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Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1)

Page 8

by Kora Knight

  “Oh, God,” he groaned, tugging on his binds.

  Miros growled and pumped Alec’s turgid dick faster. “So arousing it is watching you. So responsive to my touch.”

  When he sank three more through, Alec flat-out started panting.

  “Shit!—Oh shit!—They’re pushing against something!—Making me—Ungh!—need to come!”

  “Yesss,” Miros purred. “Your swollen treasure. Soon I will burst it with my cock.”

  Ah. The “inner jewel” Gesh had spoken about. Alec’s prostate. His motherfucking G.

  Without warning, Miros wrapped his lips around Alec’s crown, then swiftly sank them down his hard shaft.

  “Uh! Ah, fuck!” Alec all but shouted. Nothing in the whole world could possibly feel better. And soon nothing would ever feel worse. But no matter how hard Alec’s brain shouted warning! he just couldn’t tell Miros to stop.

  Such an alien moment in every way. Never had someone shoved stones up his ass. And never had he been with a male. Human or otherwise. And yet, in this moment he couldn’t seem to care.

  Miros focused more intently on sucking Alec’s cock, evidently done stuffing him with soap. Up and down, up and down, easily taking it all, as his big thumb stroked Alec’s ring. Shit, that mouth. That huge, hot tongue. Those stones pressing relentlessly against his G. He couldn’t freaking take it. Too many incredible sensations. And yet he didn’t ever want them to stop.

  Faster the pressure built, getting stronger, till Alec’s hips were squirming on that ledge. Abs tensing, toes curling, hole clenching against Miros’ finger.

  But then Miros pulled Alec’s dick from his mouth. “Now,” he ordered, back to pumping Alec’s shaft. “Release the stones from you now.”

  Too lost in pleasure to question the whys, Alec moaned and gave a push.

  Slick, soapy balls emerged in a rush. Alec gasped, then moaned louder. Holy shit. Those rapid little punches tagging his anus were out of this fucking world.

  “Again,” Miros snarled, pumping him faster. “You make my cock painfully hard.”

  Why Alec liked the thought of that, he had no frickin’ idea. All he knew was that, on top of everything else, Miros’ words just set him on fire.

  He pushed again with a ragged shout, peppering the water with more stones. Radiating pleasure throughout his channel and junk. Making him shudder and buck.

  Miros rumbled in approval and paused from his stroking to suckle Alec’s sensitive glans. “Yes. You like how I tend to your body.” He thumbed Alec’s clenched hole, making it twitch. “Like my pretty stones deep in your ass.”

  Shit. Forget like. Alec fucking loved it.

  Panting, he nodded, fingers fidgeting above his head. “Yes. Ah, God, Miros. Need to come so bad.”

  Miros’ golden eyes hooded. “I know. And you will. Now, one more time, to release the rest.”

  Oh, fuck. Just the prospect had Alec’s rectum baring down. The last stones left in rapid succession, giving soft kicks as they went. Alec moaned for each one, shivering hard, then slumped as Miros unhanded his cock. Standing, he unhooked Alec’s wrists from above and pulled him up on his feet.

  “Nenya, Alec.” Come. “It is almost time to fuck.”

  Alec whimpered. He wanted to fuck now.

  Bearings barely in check, he limped out beside Miros, tamping back a stream of strained curses. Because just like he’d feared, Miros’ little bit of fun just amped his junk back up to crazy. At least he wasn’t alone. Miros’ dick was jutting pretty fiercely, too.

  The Kríe clutched Alec’s nape and guided him forward, graciously letting Alec set the pace. He glanced around. Zaden and Naydo were gone now, too, and—

  “You like science?” Finn’s husky words interrupted his thoughts. “Tell us, moyos, how do you like this experiment?”

  Alec turned in the direction he’d last seen the four, then gaped when his eyes found their mark. The twins still had Bailey and Jamis against their fronts with their bound hands still trapped behind their necks. But now they also had them blindfolded, too, with their knees pulled up and tied to their shoulders. Looked like Finn and Filli had gotten resourceful and used the excess rope on the guys’ collars. Alec could see it weaved through the crooks of their knees and tied at the base of their napes. Which left them utterly at the mercy of their handlers, whom looked to be having quite the fun.

  Alec nearly stumbled as he took in the sight. The twins were gripping their captives’ cocks and taking turns plunging them into the other’s ass. Damn, they worked really well as a team. The way Filli held Bailey’s cheeks spread wide while Finn slid Jamis’ dick in and out. And then how Finn swapped and spread Jamis wide while Filli sank Bailey in nice and deep. Those Kríe were one kinky-ass well-oiled machine.

  Alec’s cock throbbed as he stared. Did the friends even realize they were fucking each other? They were blindfolded, after all, and looked pretty disoriented, squirming in unabashed pleasure.

  “You like this research.” Filli chuckled. “Feels good. Let us see if we can make you spill.”

  Their captives groaned louder, anxiously nodding in consent as the Kríe brothers picked up their pace. Faster Filli shoved Bailey’s dick through Jamis’ ring, using his own hips’ driving force.

  “Yes! Aw, fuck!” Jamis cried out in bliss.

  Bailey’s chest heaved. “Oh, God, yeah! Aw, shit!”

  Alec swallowed, heart pounding, unable to believe his eyes. His teammates were absolutely loving it. No way would they want him to intercede.

  Miros gripped his arm and pulled him along. “Come. They will join us very soon. The twins’ experiment will not succeed.”


  * * *

  They ended up back at compound’s heart, where a fresh fire danced in its confines. But now, unlike before, the fire pit was surrounded by huge, hide pillows and lush furs. Piled generously high, they gave the illusion of a great big sea of softness. Blacks, browns, and tans, spotted and striped, the remnants of all the animals they’d slain.

  Alec eyed it longingly. After a long day of hiking, it looked beyond amazing. And the perfect place to flat-out collapse. But then he noticed all the Kríe around, too. Wandering about or lounging on plush pillows, eating every shape and color food. Vegetables or fruit, Alec couldn’t discern, but suddenly his stomach was roaring.

  Miros chuckled and led him to the pack’s spread of edibles, gathered abundantly for all to enjoy. Alec grabbed a few items, making sure they weren’t fire fruit, then took a huge, juicy bite.

  “Mmm. Aw, God. That’s really fucking good.”

  Miros grinned and snagged up a couple things, too, before gesturing to a tall tree nearby. “We climb now.”

  Alec paused in mid-chew to peer up its looming trunk. “Climb? Why? What about all these great pillows?” He shot Miros what he knew was a pitiful look. “Wouldn’t you rather sit on these pillows?”

  Again, Miros chuckled and nodded his head. “Yes, but right now they are reserved for the show. We will sprawl out upon them later.”

  The show? Alec frowned, afraid to even ask.

  Miros slipped a satchel strap over his shoulder and filled the bag with his and Alec’s food. “Hm.” He studied Alec’s feet and hands. “No claws. I will have to carry you.”

  Alec blinked, brows furrowing, as he followed Miros to the tree. “Carry me? Are you serious? Up fifteen fucking feet?”

  “Yes. That is nothing. Climb onto my back.”

  Alec cringed. This wasn’t going to feel good at all. Pressing his junk snug against Miros’ spine. Already, it was so fucking tender it hurt. But he really wanted to sit down for a second and eat. He was exhausted and food would replenish him.

  Sighing in resignation, he mounted Miros’ back, wincing and cursing as he went. Miros chuffed in amusement, then began their ascent. And man, did he make it look easy. Alec watched in fascination as the Kríe hoisted them higher, his sharp claws digging effortlessly into the bark. God, he was strong, and in less than a m
inute had them settling onto a hide-covered platform. Fixed flush against the tree, it faced the pit below, the seat barely a yard wide or deep. Which left few options for where they could sit. Not that Miros was giving Alec the choice.

  Propping his spine against the trunk, Miros pulled Alec between his bent knees. “Vai bellah,” he rumbled. Good view. “Now we eat.” He dug into his sack and handed Alec his fruits, then adjusted Alec more comfortably against his chest.

  Alec shifted awkwardly as Miros’ nipple rings poked his back, but was just too tired and hungry to argue their seating arrangement. Besides, the Kríe was right. They had a pretty sweet view. Kind of like front row balcony seats. But again, he wondered to what kind of show.

  Figuring he’d find out soon enough, Alec took the crimson globe and resumed eating. Once more, he moaned in taste bud heaven. “Damn, this tastes like watermelon, but way fricking better. Denser or something. Hardier. Fucking love it.” And he honestly did, despite never being a fruit person. But now? He could eat it all day.

  Alec paused as something odd occurred to him. Typically, if a human ate too much fruit, it’d give them a wicked case of the runs. But that’s pretty much all he and his team had eaten ever since they arrived on this planet. And yet not one time had they had any issues. Not only that but, minus the first day, he hadn’t taken any more shits. And having had the same bathroom breaks as the rest of his team, it was easy to conclude that they hadn’t, either.

  Suspicious, he swallowed his bite of whatever. “Miros?”

  “Tah.” Yes.

  “I’ve got a strange question. Your kind… Do you guys, um… have bowel movements?”

  “Bowel movements?” Miros’ perplexed tone was downright comical.

  “Yeah,” Alec chuckled. “The way your body gets rid of waste.”

  “Ah. I see. Yes, we expel waste from our cocks. Like you and I did together earlier.”

  Alec stilled with a frown. “Wait. That’s the only way? Nothing ever… leaves through your ass?”

  Miros grunted in distaste. “Esh. Of course not. That passage is for copulation only.”

  Alec’s mouth dropped open. “Get the fuck out.”

  But before he could venture any further on the subject, Gesh’s distant, robust laughter distracted him. Alec glanced to the sleeping quarters across the way, shocked at what he found. Head honcho, pack leader, wrestling playfully atop furs with none other than Noah himself.

  What. The. Fuck???

  Alec blinked, unable to believe it. But sure enough, Noah, blond hair freed from its ponytail, was tussling about naked with Gesh. Alec watched in bafflement as the two rolled around, Noah clamoring to straddle Gesh’s lean, strong hips, Gesh tossing him into a mound of pelt. They were playing. Fucking playing. Like frisky frickin’ cubs.

  Alec shook his head. He honestly hadn’t seen that one coming, either. Sure, he suspected Noah liked Gesh and all, but this took things to a whole new level.

  Noah stood, visibly readying to lunge again, and Alec noticed the most telling thing of all. His teammate’s dick was only semi-hard. And his nut sac wasn’t swollen in the slightest.

  Alec’s mouth fell open, half shocked, half envious. Noah had gotten laid. Was the only one in their entire unit who no longer needed desperately to come. His features were relaxed, hell the guy was genuinely smiling, and best of all, he was still in one piece.

  Alec exhaled in relief. He may not know how the two pulled it off, but at least now he knew that they could.

  Abruptly, Roni’s loud voice rose from below.

  “Nenya!” Come! “It is time for a feast. One that feeds our eyes and hands, too.”

  Alec froze. Walking toward the fire pit alongside Roni was a wary-eyed Chet, buck-ass naked. Alec took him in for the first real time. With all those muscles and that huge jutting cock, the guy gave human males a great name. Even his new manscaping job added to his impressive aura.

  Unfortunately for Chet, he was bound again, but this time in a whole new way. This time his wrists were up by his head, secured to what looked like a bamboo pole. A bamboo pole that ran across his shoulders and back behind his neck.

  Talk about defenseless. Alec tensed even more.

  “Móonday,” Miros murmured. Do not fear. “Roni will not hurt him.”

  “You sure about that?” Alec watched them approach. “‘Cause Chet sure looks like a lamb led to the slaughter.”

  Miros’ deep laugh rushed against Alec’s neck. “Trust me. What your friend is about to experience, his body will never want to stop.”

  Alec’s heart pounded anxiously, but from which emotion, he wasn’t sure. Fear for his friend? Maybe a little. But something told Alec Chet wasn’t really in danger. Which meant excitement was fueling his pulse. Anticipation. And hardcore lust. Because this was the start, he could feel it in his bones, of something that would change him forever. Irrevocably. No rewinds. No ever going back.

  He was absolutely confident of another thing, too. A premonition coming from his junk. Before the night was over, regardless of what happened below, Alec would find himself—just as Gesh had predicted—willingly begging for Kríe cock.

  * * *

  Roni led Chet up onto the lush sea of pelts, then eased him down on his back. Chet settled stiffly, glancing around, but dutifully stayed where he was. Roni grinned down at him, his heated eyes flashing. And even though Chet tried to look calm and collected, it was pretty fucking obvious he wasn’t. Skin flushed, chest heaving, hands fisted tight. All telltale signs that he was nervous. Which was totally understandable. Alec would be, too.

  But Chet had gotten himself into this mess, even when Alec tried to stop him. Insisting on facing off with a freaking giant, agreeing to Roni’s terms of engagement. So now Chet was lying in the bed he made. Fortunately, that bed was really soft.

  At the far end of the fire pit, a slow, seductive drumbeat rose up and onto the scene. Sensually simple with raw, carnal undertones, like some primitive pulse of testosterone. Alec looked to the males thumping calmly away. Such a weird juxtaposition, their big dangerous claws all but caressing their drum heads. The heat in their eyes, though, looked a lot less docile as they stared like hungry panthers at Chet.

  Again, Alec swallowed and tried to relax. Bottom line? Chet was finally going to come. One way or another. Which was good. So as long as Roni didn’t maim or kill him, Alec supposed Chet was getting what he asked for. And hell, who knew? Maybe Chet would enjoy it. Love it even, just like Miros said.

  Roni dropped to his knees, just as naked at Chet, and wrapped a strip of hide around Chet’s eyes. At first, Chet tensed, but then seemed to relax, as if realizing being blindfolded would make things easier. And Alec would have to agree. He had a feeling things were about to get all-out overwhelming.

  Roni bent Chet’s knee up against his chest and, with another strip of hide, secured it to the pole running across Chet’s shoulders. Chet shifted uneasily, mouthing a couple of curses. Roni chuckled and secured his other knee, too, then adjusted them till Chet’s thighs were nice and spread.

  Alec groaned at how insanely exposed the guy was, his own face heating in sympathy.

  Behind him, Miros growled. “It finally begins.” Winding his big arm around Alec’s waist, Miros tugged him even closer against his chest. “Eat, Alec. Then we will join them, too.”

  Alec took an anxious bite. Then a few more after that, till his stomach was feeling much better. His other parts, though? Still not so much. But that couldn’t be blamed entirely on senna`sohnsay. Half was unquestionably due to the spectacle getting started just a few yards below.

  Roni started things off with a bit of taste-testing. Specifically, Chet’s whole fucking body. The Kríe literally tongued every super-tense inch of him, then suckled his freaking toes. Chet squirmed at that, but otherwise stayed calm. Until Roni sat down in front of Chet’s ass and started to stroke Chet’s cock. Kind of funny, considering how hung Chet was, that his dick looked so small in Roni’s hand.

sp; Chet groaned, lips parting as his hips tried to rock.

  Roni’s auric eyes hooded. “I am going to share you now.” For the first time since he started, the Kríe gestured to his pack. “Come. Enjoy. But do not fuck him. Only I have earned that right.”

  Chet froze like a statue, as all around, random males joined the fun. Eager lips, hot tongues, and teeth descended. On Chet’s neck, mouth, and earlobes. On his thick pecs and nipples. All along his abs and inner thighs. Nipping and licking, pinching and nibbling. Grazing claws over every inch of flesh. Chet shuddered, body tensing, jaw clenched super tight.

  Good God. With all those Kríe, Alec could barely even see him. No joke, there were easily ten freaking males crawling all over Chet’s body. Alec’s dick throbbed painfully, just imagining the feeling. Of that many hot mouths and zealous hands… all at the same fucking time.

  Miros let his fruit’s empty husk thump to the ground. And then his warm hands slid over Alec’s hips and pulled his bent knees closer. Now their legs were propped the same, with Miros’ larger ones caging Alec’s in.

  “I think your friend is happy now.” Miros curled one hand around Alec nuts and the other around Alec’s cock.

  Alec’s lashes fluttered. “And, no doubt, anxious to come.”

  Miros chuckled against his ear, licking its shell. “Oh, he will. For a very long time.”

  Alec shivered, glancing below as Miros started to stroke. Roni had shoved Chet’s hips up and forward and was leisurely tonguing his hole. Another Kríe’s mouth was wrapped around Chet’s cock, while two others toyed with his nipples. Chet moaned out a stream of more anxious curses.

  Alec exhaled and shook his head. There was no freaking way that didn’t feel like ecstasy. His backdoor clenched enviously, so needy for contact. Contact like Chet was currently getting.

  Roni circled his pointed tongue around Chet’s rim, then lapped it from bottom to top. Again and again, making Chet groan. Then more until he clenched and bared down.


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