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Biker's Virgin MC Box Set

Page 161

by Claire Adams

  “Emerson.” Her tone was ice cold.

  “Hi, Mom,” I murmured, unable to look her in the eye.

  She didn't reply. Instead, she walked straight up to the desk and spoke to the sergeant on duty. After she signed several documents and spoke to two different officers, she turned her attention back to me with a cold fury simmering in her eyes. “Come,” was all she said.

  I looked up at the sergeant, who nodded his head. It was clear he felt sorry for me. “You're free to go now, kid. So go on, get the hell outta here.”

  I nodded and stood, thankful to be leaving. Chris had already left, having been picked up by his parents ten minutes earlier. I followed my mother as she walked out of the station and into the parking lot. She kept walking in silence all the way to the last parking space. When we reached her Range Rover, she opened the doors without a word. I climbed into the passenger seat and shut the door.

  That’s when she finally erupted. “Emerson Michael Reed,” she said, her voice sharp and even-toned. “What in the hell did you think you were doing?”

  I’d have preferred she yelled at me. It wouldn’t have been as scary. “Mom, it's not as bad as—”

  “You’re right. It's way worse than that! Way worse!”

  “Mom, I wasn’t—”

  “Just stop, Emerson. I'm Dean of Faculty! Do you understand what kind of position this is going to put me in? Do you? My son, the dean’s underage son, caught with a ridiculous amount of alcohol in his apartment! Do you realize how negatively this is going to reflect on me? Not to mention that this can go on your permanent record, Emerson.”

  I hung my head in shame. “I’m sorry, Mom. I didn't think about that.”

  “It seems like you haven't been doing much thinking, at all. Now, I warned you last semester, Emerson, I warned you when your grades came out so disappointingly, that I would not tolerate another slip-up. And what did you go and do? This. This.”

  “Mom, I wasn’t even there for the party. I’ve been at Dad’s for two days. I just got home, I was trying to break it all up when the police arrived. I never even had a drink. Plus, I've been doing way better this semester, I've been working hard. I haven’t been skipping out on any classes, and—”

  “I don’t even want to hear it. Can’t change anything at one o’clock in the morning. You're staying at my place tonight, and I have half a mind to make you move out of that apartment and back in with me where I can keep a proper eye on you. Maybe prevent something like this from happening again. The only thing I want to hear from you now is 'I'm sorry, and this will never, ever happen again'.”

  “Mom, please—”

  “Ehhh,” she held a hand up. “Did you not hear me?”

  I breathed in deeply and shook my head before speaking. “I'm sorry, Mom. This will never, ever happen again.”

  We drove the rest of the way to Mom’s house in uncomfortable silence. There was no way to gauge how much anger was stewing beside me and I knew the best thing to do was not to even try.

  By the time we arrived, some of her wrath had dissipated.

  “I guess you haven't had anything to eat for a while huh?” she said.

  “Nope. Pretty much as soon as I got off my bike after coming back from Dad's place, I walked in and got arrested. I'm starving.”

  “I'll fix you some sandwiches, then. By the way, how’s your dad doing?” she asked.

  “Pretty good, considering. Doctor says he’ll be back to normal in about six weeks.”

  “Good. Glad he’s gonna be okay. Now go on to your room. I’ll fix you something to eat.”

  “Thanks, Mom. And, I’m sorry.”

  I trudged off to my old room, which was exactly as it had been when I had lived there a couple of years before—the sports posters, team flags, and trophies of my childhood and teenage years were all still there. In one corner, my electric guitar and amplifier sat. I hadn't touched them in quite a while. For a period in my teenage years, I'd become quite the proficient guitarist, but after I graduated from high school, I kind of gave up on it.

  I sat down in my old easy chair, turned on the amp, and picked up the guitar. It was like being in the presence of an old friend I’d known for years but hadn't seen in ages. It was comforting. I immediately felt better after strumming a few chords and wondered why I hadn't played for so long. After I played a few songs, I realized just how much I missed playing music.

  When Mom brought in a plate of sandwiches, it was kind of hard to not feel like a kid again in a really big way. “Wash up the plate when you're done,” she said. “I've gotta get some sleep. It's been a stressful evening.”

  “Thanks again, Mom.”

  “Goodnight, Emerson. I love you.”

  “Night, Mom. Love you, too.”

  I ate the sandwiches in three minutes flat. They tasted as good as I remembered them being back in the day. In some ways, it wasn't so bad to be back home. The feeling, however, didn't last long once the thoughts of the arrest and what Brooke had done came flooding back. I got undressed and climbed into my old bed, falling into a restless sleep.

  Chris was sitting in front of the TV with a blank look on his face when I walked into the apartment the next day.

  “Hey,” I said.


  I admit, it felt pretty awkward. “I'm just coming to pick up some clothes,” I said. “As I’m sure you can imagine, Mom was pretty pissed. She’s insisting I stay at her place for the rest of the week while she, uh, while she tries to sort this situation out.”


  “Yeah,” I replied. I headed to my room and packed a few things into my backpack. I left it there and went into the kitchen to grab a snack. It was weird seeing the refrigerator empty of alcohol. Usually, it was packed full of beer and the closets were full of bottles of liquor. But all of that was gone, confiscated by the local P.D. I sighed, shook my head, grabbed a snack, and then headed back into the living room and sat down with Chris.

  “It was your friend, Brooke, who did this, ya know,” he said flatly. “I'm sure of it.”

  “Yeah. You said that last night, but what makes you so sure?”

  “My room is next to hers.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I can sometimes hear her through the wall, talking on Skype to whoever. It's a little muffled, but I can tell it's her voice, not her roommate Leslie's.”


  “Yeah. So, if I can hear her through the wall, she can totally hear me. And you know how… noisy things can get in my room sometimes.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I know. Trust me.”

  “Well, anyway. So, yeah, I'm totally sure it must have been that bitch who called the cops. It had to have been.”

  Part of me wanted to punch him for calling her any kind of name—actually, a very big part of me wanted to. I wanted to defend her. It wasn't her fault Chris was a noisy, inconsiderate ass. I knew how seriously Brooke took her studies, and if it was true the wall between her room and Chris' was so thin, well… I could understand just how much she must have been putting up with since she moved into the apartment next door. I could understand why she would have felt frustrated, even angry.

  But another part of me agreed with Chris. She knew how severe the consequences would be for us if the cops showed up, and she called them anyway. Couldn't she have just come over and asked Chris to turn it down like she had before?

  “Yeah,” I said. “It was a shitty thing to do. But let’s not call her names, okay?”

  Chris rolled his eyes. “Well, I hope you're never gonna speak to that… her again after what she's done to us,” he said sourly. “Seriously, bro. If she were a guy, I would have kicked her damn teeth in by now. She's damn lucky she's a chick or I would have gone seriously medieval on her ass.”

  There wasn't much I could say in response, so I let it go.

  “Wanna go out and get a beer?” Chris asked.

  I couldn't help but laugh. “After all the shit that's just hap
pened, dude?”

  He flashed a cheeky grin at me. “Totally, brah.”

  I shrugged. “Whatever, screw it. Let's go.”

  “One more Jägermeister shot!” Chris slurred next to me. “C-c-come on dude, just one m-m-more!”

  I raised my hand above my head and cheered. “Hell yeah! One m-more!”

  The bartender brought us two shots of Jägermeister, which we knocked back immediately. I felt bile rising in the back of my throat and my vision was definitely starting to swim. One more drink would have pushed me over the edge. As it was, I'd already have to sneak in to my mom’s house and get to my room without her seeing me. If she’d known I'd gone out and gotten drunk… Well, I didn't even want to imagine what sort of consequences I'd have to deal with.

  I was about to stand up to leave when I felt a hand on my shoulder—a soft, feminine hand. I turned around. “Melissa.”

  “Hi, Emerson. Long time no see!”

  “Uh, yeah, it's been a while. How have you been?” I slurred.

  She smiled flirtatiously. “Oh, I've been good. But I can't deny I've been missing a certain someone.”

  “Oh yeah, is that right?”

  “It is.” She ran her fingers along my forearm. “You're looking especially yummy, Emerson. Been hitting the gym more than usual?”

  I laughed, probably a little too awkwardly. “No.”

  She stared into my eyes, still smiling with her perfect, white teeth and full lips. “Well, like I said, you're looking extremely sexy.” Her fingers were tracing invisible patterns across my skin. She started to move in closer to me. “You know,” she continued, “my roommates are away on a trip tonight. I'm all alone at my place, and I'm feeling so lonely and bored. Why don't you come over and have a few more drinks with me? I've got some tequila just begging to be drunk.”

  I almost said yes. Almost. But, as angry as I was at Brooke, part of me still believed she was the person I'd fallen for, and that, somehow, the thing with the cops all had to be some giant mistake. Besides, after being with Brooke, Melissa didn’t get my blood pumping even a little bit.

  I gently removed Melissa's fingers from my arm and set her hand down on the bar. “Sorry, Melissa, I've already had too much to drink tonight. I'm actually feeling kinda s-sick. Seriously. If I even smell another beer, I'm gonna throw up.”

  “Well, we don't have to drink, Emerson, we can go back and do… other things.”

  I stood from my barstool. “Melissa, I'm gonna have to say no. Sorry. I can't, I just can't. See you round.”

  With her eyes locked on me and boring holes into the back of my skull every step of the way, I stumbled out of the bar onto the damp, windy street where I held onto a street lamp, waiting in silence for a passing cab to stop.

  Chapter 27


  Four days. That’s how long it had been since Emerson and I had been together that night. That’s also how long it had been since I’d heard from him. It was Thursday and still not a word. The longer the silence lasted, the angrier I became—both with him for acting like he was, and with myself for being an idiot and buying his bullshit. How could I have been so stupid and let my feelings override logic? I had been naïve letting my guard down and allowing him to get close enough to do this to me. I should have known better. I really should have known better.

  I was sitting on the living room sofa going over some notes for chemistry class—which Emerson had been noticeably absent from again—when Leslie walked in looking a little more on the weary side than usual.

  “Hey, Bee,” she said in a tired voice.

  “Hey, Les.”

  “How's everything?”

  “Ah, you know, study, study, study,” I announced. For a moment, I contemplated telling her the whole situation with Emerson, but she didn't look like she was up for a long conversation. Besides, I didn't know if I was up for one. And after four days, I knew she was going to give me hell for not telling her sooner, which only made me dread it more.

  “Yeah, me, too,” she replied. “And, I’m exhausted. At least, I've been able to sleep well enough the past two nights.”

  I cocked my head to the side. Leslie was usually a sound sleeper. I began to wonder what had previously been causing her to lose sleep. “Umm. Why weren’t you sleeping? What was wrong before?”

  “Huh? You didn't notice? Oh, right, you've been at the library until late these past couple of nights.”

  “Yeah, I've got those three big essays due. It's just easier to write them where all of the reference books and journals are. Plus, there are no distractions like there are here. I’m just glad the library stays open until eleven a few nights a week.”

  “Well, those jerks next door kept me up again on Tuesday night playing DJ and blasting their music at full volume. It was so loud that everything in my room was vibrating. I beat on the wall, but that didn’t do any good. I even tried to be nice and tell the crazy chick in the hall that they needed to keep it down. It didn’t work and I couldn't take it, so I called the cops. That shut them up.”

  My mouth dropped open. “You did what?!”

  “Like I said, I called the cops. I’d given those jerks enough warnings, and they didn't seem to matter, so I just did what I had to do.”

  “But you know there's a ton of alcohol in their place, right? I mean… they might have gotten into a lot of trouble, Les.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “So? They knew the risk they were taking. They insisted on carrying on with the noise as if that place was a damn club or something. I'm sorry, Brooke, but sometimes people like that only learn one way—the hard way. It had to be done.”

  “So what happened?”

  “The cops showed up and shut the party down. That's all I know. I fell asleep a few minutes after the noise stopped.”


  “Yeah. Well, whatever. They've been quiet ever since, haven't they?”

  “I guess they have.”

  “Well, BeeBee, I'm exhausted. Time for bed. I'll see you in the morning.”

  “Okay, good night.”


  Leslie walked out leaving me shocked, confused, and curious. I wondered if all of that had happened before or after Emerson got back from visiting his dad. Not that I’d have known, considering he’d been ignoring me since he left on Monday morning. What if Emerson and Chris had been arrested? Maybe that had been why he hadn't called me or had any contact.

  That didn’t add up, though, when I thought about the times I'd called and messaged Emerson on Monday. That had been a full night and day before Leslie called the cops on them, and he hadn't replied to anything.

  My phone buzzed just as I was considering sending Emerson another text about chemistry class and the lab we needed to make up. It wasn’t Emerson texting me, though. It was Garrett. I'd given him my number in chemistry class the day before after he asked if it would be possible to get my help with some of the concepts he was having a hard time grasping. So, I expected questions about chemistry class. What I got, instead, were photos. I opened them, and my eyes widened with surprise.

  The message above the pics read: Your buddy Emerson happens to be pretty close to the dean of our faculty! Saw 'em outside the supermarket.

  The photos were of Emerson hugging the Dean and getting into her car. One picture was clear and sharp. I had to admit, the woman looked familiar, but I hadn’t really dealt with anyone in the faculty who wasn’t one of my professors. I immediately opened a browser window on my laptop and went to the school’s website. A few clicks later, I was reading all about the woman in the photos. I enlarged her staff photo and studied her. That’s when it hit me. The Dean of Faculty was Emerson’s mother!

  She had to be. Emerson had her eyes and a number of other similar facial features. I was a little blown away. We talked about his parents a few times before and, while he told me a lot about his father, he had been pretty vague about his mother, even when I asked straight up questions about her. I knew from our conve
rsations that she and his dad divorced when he was ten years old, that she still lived nearby, and that he saw her fairly often.

  Why the hell hadn't he told me that she was the freaking Dean of our college?!

  That was a pretty big deal. Seriously. I couldn’t wrap my mind around why he would deliberately lie to me about it. Whatever his reason, all this did was add more fuel to the fire that had been blazing for four days—a fire that was burning anything I thought we might have to the ground.

  I wasn’t up for discussing anything about Emerson with anyone, so I put an end to it before it started by sending a rather benign message to Garrett telling him the dean was Emerson’s mother, and then I turned my phone off. I skulked off to my room, crawled into bed, and curled up under the blankets. Somehow, through the swirling emotions, sleep managed to find me quickly.

  Emerson didn't show up for chemistry class—again. We were supposed to do a practical together. After class, I spoke to the professor about it and she said she'd try to get in touch with him. She suggested that, in the meantime, I could partner with Garrett since he'd joined the class late and was acting as third wheel to another pair of lab partners.

  Maybe Emerson's “dedication” to chemistry class had all been part of his charade, too. Just another elaborate ruse he set up for the sole purpose of getting me into bed. It seemed that since his mission had been accomplished, he didn't care anymore.

  “Well done, Emerson. You succeeded there. I hope you're proud of yourself,” I muttered to myself as I left the lecture hall and shot Garrett a text telling him what the professor suggested and giving him a time to meet at the lab.

  Garrett showed up to the lab early, looking a little more chipper than usual.

  “Well, hey there, gorgeous,” he said playfully.


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