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All of You (A Rebel Desire Novel Book 3)

Page 24

by Fabiola Francisco

  “The things I’ve seen and heard,” Olivia shivers.

  “That’s what you get for coming home earlier than you told me.” Jen laughs as she puts her hand around Ryder. It’s clear these two are crazy about each other.

  “I should’ve kicked you out then,” Olivia retorts.

  “I’m your favorite cousin, you wouldn’t have dared.” Jen lifts an eyebrow. I smile as I watch their interaction.

  “You’re my only cousin,” Olivia deadpans.

  I giggle. “That’s cool. You two are family and you married best friends.”

  “We did. She met Cash thanks to me,” Jen says proudly.

  “You sure did, Pajama Girl,” Cash smirks at Olivia.

  “I guess Jen is good to keep around.” Olivia leans into Cash.

  “And I’m Olivia’s best friend,” Bri speaks up.

  “Jason mentioned that. It’s great.” I smile. I really am an outsider.

  “Here you go,” Jason hands me a glass. I look up at him and then realize it’s sangria.

  “You like sangria?” Bri asks.

  “Yeah.” The chill from the cold glass moves through my body.

  “You’ll fit right in with us then,” Olivia smirks. I relax, hearing her say that and get to know them as I sip the cocktail. I wasn’t planning on drinking, but I’m glad Jason ignored my response and got me the drink. It helps me relax.

  I tell them about Rae when they ask, and explain she’s home with my dad. When the girls ask for pictures, Jason takes out his phone and shows them before I have a chance to. The only quiet one is Cole, and I’m thinking he’s the hardest to crack. He’s known Jason the longest and lived with him.

  “We’ll be getting ready to go on soon,” Jason tells me. “My sisters aren’t here yet and I wanted you to meet them before the performance, but they’re always late.”

  “It’s okay. I like them,” I tell him as I lean in.

  “They like you, too.” He kisses me. “Look at me while I’m up there. I’ll be playing for you.” I nod and watch him walk away with the three guys.

  “You’re going to love their performance,” Olivia says as she stands next to me. “It’s fun to see them up there. The first time I saw Cash play here was a whole experience. I had seen him before at a music festival, but this show is more intimate.”

  “I can imagine. The space is smaller than I thought.” I take another look around. A lot more people are here now, claiming spots by the stage.

  “Yeah. It makes for a great atmosphere.”

  The guys get on stage and I stare in awe as I watch them begin the show. It’s amazing how they come together to play song after song. My eyes are glued to Jason as he strums the chords on his bass guitar. If Rae saw this, she would flip. She’s definitely too young for a location like this, but I’d love to take her to a concert.

  I sing along to some of the songs and notice Bri, Olivia, and Jen staring at the stage with the same admiration painted on their faces.

  Jason spots me and winks, keeping in time with the music. That man is mine. Tomorrow I will be moving in with him and starting my life with him. How lucky am I to have met such an amazing person to share my ups and downs with? I used to question the reality of being in love with a person, and now I know it does exist.

  They finish faster than I expected, and I’m left wanting more.

  “What did you think?” Bri asks.

  “That was so cool.” I keep my eyes on the stage where they had performed.

  “It really is,” Jen says. “They’re great at what they do.” I nod in agreement, waiting for Jason to return so I can tell him how proud I am.

  “Do you want another drink?” Olivia asks.

  “No, thanks. One is usually my limit. I’m a lightweight,” I shrug.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll build your tolerance. Mexican and sangria nights are our specialty,” Bri laughs. They have been so kind to me.

  “That sounds like fun,” I reply. I haven’t had friends my age in a long time. Let alone friends where I could hang out with outside of work.

  “It is. Next time we have one, you’ll have to come,” she adds.


  “What did you think?” A sweaty Jason hugs me from behind. I scrunch my face and turn around.

  “You were amazing. Sweaty.” I lean back.

  “Come on, gimme a kiss, Caz.” I wrinkle my nose and smile, conceding.

  “I’m so proud of you. I know it’s not your first show, but you’re a natural up there.”

  “Thanks, baby. Did you have fun?”

  “I did. You were right. They’re really nice.” I tilt my head toward the women who have taken the time to make me feel welcomed.

  “Big bro!” My head snaps to the left and I see two girls standing next to us.

  “Hey, you made it. Cassidy Rae, these are my sisters, Reese and Taylor.”

  “Hi.” My nerves kick in again.

  “It’s so nice to meet you,” Taylor says. “Jason has told us a lot about you.”

  “It is nice to meet you. You’re gorgeous. You did good, big bro.” I laugh when she winks at him.

  “Reese is the obnoxious one,” Jason tells me. She slaps her brother across the head.

  “Shut it. I’m not,” she shakes her head. “Ignore him.”

  “Where’s Mike?” Jason asks.

  “Girl’s night,” Taylor smiles and holds up her drink.

  “Mike is her boyfriend. They’re practically married. I have to drag her out of the house and remind her she’s only twenty-six,” Reese rolls her eyes. “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-eight,” I reply and feel my eyes grow as I look between them. They look so much like Jason.

  “Me too! We’ll get along just fine.” Reese links her arm with mine and I widen my eyes. Jason chuckles, running a hand through his hair.

  “I should’ve warned you about her.”

  “Oh, please. What are you drinking, Cassidy Rae?”

  “Oh, I’m already done. I’m a one drink kinda gal.”

  “Gasp.” Reese places a hand across her chest. “I can’t let that happen.” She looks at Jason and nods. “Sangria it is.”

  I look at the other girls, who are giggling. I must look like a deer caught in headlights right about now.

  Turns out Reese and Taylor are sweethearts. A little overwhelming, since they are Jason’s little sisters, but they mean well. I finally get a chance to talk to Cole, and I got a smile out of him, so I take it as a good sign.

  “Are you ready to go?” Jason asks. I nod, stifling a yawn. He reads through me and chuckles. “Let’s get you home.”

  We say goodbye to everyone and walk out of Riot. I feel a lot more relaxed, but it could be because of the two sangrias I drank. Reese tried to give me a third one, but Jason interfered.

  “Did you have fun?” Jason asks when we’re in the car.

  “I did. Your friends are great.” I cover my mouth as I yawn.

  “They liked you. My sisters loved you. Are you ready for tomorrow?”

  “Yeah,” I smile. I’m excited about living with Jason. Rae is beside herself. We picked out her bedroom furniture yesterday and they will deliver it tomorrow. My dad will come help us move. I want him to see where we’ll be living and know he can always come to us. Jason made sure to tell him that. He can spend time with us outside of the house. He hasn’t wanted to leave since the funeral, and it’s important he goes out into the world.

  “I’m ready to start our southern fairy tale.”

  “Me, too. I have the perfect country prince,” I wink at him. Jason kisses my knuckles and smiles.

  “Come tomorrow, I’m taking you home, baby. Then, I’m going to make love to you in our bed.”

  “It will be weird with Rae in the house.” This is so new to me. When Jason made sure I knew that, from now on, he takes care of Rae and I, financially and otherwise, I began to refuse. He told me this is what we do in a partnership, and I argued that for a partnershi
p to be equal both parties needed to bring in money. Eventually, I surrendered when he told me I needed to learn to accept help and love from people. He wasn’t far off. I’ve been so used to being on my own with Rae, that I struggle to let others help me.

  “Parents do it all the time. You’ll just have to be quiet,” he gives me a crooked smirk as he teases me.

  “You’re too good with your hands,” I throw back.

  “I’m even better with my mouth,” his voice is thick.

  “Tomorrow.” It’s a promise I intend to keep.

  “You look beautiful, Mommy,” Rae walks into the room where I’m staring at myself in the full-length mirror. I have never worn anything this elegant. Though simple, the way the dress fits speaks for itself. This isn’t something I found at a second-hand store and bought for five dollars.

  “Thanks, baby. Are you ready to go to your dad’s house?” She nods. I still can’t get used to the idea of Rae spending some nights with him, but I’m glad Scott could watch her tonight. We’ve been living here for two weeks and tonight is Tyler Hunt’s wedding. Another milestone for Jason and I, attending a formal event as a couple.

  “Can I have that dress when I’m bigger?” Rae asks.

  “You sure can.” I kiss her cheek. “What do you think?” I hold up a red lipstick.

  “Yes!” She claps her hands.

  Rae has become accustomed to living here. The first few nights, she snuck into our room and cuddled next to me on my side of the bed. She’s shared a bed with me her whole life. We bought her a night light so she’d have some visibility if she woke up in the middle of the night.

  “Are you sure you’re okay staying at Scott’s?” I’ve asked her the same thing the two other times she’s stayed at his house. We have the hearing scheduled in two weeks, but we’ve decided to give the arrangement a go and see how it works out.

  “Yeah. You’ll pick me up tomorrow, right?”

  “Of course,” I tell her. As of now, she’s stayed no more than one night at a time at his house. Their relationship is building, but it has taken a bit. I know Rae looks up to Jason a lot and in many ways sees him as a father. It’s not fair to Scott, but it’s how things have worked out.

  Rae starts school on Monday as well, so I want to make sure she’s home Sunday morning to get her ready for the new school year. We were fortunate the principal at her school had a spot available for her. She’s happy to be back with her friends from her kindergarten class.

  “Where are my girls?” Jason walks into the room wearing a tux. He looks so handsome dressed up.

  “We’re here,” Rae replies on a giggle. He walks up to her and carries her.

  I’ll confess it’s taken a bit for Jason to get the hang of having Rae around. He hesitated at first on disciplining her, unsure of what his role is. When I told him he is a guardian in her life and he could act as one, he began to get a better feel at this parenting thing. Although he’s not her biological father, he’s still a parent in my eyes.

  “Doesn’t your mom look pretty?” He asks her.

  “So pretty,” Rae sighs.

  “Stop it, you two,” I blush.

  “Never.” Jason leans in to kiss me. “Scott will be here any minute. Is your bag packed?” He asks Rae.

  “Yeah. I put it by the door.”

  Jason kisses her cheek and places her on the floor. “We’ll pick you up early tomorrow, okay? We’ll go for brunch afterward, but eat breakfast with your dad.”

  “Okay,” Rae nods eagerly. She loves brunch now. It’s her new favorite thing. The echo of the doorbell catches our attention and we look at each other. Rae grabs my hand and leads the way to the front door. Jason follows us.

  Scott stands there, staring. “Wow.”

  “Scott,” Jason says with a nod.

  “Hey. Are you ready Rae?” He clears his throat. I laugh inwardly. Scott and I have gotten to a place where we have formed a friendship. I know his initial feelings have dissipated, but Jason still tries to remind him of his presence every so often. He actually started seeing someone, but he’s going to see where it goes before Rae meets her. I wholeheartedly agreed with that idea. Rae can get attached so easily. I would’ve done the same with Jason had I met him in a different situation.

  “Yeah,” she shrugs.

  “Hey, we’re going to have fun. Maybe not as much fun as these two,” he jokes. “Kidding, Rae.” He says when she screws her face up at him. “I’ve got big plans, kid. Movies, pizza, and ice cream.”

  “Yay!” Rae jumps up and down. She gives me a tight hug and then hugs Jason.

  “We’ll pick her up tomorrow morning,” I tell him. “She starts school Monday.” We agreed he’d come with me to the Parent Orientation the following week. I want him to meet her teacher and see where her school is. Fortunately, he was on board with her returning to her old school.

  “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I kiss Rae and watch them walk to his car. It still breaks my heart to share her, but I’m so happy that Scott did turn out to be a great guy. I know Rae is safe with him and he loves her so much already.

  “Ready to go, Caz?” Jason whispers.

  “You look very handsome.” I kiss his lips and wipe away the red evidence. He bites my thumb as I do so and winks.

  “You look stunning. I knew that dress was a great buy.”

  I grab my small handbag and make sure I have my phone and lipstick in it as well as my license. It’s taken me a bit to adjust to Jason paying for us. He made me vow that I would let him take care of us, and that included financially. I agreed if he promised not to spoil us. I can’t say he’s kept that promise.

  I wouldn’t trade it for the world, though. Being at this place in our lives is perfect. I miss my mom every day, and I worry about my dad, but he’s doing okay, getting by each day and I see him numerous times a week. I am looking into doing volunteer work with people who have Alzheimer’s Disease. I want to honor my mom that way. If a part-time job is in my future like I told Jason, then I’ll happily take it.

  Life is good. I have a man I love by my side. My daughter is happy. Even Scott has become a good thing. My life could’ve gone in so many directions, but I’m so happy this is the path I took. I look at Jason and smile. “I’m ready.” I’m ready for so much more with this man.

  Cassidy Rae and I sit next to Cole and Bri. Ryder and Jen are on the opposite side with Olivia.

  My woman is my every dream come true. Living together has been the best decision I’ve ever made, and I thank the stars that she agreed to love me. I hold her hand with both of mine as we wait for the wedding to begin. Her smile is bright, the red lips a gorgeous contrast against her blonde hair.

  Tyler exhales by the altar and Cash puts his hand on his shoulder to calm him. Soft music starts playing, and we all turn to see Sam, Mikayla’s therapist turned best friend, walk down the aisle with a simple bouquet.

  The wedding is small, considering who Tyler is in the music industry. I think it’s smart though. I know Mikayla and Tyler have had their share of challenges, and this is the perfect wedding for them.

  When the wedding march begins, we all stand. Mikayla begins to walk down the aisle. She looks beautiful. Both Tyler and Mikayla are a part of our family. We got to know both of them better when we first went on tour with Tyler. Mikayla wasn’t always mentally present, but we learned later she was struggling to overcome her past.

  Thanks to him we are as successful as we’ve become. Mikayla is a great bonus. The love those two share is admirable. They are two strong individuals, who found the right person to overcome challenges with. It’s an honor to be included in their day.

  Tyler rubs his eyes as Mikayla joins him in front of the priest, and Cash smiles at her as he pats Tyler’s back.

  The ceremony is perfect, and I notice Cassidy Rae taking it all in. I spend most of my time watching her. One day, that will be us up there. I’ll make sure of it. I told her a little about Mikayla and Tyler’s history, and she s
eems as happy for them, as if she’s known them for years.

  After the ceremony, we drive to Cheekwood Gardens and Museum of Art, which is perfect since Mikayla is an artist. I walk with Cassidy Rae during the cocktail hour, which has an array of faux cocktails. With Tyler’s history, they opted for a dry wedding, but the drinks are creative nonetheless. Cassidy Rae and I grab a glass of coconut lavender lemonade when offered and continue until I see my friends.

  “Wasn’t that ceremony beautiful? I loved their vows,” Bri gushes.

  “They were sweet,” Cassidy Rae agrees. I wrap my arm around her waist and drink the lemonade. It’s surprisingly good. I love watching her interact with my friends. I love having her here in my life. To think, I almost missed out on this.

  Tyler and Mikayla arrive shortly after us and make the rounds, greeting their guests. When they make their way to us, I congratulate them both and introduce Cassidy Rae, both excited to meet her.

  Before dinner is served, I steal Cassidy Rae away for a walk. The gardens, with art pieces and vibrant flowers, surround us as we take a stroll.

  “I can’t stop staring at you,” I tell her. “It took us a little bit to get here, but look at us now. We beat the odds, baby,” I pause. We may only have met a couple months ago, but what we’ve experienced together in that time feels as if I’ve known her for years. She’s my forever. When you’re sure the person in your life is meant to be, time is nothing but an excuse.

  “I’m glad we did.” She straightens my bowtie and places her hand on my chest when she’s done. “You’ve taken us in and cared for us since the beginning. You’re special.” I give her what she wants when she puckers her lip. My tongue sweeps hers with a promise of more to come tonight.

  When we notice people walking, we return and follow them to the courtyard for the reception. We’re seated at a long table with Mikayla and Tyler. String lights, nature, and the soft humming of the outdoors surround us. I wonder if this is something Cassidy Rae would like.

  Sam is sitting next to Mikayla. I introduce her to Cassidy Rae and she introduces us to Gabe, her boyfriend. Sam has always intimidated me when I’ve seen her, but today she looks relaxed. Her smile is a permanent feature.


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