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Blushing Cheeks Volume Two

Page 19

by Blushing Books

  Matty wouldn’t have noticed Ben even if he had been standing in front of her. She was staring at Vanessa with a weary look on her face.

  “I am tired, Winthorp. I would like to freshen up before dinner. Perhaps your new wife could show me to my room.”

  “Let me show you.” Win stood and offered his hand. Matty took it, stood and frowned at him.

  “I would like Vanessa to show me. You stay here and chat with your brother. Vanessa, if you please?”

  Vanessa nodded and moved toward the stairs. She fought the urge to give Win a panicked look. Instead, she did as she always did before she went on the stage. She took several deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth, keeping the movement as soft as possible so that Matty didn’t see her nervousness.

  When they reached the top of the stairs she took a left, away from the wing where she and Win had their rooms. Two doors down and on the left she opened the door. Mrs. Wallings had already unpacked Matty’s belongings and removed the empty cases to the attic.

  Vanessa stepped into the room and waved her new “aunt” inside.

  “If you need anything please don’t hesitate to let us know. Mrs. Wallings is always available, as am I.”

  “Yes, your performance when I arrived showed just how available you are. You should be ashamed, engaging in such behavior during the afternoon.”

  Vanessa pursed her lips. This woman was a pure witch. Pulling the wool over her eyes was going to be a pleasure.

  “Technically, it was after six, so I believe it was evening.” Vanessa smiled, then cleared her throat when Matty’s frown deepened. “I’m sorry if we offended you.”

  “There was no we, just you. I don’t know how you inserted yourself into my nephew’s life enough to have him marry you, or perform such lascivious acts in the daylight, but I intend to find out. My influence on him is great. If I have anything to say about it, this marriage won’t last for long.”

  “I’m sorry you feel that way. Win has always told me that he keeps you in high regard.”

  “Yes, he does. You’d do good to remember that. Whether your stay or go is in my hands.” She turned her back on Vanessa, who stuck her tongue out and then shut the door firmly behind her.

  Win waited at top of the stairs. He took Vanessa’s hand and silently led her to his room. Once the door was shut, he stared at her.


  “Well, she doesn’t like me. I think that’s very safe to say.”

  “I don’t care if she likes you or not. I want to know if she believes in our marriage.”

  “Oh, yes. She told me that whether I stay or go depends on her. So I would say that she believes we are legally wed.”

  “That’s wonderful news.”

  “I told you I was a good actress. I could pull this off with my eyes closed.”

  “I’d rather you keep them open.” His grin was infectious, and Vanessa started to laugh.

  “How’s your bottom?”

  “A little sore, but I’ll manage. Your little spanking failed, however.”

  Win cocked his head and a questioning look replaced the grin.

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Because, I don’t hate you.”

  “Well, I suppose I’ll just have to spank you again.”

  “I suppose you will.”


  Win narrowed his eyes, then turned and opened the door.

  “Shall we?”

  “Wait!” She pulled him back inside. “Tell me again, which one is blond, Josh or Rob?”

  She bit her lip nervously.

  “Rob. You’ve met Corbin and Ben. That’s all you need to remember. Relax, Vanessa. You’ve met Matty and that is the hardest part. You’re going to do fine.”

  He kissed her forehead and led her from the room. Vanessa knew that this evening was going to be very tense. She prayed that Matty didn’t push too many buttons, and try to cause too many troubles tonight.

  Chapter Four

  Vanessa smoothed down her skirts and prayed that Aunt Matty didn’t notice the sweat on her brow. This woman was the devil herself. The only thing missing was the tail and hooves, and Vanessa wasn’t sure that she wasn’t hiding those under her skirt.

  “I’m waiting.”

  “Excuse me?” Vanessa took a sip of her tea, working hard to keep her hands from trembling.

  “Is there something wrong with your hearing? I asked how you, an obviously unsuitable woman, conned my nephew into marrying you.”

  “Aunt Matty, I…”

  “You will call me Mrs. Thompson. I am not your aunt.”

  Vanessa tightened her grip on the teacup so much that she feared she would break it. The woman hadn’t been this nasty at dinner last night. Of course then all her nephews were in the room to defend Vanessa.

  Dinner had gone very well, for the most part. Once all the men had arrived, Matty was bright and charming. The only person she showed any antagonism toward was Vanessa. After dinner, when she’d hugged the younger woman, she’d requested an interview in the morning so they could “get to know each other.”

  Win had assured her that’d she’d do fine. Of course that was before they’d spent their first night together in the same bed.

  The scene replayed itself in her brain. Gone was the teasing about spankings and hating each other. He’d given her time to change her clothing, coming back in the room only after he was sure that she was fully clothed.

  “Which side of the bed do you use?” Her voice had been very low and she’d tried not to stare as he’d started to unbutton his shirt.

  “I usually sleep in the middle,” he’d said. “But you take the left and I’ll take the right. She’d quickly dived under the blankets, her heart beating a mile a minute. Then she’d turned on her side and pretended to fall fast asleep.

  After he’d lain down next to her, her heart beat even faster. For the briefest of moments, she’d hoped that he’d reach out and caress her. But after a few moments, he’d turned on his side so that his back was to her, and quickly fallen asleep.

  Vanessa had stayed awake, counting his snores and wishing that he’d wake up and take her in his arms. She was the one who’d decided on the no sex clause. Now she wanted him to break it.

  She took a deep breath and tried to focus on the here and now. What had she asked? Oh yeah, about her and Win.

  “Very well, Mrs. Thompson. There was no conning involved. Win and I fell in love with each other when we met.”

  “Really? Where and when was that?”

  She’d asked a question, Vanessa could hear that. But all she could think about was Win’s kiss that morning when he’d left for the bank. It had been gentle and caring, and she’d loved every minute of it. Her bottom was a little sore from his spanking the night before, but all that did was remind her of him again. She hadn’t been able to concentrate on anything but Win all morning long.

  “Answer me. I grow tired of watching you daydream.”

  “Forgive me, Mrs. Thompson. Win and I met in Denver, three months ago. It was love at first sight and we married weeks after we’d met.”

  “Denver is a large city. Please be more specific.”

  Vanessa produced a winning smile. “It was at the theater. He’d come with some of the employees from the bank and I was with friends.”

  “And the play?”

  Vanessa’s smile didn’t falter, but her heart went pitter-patter. They hadn’t discussed the title of the play. She wracked her brain and then smiled again.

  “It was called Jordan’s New Life. It dealt with a man’s battle to win the woman he loved.”

  Vanessa made a mental note to tell Win that. Jordan’s New Life was the name of the play Vanessa and her friends had performed here, in Mac’s Crossing.

  “You just happened to run into each other at the theater? He just happened to fall in love with you?” Matty’s words were full of disbelief.

  “Yes,” Vanessa answered, squaring her shoul
ders. “One of my friends knew an employee from the bank. She introduced us and we were quite taken with each other. We still are.”

  “Hum. Who are you family?”

  “My family?”

  “Did I stutter?”

  “My father is dead, and my mother lives in New York City.” Vanessa left out the part where her mother lived in a nice house that was paid for by a married man who visited frequently.

  “Your maiden name?”

  Vanessa took a deep breath.

  “My maiden name is Trump.”

  “Hum. How old are you?”


  “And you’ve never been married before?”


  “How did you afford to live alone, in Denver? Were you a man’s mistress?”

  Vanessa calmly sat her cup down on the table and stood. She knew that she’d lost. There was no way she was winning this woman over this morning.

  “I won’t sit here and let you make a whore of me. I am sorry that you are unhappy, but Win and I love each other.”

  “I highly doubt that. He might have been smitten with your figure, and your obvious willingness to open your legs for him, but you are not good enough to be my nephew’s wife. I will stay until the marriage is annulled, and then Win and I will move to Boston. There, I will find him a suitable wife. You may move back to Denver and spread your legs for another rich man, I don’t care. Just know that you will not be Mrs. Winthorp MacAllister for long.”

  Vanessa wanted to rail at the woman, to scream and holler at her and call her names. But she knew that wouldn’t help. Instead she inclined her head and moved toward the doorway.

  “You may as well start packing your bags, Vanessa. You will be gone by Monday.”


  Win felt the tension in the house the minute he opened the front door. He hung up his hat and coat and walked into the sitting room, where he found his Aunt Matty writing letters.

  “Good afternoon, darling.” She smiled at him and he nodded in return. “I’m just dropping Mrs. Wharton a line to see if she wants to dine with us next month in Boston. Her daughter is unmarried, and is such a lovely young lady.”

  “Aunt Matty, I am already married, if it has escaped your attention.”

  “Oh, Winthorp, she’s not worthy of you. What will we tell our friends in Boston?”

  “I have no friends in Boston. My life is here, with my wife.” Win mentally chastised himself for lying to his aunt. She was bound and determined to ruin his life, and he was bound and determined not to let her. He had to be careful, though. If he made her too angry she would disinherit all of them, and he couldn’t see his brothers punished that way.

  “Nonsense. Things will be fine. Now, I’ve told my man back there to look at renting a beautiful house near mine for you. Once you get there you can build one of your own.”

  “Where is Vanessa?”

  “Upstairs packing, I’m sure.”

  Win turned to leave, his aunt’s voice stopping him in the doorway before he could exit the room.

  “Winthorp. I will have my way, do you understand?”

  “I understand that you want to force me to do what you want. It won’t work, Aunt Matty. I’m not moving to Boston.”

  “I’m sure the museums and orphanages in Boston will enjoy my money, then.”

  Win shook his head and started to leave. He suddenly turned around and walked back to Matty’s side.

  “I find it hard to believe that you would punish the others, that you could be so selfish. Can you not find a lawyer to run the firm for you? Why must you try and impose your will on me?”

  “If I had children of my own I wouldn’t have to. You should be thrilled to take care of me in my old age.”

  “Take care of you? Matty, you’ve never needed anyone to take care of you, and you never will. I love you, but I won’t let you force me to leave my home. I love Vanessa, and she and I are very happy. I’m sorry. I can help you find a lawyer to run the firm, if you like. But I won’t move, and you can’t force me, not even with your threats.”

  He leaned down and kissed her cheek and then left, ignoring her as she called out his name as he walked through the doors. Once upstairs, he leaned against the wall and let out a deep breath. He’d just stood up to the dragon lady. Hopefully she would stay a week, go back to Boston and realize that what she was trying to do was wrong. She would leave his brothers in her will and things would be fine.

  He needed to let Vanessa know what he’d done. Amazing how he’d grown used to having her in his home. She was a beautiful woman, and it had been hard to lie next to her last night and not touch her.

  He remembered listening to her breathing. He’d wanted to touch her, take her in his arms and make love to her. The way they’d teased yesterday he’d hoped that she felt the same. When she’d turned her back to his side of the bed, though, he knew that she didn’t. He wouldn’t force the issue.

  They’d agreed on no sex, and until she brought it up he wouldn’t force himself on her. He might spank her a few times again. Maybe that would bring them closer together.

  He couldn’t wait to tell her about Matty. He worried, though, that Matty wouldn’t lie down just because of what he’d just said. Even though he’d laid down the gauntlet, they needed to keep up the premise of their marriage. Once Matty went back to Boston things could go back to normal. Or could they? He wasn’t sure he wanted to let Vanessa walk out of his life.

  He straightened his shirt and walked toward the bedroom. He’d been looking forward to seeing her all day.

  She was sitting in front of the window, with her hair down around her shoulders. She had a brush in her hand but she wasn’t using it. She was staring out the window, a wistful look on her face.

  “Since you’re up here, and she’s down there, I take it things didn’t go well today.”

  “No, things went fine. I get called a whore everyday.”

  “Shit.” Win knelt down in front of her. He gently caressed her hands. “Vanessa, I’m so sorry. I had no idea she would take it that far.”

  “It’s not your fault. But I think that maybe I should leave tomorrow. She’ll feel better for having run me off. Then, after a few months and some fake papers, you can go to Nancy and marry her. She’s of your class. Your aunt wouldn’t have a problem with her in the family.”

  “She may not, but I would.” He stood and took a few steps away from her.

  “So you’re giving up? Just like that? One little word and you’re willing to just walk away.”

  “Have your brother take me to jail. That way I can pay my hotel bill the honest way. Or have Corbin give me a job at the store. I can make the money for the payment that way.”

  “And what about me, Vanessa? I thought that you and I were making a connection.”

  “What does it matter, Win? When the wicked witch is gone, I’ll be leaving anyway. It will just be a few days earlier.”

  “Well, I’m afraid that your solution is unacceptable. I have a signed contract from you that you will act as my wife until my aunt leaves. I am not willing to let you out of that agreement.”

  Vanessa stood; she dropped the brush to the floor and balled her hands into fists.

  “Now who cares about who? You’d rather me stay here and be abused by that, that harridan than to face her on your own. It doesn’t matter to you that I take her abuse, as long as you get what you want in the end.”

  “Is that right? I thought you were more of a woman than to give up the fight at the first sign of trouble. Are you the same woman who stood up to Ben and me at the hotel? Who insisted on having an agreement in writing and who has talked back to me the whole time I’ve known you? Or are you her delicate, scared of her own shadow twin?”

  “I’m not afraid of my shadow!”

  “No, just an old woman and her tongue. Do you realize that she’s sitting downstairs right now, gloating? She’s happy that she’s driving a wedge in between us. That’s what she
wanted to do, break us up.”

  “You’re missing the point, Win. There is nothing to break up. We’re not married.”

  “We are to Matty, or have you forgotten that?”

  “No, of course not. But it won’t work. She hates me. You’re frightened of her, too. If you weren’t then you would stand up to her and tell her you were not moving to Boston.”

  “I did. About ten minutes ago.”

  Vanessa stared at him. “Truly? Then why am I still needed?”

  “To her, you’re still my wife. But I did let her know that my life was here. That you and I would be happy together.”

  “That’s all well and good. But when I’m gone, she’ll just have the perfect excuse to say ‘I told you so,’ and force you back east.”

  “I never thought you’d be one to lie down so easily. Tell me, Vanessa, did you ever receive a bad review?”

  Vanessa raised her eyes to his. “Of course. I don’t see what that has to do with anything right now.”

  “When you were done reading that review, did you say, ‘this person doesn’t like me so I’m not going to act anymore?’”

  It was as if he’d slapped Vanessa in the face. What was she doing? So what if the woman had called her a whore? She knew it wasn’t true, but instead of standing up for herself and keeping to the plan, she skulked upstairs and hidden away all afternoon long.

  “You’re right. What an idiot I’ve been. How could I have let her do this to me?

  “She’s very good at it. Still, you have been a naughty girl.” Win swooped down and picked up the brush. “I’m going to spank you for it, Vanessa.”


  “No, after dinner. When we’ve come upstairs to get ready for bed. And I’m going to use this.”

  The hairbrush whisked by her face and panic set in.

  “You couldn’t possibly. That will…”

  “Hurt? Yes, it will. You’ll be thinking about it tomorrow, also, when Matty tries to pull a stunt on you, tries to browbeat you and call you names. I have no doubt she’ll try again when I’m not here. The lingering from this spanking will remind you of me. It will remind you not to let her get under your skin.”


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