Fortress of Owls
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Winter had raged from the time they must have left their exile. It had chased them with a vengeance.
But the storm wind had seemed to lessen from the very moment he had found them in the snow, as if wizardry or outraged nature had spent its strength and now gave up the battle. The clouds broke and scudded past until, under a heaven as black and calm as the land was white, they topped that last hill before the town.
There the night showed them stars on the earth, the watch fires of camps around the snow-besieged walls of Henas’amef.
“An army?” Orien asked in dismay. “An army, about my town?”
“My army,” Tristen said in that moment’s pause, and added:
“My town. My province.”
He began to walk again, leading Petelly, with Orien at his side.
Owl flew ahead of them, on broad, silent wings.
Concordance for the Fortress Books
AMEFEL—southern province; banner: black Eagle on red field
Royalty / Lords
Aswydd Household
HERYN ASWYDD—Duke of Amefel, the aetheling His twin sisters:
ORIEN ASWYDD—Duchess of Amefel;
THEWYDD—Heryn Aswydd’s man
Tristen’s Household
TRISTEN—Marshal of Althalen, Lord Warden of Ynefel UWEN—Lewen’s-son, Tristen’s man, sergeant of Cefwyn’s Dragon Guard, captain of Tristen’s guard Tristen’s Guard
LUSIN—Captain of Tristen’s bodyguard
SYLLAN—one of Tristen’s guards
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ARAN—one of Tristen’s guards
TAWWYS—one of Tristen’s guards
CASSAM, CASS—Uwen’s warhorse, bow-nosed, blue roan gelding
DYS, DYSARYS—Tristen’s warhose, black, full brother to Aryny and Kanwy
GERY—Tristen’s light horse, red mare
GIA—Uwen’s light horse, bay mare
LISS—Uwen’s horse, chestnut mare
PETELLY—Tristen’s cross-country horse, a bay of no breeding
Amefin Earls and Their Households
EDWYLL ADIRAN—earl of Meiden, remotely related to Aswydds; banner: gold sun
CRISSAND ADIRAN—son of and successor to Edwyll AZANT—lord of Dor Elen province, which borders the ver orchard district
A daughter: widowed twice, once when married only seven days
BRESTANDIN—Amefin earl
CEDRIG—elderly Amefin earl living in retirement, owner of room Tristen lodges in, then where Ninévrisë lodges in Henas’samef
CIVAS—Amefin earl
CUTHAN—earl of Bryn, distant relative of Aswydds DRUMMAN—lord of Baradden, youngest of earls except for Crissand; his elder sister is Edwyll’s wife, Crissand’s mother
DRUSALLYN—elderly lord, married local gentry in Amefel DRUSENAN—earl of Bryn, successor to Cuthan; wife: Ynesyne, an Elwynim
DURELL—Amefin earl
EDRACHT—Amefin earl
ESRYDD—Amefin earl
LUND—Amefin earl
MARMASCHEN—Amefin earl
MORIDEDD—Amefin earl
MURRAS—Amefin earl
PRUSHAN—Amefin earl
PURELL—Amefin earl
TARAS—earl of Bru Marden
ZERESHADD—Amefin earl
Other Persons
Clergy / Clerics
CADELL—Bryaltine abbot in Henas’amef
FAISETH—Bryaltine nun
EMUIN UDAMAN—wizard/tutor/priest, Teranthine, tutored Cefwyn and Efanor
DEL’REZAN—Bryaltine nun
PACHYLL—priest, Teranthine patriarch in Henas’samef Military
ENNYN—Guelen Guard second in Command
GEDD—sergeant in Tristen’s guard
SELMWY—cousin of Ness at town gate
WYNEDD—Guelen Guard commander
Minor Officials
TASSAND—started as Cefwun’s servant, now Tristen’s chief of household
HAMAN—stablemaster at Henas’samef
Local Gentry
ARDWYS—thane of Sagany, leader of the peasant contingent from Sagany and Pacewys
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AULD SYES— witch, in Emwyn village, near Althalen PAISI—street urchin
SEDDIWY—Shadow, Auld Syes’s child
WYDNIN—former junior archivist
Places, Titles, et cetera
AETHELING, ATHELING—title, used instead of king in Amefel; royal in their province
ALTHALEN—old Sihhë capita, where last of Sihhë died, now Tristen’s in ruins, banner is silver Star and Tower on black
AMEFIN—of Amefel province
ANAS MALLORN—Amefin village, on riverside ARDENBROOK—brook after Maudbrook on way to Henas’amef
ARREYBURN—camping spot of Emuin on the way back to Henas’amef from retreat
AVERYNE CROSSING—crossing to Guelessar from Amefel on the way out of Henas’samef
ARYS—district/town, Arys Emwy, Emwy village: destroyed when Ináreddrin was killed; district contains Althalen and Lewen field
ARYS BRIDGE—bridge near Emwy to west, where Elwynor rebels could enter Amefel
ARYS DISTRICT—near Heans’amef, contains villages of Emwy and Malitarin
ASFIAD—old name for Aswyth
ASMADDION—place in the province
ASSURN FORD—river border of the province ASSURNBROOK—river
ASWYDD, ASWYDDS—surname, Heryn’s house, also Orien’s, Tarien’s; there is Sihhë blood in this line ASWYDDIN—of the Aswydds
ASWYTH—a village
ATHEL—Amefin district bordering Mediden’s land BARADDAN—Drumman’s district, contains orchards FORTRESS OF OWLS / 537
BRU MARDAN—Taras district
BRYN—Cuthan’s estate
CEYL, TRYS—TRYS CEYL—Amefin village south of Henas’samef
DOR ELEN—Anzant’s district, orchard district DRUN, TRYS DRUN—next to Trys Ceyl, village south of Henas’amef
EALDORMAN, EALDORMEN—council of Henas’amef EDLINNADD—old name for Ellinan
ELLINAN—a village
EMWY—village/district, see: Arys, Arys Emwy, Emwy village EMWYSBROOK—brook near Emwy
FOREST OF AMEFEL—near Althalen
GRAYFROCK, GRAYROBE—nickname for Emuin
HEN AMAS—old name for Henas’amef
HENAS’AMEF—capital of the province
KATHSEIDE—old name of Zeide, fortress in Henas’amef LEVEY—Amefin village, part orchard, part pastrurage for flocks
LEWEN—brook giving its name to area of battle LEWEN FIELD, LEWEN PLAIN—near Althalen, battlefield where Hausfin was destroyed
LEWENFORD—area of battle, see Lewen field LEWENSIDE—area of battle, see Lewen field LYSALIN—Amefin village
MALDY VILLAGE—Amefin village with crossing to Elwynor MALITARIN—Amefin village two hours from Henas’samef MALLORN, ANAS, ANAS MALLORN—Amefin village on riverside
MARGREIS—ruined village, haunt of outlaws, near Emwy 538 / C. J. CHERRYH
MARNA, MARNA WOOD—haunted forest
MARSHAL OF ALTHALEN—Tristen’s title, bestowed by Cefwyn
MASSITBROOK—camping spot on way to Lewen field for Cefwyn and troops
MASTER GRAYROBE, GRAYFROCK—nickname, refers to Emuin, wizard/tutor/priest, Teranthine MAUDBROOK—on the way to Henas’amef
MAUDBROOK BRIDGE—bridge on the way to Henas’amef MEIDEN—sheep district; banner: blue with gold sun PACEWYS—Amefin village, sent troops to Lewen field, commanded by Lord Ardwys, thane of Sagany PADYS SPRING—one hour south of Henas’amef, once called Batherys
RAGISAR—Amefin villa
RAVEN’S KNOB—past Emwy on way to Lewen field, Lewenbrook near Althalen
SAGANY—Amefin village on way to Althalen and Lewen field, sent troop to Lewen field commanded by Lord Ardwys, thane of Sagany SAGANY ROAD—on way to Althalen and Lewen field TAS ADEN—town in Meiden
TRYS, TRYS CEYL—Amefin town near Trys Drun ZEIDE—shortened name for Kathseide fortress in Henas’amef
CARYS—northern province
GUELESSAR—north-central province; banner: quartered,
gold Dragon on red, gold Quinalt sigil on black
SELWYN MARHANEN—Cefwyn’s grandfather, king of Ylesuin; banner: gold dragon on red
INÁREDDRIN MARHANEN—king of Ylesuin, father of Cefwyn and Efanor
CEFWYN MARHANEN—third king of the Marhanen dynasty, brother of Efanor IDRYS—Lord Commander of the Dragon Guard ANNAS—Cefwyn’s chief of household in both Amefel and Guelessar. Later Lord Chamberlain
LASIEN—senior page at Henas’amef
EFANOR MARHANEN—His Royal Highness, Duke of Guelessar, Prince of Ylesuin
GWYWYN—soldier, Ináreddrin’s captain at Althalen, made captain of Efanor’s guard at Guelemara
Lesser Royalty / Household
ALWY—Ninévrisë’s maid and one of Cefwyn’s former lovers BRYSAULIN—Lord Chancellor after Cefwyn is crowned CRESSEN—Lady, one of Cefwyn’s former lovers FISYLLE—Lady, one of Cefwyn’s former lovers TRALLYNDE—Lady, one of Cefwyn’s former lovers PARSYNAN—Guelen gentry, Cefwyn’s viceroy at Amefel until Tristen’s appointment as lord of Amefel
ARYNY—heavy, warhorse, full sister to Dys and Kanwy DANVY—Cefwyn’s light horse
DRUGYN—Idrys’ warhorse, black stablemate of Cass, Kanwy, and Dys
KANWY—Cefwyn’s warhorse, black
SYNANNA—blaze-faced black, usually Efanor’s horse
PATRIARCH—priest, absolute head of Quinalt sect 540 / C. J. CHERRYH
JORMYS—Quinaltine priest, serves Efanor
BENWYN—Bryalt sect, assigned as Ninévrisë’s priest BAREN—Quinaltine doctrinist
NEISWYN—doctrinist among the Quinaltines UDRYN—Quinaltine doctrinist
ANWYLL—captain of the guard, assigned to Amefel under Uwen
KERDIN QWYLL’S-SON—Kerdin, second-in-command under Idrys, captain of Guelen Guard, died at Lewen field ESSAN—captain of Guelen Guard in Guelessar ANDAS—soldier, eleven years in Dragon Guard; Andas’
son, Tristen’s banner-bearer, was killed at Lewen field BROGI—soldier
BRYS—soldier in Anwyll’s company
COSSELL—soldier in Anwyll’s company
HAWITH—soldier killed at Emwy, one of Cefwyn’s men JEONY—soldier, killed at Emwy
LEFHWYN—soldier, rode with Cefwyn at Emwy NYDAS—soldier, rode with Cefwyn at Emwy
PELANNY—soldier, Guelen scout, presumed dead or taken by Aseynéddin at Lewen field
PEYGAN—armorer for Cefwyn at Henas’amef, old friend of Uwen’s, married to Margolis
PRYAS—King Cefwyn’s messenger
Minor officials / Household
MARGOLIS—wife of Peygan the armorer. One of Ninévrisë’s ladies
MESINIS—slightly deaf clerk
TAMURIN—Cefwyn’s accountant
Other Persons
ROSYN—Cefwyn’s tailor in both Henas’amef and Guelemara
Places, Titles, et cetera
AMYNYS—river, old boundary of Guelemara
AN’S-FORD—town, on road between Guelemara and Henas’amef
ANWYFAR—Teranthine retreat near Arreyburn BLUE HALL—place, in Guelemara, in palace CLUSYN, CLUSYN MONASTERY—Quinaltine religious house in Guelessar
CRESSITBROOK—town near Guelemara
CROWN WALL—Guelenfort’s official limit
DARY—Guelen village at first ring road outside Guelemara DRYSHAM—Guelen village
DURY—Guelen village
GUELEN—of Guelessar
GUELENFOLK—people of Guelessar
GUELENISH—of Guelessar
GUELENMEN—people of Guelessar
GUELESFORT—citadel in Guelemara
GUELEMARA—capital of Guelessar; banner: red with gold Castle
HOLY FATHER, HIS HOLINESS—title, highest Patriarch in Quinalt sect
LYN—soldier, messenger sent from Tristen to Idrys with Ryssand’s treasonous letter
MARHANEN—surname, Cefwyn’s house: Gold Dragon, surname of Cefwyn, Selwyn, Efanor, Ináreddrin MASTER CROW, RAVEN—nickname, refers to Idrys RED CHRONICLE—Marhanen history book
“THE MERRY LASS FROM ELDERMAY”—country song played at Cefwyn’s harvesttide festival
WYS-ON-WYETLAN—Guelen village
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IMOR—southern province; banner: Wheel
UMANON—lord of Imor Lenúalim, Quinaltine
Places, Titles, et cetera
HEDYRIN—river south of Imor
IMORIM—of Imor
ISIN—northern province
IVANOR—southern province; banner: White Horse
CEVULIRN—lord of Ivanor, southern baron, Teranthine GEISLEYN—Cevulirn’s man, captain of light horse, from Toj Embrel, Ivanim
ERION NETHA—friend of Cevulirn, Lord of Tas Arin in Ivanor, wounded at Lewen field
Places, Titles, et cetera
CRYSIN—horse breed of Ivanim
EMBREL, TOJ—Toj Embrel, Cevulirn’s summer palace IVANIM—of Ivanor
IVORIM—of Ivor
TOJ EMBREL—Toj Embrel, Cevulirn’s summer palace
LANFARNESSE—southern province; banner: Heron
PELUMER—duke of Lanfarnesse
FELEYN, FELEYN’s—a Lanfarnesseman
Places, Titles, et cetera
LANFARNESSEMEN—people of Lanfarnesse
LLYMARIN—central province; banner: Red Rose on green background
SULRIGGAN—lord of Llymarin, cousin to the Quinaltine Patriarch
EDWYN—nephew of Sulriggan, attends Efanor
Places, Titles, et cetera
LLYMARISH—of Llymarin
MARISAL—southern province;
banner: gold Sheaf with bend and crescent
SARMYSAR—duke of Marisal; personal banner: lily
MARISYN—southern province;
banner: blue field and blazing Sun
MURANDYS—northern province; banner: blue field, bend or, and white below with Quinalt sigil
The Nobles
PRICHWARRIN—duke of Murandys
CLEISYNDE—Lord Prichwarrin of Murandys’niece LURIEL—Cefwyn’s most recent lover, niece of Duke Prichwarrin of Murandys’
ORDINIAN—younger sister of Luriel, Duke Prichwarrin of Murandys’ niece
Other Persons
ROMYND—Quinalt patriarch of Murandys
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Places, Titles, et cetrea
ASLANEY—capital of Murandys
NELEFREÍSSAN—northern province; banner: pale azure with White Circle
Places, Titles, et cetera
NELEFREÍNIAN—men of Nelefreíssan
OLMERN—southern province; banner: Black Wolf
SOVRAG—lord of Olmern (rivermen), in Olmernhome BRIGOTH—Lieutenant of Sovrag of Olmern
DENYN—Cefwyn’s door guard, Olmern youth, Kei’s-son
Places, Titles, et cetera
CAPAYNETH—Olmern village, traded with Mauryl OLMERNHOME—Sovrag’s capital
OLMERNMAN—person of Sovrag’s province
OSANAN—eastern province
MORDAM—duke of Osan
PALYS—north-central province
Places, Titles, et cetera
PANYS—northern province
MAUDYN—lord of Panys, commander of Cefwyn’s forces on the riverside
RUSYN, Lord Maudyn’s second son
Other Persons
UTA UTA’S-SON—squire of Magan village
Places, Titles, et cetera
RYSSAND—northern province;
banner: blood red with Fist and Sword
CORSYWNDAM—lord of Ryssand
BRUGAN—Corsywndam of Ryssand’s son and heir ARTISANE—Corsywndam of Ryssand’s daughter, one of Ninévrisë’s ladies-in-waiting
Places, Titles, et cetera
RYSSANDISH—of Ryssand; also, an ethnic group distinct from the Guelens, but closely tied to them
SUMAS—eastern province
TEYMERYN—northeastern province
URSAMIN—northeastern province
The Regency
ULEMAN SYRILLAS—Regent of Elwynor, father of Ninévrisë
NINÉVRISË SYRILLAS—daughter of Uleman
Lesser Nobles
AESELF—lieutenant of loyal force
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ANGIN—companion of Aeself, q.v.
TARWYN ASWYDD—ancient warrior
ELFHARYN—Elwynim lord, loyal to Ninévrisë, holding throne and regency for her
HAURYDD—Ninévrisë’s man, earl of High Saissond PALISAN—one of Ninévrisë’s men
TASIEN—earl of Cassissan, Uleman’s man, captain of his army, related to Ninévrisë through her mother YSDAN—Ninévrisë’s man, earl of Ormadzaran ASEYNÉDDIN—rebel earl of Elwynor, enemy of Ninévrisë, died at Lewen field; banner: Griffin
CASWYDDIAN—rebel Elwynim lord, earl of Lower Saissond, enemy of Ninévrisë, killed by Shadows at Althalen TASMÔRDEN—Elwynim rebel lord, enemy of Ninévrisë
UILLASAN—companion of Aeself
Places, Titles, et cetera
ANSYM—bridge, at border of Elwynor
ASHIYM—place in Elwynor, seven towers, old Sihhë connections, one tower destroyed BANNER OF ELWYNOR—black-and-white Checker with gold Tower, quartered with blue
CASISSAN—Tasien’s earldom
CRIESS—village near Ilefínian
ELWYNIM—of the kingdom of Elwynor
HER GRACE—title for Ninévrisë
HIGH SAISSOND—Elwynim province, Haurydd’s home ILEFÍNIAN—capital of Elwynor