Blushing Cheeks Volume Two

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Blushing Cheeks Volume Two Page 18

by Blushing Books

  “I’ve just stopped by to see my husband.”

  Understanding dawned and the clerk thrust his hand through the bars.

  “Phillip Martin. So very nice to meet you, Mrs. MacAllister. May I say how happy we all are about your marriage to Win. I hope you and he are very, very happy together.”

  “Why thank you, Mr. Martin. That’s very nice of you. Would you tell my husband that I’m here?”

  “Win, oh wait, it looks like he’s already seen you.”

  But Vanessa already knew that. She and Win had locked gazes the minute Phillip had turned toward him, Win had looked up and seen Vanessa. He’d smiled broadly, then his smile disappeared as his eyes lowered to her dress. A sardonic smile appeared on his face and he shook his head as he moved toward his wife.

  “Darling,” she said as he kissed he on the cheek.

  “Sweetheart, what a surprise.” He held her close and whispered, “Are you colorblind?”

  “Why thank you, darling. I know how much you love red.” She playfully patted his shoulder. “I just wanted to stop by and say hello since I was in town. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Of course not.” The smile was plastered on his face and Vanessa giggled. She knew that she’d regret egging him on, but she hadn’t been able to resist. She’d let him know that although she was an employee, he couldn’t control her totally.

  He introduced her to three more clerks, each one more polite than the next. The whole time he kept a tight grip on her arm, and a fake smile plastered on his face.

  For her part, Vanessa laughed and giggled. She thought it incredibly funny that he was so upset just because she’d worn a dress different than the one that he’d picked out. When they’d made the rounds and she’d met everyone in the bank, he guided her to his office and shut the door.

  “You deliberately disobeyed me.”

  Vanessa’s laughter filled the room.

  “It’s just a dress color. The style is practically the same.”

  Win stood near the doorway, his hands on his hips and a smile on his face.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you set out to see what kind of a rise you could get out of me.”

  Vanessa returned his grin. “You, dear Win, should be an actor. You’re very good at reading people and the performance you just put on for you staff, even though you were furious with me, was marvelous.”

  “Why thank you, my darling. I hope to put on another splendid performance tonight, when I remind you who takes orders from who in this arrangement.”

  “Oh I can hardly wait. This time, however, I will be ready for you. You won’t find me as complacent as I was the other evening.”

  She laughed loudly and Win did the same thing.

  “We shall see.”

  “I must be going, husband dear, or I will be late for my tea with Nancy. Do you wish for me to deliver a message?”

  Vanessa moved toward the door. Win stood in front of it, his arms crossed in front of his chest. He looked like he was holding back laughter.

  “Do I amuse you, Win?” They were standing toe to toe now, Vanessa looking up into Win’s dark eyes.

  “Amazingly enough, yes. I should be very angry with you. That dress calls attention to your beautiful figure, and frankly, I don’t want every man in town looking at you.”

  His words hit Vanessa square in the chest. She felt the breath quickly leave her lungs, and her inability to draw another one in frightened her.


  “It’s why I didn’t want you to wear the red dress. I’m selfish. I wanted it to be for my eyes only.”

  He traced his thumbs over her lips, starting in the center and moving out.

  “Then you are an even better actor than I give you credit for, because you’re either lying to me right now, or you’ve hidden your feelings very well. Which is it?”

  “You tell me, which do you think it is?”

  Vanessa’s breath, which had just seconds ago starting going in and out of her lungs again, left her mouth in a whoosh as he lowered his lips to hers. As he’d done the first time, his tongue traced her lips. She melted into him and opened her mouth, just as he pulled away from her and opened the door.

  “Win? You didn’t answer my question.”

  “I will tell you tonight,” he said softly.

  “You’re gong to make me wait?”

  “Oh yes, I am.” He stopped her in the doorway and kissed her cheek. “I’ll bring the carriage over to Nancy’s house just after five to pick you up. Behave yourself.”

  “Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.”

  “Hum…” Win’s grin widened. They stared at each other until someone in the other room cleared their throat.

  “Mr. MacAllister? Mr. Grossman needs to speak to you about a loan for his spread.”

  With his eyes still trained on Vanessa, Win replied, “Have him wait in my office, Phillip. Vanessa, I’ll see you after the bank has closed.”

  “Win!” Vanessa’s eyes widened in disbelief.

  “Phillip, will you escort my wife to her carriage, please?”

  The clerk ran to Vanessa and offered his arm. She took it and gave Win an exaggerated frown.

  “You’re terrible.”

  He answered with a grin, and then disappeared behind his closed door.


  Win halted the horses in front of Nancy’s house, set the brake on the carriage and stepped down.

  His afternoon had been a great deal of fun as he imagined Vanessa’s thoughts drifting to their afternoon tryst. He hadn’t meant to tell her the truth, but when he’d seen her standing near the teller’s cages the blood had left his brain and gone straight to his crotch. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  When she’d laughed, her face had lit up and he’d almost lost control. He’d wanted to take her into his office and make love to her. The joking manner in which she flaunted the fact that she’d disobeyed him had just pushed him further.

  The only thing that had stopped him totally was the fact that he’d promised her there would be no sex. That particular oath was going to haunt him, and make him very uncomfortable physically, while she was living in his house.

  He climbed the stairs to the wrap-around porch and knocked on the door. His eyes widened when Nancy herself opened the door. This wasn’t like her. Usually she sat and let her servants do all the work. Not only that, but she wasn’t dressed as if she were set for a night at the opera.

  “Hello, Winthorp. Come in, come in. I’ve just been talking with your lovely bride.”

  Win took off his hat and stepped inside.

  “Nancy. You look lovely today.”

  “Why thank you. Won’t you have some tea with us?”

  “Thank you, no, we need to get home. Aunt Matty’s coming from Boston, and should arrive tomorrow. I want to make sure that everything is ready for her.”

  “Well, Vanessa is a lovely woman. You’re very lucky to have met her. I’ve never known you to be the theater type, though.”

  A stab of panic pierced Win’s heart. How had Nancy figured out that Vanessa was an actress? Then he remembered that he and his “wife” had met at a production they were both attending. It seemed like a good idea when they’d come up with it. It was close to the truth, since Vanessa worked in the theater, and it would make fewer things for her to have to memorize. He didn’t consider the fact that he’d have to remember that they were both watching the performance, instead of her acting in it. He sucked back in a shaky breath and grinned.

  “Just lucky on that day, I guess.” The minute the words were out of his mouth, Win felt guilty. The smile stayed on Nancy’s face, but her eyes turned sad.

  “I’m sorry, Nancy. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

  “That’s all right. It wouldn’t have worked with us, really. I think I knew it all along, but you are one of the most powerful men in town. I guess I’ll have to set my sights on one of your brothers.”

They both laughed, which drew Vanessa into the hallway. The amused look on his wife’s face hit Win the stomach and he again felt the blood leave his brain. At this rate he wouldn’t have any brain cells left.

  The smile she gave him melted his bones. If Nancy hadn’t been standing in between them, he’d be tempted to take her into the sitting room and make good use of the divan. They made fast work of their goodbyes and he handed her up into the carriage.

  “How did it go?”

  “The usual drilling,” Vanessa said. “I don’t think she believed me. Even if she didn’t, she knows there’s nothing she can do about it. In her eyes we’re married, and you are off the market.”

  Win urged the horses into a faster pace and remained silent. The idea of not having to hide from Nancy pleased him to no end. She was a nice woman, but not his type. He needed to warn his brothers that she would be coming after one of them next. There weren’t many single men in town and he knew that, given time, she’d go after Ben next.

  “You know, Win, you’re an evil man.”

  “Am I?” His grin widened.

  “Did you mean what you said about the dress?”


  “Don’t make me like you, Win.”

  He gave her a curious look and turned the horses into the drive to his house.

  “Why don’t you want to like me?” He slapped the reins against the horses and tried not to turn and look at her.

  “Because, I’m going to have to leave. This is acting, remember? You’ve been a bossy creep for two days, and then suddenly you turn nice and tell me that you find me attractive. That’s not fair to me.”

  “I’m sorry. Would you like me to spank you? That could change your mind.”

  “Perhaps so. Because I know I hated you after the first time.”

  “Then prepare to be spanked. This time, however, I won’t be so easy on you, so you really will hate me.”

  Win pulled the carriage up in front of the house and turned to Vanessa.

  “Go upstairs, to our bedroom.”


  He started to argue, but he could see the humor in her eyes. He set the carriage brake and handed the reins to the stable boy who’d come running when they pulled up. Then he jumped down, rounded the back of the carriage and offered Vanessa his hand.

  Her feet had barely hit the ground when she took off running toward the front door.

  Startled, he ran after her. She was partway up the stairs before he made it in the front door.

  “Mr. MacAllister! I have to tell you…”

  “Later, Mrs. Wallings.” He yelled over his shoulder as he took off after Vanessa. He heard the door to a room open and close as Mrs. Wallings stood at the bottom of the stairs and yelled his name again.

  “Vanessa!” He pounded on her door and rattled the knob. She’d locked it. “Let me in!”


  “Vanessa, I’m warning you. Open this door!”

  “Good warn me. Sound like an irate husband who’s being overbearing. You can go straight to the devil!”

  He pounded his fists on the door again, and then shook his head. How could he be so stupid? He had a key in his door that would fit this lock. They fit all the locks. He stepped away and walked down the hall. He’d give her a few minutes to stew, then he’d open the door and spank her little behind for running away from him.


  Vanessa put her ear against the door. Win had been silent for a few minutes. She guessed that he’d become bored with her and gone down to have a drink before dinner.

  She exhaled in relief. That was good. This afternoon had been hard on her. She’d thought he’d get mad at her for wearing the red dress. She didn’t expect him to tell her how much he liked it; or to kiss her and make her insides go all mushy.

  She listened for a few more minutes, and then moved into the room and put the skeleton key on the nightstand. She hadn’t expected him to give up so easy. Maybe his kisses were just what he’d said they were: practice for when his aunt arrived so it looked as if they were intimate.

  The room was cold and she rubbed her arms. She’d been stupid to try and get him angry. She just needed to play this out, and in a few days she would be on her way.

  A clicking sound near the door caught her attention. She frowned, and then watched in amazement as the knob turned and the door opened. Win stepped inside, shut and locked the door, and pocketed the key.

  “Time for a spanking, wife.”


  “Oh, yes. You don’t want to like me? Trust me, you won’t like me after this. I want your bare bottom. Take off your bloomers.”

  “I will not.”

  “Then I’ll do it for you. I’m much stronger than you are, Vanessa. I might rip them.”

  “Try it. I’ve traveled with a theater troupe for years and fought off several men. Don’t think I’m going across your lap willingly.”

  Her heart was pounding in her chest. She had no doubt that he would do what he said. She also knew that at this exact minute she didn’t hate him. She wanted him. The thought scared her half to death because she knew from the bulge at the front of his pants that he wanted her, too.

  The stalemate continued for a few moments. When Win took a step toward her, Vanessa circled around the chair and away from the bed.

  “You won’t win.” He advanced slowly and she watched him carefully. “I’m going to punish you for wearing the red dress and getting me all excited. And for running from me. Both of them were bad things to do.”

  “You have to catch me, first.” She turned her gaze to the room key, which she was now further away from. The distance didn’t seem too far. She was smaller than he was, and could probably make it to the key, and then to the door. But he would grab her before she got it unlocked.

  Still, it was worth the chance. If she was going to move, she needed to do it now. She waited until he was near the chair, then she took off in the other direction, heading for the table where the key sat. She grabbed it and headed for the door, but Win had his arms around her waist before she reached the door. He hoisted her against his chest and moved toward the bed.

  “Try and run now.” His voice was soft. He didn’t sound angry or upset. In fact, Vanessa thought he sounded amused.

  He threw her facedown on the bed and than sat on her, so that he was facing her feet. When he started to gather her skirts up she kicked her feet at him.

  “Stop that! You’ll rip them.”

  “I gave you the chance to do it yourself. You should have listened to me.” He lifted enough to push her skirts under him.

  When his fingers touched the elastic in her bloomers she yelled for him to stop.

  “Please! I have little enough money for clothing. Please don’t rip them.”

  “Then lift up your hips so I can take them down.” His weight lifted from her body just enough to allow her to rise up a fraction of an inch.

  When the cool air hit her behind she shivered.

  “Please, Win, don’t do this. I’m sorry for teasing you.”

  Vanessa shivered as his hand caressed her bare bottom.

  “Too late.”

  His caresses were gentle and Vanessa moaned. This wasn’t sex, but what he was doing could definitely lead to it. She opened her mouth to remind him of their agreement. Then she yelped when his hand came down in a hard slap. The sound resounded through the room and Vanessa tried to squirm away.

  As she wiggled, Win spanked her harder, his hand going from one cheek to the other with stinging smacks. The pain wasn’t that bad, but Vanessa still felt the need to protest. She kicked her feet and beat her fists against the mattress.

  “Oh look. Your behind matches your dress. I like that.”

  Despite the stinging slap of his hand, Vanessa started to laugh. He smacked her behind again and again, and then gently caressed her, cupping her cheeks until a soft moan escaped her mouth.

  “Stop, Win. Please, remember what we said.”
/>   “I remember, Vanessa. I want you to remember that you started this.”

  “I did not! How could you say that?” She tried to buck him off.

  For an answer, he started slapping her behind again, the sting not nearly as hard as the first part of the spanking.

  “I don’t think my hand is doing much good. Next time I’m going to have to use something else. If you can laugh while you’re being punished, then it’s not doing any good.”

  He’d delivered five to each cheek when a commotion outside the door caught their attention.

  “Go away, Mrs. Wallings. We’ll be down later.”

  He immediately slapped her ass again and again. Vanessa let out a wail and then started to laugh again, begging him to stop. Both of them frozen when a voice said, “Winthorp! Open this door immediately. What are you doing in there? It’s the middle of the afternoon!”

  “Oh good Lord. It’s Aunt Matty!”


  Vanessa smoothed down the skirts of her green dress and then patted her hair. Their energetic session had left her looking like she’d been through a tornado. When Win had opened the door they’d found his aunt, a large woman with a disapproving look that she shot straight at Vanessa.

  Behind her, Ben had buried his face in his hands, laughter making his shoulders shake. Vanessa couldn’t remember too much of what happened after that. Win had stepped outside and escorted his aunt toward the stairs. He’d waved his hand behind his back, silently telling Vanessa to go and change. Now she sat under the woman’s constant scrutiny. The silence in the room was heavy and uncomfortable.

  “How was your trip, Aunt Matilda?” Vanessa smiled at her in an effort to get in the woman’s good graces. From the looks of things, though, that wasn’t going to be an easy task.

  The woman sniffed, and then took a drink of her sherry. “Long. A week on a train, and then that terrible ride to this godforsaken area. Why your father dragged my dear sister to this hellhole I’ll never know.”

  “Mother loved it here, Aunt Matty,” Win replied. “If you allowed yourself to stay for more than two days, you would see that, too.”

  Behind his aunt, Ben raised his eyebrows in alarm and cut his finger across his throat, mouthing, “don’t give her any ideas,” to his brother.


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