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Deliciously Erotic Romance Collection (The Blue Room, Frosted Midnight, Haunted Halloween, Frosted Midnight)

Page 9

by Breena Wilde

  Reverend Smythe stood with his back facing the sunset. We stood on either side of him.

  “Please take each other’s hands.”

  We did. There was always a crowd on the beach at sunset. Several stopped to watch.

  “Do you, Austin Merrick, take Willow St. James to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, honor her, and cherish her for as long as you both shall live?”

  I listened to the Reverend, but inside all I kept thinking was, it’s happening. This is really happening. I can’t believe this is happening.

  Austin said, “I do.”

  The priest turned to me. “Do you, Willow St. James, take Austin Merrick to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, honor him, and cherish him for as long as you both shall live?” At the reverend’s words, I got choked up. I hoped it would be for a long, long time, but it might be only two more days.

  Austin shook my hands. “Will?”

  I swallowed. “I do. Of course I do.”

  Reverand Smythe smiled. “Then by the power vested in me by the state of Oregon, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Austin pulled me to him, lifted me into his arms and kissed me. Cheers came from the random crowd behind us. When he set me down, we shook the Reverend’s hand again.

  “Thank you, sir,” I said.

  “Thanks,” Austin said.

  “You’re welcome. My work here is done.” While the priest walked away, the random people came up to us and congratulated us.

  It was the best moment of my life aside from the birth of Emma.

  “I love you, Austin. Thank you so much for doing this. It was perfect.”

  After the wedding and a lovely dinner overlooking the coastline, we went back to my house. It was stuffy. Austin and I went around opening windows.

  “Well, Mrs. Merrick, what do you intend to do with this house now that you’re going to be living with me?”

  I beamed internally at the way he called me Mrs. Merrick. “I’m not sure. My mom and sisters already have their own.” I shrugged. “I guess I’ll put it up for sale.” The thought of leaving the house made me sad. I had a lot of memories here, but I couldn’t expect my mom and sisters to keep it up. Plus, I still had a mortgage.

  Austin came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “You want to keep it, don’t you?”

  My body tingled at his touch. I did want to keep it, but if I had to choose between Austin and this house, there was no contest. Of course I’d choose Austin.

  “Not as much as I want to be with you. But we should probably put it on the market quickly. I have a little savings, but the next mortgage payment is coming up soon. “ I turned and put my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

  His face was serious. “You love it here, don’t you?” he asked after a kiss that was too short.

  I nodded. “I always imagined taking Emma to the same beach I grew up on, but it’s okay. We’ll make new memories at your house, which is so small we’ll be cramped, but I’ll manage.” I was being sarcastic and Austin knew it. His house was a mansion with over ten thousand square feet. I wasn’t even sure I’d seen the whole thing yet. There were also two guesthouses, a pool house, and a barn. His shack sat on twenty-five acres. I knew for a fact I hadn’t seen the entire expanse of his land.

  “Yes, it is tiny.” He smirked. “And we will make new memories at our house, but the beach is a part of you. How about we buy a house overlooking the beach?”

  I gasped. “Are you serious?” That’d been my dream; something I figured would never happen on my salary.

  “After your surgery, we’ll come back and look. I saw a little piece of land that would be the perfect spot to build a beach house.

  I hugged him. “That would be beyond fantastic.” It was yet another hope contingent upon me surviving the surgery.

  “Now,” Austin said, lifting me into his arms, “there’s the matter of making love to my beautiful wife.”

  “Austin,” I said, pretending shock.

  He took me into the bedroom. “You realize I’m the only man you’re allowed to make love to for the rest of your life, right?” He set me down next to the bed and pulled my thick sweater over my head.

  I went to work unbuttoning his shirt. “You’re the only man I’ve ever made love to—the only man I want to make love to.”

  His eyes went wide in surprise. “Even after I left?”

  I nodded. “My mom and sisters tried to convince me to get back out there, but you’re all I ever wanted.”

  He unzipped my boots and took them off, letting them fall to the floor. Then he removed my socks, running a finger along the middle of my foot. It should’ve tickled, but the way he did it sent a shock of need to my core. He helped me to my feet and undid my pants, kneeling in front of me as he pulled them off my hips. When they reached my thighs, he leaned in and kissed the area just above my slit.

  I trembled. He lifted one foot and I held onto to his shoulders. He took off one pant leg and then the other, trailing kisses along my inner thighs as he worked.

  When my pants were finally off my thighs quivered with desire.

  “It’s going to be my pleasure to make sure you’re convinced your choice was the right one.” He kissed the area just below my belly button. “Each and every day for the rest of our lives.” His voice was hoarse, filled with emotion.

  I cupped his cleanly shaved face in my hands. “You better,” I said and winked.

  Austin growled playfully and pushed me back on the bed. One knee rested between my legs. He kissed me deeply, his tongue exploring my mouth. I reciprocated, running my hands along his back.

  “Husband, I want you,” I whispered, tugging on his jacket.

  Austin quickly got undressed, kicking off his shoes, socks, jacket, shirt, pants and underwear. His body was like a perfectly chiseled sculpture. I wanted to drag my tongue along every hard line, between every crevice.

  When he was naked, he climbed back on the bed. “Roll over,” he commanded.

  I did, wondering what he had in mind, happy to comply. I trusted him with my body and soul.

  Austin took my hair out of its bun with tender care. Then he unhooked my bra, trailing kisses along my spine. When we got near the spots I knew my tumors were, my body tensed. His hands came up to my shoulders and he massaged them. “It’s okay, love. Let go.”

  I tried to obey, releasing the tension in my shoulders.

  He kissed along my spine to the center of my hips.

  “Austin.” It made me nervous to have him so near the part of me that could suddenly end my life. I didn’t want him to realize what he’d done and regret it. That was my biggest fear: that one day he’d wish he never married me, never took on the difficulties that went along with being in my life.

  “Wife, I love every part of you.” He moved down and pulled off my lacy cream undies, kissing each ass cheek and down my thighs, the backs of my knees, my calves, and ankles as he went.

  Every nerve ending was attuned to him. Each one longed for his touch.

  Austin rolled me over and climbed back on the bed, his knees between my legs. He placed his hands on either side of my arms, holding himself up as he leaned down and kissed me.

  God, I loved his kisses, loved the way his mouth seemed to know exactly what my body wanted. He moved down to my neck. I grasped his shoulders, lifting into his mouth. He smelled so good, like man and sunshine with a hint of his cologne. I nipped at his bicep, and then kissed the same spot.

  He continued his kisses down to between my breasts. His fingers found my nipples and teased them into submission. They strained against his touch.

  I longed for his mouth on them and he seemed to understand. Pinching one lightly, his mouth covered the other, flicking it with his tongue.

  I arched my back so my breast went deeper into his mouth. He gave it more attention, suckling harder.

  I felt his hardness pressing against my t
high and I reached out and took it in my hand. His precome made it wet and I rubbed it all over the length of him. He groaned against my breast and moved over to the other one, giving it his full attention.

  I continued to massage him, feeling him expand larger, if that were possible.

  “God, Will. You’re good at that.” He kissed and sucked his way down my stomach past my belly button to the wetness between my thighs. He spread my slit, exposing my clit more fully, and suckled on it.

  “Fuck,” I moaned, grabbing fistfuls of hair.

  He slid a finger inside, moving it in and out as he continued to suckle my clit.

  My body writhed and shuddered as my orgasm built and, just as he was about to send me over the edge, he stopped. I spread my thighs wide and he pushed inside and stopped.

  “You feel so fucking good.”

  I reached out to touch him and he leaned over. As he slid in and out, he kissed me—slowly at first, but as our kisses deepened and became more passionate, so did his movements. He rocked his hips into me and I met him, deeper and deeper. He lifted his head and positioned his body so he went deeper still. My body tensed with the pleasure of my building orgasm, and finally I came undone. Wave after wave of intense pleasure took over my body.

  Austin shoved deep inside one last time with his orgasm. His body shuddered and he lay on top of me. “We’re doing that every fucking day,” he said in my ear.

  I hugged him tightly, hoping that every day was over many years. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  The next morning we flew back to Dallas. My mom and sisters were hard at work helping the party planner get the house and the back yard ready.

  I glanced at Austin. “I guess I’ll tell them the news.”

  Austin chuckled. “They already know.”

  “Of course they do. It seems I’m always the last to know everything.” I crossed my arms in a playful sulk.

  Austin chuckled. “No more. I promise. From tonight on you’ll be the first person to know everything.”

  “Except birthday surprises.”

  “Are you sure?” He was still laughing.

  I pulled his shirt from his pants and moved my hands up his stomach to his chest. I loved touching him. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “Fine, then I’ll keep birthdays a surprise. Anything else?” His hands moved along my sides, caressing.

  I pretended to think. “That ought to do it.”

  Austin kissed me tenderly.

  “But the dress? I hope you didn’t pay for it?” I said, pulling out of the kiss. I had to admit I was a little disappointed I wouldn’t get to wear it. I felt like a princess with it on. And I’d really wanted Austin to see me in it.

  “Yes, I bought the dress. We’re having another ceremony today.”

  I giggled. “We are?”

  “Hell yes. I want to see you in the dress. Claudine raved about the way you looked in it.”

  My heart was so full of love for the man in front of me. “You’re amazing,” I whispered.

  “I know.” He gave me a hug.

  I was going to ask him to take me to bed, but my mom rushed in. “It’s about time.” She grabbed my arm and started pulling me toward the stairs. “We need to get you ready.”

  I gave Austin a little wave.

  He blew me a kiss.

  “Man, you two are sappy,” Liv said slapping Austin on the arm as she walked past him and moved up the stairs behind my mom and me.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Austin said, tilting his imaginary hat. That reminded me I needed to ask him what had happened to the hat he wore every day when we first met.

  “Austin,” I shouted when I reached the top of the stairs.

  “Willow,” he hollered back.

  “I love you.”

  Heather brought in Emma. While my mom and sisters worked on my hair, she sat on my lap. It was the perfect way to spend the afternoon right before my unofficial wedding. We talked about the flight and the wedding on the beach. They teased me about my wedding night and I blushed profusely.

  Someone brought up a tray of fruit, cheese and crackers along with a bottle of champagne. We snacked and drank and had the best time.

  When the time came to get dressed Heather took Emma and my sisters left.

  My mom helped me get the dress out of the garment bag. We slid it over my head and she zipped me up. I walked over to the full-length mirror.

  My mom started to cry.

  “You look beautiful.” Her hands were together as though she was praying and she pressed them to her mouth. “Are you happy?” she asked, coming up behind me.

  “Very.” I turned and hugged her.

  “Good. Keep that in mind, because there’s something I need to tell you.” She was suddenly nervous.

  “What is it, mom?”

  She walked over to the overstuffed chair in front of the vanity and sat down. “I-I—” She stopped and shook her head. “I interfered,” she finished solemnly.

  “You did? How? What did you do?”

  “Well, you see,” she crossed her arms. “I knew his name. You’d told us his name and I hired a private investigator to find him,” she said, letting out a whoosh of air. It was obvious she was relieved to reveal the secret. It’d been pressing on her for some time.

  “So that’s how he got my email? You gave it to him?” The question had been bothering me for a while, but I hadn’t found the right time to ask Austin about it.

  “When the investigator verified he’d found the correct Austin, he gave me Austin’s cell phone number. I called and left a message, telling him who I was, that I thought it was awful he’d left like he did and that he needed to make it right. I gave him your email.”

  “You’re kidding.” Had he intended to come back before my mom called him? Was everything a lie? It didn’t feel like one. Austin seemed sincere.

  “He called me right back and told me he’d already scheduled a flight to come find you, that he’d just intended to show up on your doorstep. I suggested he email you, saying it might be nice if you had a little time to prepare.”

  I stared at her reflection in the mirror. Who was this woman? She’d hired a detective, stalked Austin, and called him? I was in shock. “You believe him?”

  She nodded vigorously. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that he’s head over heels in love with you. And on top of that he adores Emma.”

  I swallowed, fighting the fear that had snuck up on me.

  There was a knock on the door. “It’s time,” a female voice said. I recognized it as the party planners. I jumped, my nerves on end.

  “If I didn’t believe he was sincere, I would’ve said something. But I know he loves you. Please tell me you know it too.”

  “I do,” I said, quickly, realizing that was the truth. I did know, without a doubt.

  I hugged her again. “Thanks for telling me.”

  “You’re not mad?” she asked in a small voice.

  I smiled big. “I’m in shock. I can’t believe you did that for me, but no, I’m not mad.”

  “I’m so glad.” She opened the door and we walked down the stairs.

  The wedding was beautiful. Austin looked so handsome in his black tux with a white tie.

  Sara held Emma and stood beside me. Liv and Heather stood beside her during the ceremony. They wore silver dresses and held silver roses. Emma was in a white dress that was similar to mine and I couldn’t help but wonder if the designer had made it for Emma on such short notice.

  My bouquet was filled with silver, white, and red flowers. Two men stood next to Austin and I found out later they were his best friends.

  As the night progressed I got to know them. They seemed nice, gentlemanly even.

  Not everyone was as cordial, though. I caught several gorgeous women glaring at me. Three of them cornered me as I went through the line to get something to eat.

  “Unbelievable,” one said, shaking her head.

  “What is?” I aske

  “That he chose you,” another said.

  “Red?” The third one said, and reached out to touch my hair.

  I stepped back, smiling sweetly. “I don’t think it’s unbelievable at all—if you three are indication of what he had to choose from.”

  “Bitch,” one said.

  All three walked away.

  Someone came up behind me and I tensed until he slid his arms around my waist.

  He kissed my ear.

  “Austin,” I breathed, relaxing and leaning into him.

  “You’re kick ass,” he said, trailing kisses down my neck.

  I turned and smiled, kissing him softly.

  “Count back from a hundred,” the anesthesiologist said kindly.

  I was nervous. I’d never had surgery before. Austin, my mom, my sisters, and Emma had come with me to the hospital. They gave me the encouragement and support I needed. I could do this. Because of them I had the strength and courage I needed to survive. Because of them, their love for me, I would survive. They were my miracles.

  “Ninety-nine. Ninety-eight. Ninety-seven…”

  I heard beeping. People were shouting. After a time the noises went quiet and I saw a white light at the end of a long tunnel. It beckoned and I started walking toward it. With each step the tunnel lit up. Hands reached out to touch me. I felt like I should be scared, but I was filled with love, so much love that I started to cry. The emotions filled me to overflowing and I longed for more. When I reached the end of the tunnel, people stood there waiting. Somehow I knew them. One elderly woman reached out and embraced me.

  “Welcome home, Willow dear.”

  I pulled away. “Hi. Thank you for being here,” I said, looking into her soft eyes.

  She smiled and wrapped her arm around my shoulders. Others patted my arms and touched my hands. I glanced back the way I’d come and stopped.

  “I’m not ready,” I told her, hoping she’d understand.

  She removed her arm. “Go back then, dear. We’ll be here when the time is right.”

  I opened my eyes. I was in a small room. My family surrounded my bed. Their expressions were downcast and sad.


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