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The History of the Times

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by Graham Stewart

  Seldon, Anthony, Major: A Political Life, London; Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1997

  Shawcross, William, Murdoch, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993

  Siklos, Richard, Shades of Black: Conrad Black and the World’s Fastest Growing Press Empire, London: Heinemann, 1995

  Silber, Laura, and Little, Allan, The Death of Yugoslavia, London: Penguin, 1996

  Simms, Brendan, Unfinest Hour: Britain and the Destruction of Bosnia, London: Penguin, 2002

  Stewart, Graham, Burying Caesar, Churchill, Chamberlain and the Battle for the Tory Party, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1998

  Taylor, Geoffrey, Changing Faces: History of The Guardian, 1956–1988, London: Fourth Estate, 1993

  Taylor, S. J., An Unlikely Hero: Vere Rothermere and How the Daily Mail Was Saved, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2002

  Thatcher, Margaret, The Downing Street Years, London: HarperCollins, 1993

  Watkins, Alan, A Short Walk Down Fleet Street, London: Duckworth, 2000

  Wintour, Charles, The Rise and Fall of Fleet Street, London: Hutchinson, 1989

  Witherow, John, and Patrick Bishop, Winter War: Falklands Conflict, London: Quartet, 1982

  Young, Toby, How to Lose Friends and Alienate People, London: Little, Brown, and Company, 2001


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  The Absence of War (David Hare) 463

  Abu Jihad 337

  ACAS (Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service) 89–90

  Ackroyd, Peter 182, 185

  Active Newsroom 49 see also Evans, Harold

  Adams, Gerry 491, 564 see also Sinn Fein

  Adams, James 234

  Adams, John 450

  AEU (Amalgamated Engineering Union) 282

  Afghanistan 348, 591, 598, 600–603

  Africa 581 see also Apartheid; Congo; Rwanda; Sierra Leone; Somalia; South Africa, Sudan

  Aga Khan 17

  Aidid, General Muhammad Farrah 580–581

  Aitken, Jonathan 30–32, 48, 101, 496, 519, 542

  al-Assad, Hafez 151

  al-Qaeda 579, 598, 601, 604–605

  Alberge, Dalya 461

  Algeria 598

  Allardyce, Jason 501

  Allison, John 449

  Almond, Mark 354, 357

  Amiel, Barbara 315, 341

  Amis, Kingsley 614

  ANC (African Congress Party) 560

  Ancram, Michael 538, 539, 541

  Anderson, Bruce 475

  Anderson, Terry 334–336

  Andropov, Yuri 147, 216

  Anglo-Irish Agreement 563

  Annan, Kofi 149

  Annan, Noel 339

  Anson, Charles 634

  Antelope, HMS 134

  Apartheid 124 see also South Africa

  Appleyard, Christina 548

  Arab League 150

  Arafat, Yasser 561–563

  Arcadia (Tom Stoppard) 463

  Archer of Weston-super-Mare, Lord (Jeffery) 540, 543, 550

  Ardent, HMS 134

  Argentina 119–121, 125–126, 129, 133 see also Falklands War; Galtieri, General Leopoldo

  Arlott, John 207

  Armide (C.W. Gluck) 451

  Armstrong, Lisa 466–468, 624

  Arnett, Peter 398

  Ashcroft, Michael 536–546, 609

  Ashdown, Paddy 317, 407

  Ashford, Nicholas 124, 131

  Ashworth, Anne 622, 624

  Ashworth, Jon 322

  ASLEF (Associated Society of Locomotive Steam Engineers and Firemen) 83, 250

  Associated Newspapers 20, 30, 31, 32, 101, 239, 272–273, 298

  Associated Press 152, 334–335

  Astor family 17, 18–19

  Astor, David 40

  Astor, Gavin (later Lord) 8, 19, 24, 63

  Astor, Lord (John Jacob) 23

  Atex computers 231, 233–234, 236, 247, 258

  Atherton, Michael 440

  Atlantic Richfield 30, 31, 40

  AUEW (Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers) 158, 236, 288

  Austin, Tim 11, 60, 93, 102, 180, 235–236, 246, 256, 261, 372, 435, 609

  The Australian 22, 39, 41, 646

  Australian Financial Review 90

  Aylard, Richard 130


  Bad Times at The Times 188

  Baker, James 560

  Baldwin, Tom 535–536, 538–540, 545, 552

  Baltic States 567

  Bank of New York 517

  Banks, David 235

  Barak, Ehud 562, 600

  Baring, Sir Evelyn 143

  Barings Bank 4

  Barlow, Frank 298

  Barnes, Ivan 212, 311, 626

  Barnes, Julian 369

  Barnes, Rosie 317

  Barnes, Simon 201–202, 326, 330–331, 421, 442, 444–445

  Barnes, Thomas 51, 53, 103

  Barnetson, Lord (William) 5

  Bassett, Philip 373

  BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 186, 529–530

  Beattie, Ken 90

  Beck, Ernest 353

  Beckham, David 444

  Beckett, Margaret 434, 487

  Beeston, Richard 387, 390, 392–393, 398, 571–572, 592, 600, 640

  Begin, Menachem 149, 152, 154

  Belgrano see General Belgrano

  Belize 537–539, 541, 544

  Bell, John 325

  Bell, Lord (Tim) 541

  Bell, Mary 515–516

  Bell, Steve 482

  Bellamy, Rex 204, 441

  Beloff, Max 553–554

  Benaud, Richie 440

  Benn, Tony 78, 80–83, 114, 164, 265, 271, 279, 309

  Bennett, Alan 178, 183

  Bennett, Vanora 593

  Berlins, Marcel 92, 108, 183

  Berry, Don 48

  Berthoud, Roger 92, 108

  Bevins, Anthony 162, 303, 310–311

  Bhutto, Benazir 597

  Bicentenary of The Times 206–210

  Biffen, John 27–29, 31, 32, 99–100, 104, 265, 305, 308

  ‘Big Bang’ 323–324

  Bild Zeitung 174

  Biko, Steve 183

  bin Laden, Osama 389, 596, 598, 600–602, 605

  Binney, Marcus 373, 415, 638

  Binyon, Michael 145, 146, 171–173, 177, 180, 208, 352, 404, 486, 600

  Birtwistle, Harrison 450

  Bishop, Patrick 138, 140

  Bissell, Frances 359

  Black, Conrad (Lord Black of Crossharbour) 9, 241, 306, 343, 431, 485

  Black, Captain Jeremy 130

  Black Monday 324–325

  Black Wednesday 474, 476–477

  Blackmore, Keith 439, 469

  Blair, Tony

  ascendancy 482–483

  and Bush 601

  constitutional reform 487, 499, 553–554

  devolution 499

  general election

  (1997) 491–493

  (2001) 555–557

  Kosovo 588

  Mary Bell furore 515

  Millennium Dome 503

  New Labour 455, 488

  As Prime Minister 493, 497

  Sierra Leone success 583–584

  Tony’s cronies 535

  The Blair Witch Project (dirs Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez) 464

  Blake, David 66

  Blake, Lord (Robert) 379

  Bluff Cove 136–137, 139

  Blum, Léon 70

  Blundy, Anna 64

  Blur 454–455

  Bokassa, Emperor Jean-Bedal 70

  Bone, James 517, 519, 599–600

  Borrie, Sir Gordon 363

  Bosnian War 568–573, 574–578, 579, 584 590 see also Dayton Accord; Kosovo; NATO; Serbia

  Botham, Ian 204, 440

  Bottomley, Peter 31, 429

  Boutros Ghali, Boutros 580

  Bouverie Street 222�
�226, 229–230, 249, 255, 297 see also The Sun; The News of the World

  Boxer, Mark (Marc) 199

  Boyes, Roger 145–146, 346, 619

  Boyle, Danny 465

  Bradlee, Ben 64

  Bradley, Ian 77

  Bradley, Peter 539

  Bradshaw, Dr Tim 419

  Brady, Reg 11, 87–88

  Bragg, Melvyn 188

  Brassed Off (dir. Mark Herman) 465

  Brata, Sasthi 73

  Brearley, Mike 204, 207

  Bremner, Charles 324, 619

  Brenton, Howard 115, 183

  Brett, Alastair 520

  Brewerton, David 325

  Brezhnev, Leonaid 147, 216, 350–351, 357

  Bridgeman, John 434

  Bridges, George 540

  Briggs, Asa 37

  British Press Awards 147

  British Rail 83, 156, 232–233

  British Satellite Broadcasting 401

  Britoil 162

  Brittan, Leon 310

  Brittan, Samuel 68

  Britten, Benjamin 450

  Britton, Tony 231

  Brock, George 198, 404, 417, 437, 499, 529, 534, 608

  Brogan, Hugh 92

  Brook, Peter 183

  Brookes, Peter 200, 482, 486–487, 557, 601

  Brown, Craig 315

  Brown, Geoff 401, 449, 464–465

  Brown, Lord George 80

  Brown, Glenn 461

  Brown, Gordon 488, 497, 554

  Brown, Peter 254

  Brown, Tina 64, 112, 113, 116, 417, 418

  Bruce-Gardyne, Jock 166

  Brunskill, Ian 635

  Brunton, Sir Gordon 7, 17–18, 20–25, 28, 31

  Bryant, John 235, 304, 372, 413, 415, 436, 476, 482, 508, 541, 546–547, 608

  Bryson, Bill 33, 88, 253

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew 388

  Buckley, Christine 616

  Burchill, Julie 235

  Bush, George 388, 389, 395, 560, 579, 581

  Bush, George W. 563, 599, 601

  Butler, David 315, 316

  Butler, Rab 108, 631, 633

  Butt, Ronald 70

  Butterworth, Jez 463


  Calcutt QC, Sir David 512–513

  Callaghan, Brigid 624

  Callaghan, James 43, 68, 76, 80

  Calman, Mel 56, 200, 382

  Cameron, James 464

  Campbell, Alastair 552

  Canary Wharf 324

  Cannon, Tom 480

  Capes, Geoff 441

  Cappi, Tony 236–237

  Carey, John 154

  Carlyle, Robert 465

  Carman QC, George 539

  Caro, Sir Anthony 460–461

  Carr, E.H. 215

  Carr family 30, 39

  Carr, Sir William 99

  Carrington, Lord (Peter) 125, 146

  Cash, Bill 475

  Cats (Andrew Lloyd Webber) 183–184

  Catto, Lord (Thomas) 21

  Cazalet, Edward 143

  CBI (Confederation of British Industry) 380

  CBS Broadcasting 395

  Ceausescu, Nicolae 346, 354–356

  Chancellor, Alexander 108, 359, 420

  Channel 4 185

  Chappell, David 439

  Chapple, Frank 156

  Chard, Ted 225–226

  Chariots of Fire (dir. Hugh Hudson) 184

  Charles, Prince of Wales, marriage 61–63

  Chechnya 591–594

  Chemical Brothers 456

  Chernenko, Konstantin 147–148

  Chernin, Peter 298

  Cherwell 7, 37

  Chicago Sun-Times 217, 235–236

  China 187, 348–350, 356–357, 523–534 see also Hong Kong

  Christie, Linford 331

  The Church and the Bomb 148

  Churchill, Sir Winston 11

  Clare, John 318, 644

  Clark, General Wesley 589

  Clarke, Kenneth 265, 293, 475, 489, 493, 494–495, 558

  Clarke, Tom 325–326, 330, 439

  CLEAR (Campaign for Lead-Free Air) 105

  Clement, Barry 258, 303

  Cliff, Nigel 465

  Clifford, Max 513

  Clinton, Bill 468, 527, 561, 575, 581, 583, 585–586, 588–589, 601

  Clwyd, Ann 429

  CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) 148, 159, 310

  CNN (Cable News Network) 391, 398

  Coats, Peter 6334

  Cobain, Ian 603

  Cobain, Kurt 454

  Cobbett, William 103

  Coe, Peter 184

  Coe, Sebastian 204

  Cohen, Barbara 290

  Cold War 160, 215, 357, 387, 405, 559, 567, 609

  Cole, John 419

  Coleridge, Nicholas 646

  Collier, John 33–34, 88, 89, 98

  Collins, Neil 430

  Columbia space shuttle 73

  Communism 144–146, 156, 215–216, 354–357, 522, 526, 527, 560, 591

  Competition Bill 434

  Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe 559, 567 see also OSCE

  Congdon, Professor Tim 320

  Congo, Democratic Republic of 583

  Conroy, Harry 155, 244, 253–254, 263

  Conservative Party 126, 162, 163–165, 219, 312–317, 318, 375, 550

  Ashcroft affair 535–544

  general elections 162–164, 312–316, 318, 346, 406–409, 488–493

  higher education 479

  hostility towards 481

  internal markets 478

  leadership challenges 483–484, 494, 557–558

  local government strategy 376–377

  membership 551

  Poll Tax 377–382

  The Times’s attitude toward 550

  Conservative Philosophy Group 475

  Cook, Matthew 489

  Cooper, Sir Frank 134, 139

  Cork, Richard 373, 415, 458–462

  Cowley, John 231

  Cowling, Maurice 79

  Cowton, Rodney 105, 539

  Craine, Debra 449

  Crawford Poole, Shona 201, 359

  Credit cards 321–322

  Crick, Bernard 133

  Cries Unheard (Gitta Sereny) 515–516

  Croatia 569–570, 573, 577

  Cruden Investments 38, 41

  Cudlipp, Hugh 40, 41, 277

  Cudlipp, Michael 52

  Currie, Edwina 515

  Curtis, Richard 465

  Czechoslovakia 355 see also Eastern Europe


  Dacre, Lord (Hugh Trevor-Roper) 23, 50, 100, 168–180, 352, 627

  Dacre, Paul 412–413, 416, 429

  Daldry, Stephen 463

  Daily Express 38, 40, 101, 143, 163, 188, 189, 307, 429, 516

  Daily Mail 20, 189, 190–191, 209, 262, 272, 295, 381, 413, 429, 477, 507, 623

  Daily Mirror 39–40, 132, 166, 189, 227, 390, 399, 408, 514, 516

  Daily Mirror (Sydney) 33

  Daily News 95

  Daily Star 26, 136, 189

  Daily Telegraph 3, 15, 26, 44, 51, 106, 128, 141, 158, 160, 165–166, 191–192, 214, 220, 224, 240–241, 295, 298, 305–306, 358, 421, 425, 426, 429–431, 434, 469, 516, 530–533, 632, 642

  Daley, Janet 321

  Dalyell, Tom 491

  D’Ancona, Matthew 419, 485, 564–565

  Darby, George 62

  Dardanelles campaign 35–36

  Davenport, Peter 275

  David Holden Prize 147

  Davies, Ron 553

  Davis, Clive 452

  Davy, Richard 159–160, 216

  Dawson, Geoffrey 52, 482

  Dawson-Scott, Robert 502

  Day, Corinne 467

  Dayton Accord 578, 579, 584 see also Bosnian War; Kosovo; NATO

  de Blowitz, Henri 618

  de Cuellar, Perez 133

  de Lisle, Tim 360–361

  Dean, Brenda 232, 236–238, 241–242, 244–246, 248–249, 265–267, 270, 276, 278–281, 284, 288, 290–291, 293, 364
/>   Deedes, Lord (Bill) 166

  Dejevsky, Mary 160, 347–349, 568, 640

  Delaney, Michael 288–289

  Delors, Jacques 343–344

  Deng Xiaoping 350, 523, 525, 527

  Dettmer, Jamie 390–391

  di Giovanni, Janine 586, 588, 594, 603, 605, 640

  Diamond, John 438

  Diana, Princess of Wales 61–63, 142, 504, 513

  Dickinson, Matt 521

  Distillers Ltd 48–49

  Dobson, Frank 487, 553–554

  Docklands 222, 272–273, 298, 306

  Domarus, Max 167

  Donne, John 125

  Donoughue, Bernard 55, 65, 80–81, 102–104, 106–108, 114, 117, 118, 418

  Double Century: 200 Years of Cricket in The Times (ed. Marcus Williams) 207

  Double-key stroking 13–14, 34

  Douglas-Home, Charles

  background 46, 141–144

  on CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) 148

  editor-in-waiting 46, 50, 52, 54, 95, 102–103, 105–107

  and Evans’s leadership 105–106, 108

  Good Times, Bad Times 112–113

  marriage 144

  as Times editor 416, 418

  appointment 107, 109–111

  assessment of editorship 213, 214–215, 216–217, 416

  and the BBC 186–187

  bicentenary celebrations 208–9

  cancer and death 195, 211–217

  Falklands War 123, 124–127, 129, 138, 158

  finding supportive staff 195–198, 418

  Hitler Diaries 169–171, 173–177, 179

  increase in sales 192–3

  labour disputes 156–161

  leader writing policy 159–60

  Murdoch’s influence 114, 160

  and newspaper layout 140

  and Ronald Reagan 146, 158

  Thatcherite 158

  Wapping 231 see also full listing for The Times

  Douglas-Home, Jessica 144, 213, 216

  Douglas-Home, Robin 142

  Douglas-Home, William 127

  Dougray, Ginny 551

  Drace-Francis, Charles 537, 544

  Drexel Burnham Lambert Bank 399

  Driver, David 372, 410

  Drogheda, Lord 627

  Drugs 329–331, 454, 538–539, 542, 551

  Dubbins, Tony 237, 267–268, 276–277, 280–282, 292, 293

  Dubcek, Alexander 353

  Duncan Smith, Iain 558

  Durrant, Sabine 183

  Dux, John 432

  Dyke, Greg 535, 609


  East is East (dir. Damien O’Donnell ) 465

  East Germany 346, 350–353, 355 see also Eastern Europe

  East Midlands Allied Press 62

  East and West (Chris Patten) 530–531

  Eastern Europe 215–216, 340, 346, 350–357, 403, 559 see also Baltic States; Czechoslovakia; East Germany; Hungary; Poland; Romania

  Ebor, Nandor 154n

  Ecclestone, Bernie 535

  Ecclestone, Jacob 15–16, 27, 28, 155, 187, 253

  Eddy, Paul 176


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