Yes, sir,” Nori said.

  Viktor turned to Emi and asked, “What is the urgent problem you wanted to discuss?”

  “Tomorrow, I will be teaching Kaede to drive, and I thought it would be a good idea to bring Nori. But Shinji is against it, yet he knows driving would help Nori get into the Navy. Will you have a word with him?”

  “You want me to order your husband to let Nori go driving?” Viktor asked.

  “Yes, and don’t tell him that I am going to teach Prince Kaede to drive, only Nori,” Emi replied.

  “I will call Shinji and explain to him that it was my idea,” Viktor said.

  Nori screwed up his face. “How does driving get me in the Navy?”

  “Nori, to be a bridge officer, you need to be a qualified shuttle pilot, and you cannot get a pilot’s licence if you cannot drive a car and drive one very well,” Viktor said.

  “Yes, sir,” Nori said.

  “Nori, your mother is a qualified bridge officer and an excellent pilot. I taught her myself,” Viktor said. He looked at Emi and said, “I could use you on my staff.”

  “You know I will not leave the Knights,” Emi said.

  “I know,” Viktor said. He frowned and asked, “Do you want to tell me, or do I ask Shinji?”

  “Shinji will not leave Nori alone. He keeps telling him what to wear,” Emi replied.

  “Oh?” Viktor asked. “What happened?”

  “The Witches diagnosed Nori with gender dysmorphia, and so I let him wear a dress,” Emi replied.

  “I see,” Viktor said. He looked at Nori.

  “The prince gets to wear dresses and dance in the park,” Nori said.

  “Is that so?” Viktor asked Emi.

  Emi shook her head and replied. “Kaede wears a Yukata when he and the girls do Yosakoi in the park.”

  “But I should be a girl,” Nori said. Trailing off, he added, “The Witches said they could change me…”

  Viktor nodded, turned to Nori and asked, “Do you want to be a girl?”

  Nori’s face lit up. He nodded and said, “More than anything.”

  “Will you try your best at swimming and driving?”

  Nori nodded and said, “I will try.”

  “Good,” Viktor said. “Do you want to be in the Navy?”

  “I do.”

  “I will speak to your father, but your grades are too low. Thousands apply each year to be an officer.”

  “I try my best, Sir,” Nori said.

  “A third of my officers started as crew members, so don’t give up. Hiro started as a pilot in Sky Force. You can always become an officer there and transfer later. You have a long life ahead of you.”

  Nori was excited. “Thank you so much, sir.”

  “Father, I am going for my fourth bar. I will need training in martial arts on Tuesday and Wednesday. As part of my training, I need to work late at the Palace. I want Nori to join the class,” Emi said.

  “Oh?” Viktor asked.

  “Kaede is happy to have Nori bunk with him, and I can sleep in the barracks,” Emi replied.

  “Emi, are you sure?” Viktor asked.

  “I will be training Kaede, and as part of his training, Nori will be his student,” Emi said. She shivered and looked away as she said, “I called Shinji. He said no.”

  “Is he hitting you?” Viktor asked.

  “Yes,” Nori said.

  Furious, Emi turned to Nori and said, “I told you to mind your own business.”

  “Mum!” Nori exclaimed.

  “If she wants to deal with it her way, leave it alone,” Viktor said. He put his hand on Emi’s shoulder and said, “Your mum is tough.”

  “But Nori is not. He needs unarmed training, but Shinji wants Nori to come home now and read training manuals.”

  “Relax, I shall talk to him today,” Viktor said.

  “Nori will need a Gi, head protection, quarterstaff, and two swords,” Emi said.

  “A sword?” Viktor asked.

  “Tuesday is mixed martial arts. For that, he needs a wooden quarterstaff, a wooden sword, a mouth guard, and other protective gear. Wednesday is Kendo, for which he needs a set of kendo armour, a wheeled bag, and a kendo sword,” Emi replied.

  “I also need the beginner’s guide to magic,” Nori said.

  Viktor looked at Emi. She nodded. He asked Nori, “Why do you need that?”

  “So, I do can cantrips,” Nori replied.

  “Well, your father said you’re too young to perform basic spells,” Viktor replied. “But I will remind him if you learn magic, you only need to pass the entry exam, but remember you have to learn the magic we want you to learn and do attitude tests and follow orders.”

  “But the prince gets to do magic,” Nori said.

  Viktor looked at Emi. She said, “Nori, we discussed this. His family let him.”

  Viktor turned to Nori and said, “Nori, if it were up to me, I would let you, but your father is not my son.”

  Nori looked down. Viktor turned to Emi and asked, “Will you be working every night?”

  “Yes,” Emi replied.

  “Will you be taking Nori with you every night?” Viktor asked.

  “Yes,” Emi replied.

  Viktor looked at Nori then at Emi and asked, “You know gender reassignment surgery is expensive?”

  “I don’t want surgery. I want gene editing,” Nori said. “I want to be a real girl.”

  Viktor raised both eyebrows and looked at Emi. She put her hands on her hips and said, “father, I know what you are thinking.”

  Viktor frowned and asked, “You do?”

  “You will tell me how expensive gene editing is and remind me I promised Shinji, a son. If you do not lend me the money, without strings attached, I wil
l take out a loan,” Emi said.

  “You’re right about owing Shinji a son, but you forgot that until Nori is eighteen, you need his permission,” Viktor said. Viktor smiled at Nori and said, “I will talk to Shinji and give you the money for the procedure.”

  Nori cheered. Viktor turned to Emi and asked, “To do targeted gene modification, Nori will need genes from a female relative. Which I presume will be you? Are you prepared to make your son into your sibling?”

  “Yes, I know Nori will become my sister,” Emi replied. “Do you accept your grandson as your daughter?”

  “Please say yes,” Nori asked.

  “Yes,” Viktor said, “But nothing can happen without Shinji’s permission.”

  “You can give him what he always wanted, a clone of himself,” Emi said.

  “Do you need the funds today?” Viktor asked.

  “I can get most of Nori’s training gear made for a little over cost price in the Palace workshop,” Emi replied.

  “You can look me in the eye and honestly say you are happy if Nori wears a dress?” Viktor asked.

  “If I could, I would buy him all dresses Nori wants, but I cannot afford to,” Emi replied.

  Viktor nodded and said, “I will see what I can do, but I make no promises. Send me a list of everything you need, and I mean everything.”

  “Thanks, father,” Emi said.

  Viktor turned to Nori and said, “The Navy has enough Invocation mages, we need diviners and healers.”

  “What about transformers?” Nori asked.

  “Only those with an engineering degree,” Viktor replied. “If that is what you want, I can sponsor you to attend a magic school when you’re eighteen.”

  “Thanks, Sir!” an excited Nori said.

  Viktor patted Nori on the shoulder and said, “Take care of your mother for me.”

  Nori nodded. Viktor kissed Emi on the cheek and said, “I must go, but I’ll put a few thousand into your account for you both today, but do not tell Shinji.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” Emi said.

  Viktor waved as he walked out.

  Emi took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She turned to Nori and said, “Until you’re eighteen, I am your mother.”

  “All the dresses I want?”

  “Only enough to fill your wardrobe.”

  Nori smiled and asked, “Shall we go now?”

  “First, we get you something to wear and fix your hair.”

  Confused Nori asked, “Why?”

  “I am not taking you to the mall dressed like a boy.”

  “Thank you so much.”


  Nori stood in the change room about to remove his shirt. He looked at the plain white dress on the hook with a training bra and panties. On the bench was a pair of shoes and socks.

  Nori gulped and looked in the mirror.

  There was a knock, and Emi asked, “Everything all right?”

  Startled, Nori meekly replied, “I am okay.”

  “I know you’re scared. Do you want to talk?”

  “What if Kaede doesn’t like me?”

  “You didn’t tell him?”

  Nori looked at his feet and said, “No.”

  “If he doesn’t like you, I will go to work for my father to pay off your treatment.”

  Nori looked at the door and asked, “Will you stand beside me when I tell him?”

  “It is something you should do.”

  “I will be out soon.”


  Emi drove with Nori to Studio City, a collection of many studios on the west side of the city, north of camp Bravo, and took Nori into Hashimoto Studios. Nori saw her briefly speak to Yuki before taking him to an office.

  Emi left, and after a short time, Kaede came in.

  Nori bit her bottom lip and looked down.

  “Nice dress,” Kaede said, “Needs a hat, and a ribbon around the waist.”

  Nori looked up and asked, “Really?”

  “Nori, I knew that you wanted to be a girl since we first met.”


  “Security vets everyone who comes into contact with me,” Kaede said. He walked up and put his hand on Nori’s shoulder and asked, “Have you chosen magic or surgery?”

  “Gene therapy.”

  “Oh,” Kaede said, he looked up and said, “I see. Good idea. I’ll send you and your mother to the clinic in New Shanghai this Yule.”


  “Your mother will want to pay, so tell her, flight and stay is part of the cost, and I will give you a discount on the treatment.”

  Surprised, Nori said, “I do not know what to say.”

  “How about thank you?”

  “Sorry,” Nori said, as he looked at his feet.

  Kaede lifted Nori’s chin and said, “Yes, we are real friends.”

  Nori hugged Kaede.


  Kaede left, and a short time later, Nori came out. Emi asked, “How did it go?”

  “Kaede offered the treatment at a discount this Yule.”

  “Is that all he said?”

  “No, he said he always knew,” Nori replied. He looked down and asked, “Did you tell him?”


  “Well, he said we are real friends,” Nori said.

  Cheerful, Emi said, “That’s good.”

  Nori looked down and said, “He said that he only offered you a discount because you will insist on paying.”

  Emi nodded. “Yes. It is not right to expect someone richer than you to pay your bills.”

  Nori gasped as she looked up and said, “But you asked Grandfather to pay.”

  “That’s different,” Emi insisted.

  “Why?” a sceptical Nori asked.

  “He is my father.”

  Chapter 14

  In the dark, Kaede stood on the stage, back to back to Izanami. He wore a black suit with a red shirt. She wore a red dress covered in sparkles with white stockings, white lace gloves, red shoes, and a little top hat, attached to her headband.

  The lights came on. The audience cheered as the music started, Kaede and Izanami danced back to back, then he turned, grabbed and dipped her. He looked up at the audience. They stood, applauded, and cheered as Kaede and Izanami danced to the music.

  The panel of judges nodded and made notes as they watched as Kaede and Izanami dance. Kaede took Izanami’s hand and spun her.

  They stopped, on time with the music, striking a pose, Kaede standing, right hand in the air, holding Izanami with his left, he lowered her to the floor.

  The audience cheered, other dancers in the wings clapped, the judges nodded and held up 9,9,9 and an 8.


  The Yoshiko estate was a substantial triple story square pagoda-style mansion on an area of land the size of two city blocks surrounded by a high wall, with many gardens. Mako and Miko had their bedroom on the middle floor, Sora, Akiko and Izanami shared the bedroom beside them. Sora and Akiko had a bunk bed; each had a red quilt and a red roll pillow.

  On the other side of the room was Izanami in a single bed with a desk at the end. The pale pink quilt was in a mess on the end of the bed, and the sheets ruffled.

  It was late, Sora and Akiko woke to see Izanami seated in front of the computer. Izanami wore goggles and a headset. She sat cross-legged on the large office chair and whispered to herself as she waved her arms in the air. The large desk had a computer built into it, with the top of the desk a screen. The screen was off, but the power light was on.

  Izanami saw a block of nine screens arranged in three rows of three. She tapped the middle one as the symbols turned into words. The display enlarged over the top of the others.

  Sora noticed Izanami; whose actions puzzled her. Akiko sat on the bed and watched as Izanami waved her arms about, wiggled her fingers and hummed to herself. Sora went to tap Izanami on the shoulder and tripped on the cable. She bumped into Izanami.

  Izanami head-butted the screen, it turned into stat
ic and exploded, Izanami screamed, “No!”

  Sora had pulled the cable between the computer desk and had pulled over a small dish on the windowsill that was pointed up at the sky.

  Izanami turned, pulled her goggles off and screamed, “Why did you do that?”

  “It is late at night,” Sora hissed. “You should be asleep.”

  Izanami grabbed the back of the chair, leaned over it, her face up to Sora’s face. Izanami frowned, her bottom lip protruded, and her eyes narrowed. She said, “I was this close to cracking the code.” She emphasised each word and held her fist close to Sora’s nose.

  “You shouldn’t do that,” Akiko said.

  “Keep out of this,” Izanami snapped.

  Sora grabbed Izanami’s fist, and said, “Akiko is right, hacking the sports channel for us is one thing, but this,” Sora said. She released Izanami’s hand and tapped the goggles. “Whatever you’re doing looks like trouble.”

  “Leave then,” Izanami said as she hopped off the chair, rubbing her hand. She placed the cable back in the computer and picked up the dish. She mumbled as she tried to align it. She turned to Sora and yelled, “You broke it.”

  The lights came on, Mako and Miko stood in the open door and said, “What’s going on?”

  “Izanami was hacking,” Sora said.

  “Snitch,” Izanami said as she crossed her arms.

  “Please behave,” Mako said.

  “If you get into trouble, our father will send you to a home for criminal children,” Miko said.

  “Yeah, well, who cares. Kaede will have them release me,” Izanami said.

  Down the hall, Kenta yelled out, “Girls! It is past your bedtime.”

  Mako grabbed Miko and raced out, Miko turned to Sora and shushed her while Mako turned off the light and closed the door. Sora ran to the door.

  In the hall, Mako and Miko bowed low. “Yes, father,” Mako said.

  Miko said, “Sorry, father.”

  “Why are you both up?” Kenta asked.

  Still bowed, Mako and Miko replied, “We could not sleep.”

  “What were you doing in the girl’s room?” Kenta asked as he took a step forward.

  “Watching, um,” Mako replied, she looked at Miko.

  “Sword fighting,” Miko said, stepping towards Kenta.

  “Back to bed,” Kenta said as he walked off.

  Mako and Miko walked towards their room. As soon as Kenta was gone, they raced back into the girl’s room. Miko helped Akiko clean up, while Sora and Mako dragged Izanami to the bedroom. Her goggles fell off and broke.


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