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Blushing Cheeks Volume Two

Page 12

by Blushing Books

“Open to the scene you like the most,” he said again.

  Mindy started to obey, but then paused. Her battle was as brief as it was internalized, but in the end, the page she settled on was that of the laughing couple. She almost turned to the very last part of the scenario, the photo where the naked and red-bottomed wife straddled her husband’s lap, kissing him so passionately while his hands dipped into all the right places. But she chickened out. She showed him the first page instead. This was a first date, after all. She was really kind of surprised it was going so well, considering they didn’t know a thing about one another. Not really.

  Colton looked at the magazine for at least as long as she had hesitated in revealing it. “I liked that one, too.”

  Some of the heat in her bottom moved down between her legs. It pulsed up into her, melting in a way that was both wonderful and erotic and a little bit unnerving when he bent down to take the hem of her skirt and pull it up over her bottom. The cloth bunched into the small of her back as he wrapped his arm again around her waist before asking, “Was this yours to take?”

  And so it began again. Her softly admitted, “No, sir,” was met with much crisper-sounding smacks. His bare hand on her panty-covered bottom bringing home the realization that underwear—even cotton underwear—was really no barrier at all when a strong palm was being studiously applied. The sting was now a rousing burn and they were right on the verge of crossing the line between fun spanking and real discipline.

  She wanted to hold her position, but slowly and surely she was crawling up and over the bed. He allowed her to escape only a few inches at a time before hauling her back into place. She gasped out loud, panting and clutching helplessly at the comforter when he stopped.

  “Oh ow!” she squeaked. “Oh ow!”

  He hooked the elastic sides of her panties and, in one deft movement, flossed it up between her buttocks, baring the round, blushing summits.

  “Oh my god!” she blurted, her eyes flying open wide. She forgot the heat and forgot the throbbing. She scrambled, still bent over, trying to twist back far enough to glimpse what she looked like in the vanity mirror behind them both. Her bottom was the next best thing to bare. It was also a bright and beautiful shade of pink all over.

  When he caught the direction of her stare, he also looked back at their reflections. “Did you ask to borrow my property?”

  “No, sir-Yiiouch!” She squealed, caught in a whole new onslaught of rapid fire swats that brought her dancing up onto her tiptoes.

  He branched out, no longer centering the focus of his attention on the very summits of her cheeks but attacking all the places still pale and untouched, particularly along that low crease the bisected her bottom from her thighs. He made her wiggling and kick, prancing on the tips of her toes, bobbing her hips this way and that, arching and squirming and wagging those strawberry red nethers all over the place. And it didn’t seem to matter if she could hold still for this or not, his hand never missed. Not once. Not until he decided she was done. Not until her bottom looked exactly like the well-spanked wife in the open magazine below her.

  “Ow! Ow!” she cried, but she was far from tears when his hand again paused to caress her.

  Ever so gently, he fondled the flesh he’d scalded. Ever so softly, he stroked the aching curves. First one side, then the other, the elastic of her panties scraping like sandpaper across her skin as he, without a word, deflossed her buttocks and smoothed first her underwear and then her dress back into their proper places.

  “You may stand up,” he allowed, removing his restraining arm and backing a step away.

  Mindy eased herself to stand upright. She reached back with both hands, holding herself long enough to feel the heat of her flesh burning right through her clothes. Then she rubbed, lightly, the scrape of her clothes the coarsest of sandpaper. Oh, she felt so hot. Swollen and throbbing, at least three sizes too large for her skin. None of her fantasies had come anywhere close to this!

  She looked up at Colton in absolute wonder, and all that she could think was how, in the words of that immortal song, he had made it hurt so wonderfully, marvelously, magically good!

  Chapter Three

  She made a nice supper: bar-b-qued chicken quarters, green beans, and mashed potatoes (made from a box) with gravy (made from scratch—go figure). If Colton could tell that the potatoes weren’t real, he was nice enough not to say so. He even helped her clean up afterwards: she washed the dishes and he dried. Then they retired to the couch to open up that third spanking magazine and peruse the scenarios together. She sat on his lap with her skirt bunched around her waist and his hand resting on her bottom. To better feel his handiwork, he said. Midway through the evening, she excused herself to the bathroom just so she could again gain that visual thrill of seeing her own bottom looking as well-chastised as any one of those ladies from the photographs. Sadly, the redness was already fading. It was little more than the faintest blush now, but the warmth was still there. Not as intense as before, but muted and still wonderful. And when she returned to the living room, she had no hesitation about lifting her skirts and regaining her place on his lap, cuddling up against his chest while his hand rubbed and caressed.

  Nana came home around this time. If she gave them more than a casual glance, then she hid it well. “Carry on,” she said loftily and, it being nearly midnight already, swept on past them on her way to her first-floor bedroom.

  Colton took his hand off her bottom after that, and Mindy smoothed her skirt modestly down where it was supposed to be. She also got off his lap, but the damage was already done. Having grandma in the house was, as they say, a mood killer.

  So they said their goodbyes on the porch. He bent to kiss her cheek, his hand lingering along the soft slope of her jaw, the pad of his thumb brushing a final caress across the bow of her lower lip. “Can I see you tomorrow?” he asked, before he left.

  “I’d like that.” She wished she were brave enough to rise up onto her toes and kiss him on the lips.

  “Dinner at my place?” He smiled. “I’ll pick you up at six. This time I’ll cook.”

  He took two of the magazines home with him (they were his, after all), but he left the third one with her so she could look at it some more. Those were some thoroughly explored pages by the time she turned out the light. Rolling over onto her side and softly stroking her still ever-so-faintly tender bottom, it took a very long time before she could finally fade off into sleep.

  She never did get to introduce him to Murphy. Ah well, there was always tomorrow.

  * * * * *

  “So,” Nana conversationally began as she lowered herself to sit at the breakfast table.

  Mindy set a hot coffee cup in front of her and then turned to get the milk from the fridge. “Sew buttons, Nana.”

  “You were right.” Dropping two cubes of sugar into her cup, Nana picked it up to cradle the hot mug between her arthritic hands. “That boy is all grown up.”

  Mindy cracked a couple eggs into the frying pan, making good use of the distraction so her grandmother wouldn’t see the telltale blush stealing up over her cheeks. Although she hadn’t known Colton back in the old days, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth and her grandmother still taught at the local K-12 school, he’d certainly felt all grown up while she’d been sitting in his lap.

  “He wasn’t acting too slithery when I came home, either,” Nana continued. “Maybe one wandering hand, but what with the way young folks are these days…”

  “Nothing happened,” Mindy told her, buttering two pieces of toast to go with the eggs and setting a plate down in front of her grandmother. “He was a perfect gentleman.”

  A perfect gentleman who’d lifted her skirts and tucked her panties in between her buttocks so his bare hand could do the most delicious things to her mostly bare bottom.

  “Uh huh,” Nana said, watching the blush stealing up over Mindy’s cheeks.

  “It’s a little warm in here, isn’t it?” she said weakly, and went to wrestle
the window above the sink open.

  “Are you going to see him again?”

  “Tonight. Six o’clock. I’ll have your supper on the stove before I go.”

  “Pssh!” Nana waved her hand. “I can do it. I’m not helpless you know. I got along fine on my own for eighty-four years; I’m sure I can handle my own supper for one night. What about you?”

  “What about me?” Halfway down on the chair across from her grandmother, Mindy still paused, looking up from her own plate of breakfast with beetled brows. She blinked twice, then sat.

  “Are you going to do anything special?”

  Mindy’s face flamed. She quickly turned it to the business of eating and hoped that Nana was feeling half-blind today. “Dinner at his place. He’s cooking, he said.”

  She tried not to, but she squirmed a little on her seat anyway. Her bottom wasn’t tender any more, but she was kind of hoping he’d remedy that shortly after he picked her up.

  “Um hm,” Nana said, missing nothing as she searched her granddaughter’s blushing face. “Maybe you should go to town today. Pick up something nice to wear. Just in case.”

  “I think I’ve got something, actually.” Mindy turned her attention to her plate, but some part of her mind was already upstairs and in her closet. Maybe jeans today. Something tight to hug her bottom, giving him that visual treat when she went over his knee and herself that yummy psychological thrill when he gave the order to ‘take them down.’ She imagined having to stand in front of him, head hanging in hot shame while she unzipped and slowly peeled the denim down over her hips. Colton had seen her from the back last night, but if she wore jeans then he’d be in a prime position to see her from the front too. Or maybe he’d do that part himself. She shivered, already feeling the pressure of his big hands as he tugged her pants to her thighs. And maybe her panties, too. Leaving her completely bare to whatever part of her he chose to look at...and maybe touch...with those long, thick fingers of his.


  Mindy’s head came up from her plate with a jerk as she quickly transferred her attention from the remains of her breakfast to her grandmother. “Yes, I’m listening.”

  “Great. Wonderful.” Nana didn’t look like she believed her for a bit, but she gamely forged on anyway. “What I said, child, was do you know how it’s done?”

  Of all the times to be caught not paying attention. Mindy blinked at her, but she could recall nothing beyond the luscious feel of Colton’s make-believe hands undressing her.

  “School these days,” her grandmother grumbled, shifting in her chair and straightening in preparation for a serious conversation. “All right, pay attention. This is very important, particularly for a woman your age. It’s going to happen sometime and trust me when I say you don’t want this coming to you as a huge surprise in the wee, small hours of the night!”

  “Nana,” Mindy said, confused. “I don’t think we’re planning to stay out all that late.”

  Her grandmother actually looked pained. “Mindy child, it doesn’t only happen at night! Men these days are quite progressive. It’s even worse when it happens in the day. And when it happens, if it happens, you’ll need to know what to do, because heaven help you, girl, Colton might well be the most wonderful man in the world, but he is not going to understand if you run screaming from the house!”

  “Run…screaming..?” Blinking in confusion, Mindy sat up a little straighter now too. “Nana, what are you…”

  “Oh hush and let me just come out and say it!” Heaving a great sigh, Nana briefly closed her eyes, bracing herself. When she opened them again, she held up both her hands. “You have your birds,” she said serenely, and with her left hand she touched the tip of her thumb to the tips of her fingers, making a round hole. “And you have your bees.” She closed her right hand, extending only her first two fingers, side-by side. “And when you bring them both together…”

  “Oh my God, Nana!” Mindy shrieked, suddenly understanding exactly where her grandmother was going with this visual demonstration. Abandoning her breakfast, she jumped up from the table. “I do not need to hear this!”

  “You’ll need to hear it sometime!”

  It was a hard fight not to slap her hands over her ears and flee the room singing ‘La-La-La!’ at the top of her lungs. Mindy hurried her dishes to the sink and left the kitchen like an adult. A fast-walking adult, but an adult just the same.

  * * * * *

  The sun had dropped as low as the tree-lined horizon when Mindy heard the chug of the school bus coming down the driveway. She quickly finished brushing out her hair, twisted it up into a ponytail and then checked herself in her bedroom vanity mirror. She liked the jeans, the dark blue denim was tight enough to hug the lower curves of her bottom but not so tight that it cut off her oxygen or left a red ring around her middle. She’d changed her shirt a half-dozen times. The white tanktop showed her bra strap, and that was a Redneck Trailer-Trash look she simply wasn’t going for. She ended up in a simple rose-pink t-shirt that matched her cotton panties, and which would hopefully inspire Colton to paint her bottom with the palm of his hand until it was every bit as colorful.

  And warm. So toasty and warm and just a little bit tender to sit on. She let her hands wander down over the curve of her backside, starting to feel that giddy tingle suffusing the skin beneath her fingers. Little butterfly wings stirred low down in her stomach, kicked up by the steady footsteps crunching in the gravel down below as they journeyed their way to her front door.

  “I’ll get it!” Nana called up the stairs at her, even before Colton had reached the porch.

  That put a bee under Mindy’s tail. Whatever finishing touches she’d been about to make regarding the light dash of mascara and lipstick that defined her eyes and lips, she suddenly deemed herself absolutely perfect. Quitting her room, she tore down the stairs in an effort to beat Nana to the door and thereby circumvent another ‘birds and bees’ discussion.

  She only barely got there ahead of the old woman, who was moving quite spritely today, walker and all, and who looked up at Mindy with wide and wounded eyes. “I said I’d get it.”

  “That’s okay. It’s for me.” Mindy threw open the door with a smile, which grew in direct proportion to Colton’s when his gaze traveled over her. She looked good, but he looked even better, a lean and gorgeous hunk of cowboy in his customary hat and snakeskin boots, jeans that hugged his lean hips and long legs, and a blue button-down shirt so neat that it looked freshly pressed.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” he said by way of a greeting. “I think I’ve packed enough for a small army.”

  “Fine,” Nana huffed grumpily, blocked in behind the door where she couldn’t see him. “Don’t introduce me, then. It’s not like I’m anybody important. Just your only blood relation in all the world.”

  Mindy closed her eyes for just a half second longer than a blink required and then extended her right arm, pushing the door open as wide as she could without letting go of it. That made an opening between her and it just big enough for Nana to poke her head around from the side.

  “Good heavens, he’s grown.”

  “Good evening, Mrs. Caveat.” Colton removed his hat, still smiling and with a glint of good humor in his brown eyes, particularly when he glanced sideways at Mindy. “Good to see you again.”

  “You too, good heavens. Last time I saw you, you were half—” she made height and width motions with her hands before grabbing her walker again, “—what you are now. Mindy child.” Catching her arm, Nana pulled her to one side and slipped a small paper-wrapped envelope no bigger than a movie ticket stub into the palm of her hand. “They say one size fits all, but…” she looked at Colton again. “Good heavens!” She patted Mindy’s fingers closed around the package. “Good luck.”

  Putting his hat back on his head, Colton waited until Mindy came out of the house and Nana had bid them both goodnight, before whispering, “What did she give you? I promise, you won’t need cab fare home.” />
  “It’s not money. I’m almost afraid to look.” She glanced back at the house, but as she and Colton stepped down off the porch and headed for the bus, she opened her fingers. They both looked, but neither said a word. Not until they were on the bus, each buckled into their customary seats, and the vehicle was rumbling its way back to the main road.

  It was Colton who broke the awkward silence first. “That’s a condom, isn’t it?”

  Mindy didn’t think she’d ever be anything but a deep, burning scarlet color for the rest of her life. The color wasn’t bad, except that she was wearing it in entirely the wrong location on her body. “Silver-Tex. Triple tested. Guaranteed not to tear.”

  “I’ve never even heard of Silver-Tex.” He glanced at her in the rear view mirror. “Not that I’m all that worldly-wise where prophylactics are concerned.” Now it was his turn to clear his throat. “I’m pretty sure they don’t come wrapped in paper anymore, either. How long to do you suppose she’s been hanging on to that thing?”

  Despite her supreme embarrassment, Mindy had to fight to keep from giggling. “It’s real proud of being, um…lubricated.”

  Smirking, Colton shook his head. “What say we put that thing away. When, if we decide we need something like that, we’ll just go buy our own, okay?”

  “Deal.” She tucked the paper-wrapped condom into her pocket and folded her hands in her lap so she’d have something to do with them while she was trying so hard not to look at him.

  “That looks good on you,” he said after a while.


  “Pink. Blushes. Take your pick. I like them both.”

  They turned onto the main road, heading away from Willow’s Grove and up into the hills. They had gone several miles, filling the comfortable silence that kept trying to fall between them with amiable chitchat (how’s your day, nice weather we’re having, how’s your bottom, still sore?), when Mindy became aware of the enticing scent of cooked chicken.

  “What smells so good?” she finally asked, swiveling around in her seat so she could chase the scent. She reached blindly behind the seat until she found the wicker handle of a picnic basket tucked behind her, right next to the first set of shelved snake enclosures. She couldn’t see any snakes without taking her seatbelt off, but she did manage to drag the basket out into the aisle. “What’s this?”


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