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Biker's Virgin MC Box Set

Page 80

by Claire Adams

  “Not necessarily,” she said vaguely. “What did you speak about when he came to your table?”

  “Mundane things, nothing important,” I reported. “I introduced the two of them, David complimented Tristan on the resort, Tristan wanted to know where David was staying, then we asked him to recommend some dishes, and then he excused himself and headed off.”

  “Kani mentioned that Tristan was curious about David,” Alani revealed.


  “He’s one of the waiters at Pepe Albero,” she told me. “He waits on Tristan every night. When I checked in with him this morning, he told me that Tristan was very keen to know about your guest. He also told me that Tristan ordered a two black Russians last night for dinner.”

  “Is that important?” I asked, slightly amused.

  “Only because Tristan never drinks anything remotely that strong. He has one drink before his meal, and that’s it. He almost always has meetings after dinner, so he has to be alert. Something tells me that the sight of seeing you with another man might have thrown him a little.”

  “You think?” I asked, not daring to hope.

  “I do,” she nodded. “I think our plan is definitely working.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “I’ve gotta hand it to you, Alani, I thought this was a long shot.”

  “Oh, ye of little faith,” she winked at me.

  “By the way, you never really told me what you told David,” I said. “He just showed up at the restaurant bar waiting for me.”

  “I kept it simple,” she replied. “I told him that there was a beautiful single woman staying at the resort I worked at and if he was interested in a casual date, then I could set it up for him. I also told him that there was an ex-boyfriend you wanted to get revenge on.”

  “I still can’t believe he agreed,” I laughed incredulously.

  “Of course, he agreed,” Alani said. “He’s a rich bachelor who’s on vacation, meeting beautiful women is expected. Plus, he kind of liked the idea of making some other guy jealous.”

  “He mentioned that,” I smiled. “It was really nice of him to play along.”

  “Please,” she said, rolling her eyes. “He wasn’t being nice; there was nothing charitable about what he did. He was hoping to sleep with you.”

  “He told you that?” I exclaimed as my eyes went wide.

  “Of course not,” Alani clarified. “But when you tell a guy that a friend of yours is trying to make another guy jealous, they assume revenge sex is a given.”

  I laughed. “Oh God, so that’s why he looked so disappointed when I said goodbye to him at the elevators.”

  She burst out laughing. “You didn’t?”

  “I assumed you had also told him that I didn’t really consider last night to be a serious date. Sex was definitely off the table.”

  “I didn’t know if that was really the case,” she said.

  “You thought I might actually sleep with the guy?” I asked.

  “Well… he’s rich and attractive.” Alani shrugged. “It was possible you might hit it off with him. You’re both consenting adults; would sex have been totally out of the question?”

  “For me, it is,” I said, without thinking.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Nothing,” I said quickly.

  I liked Alani, but there were some things I just wasn’t comfortable sharing with anyone. Instead, I took another gulp of water to avoid elaborating.

  “Are you ready for your next date?” Alani asked instead, wagging her eyebrows at me.

  “You’ve already got someone in mind?” I asked.

  “Oh, I have several men in mind,” she said. “Don’t worry about running out.”

  “Tristan’s going to wonder what’s going on,” I said.

  “Let him wonder,” she said. “Make sure to be vague with him if he starts asking questions.”

  “I doubt he will.”

  “Please,” Alani said, rolling her eyes. “You’re a beautiful woman, Molly. He’s definitely noticed. Just because he covers it well doesn’t mean he hasn’t.”

  “You seem very confident.”

  “I know men,” she replied. “I know what they want, and I know how to push their buttons. I’ve worked under Tristan long enough to have made a few observations.”

  “Such as?”

  “He’s driven, ambitious, and hard working. All necessary traits to have in life. But the fact that he also happens to be charming, charismatic, and handsome has catapulted him ahead of men twice his age. He inherited his father’s legacy, and he made it twice as successful in a short period of time.

  “In short, he’s a man who’s used to getting his way. He’s a man who always gets the girl. And if he starts seeing you as something he can’t have… Well then, you’ll have him.”

  I’d have him. The thought terrified me as much as it thrilled me. One thing was certain: I didn’t want to be just another name on Tristan’s list. I didn’t want to be yet another girl that he had used only to cast aside later. My feelings for Tristan were real, which meant I was the one in danger of getting hurt.

  “Are you okay?” Alani asked. “You look upset.”

  “Not upset,” I clarified. “Just…contemplative.”

  “What are you contemplating?”

  “What I’m trying to achieve out of this whole plan,” I said. “Do you I just want revenge for that forgotten kiss or am I hoping for something more?”

  Alani gave me a sympathetic smile. “It sounds like you might still be in love with him.”

  “Is that even possible?” I asked. “Is it possible to be in love with someone you’ve never actually been with?”

  “Of course it is,” she assured me. “It happens all the time.”

  “How depressing.”

  She smiled. “The point is you need to see this thing through—either for closure or else for…”

  “For what?”

  “A chance at a relationship with Tristan?”

  I took a deep breath. “Is it just me or do the words ‘relationship’ and ‘Tristan’ not go together?”

  Alani smiled. “I think that’s all you.”

  I sighed. “You know what I wish? I wish I didn’t have feelings for Tristan. That would make everything so much easier. Then I could actually enjoy this vacation instead of constantly obsess about him.”

  “Is that what you’ve been doing this whole time?”

  “It was just…something about seeing him the day I arrived. It was like all the old feelings came rushing back and somehow, they managed to magnify. I feel like I’ve become the hopeless fourteen-year-old girl I used to be.”

  “You’re not fourteen anymore,” Alani pointed out as we made our way out of the gym.

  “And yet, what has really changed since I was fourteen?” I asked. “I’m still single, unemployed, and hung up on my brother’s best friend.”

  “Wow, you really know how to paint a dismal picture, don’t you?”

  I laughed. “Who’s the next guy on your list?”

  “His name is Raymond Burke,” Alani told me. “His father owns a chain of golf courses around the country, and he’s in Hawaii on a bachelor trip with his friends.”

  “I’m assuming it’s not his bachelor party?”

  “Of course not,” Alani said. “I think he’s going to get more of a rise out of Tristan than David did.”

  “How do you figure that out?” I asked.

  “David’s part of the older, white collar, predictable, and sensible kind of group,” Alani clarified. “Whereas Raymond Burke is...”


  She laughed. “Most definitely not. He’s twenty-six and over six feet tall, sandy blond hair, great smile, and a fantastic body. Trust me; I’ve seen him without his shirt off.”

  “And you explained the situation to him?”

  “He knows you’re trying to make someone jealous,” she nodded. “But again, he’s probably hoping for some hot revenge sex as
a thank you.”

  “Well, he’s going to be disappointed then.”

  “You might actually want to sleep with this one.”

  I shook my head. “I doubt it.”

  Alani wrinkled her brows at me, but I gave her a smile and withheld the explanation. When we arrived at the elevators, she wished me luck for the next date and headed off towards the staff quarters. I rode up the elevator to my suite.

  When I had first stepped into the grand suite, I had been speechless. It was a huge space that looked more like a luxury apartment rather than a room in a resort.

  You entered into the living room area, which opened out into the massive balcony. To the right was the dining area and to the left was the bedroom. The bedroom was situated in a completely separate alcove that extended out from the main structure of the building. I had only one wall against which the massive super king bed had been pushed. The other three walls were thick, floor-to-ceiling windows that gave me a spectacular view of the ocean below.

  If you sat on the bed and looked straight ahead, all you could see was miles of ocean and sky. The blinds were operated through a special remote control, and the floors were covered over with a luxurious faux fur carpet that felt like you were walking on pillows. The room was connected to a separate walk-in closet and a massive bathroom complete with a Jacuzzi and its own view of the ocean.

  I headed to the bathroom, stripped down, and slipped into the Jacuzzi for a nice long soak. I closed my eyes and started to daydream. Inevitably, my dreams turned to Tristan.

  Chapter 9


  I was walking through the resort’s south wing with Ben, going over the construction delays that had been plaguing us for days now.

  “What does Larry have to say?” I demanded. “He promised me he’d be out of here before December.”

  Ben looked at me calmly. “We’re talking major construction here,” he said. “Mistakes are part and parcel of the work.”

  “Not when I’m in charge.”

  “You weren’t in charge,” he reminded me.

  “I think that’s the problem.”

  “Would you like me to set up a meeting with Larry?”

  “Yes, first thing tomorrow morning,” I said. “And, casually drops in a few threats. If he doesn’t finish soon, I’m not above going to another construction company.”

  Ben smiled wryly. “I’ll let him know.”

  “Leave a rundown of all the breakages on my desk,” I said. “I need to factor in how many replacement sets to purchase. All the china we have is imported, and we need to leave room for the import.”

  He made a note on his clipboard. “You realize that there are people to handle all these issues. You have fifteen managers under your employ, not including me.”

  “I realize that.”

  “Do you?” Ben asked, with one raised eyebrow. “Then why do you insist on micro-managing everything?”

  “Because it takes a micro-manager to get a resort like this running under quality standards.”

  “Fair enough,” he nodded. “But now the resort is up and running…for the most part. Don’t you think it’s time to start delegating? That’s one skill you don’t seem to have.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Are you trying to tell me that you want less time with me?”

  One corner of Ben’s mouth turned up in amusement. “I wasn’t trying to say that, but now that you’ve mentioned it, it does sound like my ideal situation.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “If you weren’t so good at your job, I’d fire you immediately.”

  He snorted at the backhanded compliment as we walked down the large pillared corridors towards the construction site. It was late evening, and Larry’s construction crew had already cleared out, but I still wanted to see how much more work needed to be done.

  As I looked out over the scenic view of the gardens and the large pool that lay in the center of it all, I noticed a woman getting out of the water. She was small made, but she had the appearance of height. She had a stunning body that I couldn’t help taking a second glance towards. With a little shock, I realized a second later that the woman I was admiring was Molly.

  She was wearing a tiny, color-blocked bikini in crimson red and a flashy green. Her hair was pasted against her face, and water drops glistened off her milky skin. She walked over to a lounge chair, took a sip of her drink, and then headed back to one corner of the pool. Then she dove in, displaying fantastic form.

  “Tristan!” Gregory’s voice reached me from the opposite end of the corridor.

  I turned away, realizing Ben had probably seen me ogle at Molly. Grateful for the distraction, I greeted Gregory warmly.

  “Dinner was fantastic last night,” he said. “We must do it again soon.”

  “Definitely,” I nodded.

  “Ben,” Gregory nodded at Ben.

  “Mr. Winchester,” he replied, without enthusiasm.

  “Where are you two headed?”

  “Just looking through the construction site,” I said.

  “Shouldn’t that be finished by now?”

  I shot Ben a glare, despite the fact that he had nothing to do with the delay. “It should, but as usual, all I’m getting are excuses.”

  “Minor concern,” Gregory said, waving away my worry. “You’ll have this resort in ship shape by Christmas. How has the feedback been so far, Ben?”

  “We have zero guest complaints so far,” he said, referencing his magic clipboard.

  “And rightly so,” Gregory nodded. “As a guest here myself, I can attest to the quality of the service here. The staff is helpful, the food is amazing, and the resort itself is perfect.”

  “Almost perfect,” I said darkly.

  Gregory laughed and clapped me on the back. “Chasing perfection is going to leave you seriously dissatisfied,” he told me.

  “I’ve been trying to tell him the same thing,” Ben said, just as a beep came in on his phone. I saw his expression turn sour as he checked the message.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Apparently, a warning has been issued in the area,” Ben said. “They’re expecting a major thunderstorm in the next couple of days.”

  “What?” I said, unable to keep the annoyance from my tone. “Thunderstorms rarely hit this side of the island.”

  “Apparently, this is unusual,” Ben said. “Thank you, global warming.”

  “Fuck,” I cursed. “Just my luck. We have to make sure the construction is completed by that time. I don’t want ongoing work while we’re trapped inside all day.”

  “Don’t worry,” Ben assured me. “I’ll handle it.”

  “Come on, how badly can a little thunderstorm affect you?” Gregory asked. “And, I’m not just asking for selfish reasons.”

  “It shouldn’t be that bad,” I said. “As long as it passes quickly. But guests will be confined to the resort, and all their expeditions will have to be canceled. I know a few people who aren’t going to be happy about that.”

  “That’s not the resort’s fault,” Gregory pointed out. “They’ll have to blame Mother Nature.”

  “They’ll blame whoever they please.”

  “Just as long as my return remains the same,” he said, giving me a cheeky smile.

  I rolled my eyes. “Self-interest rears its ugly head, huh?”

  He laughed. “Hey, I gotta look out for myself.”

  “You’ve got investments in every major company in New York,” I pointed out. “I think you’ll be fine.”

  Ben looked bored by our talk of money, and when his phone rang, he answered enthusiastically. After a few moments, he hung up and turned to me. “There’s an issue with one of the suppliers. I’m going to have to see to this myself.”

  “Go ahead,” I said. “I can survey the construction site myself.”

  Ben nodded and headed off in the direction of the elevators. The moment he was gone, Gregory looked at me with a teasing expression on his face.

“What?” I asked.

  “Are the rumors true?”

  “What rumors?” I asked, frowning at him.

  “That there’s a beautiful woman at this resort…and you hold a candle for her?”

  I hid my surprise underneath disdain and rolled my eyes. “Where did you hear that?”

  “People talk.”

  “My staff?”

  “Not just your staff.”

  “The guests?” I asked incredulously.


  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t have the time to devote to a woman just now,” I said. “And, I don’t hold a candle for anyone.”

  “No?” he asked suspiciously.


  “What about the beautiful blonde you were staring at in the restaurant last night?”

  “I told you—”

  “Brotherly concern,” he nodded. “Whose sister is she, anyway?”

  “You’ve met him once or twice at one of our annual business mixers,” I said. “Jason Sinclair.”

  “Ah, of course,” Gregory nodded. “He’s got the same coloring.”

  “Hmm,” I nodded, trying to appear disinterested.

  I desperately wanted to take a peek at the pool to see if Molly was still swimming or if she had emerged again. I was aware of the irony of denying my interest in her only to be completely desperate to get another glimpse of her in that bikini, but it seemed I was incapable of controlling my impulses around her.

  “I remember Jason mentioning his sister, actually,” Gregory nodded. “I believe she was still in university at the time, senior year.”

  “Quite possibly,” I said. “I hadn’t seen her since my own graduation.”

  “Oh, you didn’t keep in contact with her?”

  “Molly and I were never friends,” I said, hoping that Gregory would drop his line of questioning. “I mean, she was my best friend’s little sister. She was a child when we first met.”

  “She’s certainly not a child anymore,” he observed, as his eyes fell towards the pool. I realized he was staring directly at Molly.

  I resisted the urge to ball my hands into fists. I pushed back the impulse and glanced over at the pool indifferently. Molly had emerged again. She was lying back on her lounge chair and enjoying the evening sun. My eyes lingered on her slim thighs, her flat stomach, and the fullness of her breasts. I hated the fact that Gregory was staring at her with obvious lust in his eyes, so I tried to distract him so that his attention would be focused on me.


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