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Deceived by the Shifter

Page 32

by Juniper Hart

  When she whimpered from the teasing, Nyle withdrew his tongue and licked her lower lips lovingly, trailing up to her clit. He took it between his lips and sucked lightly, sending intense waves of pleasure rocking through her body. Already, she was starting to feel a climax approaching.

  “Nyle,” she moaned. “I want you.”

  He sucked harder on her sensitive bud, her hips continuing to wriggle at the sensations coursing through her. Her hands grasped at the bedsheets, ecstasy building exponentially. Just as she nearly peaked, Nyle pulled back from her and quickly turned her onto her stomach. Bringing her pelvis up into the air, he freed himself from his boxers and pushed into her. Daisy moaned loudly, her sex tightening around his member. She was completely lost in the pleasure, his member hitting her g-spot every time he thrust into her. Biting her lip hard, she quickly lost self-control and climaxed. Her breathing was ragged and her legs quivered.

  Nyle pulled out of her and moved to sit against the headboard. Before she realized exactly he was doing, he pulled her onto his lap and down onto his member. Her flesh was still sensitive and swollen from her orgasm, making it almost tickle to feel his skin against hers. Nyle guided her hips for her until she started to move them on her own. Rapidly, it became enjoyable again, her arousal heightened even more than before. She bounced her hips against his, occasionally swiveling when she reached his hilt. His hands fondled her chest, craning his head in and seizing one of her nipples.

  Her fingers gripped the roots of his hair, moaning as her body easily became overthrown by pleasure again.

  “My queen,” he whispered into her skin, glancing up at her.

  Her eyes locked onto his, a blush coming over her face. “My king,” she purred right back.

  Leaving her chest, his hands went to her bottom, pushing her down faster on his member.

  “Say it again,” he whispered.

  Daisy cradled his face in her hands, letting her lips hover just above his while looking deep into his eyes. “My king.”

  Nyle closed the gap between them, capturing her lips with his, kissing her until she was breathless.

  He helped rock her hips into his rapidly, his nails lightly digging into the skin on her bottom. She called him her king in whispers against his lips again and again, sending him right over the edge. He peaked, moans and groans sounding from him liberally. Daisy cuddled into him, her arms wrapping around his neck.

  “You’re so perfect,” he said, still trying to catch his breath.

  “So are you,” Daisy smiled.


  The next two days passed far too quickly. Nyle thought the break did them some good, though, as they were able to take some time for themselves in the midst of so much chaos. It was time to head back.

  They were back in New York the day before the wedding. It was a Royal tradition for the bride and groom to be separated, something he was fairly certain they had picked up from the humans somewhere down the line. He thought about ignoring it and flying in right before the wedding, but his mother had called him personally and asked him to come home.

  When they pulled up to the palace, he could almost physically feel Daisy’s anxiety. As they walked toward the door, he held her hand tightly. He didn’t really like the thought of being separated from her. Nyle hoped that everyone was on their best behavior and would let her enjoy the day before her wedding. He opened the front door to see a large group of people waiting in the foyer for them—men to the left, and women to the right.

  “So glad you both made it back safely,” Asalei called, her voice small and a little shaky.

  Even though it was clear she was still rattled and depressed, a grin brightened Nyle’s face. It was good to see her out of bed.

  “Come with us, Nyle,” Evryn spoke from the opposite side.

  Nyle’s eyes fell to Daisy. He gave her a hug and a kiss.

  “I’ll be in the palace all day. If something becomes too much for you, or someone upsets you, traditions be damned. Call me, and I will be by your side in a moment’s notice. Okay?”

  Daisy nodded. Reluctantly, Nyle moved away from her and joined Evryn’s side. He watched as Asalei and his youngest sister, Cecona, took Daisy by both hands. At least they were playing nice. Evryn then patted Nyle’s back, signaling for Nyle to walk with them. He shook his head and moved with the crowd.

  “Did you have a nice trip?” Evryn asked.

  “Too nice,” Nyle sighed.

  “Don’t fret, my boy. I know things may seem bleak, but you’re both doing the right thing. I can feel it,” Evryn assured him.

  “Thank you, Ev. I needed to hear that,” he said, smiling weakly. Nyle was confident in his relationship with Daisy and their ability to lead the kingdom. It was pleasing to hear someone else say it, though. “There aren’t going to be strippers, are there?” Nyle questioned playfully.

  “Oh now, Nyle. You know we hold the soulmate bond to be sacred. We wouldn’t insult you by flaunting temptations of the flesh in front of you. I’m rather offended that you would even think such a thing.”

  Nyle’s eyes narrowed at the old man, getting the vibe that he was being facetious. They led him to one of the many ballrooms in the house. The doors opened, and Nyle took in the sight of a full bar, a handful of belly dancers, and the smell of ancient hashish. He looked to Evryn with a raised brow.

  “What? They aren’t strippers,” Evryn chuckled.

  He rolled his eyes but walked into the room anyway. He might as well let the others enjoy the sights while he tried to drink until they morphed into images of Daisy.


  Daisy and the Royal women were in a ballroom receiving spa treatments. At least this was one tradition that Daisy appreciated. She dressed in a luxurious robe and sat in a plush armchair while a woman gave her a manicure. It was relaxing, allowing Daisy to let her guard down slightly.

  “I’m sorry about what I said,” Asalei spoke suddenly from the chair next to her.

  Daisy glanced over to her and smiled weakly. “It’s okay. I know you meant well.”

  Asalei shook her head. “Those words should have never passed my lips. You were right. It’s better to have at least loved than to just run in the other direction. You, my dear, are a very, very brave woman. I don’t think I can imagine any other mortal handling things so easily.”

  “That’s what Nyle keeps telling me,” Daisy commented.

  “Well, he’s a wise boy then,” Asalei said, her smile turning genuine. “I suppose I should start calling him a man, shouldn’t I? He will be king as of tomorrow.”

  “I don’t think he minds,” Daisy laughed lightly. “He’s still your little boy. Especially considering how long dragons live.”

  “True,” Asalei said. “It really does feel like I was just holding him in my arms, rocking him to sleep. I hope that you’re able to experience the joy of being a mother someday.”

  Daisy relished in such a normal conversation, her heart swelling to know that his mother was accepting her. “Thank you for being so kind. It means more to me than I can put into words.”

  Asalei reached over and placed her hand on Daisy’s forearm. “How could a mother ever be upset with a woman bringing their son such happiness? The way he is with you, the way he acts around you… I’ve never seen him so content. Sure, he’s a protective jerk sometimes, but that will die down in time. Your bond is still new and overpowering.”

  Daisy’s expression turned quizzical. “You mean the bond will fade over time?”

  “No, no. Not like that. It’ll remain as strong as ever, just it’ll be less all-consuming,” Asalei explained. She let out a dreamy sigh. “When Thalydias and I met, he was going through a similar process that Nyle was subjected to before you two met. Meeting lots of Royal women, trying to find a queen. Only he wasn’t being forced into a marriage; he was already king at the time. He needed to have children soon, to add strength to his legacy. So, he met with women one by one, day in and day out. It was day five when I was ca
lled to the throne room. As soon as I entered the room, I felt that bond consume me, and I could see he felt it too. I walked over to him, my eyes gleaming, and a goofy smile on my face, and I asked him, ‘What do you want to name our first born?' He laughed that distinctive bellowing laugh and told me to have a seat in the queen’s throne. We sat together for hours that day, just trying to learn as much about each other as we could.”

  Tears were collecting in Asalei’s eyes. Daisy laid a hand over Asalei’s, being careful not to touch the wet nail polish. “That’s probably one of the sweetest stories I have ever heard.”

  “It was just like a movie,” Asalei laughed softly, a couple of tears beading down her cheeks. “I think Thalydias was hoping Nyle would have a similar experience. He hoped that one of those dates would turn into his soulmate. Fate had other plans, though.”

  “Would you two stop already?” Maylei griped from a few chairs down. “You’re making me sick.”

  “That’s no way to talk to the queens,” another voice called from the door.

  The room audibly gasped at the sight of the woman in the doorway. Asalei cried instantaneously. “Oh, Erasina, come here,” she called over.

  Erasina? The sister that had run away? Daisy watched with wide eyes as the tall, thin woman walked over to Asalei. All his sisters were gorgeous with long, pin-straight white hair, piercing gold eyes, and angular bone structure. They all looked somewhat similar, only slight differences and their age made them distinguishable from one another.

  Asalei stood from her chair and threw her arms around her daughter as soon as Erasina reached her. Erasina herself began to cry.

  “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here. I was so horrified at the thought of marrying a stranger. I let my selfishness get in the way of my family. I should have been here… I didn’t even get to say goodbye. I’m so foolish.”

  “Hush now with all that,” Asalei urged her, peeling back and holding her at arm’s length. “The important thing is that you’re here now. Now stop crying before you make me cry even more.” Asalei carefully blotted her eyes, making sure not to smudge her nails. “Your brother will be so happy to see you.”

  “You don’t think he will be mad?” she asked, her face carved with worry. “I’m the reason he had to come back and deal with all of this mess.”

  “Your father always said that Nyle was meant for the throne, sweet girl. This was just the universe’s master plan,” Asalei comforted her. “Come and join us. You must get to know Daisy; she is sweet as can be.”

  Erasina’s eyes fell on Daisy then, smiling nervously at her as she moved to sit on the other side of her.

  “People haven’t been giving you too much trouble, have they? Other than Maylei, that is. She’s just bitterly alone like the rest of us, and she’s bad at hiding it.”

  Daisy shook her head. “No, everyone here has been kind to me.” She didn’t want to point the finger at Maylei and cause even more tension.

  “Everyone here? Someone else giving you trouble, sweet pea?” Erasina asked as someone cleaned her nails.

  Daisy’s stomach flipped at the thought, trying to not allow herself to become overwhelmed by her own emotions. She definitely couldn’t say anything about Forrest, not knowing how they would react to her talking to any Elemental.

  “Just my mom… She liked Nyle for a long time, but I guess she thinks we are moving too quickly.”

  “Because you are,” Maylei chimed in.

  “Talk again, and I’ll throw you in with the men. I don’t think Nyle would take very kindly to how you are talking to his bride-to-be,” Erasina warned her little sister.

  “You think I’m afraid of him?” Maylei scoffed.

  “I know you should be,” Erasina warned. “I heard about the decree Daddy made. I don’t think he would hesitate to punish even you. If anything, you should be trying to get on Daisy’s sweet side instead of trying to alienate her.”

  “She was alienated when she was conceived. No one would accept her. Not Royals, not Elementals, and I bet even humans are turned off by her,” Maylei spat, turning her nose to the ceiling.

  Asalei sprung to her feet, towered over Maylei, yanked her from the chair and clamped her hand over her daughter’s mouth. “What is wrong with you? Did you hear what Erasina said? You should remember that this is your brother’s mate. Quit acting like a spoiled little girl who didn’t get her way,” she hissed. She stared into Maylei’s eyes as the girl began to cry, and Asalei’s face screwed up with anger. “Maylei, I think it’s best if you take some time for yourself until the wedding. When you rejoin us, please have a better attitude.”

  As soon as Asalei let go of Maylei’s face, Maylei ran as fast she could out of the room. Letting out a huff, Asalei sat back in her chair to allow the manicurist to finish her nails. Her eyes slid to Daisy.

  “Please do not let her jealousy and anger ruin this for you. You’re getting married, and that is a joyous occasion. Let’s make it one.”


  The rest of the day was pleasant and relaxing. Daisy managed to bond with Asalei, Erasina, and Cecona. They were making her feel like family. When the day winded down to an end and Daisy was placed in her own room, she was actually sad to part ways with them. She showered and then climbed into bed. She sat awake, feeling sick to her stomach. Maybe it was jitters getting to her over the wedding, but that didn’t feel right. She was excited to marry Nyle, especially after such a wonderful day with his family.

  Then, a thought came to mind. Daisy could have been ill over the fact that her mother no longer approved of the marriage. She nibbled on her lip, looking at her phone, deciding whether to call her. Nyle had said she could come, and while she knew her mother was upset because of the lies Forrest had put in her head, perhaps with a couple days to think it over, she had come to her senses. Daisy dialed her mother, putting the phone to her ear.

  “Hello, Daisy,” Forrest answered.

  A brief flash of panic surged through her, her mind jumping to the worst conclusions about why he was picking up the phone. “Where is my mom?” she demanded.

  “She’s taking a shower. I’ll let you talk to her when she gets out.”

  “I’ll just call back in a few minutes,” Daisy stated, holding onto skepticism that her mom was just in the shower.

  “I want to talk to you, Dais.”

  “Don’t try and give me nicknames. I don’t know you,” she snapped.

  Forrest sighed, “I hate that it has to be so strained between us, Daisy. I really do want to protect you and for us to be a family, like we should have been all along. Your mother may get upset with me telling you, but we’ve decided to make our relationship work. Things are going so well. She’s even talking about joining me in Ohio.”

  “What?” Daisy blinked. “That’s not at all like her. She wouldn’t just pick up and leave.”

  “Well, with you marrying Nyle, it isn’t like you are going to be around to see her. She’s realized that she feels the love between us, too. We both want you to come with us to Ohio. Please, Daisy. I know having a soulmate feels amazing and all, but you’re being led to your death. Please, please believe me when I say that.”

  “Why should I believe you? Nyle has been nothing but amazing to me since the day we met. You disappeared for two decades. I don’t have to listen to you, and I’m not going to.”

  “Why can’t you see I’m trying to make it up to you?”

  “Why can’t you stop passing judgment on Nyle when you have only ever met him once?”

  Forrest groaned, “Because I know the Royals far too well. More than you. They manipulate and deceive people to play them for their own benefit.”

  “If they are playing me for their own benefit, then how would becoming their queen be anything more than an honor?”

  “You’re being impossible, Daisy,” he growled. “Don’t go through with the wedding. I’m begging you.”

  “You don’t want to answer difficult questions, and I have no reason to believe y
ou. I want to talk to my mom, right now,” Daisy demanded.

  “Fine,” he hissed. “You can’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  There was silence and then some shuffling around.

  “Hello?” Cassie spoke.

  “Hey, Mom,” Daisy breathed, trying to calm down from her conversation with Forrest. She didn’t want any more bad blood between the two of them. “Look, I’m sorry I ran out the other day. I was just so upset and had to get away… It was childish, I know.”

  Cassie sighed heavily. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Are you back in New York now?”

  “Yeah, I am. The wedding is tomorrow. Would you like to come?” Daisy asked with uncertainty in her voice.

  Every moment of silence pierced right through Daisy’s heart.

  “I’m sorry, I just… I can’t. I can’t sit there and watch you marry someone that I believe will hurt you. Forrest told me you aren’t backing down. You’re an adult, and I can’t force you to do anything, so I suppose I have to respect your decision—but I won’t be there. I want nothing to do with those awful beasts.”

  “Has he literally brainwashed you?” Daisy asked. “You’re so wrong about Nyle that it hurts. Why don’t you trust me to be able to make my own decisions? Why can’t you trust my opinion of Nyle over Forrest’s?”

  “You’ve already asked me these questions, and you know my answer. Even a chance of him being the man Forrest described is too much for me. I understand my relationship with Forrest must confuse and frustrate you, but it feels right being with him. I can’t explain it. I felt it all those years ago, but allowed myself to grow bitter and make myself believe that I hated him. For some reason, I just trust him, and he’s your father. He really wants what is best for you.”

  “Neither of you knows what is best for me!” Daisy yelled. “Do you know how hypocritical you’re being right now? You’re asking me to go against the man I love, my soulmate, to listen to yours. What I feel for Nyle is infinitely stronger than whatever the two of you have. And if you think he is so innocent, and his people are the good guys, then why don’t you ask him why two Elementals assisted a Royal dragon named Mylora. Did you know they kidnapped me and held me hostage eight months ago? Maybe when you get the truth behind that, then you’ll understand that they aren’t so pure either.” Daisy paused, but when her mother didn’t respond, she said, “I guess this is goodbye for now. I love you and wish you all the best in Ohio.”


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