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Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1)

Page 2

by Kora Knight

  “Yeah,” Bailey chuckled, chocolate curls framing his face. “If anything, we’d call it not enough time.”

  Alec stared at him incredulously. By that happy gleam in his hazel eyes, he’d say Bailey didn’t mind that they were stranded. Or that it’d take twelve months on this potentially dangerous planet before any kind of rescue team came to get them.

  Shaking his head, Alec turned to Jamis. “What about you? You the only scientist here who’s still got some sense?”

  Jamis looked up with a smirk, brushing dark bangs from his eyes. “Sorry, Cap. Guess our rough little landing gave me brain damage, too.”

  Alec chuckled humorlessly and rubbed his brow. “You guys are nuts, but at least someone’s happy. Just be ready to head out in five.”

  * * *

  Right on time, less than ten minutes later, every man had every rucksack packed to go. Tromping along like the others in cargo shorts and a tank top, Alec kept steady pace with his co-pilot.

  “I activated the distress beacon,” Zaden informed him, studying the vicinity.

  With a rich tan, black hair, and equally dark eyes, the man looked right at home. And in a way he kind of was. Having spent his childhood in Central America, he regularly traversed regions much like this. In truth, this place was just like the Amazon jungle, except not only were the dense trees taller and thicker, but were solely in all dark shades. Green and purple mostly, with blossoms of orange and red. The flora looked a lot glossier, too, as if everything was covered in honey. Which would explain that wild honey scent Alec detected. A smell he’d picked up the second he stepped off their aircraft. Luckily for his team, the air was breathable. Luckier still was that the temperatures were accommodating. Hell, it was downright sultry as shit. Because, hello, they were in a fucking jungle.

  “Good,” Alec replied, stepping over a downed tree. “Hopefully it won’t take long for its signal to get picked up.”

  “Shouldn’t,” Zaden muttered, peering over his shoulder. “Got the thing running at full strength.” He looked back at Alec with a strange expression. “You feel that?”

  Alec frowned. “Feel what? I don’t feel anything.”

  “Like we’re being watched.”

  Alec tensed and shot Zaden a disquieted look. The man was famous for his wicked sixth sense. “Seriously?”

  Z gave a small nod, eyes combing more intently.

  Alec glanced around, too. “Fucking great. Not a half hour in and we’ve already got company. Getting a vibe on if it’s friendly or not?”

  “Can’t tell.”

  Abruptly, countless branches began snapping overhead.

  “Everyone down!” Chet bit out from the front of the line. Dropping into a crouch, he aimed his rifle up at the trees.

  “Don’t fucking shoot!” Noah hissed. “For fuck’s sake!”

  Beside him, Bailey and Jamis fumbled for their mini tablets. No doubt, to get some pictures.

  “Shut it,” Chet growled, scanning the leafy canopy. “I’m not a goddamn idiot.”

  More snapping branches, getting closer, and louder. Alec and Zaden pulled out their tranq guns, too.

  “It’s probably just monkeys,” Bailey offered. “Or big squirrels.”

  Everyone paused to stare at him drolly.

  He scowled. “Fuck every one of you. You know what I mean.”

  A loud thump sounded from somewhere nearby, as if a creature of substantial weight just dropped to the ground from a tree branch high above.

  “Shit,” Chet barked out. “I can’t tell if it’s just one or a whole fucking ton of them. It’s really fricking big, though. That much I know. Bossman and Z, you two ready to engage?”

  “Yeah,” Alec called. “Locked and loaded.”

  “But don’t fire,” Noah repeated. “Unless absolutely necessary! If they’re even half as intelligent as us, we gotta try peaceful interaction first.”

  “Intelligence,” Zaden murmured, eyeing the woods, “isn’t necessarily a good thing. More often than not, it’s the opposite.”

  “Beesha,” came a deep voice from somewhere close behind.

  The team leapt up and spun around as a tall figure emerged from the foliage.

  Alec froze. Not only was the male before them frickin’ huge—easily seven feet tall—but every single inch of his muscular body was the deepest, darkest shade of purple. Just like the trees and large bushes he stood by. Well, except for his hair, which was entirely black, made up of long, velvety dreadlocks. Not the typical, matted dreadlocks, though. In fact, Alec wasn’t even sure it was hair at all. More like something that’d hurt like a bitch if someone ever tried to cut it.

  He eyed the male’s attire next, aka his one article of clothing. Kind of looked like a black rawhide kilt, but not as long, and with a thick matching belt. It also only hung down in the front and back, leaving the sides of his dark thighs bare. Besides black sandals and shin guards, that was all that he sported, but his upper body definitely hadn’t been neglected. Biceps and wrist cuffs of the same black material, a kind of leather choker, and some piercings. Through his nipples and nasal septum, up the ridge of his ears, as well as along his… were those horns? Alec eyed the small, black protrusions where they emerged from his temples and curved toward the back of his head. Yup, definitely horns, but evidently pliant enough to withstand being pierced repeatedly.

  The male met Alec’s eyes, as if feeling his stare, and his dark, full lips slowly curved. Fangs. The dude had huge fucking fangs. Jesus, he was intimidating. Even to a guy like Alec who’d fought in countless wars, and who wasn’t exactly small himself. But humans, whether ally or adversary, just couldn’t compare to this brute. He was thick. And dense. Just all around big. Even his facial features were large. Strong nose. Square jaw. High, pronounced cheekbones. Not to mention that broad, firm mouth. Or those huge, piercing eyes that were boring into Alec’s with irises of churning gold.

  “Beesha,” he repeated, turning his gaze to the others. When all they did was stand there and gape—while Chet held him brazenly in his crosshairs—the male lifted his hand, fingers tipped with small, black claws, and made a nonviolent gesture. “Kerra… Móonday… Reesha may…”

  The team swapped looks, then all eyes turned to Alec. Right. Because with no one able to translate, this shit defaulted to the captain. Not sensing any immediate danger—probably because Chet’s rifle was still trained on the big dude’s head—Alec tucked his tranq gun back into his leg holster, cleared his throat, and lifted his hands, too. “Um… Hello… We… uh… come in peace.”

  A collective groan rose up from his team.

  “Seriously?” Jamis groused.

  Noah grimaced. “Beyond lame.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Alec scowled. “Well, then why don’t you do it, Mr. Peaceful Interaction?”

  Noah stiffened, but before he could say a word, the male’s amused chuff stole their attention.

  “Moyos ochay,” he rumbled, grinning wide. “Ochay kuntah kai.”

  The team watched him blankly, then one by one started to smile.

  “He’s friendly.” Bailey exhaled in clear relief. “Scary as shit, but friendly.”

  The male stepped forward. Everyone tensed. So he paused again and inclined his head. “Gesh,” he stated, pointing to himself. Then he extended a hand in their direction and eyed each team member expectantly.

  “His name is Gesh.” Jamis’ smile spread wider. “He wants to know our names, too.”

  “Thanks for that, Einstein,” Chet muttered in agitation. “Why don’t you do the introductions.”

  Jamis swallowed and looked back over at Alec. “I would, but we should probably let the captain do it, so it’s clear who’s in charge of our unit.”

  Great. Cursing under his breath, Alec resumed addressing the giant. “Uh… I am Alec,” he started, pointing to himself. Then he motioned to the rest of his crew. “And this here is Zaden, and Chet, and Bailey. And those two are Noah and Jamis.”

  Gesh listened intently, re
garding each one, his gaze lingering longest on Noah. Again, he inclined his head and smiled. “Enday myah. Bukah chay.” His eyes slid to Chet and his gun. “Móotah may,” he murmured darkly.

  Noah shifted, as if still feeling the effects of Gesh’s stare. “He doesn’t like Chet pointing that gun at his face.”

  “I wouldn’t, either,” Bailey muttered.

  “Yeah, well, too fucking bad,” Chet grunted. “Are you not seeing the size of this fucking behemoth? Or that he’s got fricking fangs and claws?”

  Gesh pursed his lips, as if understanding Chet’s words.

  For the first time since their new friend’s arrival, Zaden spoke up, his gaze locked on Gesh. “He’s smart. Really smart. Might even know what we’re saying.”

  “But is he safe?” Alec asked. “Are we cool? Can we trust him?”

  “I dunno.” Zaden frowned. “I still can’t tell.”

  Noah raked a hand through his flyaway bangs. “Come on, guys. There’s six of us and only one of him. And he’s not the one with the guns. I say we ease up a little. Let the guy breathe.”

  Chet looked at Alec. “Your call, Boss.”

  Alec exhaled and scrubbed his face. “Stand down, Chet, but keep your eye on our friend—and your gun’s safety permanently off.”

  “Roger that,” Chet muttered, lowering his weapon.

  Immediately, Gesh’s big broad smile returned, his huge fangs back in full view. “Bellah,” he rumbled brightly, then gestured for them to follow as he turned and started walking.

  As one, the three scientists looked at Alec. “We’re gonna go with him, right?” Bailey asked almost urgently.

  “Yeah,” Jamis chimed in. “Since he’s a big reason we came.”

  “Who knows,” Noah added, sweetening the pot. “Maybe he’ll find us a cool place to camp.”

  Alec chuckled and gave a nod. “Okay. Fine. Whatever. Chet, stay at Gesh’s back.”

  Chet glared the giant’s way as they all started walking. “Nowhere I’d rather be.”

  * * *

  For the next couple of hours, they hiked the lush terrain, stopping every so often for a breather. Good thing they all were in stellar shape or those stops would’ve been way more frequent. Alec kept a close eye on Gesh as he interacted with the science trio. They told him about Earth, how they were humans, about their wreck. Gesh told them about his planet, Nira, too. From his gestures, they were able to discern it wasn’t all jungle. And that his specific species was Kríe. He also showed them plants and pointed to critters, offering up lots of strange names. And the threesome ate up every bit of it. The way their faces lit with wonder as they captured images and gathered countless samples…

  Alec smiled. The sight of them brimming with so much tangible joy almost made the whole crash worthwhile. Almost. Because, like Jamis said, Gesh was a large reason for why they’d come. Gesh and this great big uncharted world. So even though their aircraft sat in utter shambles, their bottom-line mission felt successful.

  Gesh brought them to another stop, this time at the opening of a clearing. It was small, but with that running brook a few yards away, it’d make a perfect place to camp. Just enough space to pitch their personal tents and settle in good before nightfall.

  Gesh squatted down at the creek and scooped some water with his hands. Looking over his shoulder, he grinned at the team. “Reesa,” he stated, taking a hardy drink.

  Alec eyed his empty water bottle, then gestured to Jamis. “Check it.”

  Jamis nodded, pulled off his rucksack, and quickly rummaged inside. A couple seconds later, he found what he wanted and headed over to kneel down at the stream. Scooping up a sample of the liquid, he tested it in a small container. “Looks good. No protozoa. No bacteria. No viruses.”

  Gesh paused and gave an indignant grunt. “Tah.” He nodded, scooping up some more. “Reesa bellah kai.”

  Alec watched the Kríe drink for another few minutes before finally giving his guys the green light. “Alright. Fill your canteens, and a couple extras, too.”

  Bailey was first to partake of the water. Noah wasn’t far behind. Sinking to his haunches right beside Gesh, the blond scientist smiled at the Kríe. Gesh paused and returned the friendly gesture, his gold gaze once again lingering. As if there was something about Noah in particular that intrigued him.

  Chet replenished quickly while Gesh continued drinking, then got back to watch-dogging their guide. Alec smirked and shook his head as he made his way to the brook. Their hired gun was nothing if not efficient.

  Gesh finished a second later, stood, and looked around till his eyes locked on a stand of purple trees. Dark gaze glittering, he approached them, lips curved. The scientists swapped looks, then followed him over.

  “Tah...” Gesh rumbled, reaching for a deep maroon blossom—which there were tons of, running up each glossy trunk. Clutching one of its huge, plump petals, he squeezed it with his clawed thumb and forefinger. Thick juice instantly oozed from the spot, releasing more of that super-sweet scent. Gesh licked his fingers and looked at the trio. “Tukah?” he asked, rubbing his lean abs.

  All three guys eyed the flower hesitantly.

  “Um… Are we?” Bailey turned and looked at his colleagues. “Hungry for syrupy flowers?”

  But before his friends could give a reply, Gesh barked out a deep, rich laugh. “Mah.” He shook his head. “Mah, moyos ochay.” Grinning, he pointed up to a cluster of eggplant-looking fruit.

  “Oh.” Bailey chuckled.

  Noah and Jamis cracked up laughing.

  Observing from the creek, Alec watched Gesh scale the tree. A couple ticks after he disappeared into the canopy, countless globes started to drop.

  Zaden stopped beside Alec and crossed his arms. “Drink and now food. He’s being very hospitable.”

  Alec motioned for Jamis to check the fruit, then turned to look at his friend. “He makes you uneasy.”

  Zaden nodded. “Yeah. He does.” He scanned the trees above as well as the surrounding brush. “Why is he out here all alone? And why was he so eager to befriend us?”

  Alec crossed his arms, too, and gave a shrug. “Maybe he’s just curious about us, like we are of him. Maybe his species travel alone. Like male lions. Roaming solo instead of with a pride.”

  “If that was the case, then again I ask, why is he so intent on being with us? Why not just watch us from a distance?”

  Alec scratched his cheek, lacking an answer. “I dunno. I mean, while lion males are typically loners, they do hang out in groups from time to time.”

  Zaden turned and pinned him with suspicious eyes. “Only when they want to mate.”

  Alec coughed out a laugh. “Okay, maybe male lions were a bad analogy.”

  “Fruit’s safe,” Jamis announced, holding up another vial. “No toxins, poisons, bacteria, bugs…”

  Gesh dropped down, then settled against the tree and grinned at his ample pile. “Mah, mahn besh,” he rumbled low. “Senna`sohnsay bellah kai.”

  One by one, he tossed them all fruit. The team looked at Alec. Alec looked at Gesh. All but rolling his eyes, the Kríe took a huge bite and started chewing away. Zaden shifted his weight restlessly. To their left, Chet’s stomach growled.

  “I am fucking starving,” their hired guard muttered. He looked at Alec. “And the stuff’s cool, right?”

  Alec swapped looks with Zaden, then glanced back at Gesh. Gesh smiled and took another big bite. “Bellah,” he repeated. “Bellah kai.”

  Noah watched their guide eat. “Bellah kai,” he mused. “Got the feeling that means very good.”

  Gesh grinned and nodded at the golden blond. “Tah, Noah. ‘Gewd.’ Moyo eenta.”

  Noah beamed. “I think he just called me smart.”

  “Awesome,” Chet drawled. “Looks like you’ve got yourself a translator, Boss. Now, can I eat this purple thingy or what?”

  Right on cue, Gesh chomped another mouthful, his strong jaw chewing away.

  “Okay,” Alec relented. “Bu
t don’t eat too much. We’ve got plenty of rations in our sacks.”

  “Gonna be here for a while, Cap,” Jamis reminded. “Might wanna save those for later.”

  Chet sat on a downed log and took a tentative bite. “Ohhh… Oh, my God. Tastes like peaches.”

  “Damn,” Bailey moaned, trying it, too. “Like the perfectly ripe, super-sweet white ones.”

  Noah settled into a spot between Bailey and Gesh, his own fruit clutched in hand. “No shit?”

  “Oh, yeah. No shit. For reals.”

  “Yes. I fucking love the white ones.”

  Alec shook his head and smiled, sitting down beside Chet. Zaden joined him while the trio remained with Gesh. Zaden still looked uneasy, but before too long, everyone was happily chowing down. Alec sighed, tension easing. Maybe with their big, strong guide around, surviving for a year wouldn’t be too hard. God, he couldn’t wait to pitch his tent, make a fire, and just relax.

  Allowing his mind to wander, he gazed up at a tiny opening high in the canopy above, where two small, winged creatures flittered about. Kind of funny how they reminded him of over-sized betta fish. He watched them playing and didn’t look back down again until Gesh’s dark chuckle seized his attention. Alec eyed the male, then glanced at his team. Like him, each had finished nearly all of his fruit while Gesh sat smugly looking on. No, scratch that. He didn’t look just smug. That grin of his was downright leering.

  Zaden stiffened at Alec’s side.

  Chet cursed and raised his rifle. “Why the fuck is he looking at us like that?”

  A louder, hardier laugh rose from Gesh’s chest. “Moyos mahneenta. Mahneenta kai.”

  Face paling, Noah slowly turned to Alec. “I think he just called us stupid.”

  Alec’s heart skipped a beat, then took off racing. But before he could even mutter, oh shit, a burning pinch lanced through his shoulder. Alec hissed as his teammates jerked in similar pain, alarmed shouts filling his ears. Alec looked down at his shoulder. What the friggin’ fuck? A tiny dart was lodged into his muscle. And the fucker stung like hell. Scowling he tugged it free, but the damage was already done, his vision darkening rapidly.


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