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Power Games

Page 37

by David Applegate

  “Do you trust Alard?” Toshiko asked Kaede.

  Kaede looked out the window and said, “No, but with everything he has delivered to us, I believe him.”

  “Are you going to tell Takahiro?”

  “No. Are you?”


  “I am sure my grandfather has figured out I bought most of my research projects.”

  “He is poking around.”

  Kaede shrugged. “Let him.”

  “Izanami keeps poking around the network.”

  Kaede turned to Toshiko. “Good, keep an eye on her. If she finds any holes, plug them.”

  “You’re not worried?”

  “Now is not the time to intervene in her hacking. When it is, you can talk to her about curiosity. But for now, let her continue. Make sure she uses her time to explore productively. Stir her curiosity and see what she finds.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Put red dance shoes, with a leash and a dog collar on her avatar. That will tell Nami that we are watching her every move.”

  Toshiko giggled behind her hand, then said, “I can do that.”

  They crossed the bridge and stopped at a Japanese shrine on the eastern shore of the lake, just off the highway.

  “We are here,” Yuki said over the intercom.

  Lady Toshiko stepped out of the limo. A team of knights checked the grounds and inside the shrine. After speaking briefly with the shrine maiden, Lady Hitomi, Toshiko returned to the limo and opened the door for Kaede. She waited with Lady Yuki while Kaede climbed the stone stairs with Hitomi.

  Under the shrine’s gate, Kaede asked, “A new Torii?”

  “Yes, Lord Takahiro had a team put it up for us,” she replied.

  The shrine was a large complex. It faced east and had many shrine maidens of various ages on the grounds. All wore the same white kimono with a red hakama, with white tabi and wooden shoes. All had a red caduceus on a black circle on the back of the kimono.

  Most had a wand in their sash, but some carried a quarterstaff. The maidens were not just working inside the shrine, but on the grounds as well. Some of them were raking leaves, others tending the garden, and a group operated food stalls and souvenir stands. Most of them sat on the grass and talked to young Flower Elf couples.

  The shrine was busy; most visitors were Flower Elves who bowed as the Emperor passed them.

  Lady Hitomi walked beside Kaede down the stone walkway to the purification font at the front of the main building, a large, wooden, two-storey building with a covered walkway around it, with a double paper sliding door at the front. It had a red terracotta roof and wooden shutters on all the windows. Kaede put his shoes on the rack beside the door beside hers. After Hitomi washed his hands in the stone font, she escorted Kaede inside. He followed her to an office in the back of the main building. It had a sprig of holly on the door.

  “Nice to see you again, Emperor,” Hitomi said as she closed the office door. “You have grown up so fast! I am so proud of you.”

  “Thank you, Lady Hitomi,” Kaede said. They were almost the same height; He winked at her as he sat.

  “I didn’t expect to see you until tonight.”

  “I am on my way to see my father, and I stopped by to see how the approval process for my marriage to Sora is progressing.”

  “I know Sora very well from my time at Hashimoto house. She is a remarkable girl with an attractive physique and is very athletic. She is not as pretty as Izanami, but I understand that you are closer to her. She is only three years older than you, but if you are looking for someone to have a son with, Yuki would be a better choice. She is smarter and stronger than Sora is. She is only eighteen years older than you.”

  “Yuki is already on the list of potential secondary wives. I want my first son with Sora.”

  “Is that because you love her?”

  “I do love her.”

  “Would you consider Yuki for your firstborn?”

  “I find her attractive, but Sora is my prime, and the people need to see her carry to term and produce a son with as little interference from the Witches as possible, else they think we have too much privilege.”

  “I see. What about the need for an heir?”

  “I did not say no to all intervention, just no obvious tweaks to his DNA.”

  “I will see to it myself.”

  “Marriage is a social contract with expectations, and you need to understand her and her needs.”

  Kaede stood and walked over to the door, and as he locked it, said, “I would like you to prepare me.”

  Hitomi blushed.


  Alard slept in a luxury double bed between two naked female, Field Elves; his phone beeped a loud, ear-piercing alarm. He got up and checked it. The forum application had a new message.

  He opened it. “Call Yaotl and tell him to take you to the hospital. Use his car and park near the fire exit at the lowest level of the underground carpark. Wait there, and I will come to you. But hurry, I will not wait long.”

  The message had no reply box and disappeared while he dressed. He left his room in the Teahouse and made a call.


  An hour later, Kaede walked alongside Hitomi in the gardens behind the shrine.

  “My grandfather tells me you’re an excellent Blood-Witch.”


  “Did you enjoy been a surrogate?”


  “I could read your file, but I would prefer you to tell me how many you have had.”

  “I have anonymously carried four sets of twins. Two girls in 11,557, another two in 59. A boy and a girl in 62, and two more girls in 69. Since then, I have been preparing couples for marriage and performing formal weddings. In my free time, I help the Flower Elf Cultural Society by running this shrine. All the girls here are Blood-Witches in various stages of training.”

  “Anonymously? You are under a Geas?”

  “It is enough to know I have helped a family.”

  “Yes, I guess so,” Kaede replied.

  Hitomi walked off the path to a shade tree, Kaede walked with her. “I have a delicate question, and I need your honest answer,” Hitomi paused, leant forward, bit her lip and whispered, “Some women who expressed an interest in you are married, do you wish to meet them?”

  “Yes, in a private, secure location. You can escort the ladies to and from the meeting. I shall give each the customary five dates.”

  “When you are eighteen.”

  “Of course,” Kaede said grinning.

  “I heard Galené contacted you.”

  “I know Galené is your friend, you cannot tell anyone this, but trust me, she is not a traitor. But has she contacted you?”

  “No, and I would tell you if she had.”

  “I don’t expect her to.”

  Hitomi looked around and asked, “I know she means a lot to you. Did you want to keep her on the list?”

  “Officially, you are required to remove her, and any others deemed a threat or security risk from the list, but that doesn’t mean you cannot keep their files in your office.”

  Hitomi nodded and said, “Every adult does have the right to have one púca, and you do not have to wed. Marriage is an agreement to, well, share your success with someone in return for their, you know, favours. Legally there are limits to a marriage contract, but some offers I am sitting on are well, questionable, but I cannot discuss them with you yet but know some clans are offering their daughters as part of a business deal.”

  Kaede nodded and said, “When I am eighteen, I intend to marry Sora. We discussed the matter, and I intend to use my rights to be with any female often. I will meet one woman a day who wants to spend the night with me.”

  “Sora is a good prime. However, I-”

  Kaede smiled. “I know you would prefer it if I married Izanami. I agree she is beautiful. She is a wonderful dance partner. Izanami is intelligent, and we do work well together. But Sora is stronger, and I need s
omeone to run my house when I am away. Be honest, Izanami is not a housewife or a hostess.”

  “Do you love Izanami?”

  “Yes,” Kaede replied, he didn’t blink or look away, his ears were raised, and he smiled.

  Hitomi said, “Now, as Emperor, you do have the right to be first with a noblewoman, but this could make many enemies.”

  “Is it true it can be longer than one night?”

  Hitomi sighed. “Technically any married woman can offer themselves to you anytime, as the adultery laws do not apply to you.”

  Kaede stared past Hitomi and said, “I will give priority to Witches.”

  “You could put pressure on your marriage.”

  “Sora understands.”

  Hitomi put her hand on his shoulders, “Emperor. Most males end up with only one wife, and many in multiple marriages will lose at least one. I can prepare Sora and the others, but I ask you to think long and hard before you get involved with anyone.”

  “Even you?”

  Hitomi blushed. “Remember your prime can stop you from marrying anyone else, and should you try to divorce her, we have to make it as difficult as possible.”

  Kaede smiled and said, “I am confident once you explain to Sora how Imperial politics work, she will understand that I must entertain the wives of key Lords.”

  “I understand you need to appear to be powerful. I suggest you only target those ladies in loveless marriages of convenience.”

  “Sora knows thousands of families want to introduce me to their daughters. I must meet at least some. She has no problem with that.”

  Hitomi sighed. “Maybe. But Sora is jealous of Izanami.”

  Kaede bowed slightly to Hitomi. “I apologise, Lady Hitomi, but I must go. I am confident you will explain to Sora that as Empress, no one will be more to me than her.”

  Hitomi bowed. “I will do my best. Now about earlier?”

  Kaede put his hand on her shoulder. “We can talk next week.”

  Hitomi smiled and said, “Yes, Emperor.”

  “Good. I trust you to educate Sora on etiquette, dancing, languages, cooking, dressing, walking, politics, diplomacy and Imperial Law. I am sure you will transform Sora into a beautiful lady.”

  Hitomi leant forward and in a low voice asked, “What about Freya?”

  Kaede bowed and replied, “Upon her return, I will employ her as my private secretary and Masako to be Sora’s private secretary.”

  “Sora wants Akiko to be her assistant.”

  “Akiko will be Lady in waiting. But Sora will need someone to run her private office. Masako will run the Palace, and Freya will be in the first-floor office of the Palace. I will pay for their education, and before they return, I want a restoration of their youth and them to be given a full-body restoration.”

  Hitomi stood and bowed. “Yes, Emperor.”

  “Something bothering you?”

  “It is nothing.”

  Kaede nodded and said, “Toshiko told me the facial recognition system often mistakes Izanami for me.”

  “Yes. Toshiko asked me if I could alter Izanami’s facial features, I could adjust her cheekbones, but as I told Toshiko, people will notice.”

  “It has not escaped my attention that we look alike.”

  Hitomi blushed, and said, “Emperor, you should know that Lady Toshiko is aware that you use the fact that the facial recognition system cannot tell you and Izanami apart to sneak out of the Palace by wearing Izanami’s clothing and identification.”

  Kaede stopped and looked at her and asked, “What if I am?”

  “Toshiko felt it better if I told you to stop. She is upgrading the system so it can distinguish between twins like Sora and Akiko, Mako and Miko, Dain and Adelle.”

  “I can tell Sora and Akiko apart; they are easy. Mako and Miko are hard to tell apart, but most of the time, I can. It is not my fault if others cannot.”

  “I know you can tell them apart, but the system cannot. This is for your safety. Toshiko has asked me to look into altering the girl’s appearance. Just so you know, I have not discussed it with them yet.”

  Kaede looked up and sighed. Hitomi bit her bottom lip. Did I say something wrong?

  Kaede smiled at her and said, “Yeah, Toshiko hates holes in the system. She is worried someone might exploit it with a clone of me. But people would notice if Izanami stopped looking like me,” he paused, looked up and said, “You know, technically it is not legal for minors to get tattoos, but what if Izanami and Akiko got tiny temporary tattoos on their face? You know, under the eyelids just so my security system can identify them? Lady Yuki is a tattoo artist; she can make them permanent when they turn eighteen.”

  Hitomi relaxed and said, “I will speak with Toshiko about that,” Hitomi shifted her position on the chair and leaned forward, “What about Mako and Miko?”

  “I don’t see a need to distinguish one from the other. I suggest Izanami’s mark be a tiny heart under her left eye, while Akiko has three dots under her right.”

  Hitomi nodded. “You do know some of your future wives might not want to carry their púca to term?”

  Kaede stepped forward and took Hitomi’s hand and said, “Would you be my surrogate?”

  Hitomi looked away. “Emperor, I cannot,” she bit her lip. Frustrated, she blushed and took a step back. Kaede still had hold of her hand. She looked up and said, “You know I cannot say more. But I am the same age as your father.”

  “I know,” Kaede said, “but I still want you.”

  Hitomi blushed. “Emperor.”

  Kaede stepped closer and whispered in her ear, “I will take good care of you and never abandoned you. Say yes, and today will be one of the many beautiful days we have.”

  Hitomi said with a broad smile, “I shall consider it.”

  “Thank you, Lady Hitomi,” Kaede said as he bowed to her. He saw a knight approach. He said, “I need to go.”

  Hitomi saw the knight and returned his bow, then said, “I will see you out.”

  Hitomi followed Kaede. He entered the main hall where he lit a stick of incense and placed it in the holder on the altar. He handed a gold coin to Hitomi as he left the main hall.

  “No need, the Hashimoto Corporation generously contributes to the upkeep.”

  “I feel better if I paid for the incense.”

  “Yes, but you should only Light incense if something troubles you.”

  As she escorted him out, Kaede said, “Many do not understand Sora, she knows she is not that smart, but she is just as ambitious as me. She wants to build her own brand and to own a football team. Mako and Miko do not want to be Empress. Deep down, Izanami only wants to be with me. Akiko will do anything Sora tells her.”

  “Yes, I have spoken with Sora about her future. She wants to market everything from sportswear to energy drinks.”

  Kaede said, “Yes. Sora is eager to learn and wants her own wealth.”

  Hitomi went to stop Kaede, he noticed, stopped and turned to her. “Sorry. But I almost forgot. Sora told me you’re interested in Lady Fukuhina.”

  “Yes, I put her name on the list.”

  “I notice you have selected many older ladies. There are many, including her, who are interested in you.”

  Kaede leant in and said, “I will not turn down a date with Lady Fukuhina.”

  “Are you attracted to her?”

  “Yes. I find Fukuhina beautiful. She is strong, determined, hard-working and very smart.”

  Hitomi nodded. “Next time we can talk about girls who are closer to your age.”

  Kaede’s ears fell, “Oh? You’re not coming over tonight?”

  Hitomi put her hand on Kaede’s shoulder, and said, “I am still coming for third-meal, I will cook you something special, but I didn’t intend to discuss marriage arrangements until next week. I want to give you time to look over the proposals from clans with girls your age or younger.”

  “I have Sora and her friends,” Kaede said.

  “Yes, but many
women on your list are more than ten years older than you. Many of those are married. Toshiko tells me out of a thousand requests for arranged marriages from noble clans, you have looked at a few. I can help you reduce that list, or if you prefer, I will help Sora do it?”

  Kaede paused and replied, “I think Sora should whittle down the list first.”

  Hitomi nodded. Kaede smiled at her, and she smiled back at him. She brushed his shoulder, and his ears fluttered. They saw Lady Toshiko at the top of the stairs. Kaede turned and headed over to her.

  As Hitomi escorted him down the stone path, she imagined herself in a long, multi-layered kimono with a shawl and a crown. She stopped at the top of the stairs and bowed as Kaede proceeded down the stairs. He walked down the stairs, passed many onlookers with Toshiko.

  Kaede sat in silence beside Toshiko as Yuki drove along the Eastern Highway to Blood-Tower. A tall, round, blood-red tower with black windows sat in the middle of a ring of Imperial Buildings, north of the airport, fifty kilometres from the east shore.

  Chapter 41

  Kaede sat beside Hiro in his hospital room. Hiro, in a coma, was hooked to life support in a hospital bed. Kaede held Hiro’s hand, careful not to disturb the drip inserted into the back of his hand.

  “I miss you, Father,” Kaede said.

  Kaede heard a knock at the door. He sighed and went to see who it was.

  In the hall, Takahiro stood with a pair of house guards.

  “Emperor, I am leaving for Alcyone Prime,” Takahiro said.

  “Do you need to go?” Kaede asked.

  “A senior member of the clan has to be present to confirm the installation of the new codes to the gate into the vortex,” Takahiro replied, “Normally I would send your father to do this.”

  “Oh right,” Kaede said. He looked at Hiro and asked, “What about corporate restructuring?”

  “Alard and Yuki are working on that,” Takahiro replied.

  “Is the tachyon net up?” Kaede asked.

  “Still having alignment issues,” Takahiro replied.

  Frustrated, Kaede said, “Increase the power to the alignment rings.”

  “Kaede, we have to run many tests. It could be years away from working,” Takahiro said.

  Kaede was not paying attention. He walked over to Hiro and held his hand and said, “I wanted to send a message, see if any of the advanced civilisations on the outer rim could help.”


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