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Smoke and Wishes (Best Wishes Book 1)

Page 21

by A. J. Macey

  The front door to the dorm opened with a thud, followed by Sadie’s familiar huffing. Laying on my bed with my eyes closed, I smiled. I had missed her the last few days. Shifting to look into the living area, blue hair appeared as she stuck her head into my room. She eyed me from behind her purple frames, taking in the fact I was laying on my bed doing absolutely nothing.

  “What in the world are you doing?” She came the rest of the way into my room, her bright outfit was a stark contrast against the neutral colors in my room.

  “Laying here”—I patted my bed in answer—“how was your flight?”

  “Ugh, long and crowded, nothing remarkable. I thought you and Charlie were doing the girls’ weekend thing?” I pushed to sitting and looked at her.

  “We did, we decided to go to the beach yesterday. She just headed back to Seattle an hour ago.” She nodded in response before clapping and changing topics in her usual dizzying speed.

  “Well then, that’s perfect. We’re going shopping with Benji, get your ass out of bed and get changed.” I looked down at my grey sweats and an extra large black t-shirt. “You’re not wearing that to go get a dress for the All Hallows Eve Dance,” Sadie lectured.

  “I wasn’t planning on going,” I mumbled, making no moves to change out of my comfy outfit.

  “You’re going.” Her voice brokered no room for arguing as she turned from my door. “You have five minutes, and then we’re going dress shopping. You’re my date, and you’re going to look hot, and that’s that!” she hollered the last portion from her room. I fought a small smile at the love I felt, especially after spending the last twenty-four hours with Charlie. I’m normal.


  October 21st

  Sunday Afternoon


  “This doesn’t look like a dress shop.” My voice shook as I took in the red brick building. The bold, antique lettering of the shop name in the window was accompanied by prints of traditional tattoo artwork. Benji chuckled, his shoulders shaking slightly in the edge of my vision. Of course, he’s in on it, they always tag team up against me. I aimed an accusatory glare in his direction. Once the shock wore off, I was actually pretty excited. Staring up at the building, anticipation shot through me.

  “Nope, you and I are getting pierced! Come on.” Sadie hooked her arm through mine and started for the door. Benji followed silently, lips curled in a hint of a smile at Sadie literally dragging me up the sidewalk. A bell chimed as we entered, from the back of the shop a woman with sleek black hair pulled into a high ponytail emerged.

  “Are you Sadie?” Her eyes were sharp behind her wireless glasses as she looked my roommate up and down slowly. The red contacts she wore gave her a creepy, yet stunningly beautiful look. Two piercings on opposite sides of her mouth winked in the light against black lipstick, the contrast between her lips and pale porcelain skin was intense. Dramatic winged eyeliner and a choker necklace tied the rest of her black ensemble together giving her a gothic vibe.

  “Yup”—she popped the p at the end of the word before continuing—“this is Lucie and Benji. She’ll be getting something too, he won’t because he’s a stick in the mud.” I pursed my lips in attempts to hide my chuckle. Benji gaped at her, his right hand pressing into his chest in mock outrage.

  “Excuse you, ma’am, I am not a stick in the mud. I just prefer tattoos over piercings. Besides, Austin is the one with the piercings.” He wagged his eyebrows comically, a wicked grin transforming his face from reserved and withdrawn geek to playboy hottie. Sadie wrinkled her nose in response, turning back to the piercer as I became lost in thought. What should I get done?

  “Alright, I’ll need to see your ID and have you sign a waiver. Who’s going first?” Goth girl’s voice had a husky quality, like she just woke up from a long nap. I still couldn't decide what to get. Piercings had never really crossed my mind before. The twins popped into my head unbidden, their matching nipple piercings making my mouth water, but I didn't think I would be brave enough to get something like that for my first real piercing. Since I could do nothing but stand there with my mouth hanging at the question, Sadie stepped up, grabbing my wallet from my pocket and producing both of our driver’s licenses.

  “I don't think either of us has really thought about what we would want. I kind of sprung this on her. What would you suggest?” Sadie was looking exceptionally adorable today. She had on high waisted jeans, which were perfect on her short and curvy body, and a canary yellow, long-sleeved crop top. Hot pink rain boots with rubber ducks adorned her feet. What goes through her head when she dresses herself? Her bright outfit and colored hair stuck out like a sore thumb in the dim lighting of the shop. Our piercer didn’t seem to mind her eclectic ways, licking her lips to answer.

  “Oh, honey, I don't think you want my opinion on this, might scare you off. And I wouldn't want that.” Biting her lip, she eyed Sadie once more. I would have expected my roommate to start blushing, but then again I had never witnessed Sadie flirting. The saucy minx sashayed forward, lowering her eyelashes and puckering her lips slightly. Jeez, should we leave these two alone? Benji must have shared my inner sentiments, as he looked just as lost and confused as I felt.

  “Maybe just one right here.” Sadie pointed to the space right above her cupid’s bow, causing red eyes to track her movements. “I’ll go first.” With a wink and a bright smile, she sauntered into the back of the shop. Leaving the three of us to stand and stare after her. After a brief moment, Benji cleared his throat.

  “So, can we come back and watch?” A furious blush rose in his cheeks as he realized what he said. “I, uh, I mean to watch her get pierced, her lip, her get her lip pierced.” Groaning, he buried his head in his hands. I couldn't help but laugh at his expense. Leading us to the back the piercer, whose name was Harlem if the certificates on the walls were correct, broke the tension left from Benji’s embarrassment.

  “Any thoughts on what you want, Lucie?”

  “I have no clue, I already have my ears done. belly button?” I mumbled, looking around the shop and admiring the drawings as Sadie got situated in the chair and Benji sank into a spare stool in the corner.

  “A belly button piercing would be a good choice, it doesn’t really hurt, and it’s hidden by clothing.” Harlem solidified my decision as she prepared everything she needed for Sadie’s lip piercing. Sitting in silence, I watched as she leaned over Sadie, who’s cheeks were tinted a deep pink. It didn’t escape my notice that Harlem had gone further into her personal space than she should have needed to. Benji’s thumbs were flying over his phone’s screen, probably lost in a private conversation with Austin. After a small squeak from Sadie, Harlem turned to me.

  “Alright, Lucie. Your turn.” She nodded to the chair that Sadie had just vacated. I sank into the black seat and pulled up my shirt, thankful the bruising was finally healed on my ribs. Harlem’s red eyes continued to dart to the large scars on my ribs and hip as she cleaned my belly button.

  “Those are some pretty wicked scars, car accident?” While the question was innocent, I felt my chest constrict, my lungs became deprived of oxygen as sounds started to muffle.

  “Yup, a few years ago,” Sadie smoothly lied, her tone was friendly, but a thin layer of ice weaved through her words, hinting to end that line of questioning.

  “You chose well, that piercing is hot as fuck.” Harlem’s focus didn’t waver as she complimented Sadie’s new jewelry. The medusa piercing fit her, bringing attention to her pouty lips.

  “Thanks! It’s small and cute, just like me.” She chuckled from her position at the mirror on the other side of the room. I couldn’t see her from where I was laying, but she must have made some kind of gesture as Harlem glanced up from my stomach, heat forming in her eyes. These two need to get a room, stat. Coughing out a laugh, she refocused her attention. I felt a small prick, almost like a bee sting, and Harlem straightened from her position over me.

  “Alright girls, all done.” Harlem shifted a
way from me as she cleaned up her equipment. I adjusted my shirt back down around my hips after looking down at the shiny silver piercing, internally squealing about how much I loved it. Sadie hauled Benji up out of the stool, yanking his attention away from his phone, before heading back towards the front of the shop. Harlem handed each of us our ID, Sadie stayed behind after I handed over some cash.

  Hooking my arm through Benji’s and, not so discreetly, leading him out into the cooling air, we allowed Sadie some alone time with Harlem. A smile curled my lips when I saw Sadie hand her cell over to the piercer. Good for her. After emerging from the shop, she joined Benji and me, linking her arm through his opposite of me, and turned down the sidewalk to the dress shop.

  I pulled open the curtain for the third time in yet another formal dress to show Benji. Sadie was still rustling around in her changing booth, curses flying every few seconds. Benji’s head tilted, his lips thinned the longer he looked at it. It was the same look he’d given the first two I had tried on before rejecting them. Both of which had looked odd on my slim body shape. The last couple of weeks of almost non-existent eating had brought me almost back to the size I was at the beginning of summer.

  “I’m not feeling this one,” I pitched my voice loud enough for Sadie to hear, “this pale green makes me look sickly.” Benji agreed, his messy hair flopping with each nod.

  “Alright, but you have to wear a color! Nothing black or boring,” Sadie demanded from her dressing room. She came out in a bright yellow gown that had flowed out like a princess dress and had lace on the bodice and sleeves. It stood out against her blue hair and flattered her curvy figure. “Eh, not feeling the yellow. They have a blue one that I might try. It’s the same shade as my hair.” She looked up at me and made an eh face.

  “Ew, you're right. That green looks weird on you. Oh my god!” she gasped and started waving her hands frantically startling Benji enough for him to drop his phone. “I saw the perfect dress for you!” She was bouncing in her excitement at this point. “I’m going to go grab the blue one like this and the one I saw. O-M-G, you are going to love it, it’s going to be perfect.” She ran from the changing area and back into the boutique. I say ran loosely, as she kept tripping over the pounds of tulle around her ankles. Shaking my head at her enthusiasm, I shared a smile with Benji before turning back into the room to take off this monstrosity. While I waited for Sadie to return, I checked my phone.

  Logan: “hey love, I miss you.” His message was followed with kissy emojis. The twins use of emojis was borderline disturbing.

  Landon: “you better send me pictures of the dresses you try on… or between trying them on.” A plethora of winky faces riddled his message. I chuckled at their blatant flirting. Ever since we started talking again, they took their affections to a whole new level. If I was honest with myself, I loved it. Typing out a quick, slightly flirty response, I checked the other texts I’d received.

  Dante: “hey firecracker, just wanted you to know I was thinking about you.” Warmth flooded me at Dante’s message, followed by a wave of guilt. His relationship with Khloe didn’t seem as substantial as it once had. But after everything that happened with Hudson and the Bitch Crew, it felt wrong for him to message me such sweet things. Part of me didn’t give a shit though, it was good to have all of my guys back. Almost all of them.

  Cam: “I can’t wait to see what dress you pick for the dance.” Cam never used emojis, but I could still feel the heat in his eyes as I read the message. How does he do that?

  Nik was at an archery competition, so I didn’t expect him to text until later this evening when he was headed back to campus. I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Hudson and Dante together at the dance with Brittney and Khloe, but something about what Jonathon had said during our lunch had really spoken to me. I was tired of hiding, tired of being scared. I was able to save myself once, and now I was ready to live my life. Before responding to the others, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, belly button piercing winking in the light. I opened the first group message in my phone, it felt easier to speak with all of them at once instead of replying individually.

  Lucie: “so, I did a thing today… Sadie dragged me to a piercing parlor.”

  Cam: “What did you get?”

  Logan: “oo, nice. An ear piercing?”

  Lucie: “nope, something lower.”

  Dante: “it’s not nice to tease firecracker.”

  Landon: “you should tell me what you got… or better yet, send me a pic. Fuck the rest of them.” As per usual, winking emojis flooded my phone.

  Logan: “me too!” This time he used a crying face, so dramatic, I rolled my eyes at their antics.

  I bit my lip as I angled the phone up to the mirror, my arm holding my hair out of my face. Matching navy lace bra and panties clearly visible in the photo, as were my hip bones. I wasn’t ‘too’ small to be worried yet, but seeing myself in the mirror made me realize just how much I really needed to work on eating. Before I could send the picture to the twins, Sadie knocked on my door, tossing a blood red dress over the top. I was skeptical at first, but I had to admit it looked killer on the hanger and when the satin slipped over my skin, my brain stop working.

  The gown was floor length with a slight train, it was fitted through the torso and hips, then flared out in a slight mermaid style. It was made of a matte fabric that was flowy and gorgeous. The sweetheart, strapless bodice was tight through my waist where a seam was and down through my hips, emphasizing my small waist and the curve of my hips. It gave me a more pronounced hourglass figure than I actually had. My ass looked amazing which was a nice bonus, and my wish token necklace paired perfectly with the dress. The gold coin sat just below my cleavage, resting against the fabric of the gown, drawing attention to the sweetheart top. I was in love. I could have died in this dress and been happy.

  “This is it. No more shopping for me.” My proclamation rang throughout the boutique. Cursing under my breath, I realized I would need a thong and a strapless bra to make this dress work. “Maybe just some underthings,” I added a little more quietly.

  “Don’t let me see it, we can surprise each other on the day of the dance! I booked us hair and nail appointments for that morning. I’m so excited! I’m kind of glad neither of us have dates so we can just go together.” I smiled as I slipped the dress off and hung it back up.

  “I don’t get to see it? How rude!” Benji exclaimed, but his words were laced with laughter. “I’m sure you’ll both look amazing, I’m excited to see you two all done up since neither of you really wear makeup or get all fancy. It’s going to be weird to see Sadie dressed like an actual adult for once.” I smiled to myself in the dressing room as I pulled on my sweater.

  Benji and Sadie’s friendship was always warm and accepting. They proved time and time again that they had my back. It was bad timing that Sadie had a family emergency last weekend when Char had come to campus. It had been precisely what I needed, I just wish Sadie could have been there, although I’m sure Benji would have fit in perfectly too, if he hadn’t spent it with Austin.

  “I’m excited too, I couldn’t ask for a better date.” I smiled at her when we emerged from the dressing room. “Thank you guys, truly. For being there for me for this semester, I know it’s been kind of a shit show, but I really appreciate it.” I felt my eyes well up when I looked at my small, loud, eccentric, crazy colorful roommate who had quickly become one of my best friends before turning to the quiet, lanky boy who was slowly growing into a more confident shifter. His smile was sincere, eyes sparkling, as he jumped up and rushed to me, his lean muscles constricting around my shoulders before letting go.

  “Girl, don’t you dare cry on me. You know I wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re my best friend, Lucie. I’ll always be here for you.” Sadie ambushed me as soon as Benji stepped back, causing me to stumble as she hugged me tightly. I threw my arms around her and squeezed back.

  “I’ll try to contain my emotional outburst
s from now on.” I laughed away the tears as we headed to the front of the store. Benji’s arm wrapped around the back of my neck as he snapped a quick selfie of us smiling brightly at the camera while Sadie stepped up to the counter. Waiting for her to pay, I quickly sent that photo I had taken to the twins. When she finished up, I handed the woman my card, signed the receipt, and took my bagged dress.

  I hadn’t felt my phone vibrate with any notifications and with my nerves building from the lack of response from either of them, I just had to look. Oh my fucking shit, I felt my pulse jump painfully when I noticed it was sent to the group message thread I had just been texting on. The one with Hudson on the recipient list. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I shut off my phone and shoved it into my pocket, intent on ignoring the situation and hoping it went away. Because that always works, right?


  The weight clanged loudly when it landed in the cradle. Sweat dripped down my face and back as I moved to sit and switched spots with Landon, spotting for him while he completed his last set. When he finished, I strode over towards my towel, water, and phone, chugging a few gulps from my water bottle. Snatching my phone up off the gym floor, I was ready to check for a response from Lucie.

  “We good to head back?” Landon huffed, pulling my attention from my phone. His body just as sweat coated as mine, after all of the pent up aggression of the last few weeks we had been going to the gym a lot more often, not that I would complain. While we weren’t as muscular as Dante, we had gained a massive amount of definition that I was personally proud of. My muscles burned from exertion as I followed him out into the quad from the fitness center.

  The walk to our room was quick since it was directly next to our dorm building, and the cold of the late afternoon breeze helped to cool me down. I held off on checking my phone, on the off chance she had decided to send me something a little more risqué. Our relationship, if that’s what you could call hooking up in tandem with your brother once and hanging out in a group, hadn’t graduated into sexting territory, but I sure as hell wouldn’t be opposed. Quickly gathering a change of clothes from my room, I rushed to the bathroom, shoving Landon out of the doorway and onto his ass. He always got to shower first but not today, motherfucker. Slamming the door on his protests, I threw down my clothes and started the water, finally checking my phone.


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