Blushing Cheeks Volume Two

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Blushing Cheeks Volume Two Page 17

by Blushing Books

  He studied her as she took a bite of egg and slowly chewed. Her mouth was beautiful, with full, red lips. He wanted to lean over and kiss her. The thought crossed his mind to do so, and he wondered what her reaction would be.

  “We need to practice kissing.”

  Vanessa coughed, wiped her mouth and frowned.

  “We said no sex.”

  “We need to show some affection to each other, or this will never work. Kissing is a sign of affection that husbands and wives share everyday.”

  “Not all of them.”

  Win frowned, then shook his head. “I have to be at the bank this morning. I will be home this afternoon so that we can go over more information. I have sent notes to all my brothers inviting them to dinner tomorrow night and advising them of the situation. You will get to meet them before Matty arrives. Now, stand up so I can kiss you goodbye.”

  “You’re so very romantic, darling.”

  “I’m sorry.” He stood and offered her his hand. Her fingers felt small as she placed them in his palm. When she was standing, she stood on tiptoe and bussed her lips against his, their lips barely touching.

  “There.” She started to sit, but he held her closely.

  “Wait.” He saw the nervousness in her eyes as he stepped closer and cupped her face. “We need to kiss like we mean it.”

  Her sharp intake of breath made him smile as he tilted his head and lowered his lips onto hers. She was soft and sweet and he flicked his tongue out to taste her. She moaned softly and the sound shot straight south, forcing a blood surge to parts of his body that he didn’t want to think about at the moment.

  When the kiss broke, he kept her face close to him.

  “Mr. Mac… Win.” She stepped back and lowered her head. Then she cleared her throat and stepped back. “Was that better?”

  “That was delicious. We have to act as if we like each other, Vanessa, or this is never going to work. I’m going to kiss you again tonight, several times, so be ready.”

  Her eyes clouded over with a feeling he couldn’t decipher. At first he thought it was anger, then desire. He voted for the latter, since he was now rock hard. She looked so beautiful and vulnerable. He cupped her face again and claimed her lips, gratified to feel them part slightly for just a second before she pressed them shut against his probing tongue.

  “You’re going to have to let me in sooner or later,” he whispered. “Give me just a taste.”

  His thumbs caressed her face. He leaned in again, but she shook her head and clasped his hands to free her face.

  “You should go. You don’t want to be late.”

  “Already the nagging wife,” Win laughed. “Very well, I’ll go. Make yourself at home and become acquainted with the house. Please add some feminine touches as you see fit. I have an account at the store that Corbin runs. Buy anything you like.”

  She nodded and he moved to the door.


  When she turned, he noticed that her hands were shaking and that she clasped them together to hide it.

  “Remember to introduce yourself as my wife to people that you meet.”

  “How will you explain it when I’m gone?”

  “I will be the grieving husband, whose wife left him and ran off to Denver. I’ll receive pity from the entire town.”

  “And attention from every single woman in the parts, no doubt. What happens when these people tell your aunt that I only just arrived a few days ago?”

  “You were living in Denver until the house was finished. I didn’t tell people I was married because it’s no one’s business. We’ll stick to that story.”

  Win walked from the room before she could answer. He wanted to kiss her again, and getting out the door as fast as he could was the only way to prevent it. She’d been soft and sweet against him, and he wanted to explore further.

  Having a “wife” was going to be a test of his willpower. He hoped he was up to the challenge.


  “I never would have thought to find something so nice here.” Vanessa fingered the lace curtains. As if realizing what she’d said, she clamped her hand over her mouth. “I mean, well…”

  “It’s all right,” Corbin said, a smile on his face. “Normally we wouldn’t have something like this here. Mrs. Walker ordered them special for her house. Then she and her husband moved to Denver. So, I’m stuck with them.”

  “Not anymore. I want them for the house.”

  “Anything you say, sis.”

  Vanessa laughingly shook her head. “That sounds strange, since I’m an only child.”

  “Not anymore you’re not. You’re part of a large family now. You’ve got a husband, and four brothers who are going to take care of you.”

  The idea of having a family, even a temporary one, made Vanessa smile. Corbin was as handsome as his brothers. She figured that the two she hadn’t met, Rob and Josh, were just as handsome. And none of them were married, which she thought was strange. Of course she knew that there probably weren’t a lot of single women in Mac’s Crossing.

  “Thank you, Corbin. I’m very nervous about this.”

  “You’re going to do just fine. Win’s not a bad guy, even if he can be a bit overbearing.”

  Vanessa snorted, then tried to cover it with a cough. The feel of his hand against her backside flared up. Yes, he could be overbearing. But he could also be sweet.

  She licked her lips as the memory of his kiss replaced the spanking. She’d never been kissed like that, ever. It had made her feel all gooey and warm, and she’d wanted him to do it again. Before he did, though, her brain had kicked into gear. He was kissing her so that he could fool his aunt into thinking they were intimate. He wasn’t kissing her because he wanted to. That had put a damper on her feelings.

  “OK, we have the curtains, and we have a new dress for you. We just got this one in last week. There’s a seamstress in town who can make a few more, if you need them.”

  “No, I have dresses. I would like that tea set, though.” She pointed to a beautiful porcelain set that was displayed in the window.

  “Ah, another one of Mrs. Walker’s orders. I’ll have those things sent up to the house. Anything else?”

  Before Vanessa could answer, the door opened and a tall woman stepped into the store. She was very pretty, beautiful even. Except for the frown on her face.

  Vanessa smiled at her tentatively and the woman ignored her and looked at Corbin.

  “How are you today, Nancy? Come to see the new dresses we got in last week?”

  “Hello, Corbin. I’ve heard there were some new things in town.” She looked pointedly at Vanessa.

  “Yes, there is. This is Win’s new wife, Vanessa. She’s just picking out some things for the house.”

  “Then the rumors are true. How very interesting that you’ve been married for two months but are just now showing up in town.”

  Vanessa put on her actress face. She threw back her head and laughed.

  “Win insisted that I stay in Denver until the house was completed. He’s just so sweet, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, I do.” Nancy’s words left little to the imagination and Vanessa wondered about her relationship with Win. If he had a woman that he cared about, why was he pulling this stunt for his aunt? Why didn’t he just use this woman to act as his wife?

  The reason for it hit Vanessa square in the forehead and she stifled a grin by coughing into her hand.

  “Yes, well Win and I fell in love the moment we set eyes on each other. He’s such a gracious and handsome man that I just couldn’t resist.”

  Nancy’s forced smile turned down and her eyes narrowed. Vanessa knew that she’d hit the nail on the head. Nancy wanted a relationship with Win, but he didn’t want one with her. He’d forgotten to tell her this little tidbit at dinner last night, or at breakfast this morning. When Vanessa left town after Matty was gone, she was sure that Nancy would try to help Win get over his loss.

  “Well, I ins
ist that you come to my house for tea tomorrow. I live just a few blocks over from Main Street, on Oak. It will be a pleasure to welcome you to town.”

  “Oh, I’m so busy with the house right now, that I don’t think I should stray too far.”

  “Nonsense. Win will be happy that we’re making friends. He and I are very close.”

  You mean you’d like to be. Vanessa’s brain went into overdrive to try and think of an excuse. When nothing came she nodded and then looked at Corbin, who shoulders were shaking in silent laughter.

  “Four o’clock?”

  Vanessa inclined her head in agreement and the woman left without ever answering Corbin’s question.

  Vanessa made a face at Corbin and his laughter bubbled forth.

  “Something tells me I should have tried harder for an excuse. I take it Win doesn’t care for her?”

  “That’s an understatement. She wanted to help him decorate the house for when they were married, and he’d never offered, nor given her any indication, that they would be together, much less married. Can I sit back and watch while you tell him you’re having tea with her? I could use a good laugh.”


  The lacy curtains transformed the room from a dark, dreary affair into a light, breezy space. Vanessa stepped back to admire her handiwork. She smiled at Mrs. Wallings, who was handing money to the young men that Corbin had sent to hang the curtains.

  “They look beautiful, don’t you think?”

  “Very, Mrs. MacAllister. It’s amazing the difference that they make.”

  “I wish you would call me Vanessa.”

  “Oh, that wouldn’t be proper. We may not be in the big city, but we still have manners.”

  “You call Win by his name. Won’t his aunt think it’s strange if you call me Mrs. MacAllister?”

  “I hadn’t thought of it that way. I’ll ask him.”

  “Phooey on that. If I’m his wife, then you’re my employee, too. I vote for Vanessa. All in favor say aye.”


  Vanessa wheeled toward Win’s voice. He was standing in the doorway, his shoulder leaning against the frame and a smile on his face.

  “She’s right, Mrs. Wallings. It would seem awkward and forced if you called her Mrs. MacAllister.” His gaze wandered over the curtains. “Nice. I like it.”

  “Thanks.” Butterflies took flight in Vanessa’s stomach. Seeing him standing there in the doorway reminded her of his kiss that morning. Would he kiss her again? “You said to make changes. I hope this is not too much. Corbin thought they would look nice in here.”

  “Well, they do look nice. But I think Corbin was just trying to recoup some of the money he lost when the Walkers moved out on their orders. I hope that’s not all you bought.”

  “No, I bought this tea set. And a dress. I hope that’s OK.” Vanessa bit her lip.

  “Fine. I didn’t look at your wardrobe to see what you had. Perhaps we should do that tonight. I know that Corbin has more dresses that came in last week because he borrowed money from the bank to pay for them.”

  His words about inspecting her wardrobe reminded Vanessa that she wasn’t his wife, but his employee.

  “Go back tomorrow and find a few more womany things to set around. Lace things and such. That will add to the atmosphere here.”

  “Of course. I’ll go before I have tea with Nancy.”

  The air in the room grew heavy as Win stared at her.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Nancy Lise. I met her at the store and she asked me to come for tea. I thought it would look strange if I turned her down. You don’t want to hide me. Do you?”

  “Of course not. For this to work, the town has to believe we’re married. Damn, this is turning into a huge mess.”

  “You don’t think I can handle myself against her?”

  “I didn’t say that, but she’s like a dragon lady. She’s very spoiled. She married her father’s top hand when she was eighteen years old, and he died several years later. Since then her father has dotted on her and given her everything she’s ever wanted. He built her a house in town. After she set her sights on me, I felt very, very pressured to marry her. I’m sure she’ll try to rip you to shreds.”

  “Then it will be practice for your aunt. Remember, Win, I’m an actress. I can act any part that I want to.”

  “What if she leaves you in tears?”

  “How can she? We have a business arrangement, not a marriage. All I have to do is remember that. I can separate my emotions from business. Nothing she can say will hurt me.”

  The words were barely out of Vanessa’s mouth when she mentally slapped herself. If they only had a business arrangement why had she been so moved by his kiss that morning? It was just because it was the first time. When she kissed him again, it wouldn’t bother her. She wouldn’t feel that tingly feeling in her toes.

  “You’re right, of course.”

  An awkward silence filled the room. After what seemed like hours, Win shook his coat off and laid it across the back of a chair.

  “Why don’t we go and look at your wardrobe. I don’t know exactly what Corbin has at the store, but if you need something we’ll have a day or so to send to Denver.”

  “You’re the boss.”

  “Hum, it’s nice that you remember that. Do you remember my brother’s names?” Win gave her a wicked grin and the tingly feeling that she’d had that morning returned. As the day had progressed, she’d thought less and less about the spanking he’d given her last night. Now there it was again, full and center.

  “If I don’t?”

  “Perhaps you need another reminder. Remember, the next one will be on your bare bottom.”

  “Ben, Rob, Corbin and Josh.”

  “Good.” He nodded but he look on his face was not a happy one.

  “You’re disappointed that I knew the answer. Why?”

  “Because, I think I was looking for an excuse to spank you again.”

  Her stomach met the floor.

  “Well, I’d rather not repeat the incident. It wasn’t enjoyable.”

  Was it? Surely the feelings had been anger and rage, not anything else. Not excitement at being taken over his lap, of being so close to him, of feeling his body pressed against hers.

  The only way to really figure that out was to give him another excuse to spank her and she didn’t want to do that, did she?

  “Shall we go upstairs?” His voice was deep and Vanessa nodded.

  She waited on the stairs while he told Mrs. Wallings that they wouldn’t want dinner until later.

  They’d stored her clothing in the wardrobe in his room, thinking that if his aunt arrived early, it would look strange to be moving her things to his room.

  Win took a seat in a wingback chair near the window while Vanessa brought out dress after dress for his approval. He gave a nodding approval to all of them, his smile never faltering.

  “Very nice. I especially like the red one. Wear that one on Matty’s first night here. It will set off your hair beautifully.”

  “Very well. Any other suggestions?”

  “Yes, wear the green one tomorrow when you’re at Nancy’s house.” His voice hardened and Vanessa frowned.

  “If you don’t trust me to be alone with people why don’t you just chain me to you desk at work. That way you could monitor my behavior all day.”

  “That’s uncalled for, Vanessa. I only want you to put your best foot forward.”

  “No, you only want to control me.”

  Vanessa felt her heart race. What was she doing? She could tell that he was getting angry. Why was she provoking him? What was it about this man that brought out the worst in her?

  A thought struck her and she quickly dismissed it. Then she allowed it to creep back into her mind. Did she want him to spank her again? Had she actually enjoyed the contact?

  She swallowed hard and then put her hands on her hips.

  “What if I don’t want to wear the green one tomorrow
. Perhaps I will wear the lavender dress. Or maybe the blue one. Or maybe the red. All of them look very nice.”

  Win narrowed his eyes, and then he smiled.

  “You’re trying to provoke me. Why?”

  “Because, I may be your employee but I won’t allow you to run roughshod over me. I am a grown woman who has lived on her own for more than ten years. I won’t be told how to dress.”

  “You’ll wear the green one, Vanessa.”

  “If I don’t? Will you spank my bottom again?”

  “I will. This time, however, I won’t be so lenient with you. I will spank your bare ass, and you will receive more than just a few swats.”

  They were standing inches away from each other. Vanessa could feel his breath against her skin. She’d been surprised when he’d crossed the room but she’d refused to back down.

  What was she doing? What had happened to her carefully thought out plan from this morning? She was supposed to be good and go along with everything, then cause him troubles once his aunt arrived.

  “The blue one, Vanessa.”

  “We shall see.”

  The silence in the room seemed to snake around the both of them. When Ben’s yell of hello came from downstairs they both jumped.

  “We’re up here,” Win answered.

  They moved apart before Ben appeared in the doorway.

  “Hey, can I stay for dinner? I’m just a poor starving bachelor!”

  Vanessa laughed. “Of course you can, brother dear. You’re welcome at any time. Isn’t he, darling?”

  “Of course.” Win offered Vanessa his arm and they went downstairs. As they settled at the table, Vanessa knew there was no way she was wearing the green dress tomorrow. She couldn’t wait to see his reaction.

  Chapter Three

  Vanessa stepped into the bank as if she were stepping onto the stage. She looked left, then right, and finally trained her eyes behind the cage where she could see Win talking with another man. They were deep in conversation and she knew that he didn’t see her.

  She smoothed down her skirt and smiled at the clerk.

  “Hello, may I help you?” He smiled at her and she knew that he was appreciative of her looks.


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