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Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2)

Page 11

by Kunz, C. A.

  Cat fidgeted in the dress her mom begged her to wear. She wondered who the special dinner guest was that had her mom acting like a spaz. She took one last look in the mirror. “Ugh, whoever designed this should be banished from the fashion world! Hello, would you like a copy of the Watchtower? No? Well, then have a blessed day,” Cat murmured mockingly and then made her way downstairs. Pushing open the kitchen door, she was greeted with the smell of the pot roast simmering, making her mouth water. “Mom, that smells delish. Can I have just one little piece?” she asked, watching her mom slicing the meat.

  “Go ahead, you’ll bug me until I let you anyway. Oh Cat, be a dear and do the potatoes, please?” Cat grabbed the bowl and began mashing them.

  “So who’s the mystery guest? Must be someone important. I don’t usually have to dress up,” Cat asked, looking at her mom.

  “He’s an old friend of the family and has traveled all the way from Austria to visit. You’ll like him. He’s a little old-fashioned, kind of like Aldon.”

  “So how long until dinner?”

  “They should be here any minute, and we’ll eat soon after,” Rachel answered while pushing back her hair that had fallen in front of her face with her wrist. “Taylor, is the dining room table set?”

  “Yes, Mom, all done.” Taylor replied as he pushed open the kitchen door, nudging Cat’s arm as he went by.

  “Hey, watch where you’re going dork,” Cat said and then gave him an indignant look.

  “You bumped me,” he replied, grinning mischievously.

  “You better watch it bud, or you’re going to get a hot potato facial!”

  “Now children, behave. Oh, I think they’re here. Let’s go greet our guests.” Rachel took off her apron, patted her hair down, and pushed her two offspring toward the front door.

  Sam stood in the foyer with Aldon, Druanna, and a tall handsome man with shoulder-length hair. As they moved closer, Cat noticed his eyes. They were a strange color. Bronze eyes, how weird is that? She thought.

  “Edgar, welcome to our home,” Rachel pushed past them and reached out to hug the handsome stranger.

  “Rachel, you haven’t changed a bit. Sam told me you had become old and dowdy, but I see he was not telling the truth,” Edgar joked.

  “Oh stop it,” Rachel said, pushing him away playfully.

  “Taylor, Catherine, I’d like you to meet Edgar Girven, an old and dear friend of mine,” Aldon said.

  “And also an admirer of beautiful women,” Sam chuckled, putting his arm around Rachel.

  “Very pleased to meet you both,” Edgar said, reaching out a hand to shake both of theirs. Lifting his nose to the air, Edgar breathed in heavily. “Something smells heavenly, Rachel. I sure hope you have not been slaving away in the kitchen on my account,” he stated, smiling at her.

  “No, I just whipped up a little something. No chore at all. Now come on in and have a seat in the dining room. Dinner will be ready shortly. I hope you brought your appetite,” Rachel stated as she headed back into the kitchen.

  “I did indeed, that has not changed. I still thoroughly enjoy my food,” Edgar replied following everyone into the dining room.

  “So, Mr. Girven how long does it take for you to get here?” Cat asked when there was a lull in the dinner conversation.

  He smiled. “Too long my dear. I loathe flying.”

  Not too shabby for an older guy, quite charming really, Cat thought.

  After dinner, the men retired to the study while Cat and Taylor helped the women clean up. With the dishes done, Taylor gave his mom and Druanna a quick kiss on the cheek and Cat a head rub as he exited the kitchen on his way to meet Trish.

  “I’m going to my room to read for a bit,” Cat said while making her way up the stairs.

  “Okay, sweetie, we’re going to make sure those three men are behaving themselves,” Rachel said.

  Opening her bedroom door Cat smiled as she saw Ryan reclining on her couch, reading her newest movie magazine. “Been waiting long?” she asked as he sat up, grinning at her.

  “Not long. About fifteen minutes or so. Your parents?”

  “They’re in the study with my aunt and uncle and our dinner guest. A rather handsome man actually.”

  “Handsome, huh? So, how old is this guest?” Ryan asked casually, though Cat could sense he was tense waiting for her reply.

  “Why are you so interested in his age, Ryan?” she replied with an eyebrow raised. Ryan looked pointedly at her. “Okay, he’s really old. As old as Aldon is,” she laughed as he jumped up and grabbed her around the waist.

  “Good, so if I have to fight him, I should have an edge,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I don’t know. He’s quite tall, and looks like he could hold his own,” she replied innocently.

  “Bet he doesn’t kiss as well as I do.”

  “You might just win that bet,” Cat said as he moved in to prove his point.

  “So, I understand Catherine has been told she was adopted, and also that she is a Childe. I am sure you know the council had reservations about her finding out all of this. But she seems to have adjusted to the news pretty well,” Edgar said, reclining in the overstuffed chair in the study.

  “Not at first, I’m afraid. When she found out she was adopted it didn’t go as well as we hoped. Then a week later she was hit with the fact she’s half vampire. It has taken a while, but we feel she’s coming around,” Sam sighed, leaning back and putting his arm around Rachel. Rachel nodded in agreement.

  “She has no idea about us though, right?” Edgar asked.

  “No. We feel she has enough on her plate at the moment. And her safety is the main priority here,” Rachel replied, unconsciously biting her lower lip after she finished talking.

  “Do you think that is wise? Not telling her?” Edgar asked Sam, much to Rachel’s relief.

  “Yes, we do. Aldon and I have discussed the matter thoroughly and have agreed, as Rachel stated, Cat has enough to contend with at the moment.”

  “Good, that is how the council sees it as well. I shall report back to them that I find Cat a most charming young lady. You should be proud of her, and Taylor too, of course. This was not an easy task for you to take on, but you seem to be handling it quite well. But, if she is ever made aware of us, the council will have its say. You do understand this? It will be for your safety and ours,” Edgar explained. Everyone nodded in agreement. “Now, on to the next matter. Aldon informed me that thankfully, no other girls have disappeared. But it does worry me that there is no sign of what has happened to the three who are still missing. Tomorrow I have a meeting with Lucien to discuss his feelings on the subject. Then I will return to the council with my findings.”

  “Would you like some more to drink?” Rachel asked noticing Edgar’s empty glass.

  “Certainly, how about another refill of that fine wine we’ve been enjoying? It is quite exquisite. Truly good, indeed,” he said, smacking his lips.

  “Sire, my humble apologies for the interruption, but there is someone at the gate wishing an audience with you. He is quite the bold individual. Pue almost took his head off, but he insisted on speaking with you about a very important matter. It is from his mistress. What do you wish I do with him?” Andrei’s servant Tal swallowed nervously, waiting for Andrei’s reply.

  “Send him in. If this information is lucrative, he will live, if not, we shall feed,” Andrei sneered as his servant hurried out of the room. He returned a few seconds later with a tall, slender, regally-dressed individual who was holding a letter in his hand. His face was stoic. “Who sent you?” Andrei demanded, shocked when the stranger met his eyes straight on, with not a hint of fear in them.

  “I serve councilwoman Blanche Calder, and she has instructed me to deliver this letter to one Andrei Lazar. I assume that is you?” the man stated coldly.

  “Give it here!” Andrei demanded, holding out his hand. Examining the envelope, he was confused when he saw the red wax seal bearing the mark of the Varulv
Council, a V inscribed over an A.

  “I shall wait outside for your reply,” the stranger stated.

  “If I have one,” Andrei growled as he watched the man turn and make his way out of the room. Breaking the seal, Andrei began reading the flowery script.

  Andrei Lazar,

  It would seem we have a common enemy. I wish to arrange a meeting with you to discuss a temporary truce with both sides working together toward a common goal. I know you will want the information I possess. I believe you are seeking a Childe, am I right?

  Andrei looked up from the letter and grinned. A Childe? This meeting could prove quite important, he thought. Before he could call the stranger back in, the man re-entered the room and stood in front Andrei. The edges of his mouth were curled up in an evil smile.

  “Well?” The man asked.

  “You tell your councilwoman she has her audience,” Andrei replied, glaring at the smile on the man’s face.

  “Very well, I shall inform her immediately.”

  The meeting between Blanche and Andrei was held in a secluded forest just on the outskirts of Budapest, Hungary. They had decided on neutral meeting grounds between Romania and Austria, with an equal representation of both parties present. Though Andrei seemed to have a calm demeanor as he approached the forest tree line, he was still on his guard. He was meeting with a very influential enemy. “Are you sure we can trust her?” Tal asked in a whisper, as Blanche, surrounded by three henchmen, came into view through the trees ahead.

  “It is a little late for thoughts like that now, is it not, Tal? We shall hear her proposal from a safe distance. No rash moves until I say,” Andrei replied, trying to sound calm, as he smoothed back his thick dirty blond hair.

  “As you wish, sire,” he stated.

  As Blanche noticed Andrei and his men approaching, a menacing grin formed on her mouth. Extending her arms, “Andrei, so happy you could join us,” she stated in a sarcastic, sickeningly sweet tone. Andrei nodded, glancing at the three men around her, all staring with penetrating glares in his direction. “Do not fret, vampire, we wish to form a truce. Oh, and forgive this ragtag group of individuals beside me. They are only for show. You know, in case you had some not-so-bright ideas,” she said with an eyebrow raised.

  Andrei laughed to himself slightly. “What is this plan of yours?” he asked impatiently.

  “So you are a get-right-down-to-business type? I like that,” she quipped with a smirk.

  “I do have one question before we begin, though. Why do you want to be rid of this Childe? I thought your kind wanted to protect them.”

  “I have my reasons, Mr. Lazar, do not concern yourself with them,” she stated with slight anger in her voice. “So, shall we begin?” An hour later, the insight Andrei gained from the meeting delighted him, and a truce was formed.

  Nestled behind the large ornate wooden desk in his study, Andrei was in deep thought about what he learned. Catherine Colvin, I knew she was different. This shall be my little secret. The Parliament will not be told. When all is said and done, Cain shall grant me whatever I desire. “Tal, ready the car. It is time I returned to Astoria!” he ordered his servant. Searching through one of his desk drawers, Andrei didn’t see the person who slipped into his study.

  “Heading back to Astoria, eh?” Lisbeth asked snidely, sneering at Andrei when he popped up to look at her.

  “Maybe. What does it matter to you?” he replied.

  “Just curious is all. I have my eye on you, Andrei. You will slip up, I know it. And when you do, I will be there to revel in it.”

  “Give it a rest, Lisbeth. I must be on my way. This delay is not worth my time, nor energy,” Andrei said, continuing to look through his desk drawer.

  “We shall see, Andrei, we shall see,” she smirked. “Oh, and please do give my regards to my dear brother Lucien, will you?” she called out as she left the room. Andrei huffed, slamming the desk drawer shut. I wonder if Valdir told her what I have been up to. No, he wouldn’t…would he? He thought.

  “Your car is ready, sire,” Tal called into the study.

  “Very good, we shall leave at once!” he shouted.

  A slight rain, just enough to make one miserable, was falling as Andrei arrived in Astoria. Making his way down the muddy tunnels, he heard the three girls talking before he saw them. Stepping into the cavernous central chamber, he chuckled as they turned and looked at him with surprise in their eyes. “I see you girls have bonded like I hoped you would.”

  “We’re practically sisters, aren’t we girls?” Amy replied, looking pointedly at Linda.

  “Yes, and we’ve been totally bored with you gone,” Becca added, pushing her hair out of her eyes.

  “Have you now?” Andrei lifted one eyebrow and smirked as he watched Becca and Amy’s eyes fill with excitement.

  “Well, I’m sure you know we caused a bit of trouble. Misdirected a few fireworks, but no one was killed. We just wanted to stir up a little chaos,” Amy finished with a flourish. “Linda, though, was a little reluctant. But she’s finally come around. Haven’t you?” Amy asked, smirking at her.

  “And I know you’re just so excited to learn that our girl Linda here used to be best friends with Cat,” Becca piped in. Andrei schooled his features as not to reveal his shock at this information. It worked! They truly believed that while I was gone, I could read their thoughts, he laughed to himself.

  “You have no idea how delighted I was to find out this news,” he replied. “This little detail shall fit into my plans perfectly.” Andrei reached out for the girl’s hands. A cold shiver ran down Linda’s spine at the look on his face. “In fact, I feel this is cause for celebration. Shall we feed? I find that suddenly I have a very sizable appetite.”


  Three’s A Crowd

  “That’s awesome you made the swim team, Duffie! I’m not surprised though, you’re really good,” Cat said and then smiled at her while stretching her arm across her chest.

  “You’re not too shabby yourself, Cat,” Duffie replied, putting on her swim cap.

  Kirsten and her usual Trifecta sauntered into the locker room, their heads held high. Spotting Cat, Kirsten walked over and stood in front of her, Kirsten’s hands on her hips. “Look girls, it’s the three amigos,” she said snidely. Cat, Hannah, and Duffie all looked at each other, and then at Kirsten with a confused look.

  “Was that supposed to be an insult or something?” Cat asked.

  “That sounded like a compliment,” Hannah replied, grinning at Kirsten’s obvious frustration.

  “I just meant that you always hang around each other. Whatever!” Kirsten yelled and stormed off.

  “Daft cow,” Duffie murmured. Cat and Hannah both giggled, knowing that Kirsten heard the insult.

  Turning abruptly, Kirsten yelled, “What did you call me?”

  “Nothing. I didn’t say anything,” Duffie replied innocently. Cat and Hannah, along with a few other girls, snickered off to the side. Just as Kirsten was about to respond, Coach Hutchins entered the locker room.

  “Alright ladies, head out to the pool,” Coach Hutchins ordered. Noticing the tension in the room, “Everything okay here?” she asked, singling out the Trifecta and Cat’s group.

  “Everything’s fine, Coach. Just a little discussion between us girls,” Kirsten replied with an empty smile.

  Coach Hutchins looked at Cat, “Is that true, Cat?”

  Kirsten glared at Cat, mouthing the words “you better not.” Coach Hutchins quickly turned back to Kirsten, who immediately slapped the same empty smile back on her face.

  “Yeah, we were just talking about swim strategies for this year,” Cat replied, hating the fact she lied to her coach: but she didn’t want to involve her in such petty issues.

  “Uh-huh,” Coach Hutchins responded unconvinced. “Well, come on and hit the pool already, we don’t have all night!”

  Standing by the pool waiting for their turns on the blocks, Cat thought about how her vampire ab
ilities would work in water. I wonder if I can swim faster. It wouldn’t necessarily be cheating. It’s only practice, she thought trying to convince herself. Coach blew her whistle and shouted “next!” Duffie emerged from the pool and Coach Hutchins called out, “Way to hustle, Duffie! That’s what wins competitions around here!” Cat smiled at Duffie and mouthed “good job.” Waiting for the second whistle, Cat bent down into starting position. She watched the water glisten with a glow from the fluorescent lights above. Alright, just this once. Let’s give this a try, shall we?

  “Go, Cat! You can do it!” Shannon yelled from the sidelines. Cat smiled at her and groaned. Wow, that girl’s something else. I mean she’s nice and all, but look at her frantically waving at me. It’s kind of weird.

  The next whistle had them all diving into the pool. Cat began swimming normally and then quickened her pace little by little. Touching the far wall, she kicked off and propelled herself like a torpedo through the water, causing a slightly larger wave than usual.

  Duffie stood by watching with wide eyes. “What the?” she whispered to herself. Finishing miles ahead of anyone else, Cat climbed out of the pool and was greeted by Coach Hutchins.

  “Keep that up Colvin, and you should have no problems retaining your regional title!”

  “Thanks, Coach,” she replied. So I can swim faster.

  “How did you move so quickly?” Duffie asked.

  “Yeah Cat, that was amazing,” Hannah followed up.

  “I don’t know, I just dug deep I guess,” Cat replied, wiping her face with a towel. When Cat wasn’t looking, Duffie glanced at her with questioning eyes.

  “OMG, Cat! I so wish I could swim like you! You’re so amazing!” Shannon gushed as she linked arms with her.

  “Thanks, Shannon,” Cat said, and then mouthed “help me” to Duffie and Hannah.


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